The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1029

II112. The Dominant Girl Hears,

“Why are you running there?She’s right in front of her sister and she’s headed for Cedric. ”

“Ugh, shut up!I didn’t think Cedric was there…. ”

Medical office.

We’re the only ones in that room without the insurance doctor.In front of her sister sleeping in a simple student bed, Chloe and Dios were fighting brilliantly with their hips down in their chairs.Croy and Dios narrowed their shoulders as they lined up next to each other, poking at each other with tingling words.

I also sit on a chair a little further away from it and laugh bitterly at their condition.Standing on either side, Stale looks stunned with his shoulders down, and Arthur swims his gaze to see if he’s worried about stopping the fight.

After onee-sama collapsed, we rushed to the nearest mid-career infirmary, but it was still early in the morning, so the lock was locked and I couldn’t get in.I rushed to the staff room to ask the doctor in the infirmary, but he hasn’t come to work yet, and eventually my class teacher, Robert, who was working early in the morning to get the results out, unlocked the door.

The insurance doctor should be at work for a while, so he told me to rest until then, and I can take a rest thanks to this.

With the doors and windows closed, this is our only space.If you decide to let me spend the rest of the day until the start time, the sermon time from Croix begins for Dios, who put onee-sama to bed and took a breath.

“Yes, and it would be rude to ignore Cedric at the corner!That’s why you can’t stop Master Cedric after that. ”

“Because it is. Send your sister to high school before she notices.It was Dios who found you. ”

I was so close just now.No, it may mean that you’re friendly enough to fight.

Croix’s angry Dios gradually began to cry.Mugu… she glanced at Croy with her blunt expression squeezing her lips.I’m not studying for exams anymore and I thought I’d like to fight, but the situation hasn’t changed much.Dios may have little hope of beating Chloe with his mouth.If it had been a fight, the odds of winning might have been equal.

The two of them had an argument battle for a while, but Dios was too tired to stand by.Dios, unable to say anything back, leans down with his lips squeezed.

As soon as Chloe realized it, she thought she had said too much. In the middle of her words, she said, “Well… it’s too late anyway,” and clumsily drifted away.Now Dios opens his mouth with a small voice like a girl, as strange and awkward silence comes out.

“… what if I’m rude to Cedric?”

Just now, and. As Dios murmured, his head sinks even further.

Apparently, she’s worried about Onee-sama leaving him after she fell.But it was an emergency, and Cedric was the one who knocked onee-sama out.Besides, First Cedric would never mind that.

“You don’t care, Cedric…. the problem is more… ”

Shortly after that, Croy, who dispelled Dios’ worries, dimmed his complexion.

Though I think I know Cedric better than Chloe, I am concerned about her complexion.Once cloudy, it seemed that Croy was carrying a large package from his back to his head.

Dios turned his face and twisted his neck to Croy with his back round and his head in his arms.It’s Chloe, who hasn’t run out of trouble for Dios so far, but I wonder if there’s anything else.Besides, it seemed like she was going to reveal her troubles rather than blaming Dios.

If Dios distorts his face anxiously, Croy opens his mouth again before asking.

“What if my sister… falls in love with Cedric at first sight…”

[]/(exp, n) (uk) there/there/there/there/there/(P)/

My jaw is about to come off due to unexpected problems.But he’s even serious.No, I know how you feel, but…

Certainly many women fall in love with Cedric at first impression.Because even royalties and aristocrats from other countries who are familiar with royalty are caught by eagles at every ceremony.On the day he emigrated to Japan, there were quite a few women walking around the castle just to report from the guards and the Knights.

Suddenly, if onee-sama doesn’t get used to royalty at close range, she’ll be worried.Cedric seems to have been on the line of defense to keep onee-sama away from him for a long time, and maybe the scary day has come for him from Croix.If my weak sister suddenly and seriously fell in love with a Hollywood star, my younger brother wouldn’t be at peace.I have the impression that we are weak even if we only know it, and I think it will be too weak due to unfulfilled love…. no, I’m starting to get worried.

Dios gradually turned blue in his words.Originally, both Chloe and Dios didn’t want to bother onee-sama, so they were careful, and they were the two who had been in harmony until now.You don’t have to check it out, but you can still see Chloe’s anxiety.

Now he leaned out with his head in his arms to Dios.This pose is exactly the same as Chloe’s, I think.Immediately after he said, “What should I do…”, he revealed his anxiety, which he would have noticed now.

“Conversely, if Cedric proposes to her sister….”

That’s not true.

I’m sorry, but he’s not the only one.

Swallow words that were stuck in front of your throat.

I wanted to say it, and my lips pulled and stretched to my shoulders.I thought it was Chloe’s turn here, and I endured desperately, but now I murmured that I agreed with Chloe “Yes…”Wait a minute. I’m not going in here.

It is true that onee-sama is very beautiful, but it seems that even three years ago, the senior department was rumored, and she was depicted by a god painter as the sister of the target of the driftstone attack, and it is a fact that she is beautiful.And the game.

“Nh… fu… fu ”

Suddenly I hear a laugh from the neighbor who pushed me to death.

Looking back, he was desperately squeezing his shoulders while holding his mouth with one hand to prevent Stale from noticing.It seems to be more limited than me, and my voice is suppressed, but my face is so bright red that I’m laughing…. yeah. Well, I don’t think Cedric will like anything but tiara.

Looking to the opposite side, she gently grabbed the back of Stale, who was looking for oxygen painfully because she was laughing too hard.Arthur didn’t laugh, but he met me with an unspeakable expression.Slightly closer to a bitter smile.Then he noticed that Stale was hitting him alone, and walked silently to him, pressing his fists against his grizzly temples from both sides.It looks like it hurts a lot.

Stale also seemed to have a lot of room for laughter, and after slightly leaking, he grabbed Arthur’s hands silently while sticking his feet together.Neither of the Farnham brothers have noticed us, but for Stale, they are in a state of survival where they cannot easily make noise or move instantaneously.

Arthur, who couldn’t stop his best friend’s resistance, scolded him with a hidden voice, “You must be seriously worried.”As soon as that happened, Stale nodded silently three times as she withstood the pain and got a fever on her face.If you say so, you’ll be silent from screaming for sure.

After that, Arthur finally forgave it, and finally let go of his hand and slapped his back lightly.Freed from the pain, Stale stares at Arthur with a very sharp look.”Remember” face completely.

I couldn’t stand the awkward air flowing from here and the Farnham brothers, and I called out to Dios with a toned voice as much as possible.

“Yes, it’s okay.The opponent is His Royal Highness the King’s brother, and I’m sure I’m familiar with a lot of beautiful women besides my sister. ”

Mostly tears and tears and tears and tears.

Follow as you scream in your heart.Then Chilari and the two of them finally looked at us as if they had remembered our existence.

Her lips are aligned and pointed with her arms holding her head.When I smiled back to reassure him that I was okay, Chloe agreed to “well… maybe.”Besides, he exhaled, but the word “but” continued immediately.

“I don’t know my sister…. except for Master Cedric, who’s always been so dull that a man makes mistakes by making slots. ”

Eh? Eh? Eh?

As Dios nodded at Croy’s low words, I felt my eyes rounding.

I remember how onee-sama had been involved with Arthur, Powell, and Captain Column, and the settings of the game.And with a slight expectation of the words, I waited for their continuation.

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