The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1028

Modern princess laughs sweetly.

“I’m really glad you’re both here?Let me go where I want to go. ”

I check with my brother and sister again in front of a sign at a café.

Within walking distance of the school, you can already see the uniforms of our students.Although it is a uniform of a general school student rather than a social sciences department, it seems that everyone still thinks the same.

By the time we arrived, we were already lined up in the store.Despite the national chain, there are still only popular cafes for young people, which are deeply rooted.

When I asked them, they laughed, “Of course.”

“I was really curious about the limited time Frapecino too!I definitely want to drink with onee-sama. ”

“Besides, it seems quite popular, so I think it would be better to drink it sooner.They already have stores that are thin and sell out. ”

Tiara’s chatter followed by Stale’s.

Yes, I’m aiming for that limited-time Frapecino.Since I saw the sign, both the new products seemed delicious and I always wanted to drink it, but I endured it.And today, at last, I am coming to drink the new work I dreamed of.

Because today is the final day of the exam.This is a great opportunity to grow your wings.

“Both Pride and Tiara have worked hard enough on the exam, so I think this is a good way to stop.”

The three of us who had spent time studying exams until today decided to have a good meeting on our way home.

Yesterday, after the exam, I returned home with a fierce dash with a tear named Tiara, who asked me to watch the exam study.

Unlike Stale and Tiara in Social Sciences, I am desperate about myself every time.The head of Las Bosch Pride is never bad, but still it can be a tough move to take the lead every time.Anyway, I had Cedric, the genius of absolute memory, in my school year.

Memory problems are absolutely perfect. The only chance I can find for him is a thought problem such as thesis related or document.Cedric, who has been side-by-side with each other, has been my strongest rival since he moved in.

It is also quite a problem for me, the daughter of the founder of the school.I couldn’t afford to lose the first princess, so I worked hard to prepare for the exam.And this is no exception.The cafe time between Stale and Tiara was a great reward, as I finished my exam here recently, enduring both stopovers and play.

“… that?”

With that in mind, the three of them were getting along, and a familiar person ran across the side.

I looked back at Stale and Tiara as if they had noticed, but I saw them twice and three times with round eyes because they were a little unexpected, just like me.No, but it’s definitely him now.

He walked straight away without noticing us. He looked back at his body and followed him with his eyes, and he walked away from school without shaking his side.

“… did you see that?

“I was a little surprised…..”

“If I’m not mistaken, I think that package you had on your right is the new Double Chocolate Macaron Hot Mocha released this week.”

I smile a little bitterly at Stale, who nods back to my questions, and Tiara, who presents an accurate observation.

After all, they both agree with me.On a side that was too unexpected, I dared to hear the feelings of the new work.Did returning to school really mean that I stopped by the store just to buy a new one?

Then the wind blew in as the door opened to the guests who were leaving towards us.Regardless of the unexpected cold, Tiara and I put our shoulders together as we stiffen each other.It’s still cold this season, and I’m still trying to find the calories and stick to Stale’s arm with my opposite hand.The moment I touched him, Stale’s shoulders went up and down, so it seemed he was cold too.

If you don’t move quickly, you can put a lot of effort into the hands that connect with Tiara, and Stale breathes out and says, “Are you going to drink something cold from now on?”.I feel a little stunned in the way I say it.I can’t help it, except for the new limited time and the cold.

“I’ll put together an order, so please take a seat in the back and wait.The terrace seating will be cold. ”

I’m terribly sorry about Stale’s kindness, but I appreciate it.

Okay, I’m even more worried about which of these new flapeccinos I’m going to make.No, but when I said bumps while shaking my shoulders in the cold, the shopkeeper handed us the menu table first.Before this rich menu, other beverages are somehow attractive.Especially hot.It’s cold.

In the end, however, if you choose one of the flapeccinos according to your purpose, Tiara won’t have time to worry anymore. “Please join me with my sister” continued.Leave it to Stale and we’ll evacuate to the dining room early enough.

I imagined exploring the huge interior with my quick feet, but all the seats were filled.Even the counter seat is beautifully filled.The terrace looks sparkly empty, but as Stale said, it will definitely freeze.

While checking the seating trend with Tiara, he wondered if there was any seat just open, and his hand was raised from the corner of the table.Immediately after reflectively stopping my eyes, I covered my perceived mouth with both hands.Tiara, who was next door, noticed almost simultaneously, and the surprise bounced too slightly.

Walk towards me without blinking, waving your hand.While returning our greetings to the two of us, I asked them well.

“The Knight Commander and the Deputy Commander… why are you here…?

“I just had a practical exam supervisor in Knights today.”

“Good work, Pride and Tiara too.Would you like a cup of tea with Master Stale today?

Knight Roderick and Lieutenant Clark sat opposite each other at a four-seated table.

As he returns his words to us, he dares to sweeten the words of the two people who pull the chair next to him.It will be difficult for both of us to speak while we stand.Tiara next to the lieutenant commander, and I hang next to the knight commander, but my eyelids still don’t close well.It opens up to my mouth.

Chiefs and deputy chiefs are often entrusted with the escort of their mothers, who are the chief and queen of the Order of Japan.And occasionally, this is how I get invited as a special lecturer to the knighthood of our school.

What about the Knights?Did you miss Arthur?

“No, I met with the examiner, but I didn’t get to the department.I came home the other day. ”

The Knight’s Department is one of the activities.

Mainly, although it consists mostly of knighthood students, it is a unified activity of all disciplines of the school.As part of the activities, there is no change in what students in the Knights Department do in class.However, practical exercises such as matchmaking can be done at any time after school with special equipment, and interactive games can be held in all grades from elementary school to university, so most Knights students are admitted.And so did Arthur, who was in high school for three years.

“Arthur’s in charge, and it’s probably a busy time, but I don’t need Clark’s help.”

He has been appointed senior manager of the Knights Department in the clear.

If it was true today, whoever wanted to go to the test launch together, as manager, was too busy to finish the exam early.The campus war is near, so I am still attending the ministerial meeting from primary school to university.

I’m glad Arthur was elected manager, but I miss seeing him a little less than before.By comparison, the Knight Commander and the Deputy Commander are indeed adults.At least he caresses Arthur that there is nothing wrong with the class or exam.

Then, of course, the Knight Commander and the Deputy Commander stood up at the same time.

“It’s time for us to excuse ourselves, so stay seated.”

“Ehhhhhhhh, no way.”

Instead of giving me a seat, you gave me a seat.

I’m sorry I kind of took it from you!Instead, I wanted to talk to you!

Unexpectedly panicked with Tiara, the deputy commander lined up with the chief who stood up with a cup of coffee and laughed at the bag with one hand saying, “Don’t mind.”

“I was originally going to leave after a little rest.Harrison has just returned to Knights, and we have work to do. ”

“! Were you with Senpai Harrison?”

“I saw you earlier at the entrance.”

Douri no Mori

I remember Senior Harrison who passed by the entrance earlier with Tiara.I knew it was you.

According to the story, the deputy commander who happened to see Senior Harrison as he left school invited him to tea.Well, I won’t decline the invitation of the Deputy Commander and the Knight Commander.Because Senior Harrison is not the dean of the university department like Senior Column, there is no board of directors.

Speaking of which, I look at the drinking cup that each of them has.The Knight Commander’s cup is as stylish as Senior Harrison’s, even though it simply looks like black coffee.Tiara said, “Did the deputy commander get a new latte too?And when I asked him, he said, “It’s delicious.”

“Please try it again.The rumored two types of flapecino are also popular, but if you like sweet ones, I think you’ll like them too.Harrison only had the impression that it was sweet and chocolate.

“That’s probably because you let Harrison suddenly choose.”

The deputy commander laughed as he came along the way to have fun, and exhaled as if the chief of the knights were stunned.

When we went into the café together, the deputy commander said, “Which is better?Senior Harrison responded immediately to the question, “Same as the deputy commander.”… it seems like Senpai Harrison.The result is a popular sweet latte in one hand.

When Senpai Harrison leaves, he finally feels like he has solved the mystery.

When I hear the deputy commander say, “I didn’t think I’d imitate you this time,” I think it’s probably the usual thing.Well, at least I know how Senpai Harrison feels when he wants to throw a round because this café order is spell level.Perhaps it would suit your taste better to make it the same as the Knight Commander.I don’t know if Senior Harrison’s taste preference is sweet or black.

We dropped them off after thanking the captain of the cavalry who drank the mug’s coffee all at once and the deputy captain who seemed to take it home in one hand.

Looking at the way they were bowing as they passed by, Stale just walked over here with three drinks in the tray.

Wave with Tiara and greet Stale as she thanked her.All the cream was so popular that I thought it was sophisticated and soft cream, and it was so powerful that it would collapse if it was a little out of balance.

“There were also the Knights.I wonder if that’s what happened to Senpai Harrison. ”

“Yeah, it looks like we were having tea together.”

They also gave up their seats, explaining that they received cream-covered drinks from Stail.

Strawberry flapecino and raw chocolate flapecino.Both are popular new frapeccinos that I love.

I can’t help but be happy that I was able to successfully meet the long-awaited sweets that have been too popular since the launch date and continue to sell out at each store.I took out my phone before drinking, imitating Tiara, who quickly took pictures with Pasha Pasha.Pasha, when I took one, I looked closely and found that there was a cute signature written on the package.After the exam, the cafe clerk said to me and Tiara, “Good work!” and heart mark.”Nice fight” and “Nico” marks on the tail.I’m glad I found something like this.I really want to be apprenticed with considerations and services that will not forget the labor of the exam.

“… please, first”

I was about to have a drink, and unexpectedly, Stale offered us a drink that didn’t have a mouth to drink again.

I scratched my cheeks with my fingers and laughed before thanking them that my actions were completely read.Following Tiara’s taste of “I’ll take it”, I’ll take a bite to compare the taste.

The behavior of Tiara and I, who have long wanted to compare flavours, is already foreseeable for Stale.After I went to the middle school, I often took a bite before I ate.I still feel ashamed of my childish sisters sometimes, but I dare to let them sweeten me for a while while while I separate them from myself.Tiara jumps before me every time.

Thank you, and thank me for your thoughts and thanks.Now give us a sip in return for our usual distraction from Stale until we finish drinking…. but I was refused.I sometimes take a bite from Tiara, but my sister doesn’t take it very well.

After enjoying each drink, it was as sweet and sweet as rumored.When I sucked it up all at once without thinking of the flavour I had been waiting for, I felt a headache and pressed my forehead with my hands.

“It’s really delicious. The strawberry flavour was strong, and the chocolate on the stale was also thick, but it was sweet.I want to bring Arthur with me next time. ”

“Yes, I think it will distract you.I’ve still got strength on my shoulders since I became director. ”

“If Niisama wants to make arrangements and talk to Arthur, she should join the Knight’s Department.”

You gotta be kidding me. Stale shakes off Tiara’s offer…. I think it’s a good idea.

Until now, Arthur was often absent from school and absent from school after the exam, and Stale seems a little bored lately.Arthur’s number of afterlife matches is also decreasing.

But as for Stale, even if he was a social scientist, he would be attracted to joining the Knights Department for such a reason.When Arthur asked me before, I said, “I think you’re cool.” “You’re good enough for a relationship.”

Still, it’s boring that I lost contact with Arthur.

She is now mouthing the straw with a slight expression.I stuck my cane and cut it by about a fifth at once.I think I liked the taste.

“In general, he’s too upset.Whatever it takes, it’s because it targets Senpai Column and Senpai Alan. ”

I knew I was worried.

While complaining a little, I smile bitterly at Stale, which sharpens my lips.That’s true.

Every time Arthur became a little busy, even if Stale and we were worried, he said, “No, but Senpai Column and Senpai Alan were busier…”I’ve repeatedly told you that Column and Alan, who were two generations ago as department managers and deputy department managers, were just amazing.

Senior Column also served as student president in the high school department, and Senior Alan also belonged to a considerable number of sports departments with the knighthood as the main axis…. and not only the pinch hitter, but also the winning members and individual winners of the Little Games.I don’t think it’s as good as those two.

In addition, Eric looked up to a senpai who was not a deputy director, saying, “I was so helpful in the work of the deputy director.”Senpai Eric is Senpai Eric, and since entering the Knights Department, he has made a mechimeki headline.Last year, I did help the department manager or deputy department manager to the point of being mistaken.

“Ningro, last year’s deputy director was just lightened by Eric’s presence.Even he can leave the paperwork to others. ”

After that, Stale murmured, “Arthur has been driven to the sports department to skate.” “Senpai Column also served only as the student chairman.” He had a slightly reduced hand to grab the drink.Then…

Speaking of which, is pride okay?She said she was seeing a student council today. ”

Ahahah… and I’m going to squeeze my shoulders out of the flames of the Column Senpai.

I have been invited to the student council by teachers for a long time, but I have refused every time so far.I think it would be better to have a conscious student than a parent.I would help, but I’m not really interested in student councils myself.

“I really want to have fun as a regular student.How about Stale and Tiara running for office? ”

“If Pride is running, I’ll think about it, but so am I.Your assistant is the only priority. ”

“I want to enjoy school life with onee-sama and niisama in the meantime!

Stale and Tiara in middle school are as royal as I am and offer to the student council for good grades.

Especially since Stale jumps out and is smart, it is definitely a student meeting skin.

Besides, he has more invitations from every department than I do.Shogi, Chess, and Acer are still sealed after saying, “I’ll think if I win.”I still come here occasionally bravely to compete after lunch or school, but no student has beaten Stale so far…. that’s why every part wants Stale to be one of them.

“Just because the ministry has gone to high school, there’s nothing interesting about it.”

“Arguments? It seems that the Regents belonged to various generations, and so did Uncle West…..”

“Uncle West is good.But if it’s Uncle West, I’m afraid Jilbert’s part of the story is still going on. ”

Stale, who cut off her sister’s words mercilessly, was slightly overflowing with black signs.

It was still legendary in the Arguments Department that Prime Minister Gilbert, who was admitted as an honorary student from General School at the time, pushed both Knights and Social School students to win the World Games.That’s why Stale turned his heel back on his first tour of the club.

I think it would be nice for Stale to work hard in the direction of applying a record, but… it’s a lot harder than the legend of becoming prime minister in the world championship from ordinary people.Stale is also a former member of the public, but now he has a strong impression of a fine royalty.

Though Tiara is involved in some activities with her friends without a student council, she seemed to hang out with us after school today.

It was delicious, and I’ll return it to Tiara after drinking it.Stale finished drinking well and ended up with me.

“I want everyone to come again.Arthur, Prince Leon, Cefek, Chemet and Val. ”

He wouldn’t come to a store like this.

“Two days ago, Cefek said he was going alone.”

Tiara swollen her cheeks as she inadvertently poured water into the stall.

Said they drank your new Frappécino!I secretly think that Tiara was in the exam two days ago.I’m a late criminal in the morning, but I’m flat after school.

Well, the three new ones… I’m sure Val is the one who took the trouble choosing them just like Senpai Harrison.I noticed him throwing a round at Sefek or Chemet, reluctant to order spells.Well, at least he likes sweets, so it won’t be a problem.As far as I know, there are not many men around me who hate sweets.

“… Stale. Why don’t you take a bite of this, too?

“? Didn’t it fit your mouth?Or should I buy something warm if it gets cold? ”

Stale leans his head on my drink, which is about a quarter left.

As Tiara looks back, I shake my head.This flapeccino is delicious. It’s a sweet treat for me and Tiara.I can’t afford to reward myself at the beginning of the examination.But that’s why.

“It’s really delicious. That’s why I wanted to share with Stale.The chocolate was also rich and delicious, but this strawberry is also sweet and sour and absolutely delicious. ”

No? I’ll keep asking.

After all, I want to eat the same thing if I want to share my taste feelings.A childish stale looks embarrassing, but I don’t want to say another word about it.

Instead of answering, Stale’s lips were tightly tied as she blushed her face.Round eyes are poking me and my drink into conflict.

Okay, and…With such a murmuring voice, Stale gave me a scary mouth with a hot complexion.When I think of my childhood when I used to eat like this, my chest gets warm.

Tiara smiled as if she missed Stale, who drinks shamefully.

“… it certainly tastes sweet and sour.I think strawberry sauce is very good. ”

When I finished drinking, I said to Stale, “Isn’t that right?”and laughed at me and Tiara.

I think this one is better suited to the taste if it has lots of cream.My face was still burning after drinking it, but when you said it was delicious, my face was also broken…. when I put my mouth on to drink out the rest, I was embarrassed by the difference in time, but my face turned bright red while holding the black edge of my glasses.

We finished all three drinks and celebrated the end of the exam. We quickly opened our seats.I left the store and walked home thinking that it would have been nice to ask for the cold wind to keep me warm.

Speaking of which, Stale, there was a manager or a manager in the Knights Department, right?

“… pride. What are you thinking?


“Which one do you think they’re after?

After the three students left, the sleigh and the café clerk whispered to each other.

The women who worked as veterans at the café understood in their uniforms that the three were social students from a famous national school just around the corner.

A red-haired boy? Blonde?Talking about triangular relationships and making them invisible to guests, their attention was geared towards black-haired young people.

They are the only clerks who know his secret.Yesterday, during the study period,

Excuse me, is this new Frapecino going to be out of stock until tomorrow?

Yes, the young beauty who came to ask them alone was new to their memories.

In addition, if you said that you would be fine for about this week, the exhaled youth is also very impressive.

That’s right! The clerk nodding strongly with that child is whispering to the ears of synchronization, suppressing the impulse even further.

“Besides, it was an espresso that day.”

And yet today, I agreed to listen to her exhale with a sweet new product. She turned her face slightly upside down.

It is too different for a young man who asked for such a sweet dish yesterday.Today I found out that it was a combined order for the two of my escorts.

I was worried about the difference in taste, and if it is a new product that I don’t know when the stock will run out, there was only one option for Stale to choose.I never dreamed that the result would be a taste comparison if you divided it into bites.

Rather than the two knights and the black-haired college students who were the admirers of the women I visited today, Stale doesn’t know that he was the most impressed by the clerk than the vicious face-to-face and middle school students I visited two days ago.A high-school male student wearing a uniform from the famous National School of Social Studies.

“Two marshmallows whipped strawberry cakes and one raw chocolate macaroon whipped brownie flapeccino.All have a tall size. Please increase the amount of whip without lid.I’ll have it in the store.

It was also hard enough to applaud them that they were able to chant the spell menu without even expressing themselves.

To send a message of “Nice fight” and hard work to his drink.

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