The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1071

And packed.

“… it’s time.”

Ah, when I switched to that word, it was exactly five minutes before my appointment with the Knight Commander.

I accidentally got too obsessed with talking and forgot.When I checked the clock, I saw Captain Alan, Lieutenant Eric, Captain Column, and Arthur panicked a little.

Lieutenant Harrison was trying to rush on his feet, opening the window in the room.It’s not the entrance or exit.

When Arthur asked Stale for help, he decided you were faster, or he pulled himself out of the window we opened before we stopped.I understand your impatience. I can’t keep the Knight Commander and the Deputy Commander waiting either.

The Knights of the Guards thanked me, including Lieutenant Harrison, who lowered his head deeply before touching Stale’s hand.Good night, and I also thanked him for his words.

Stale, who was able to move everyone instantaneously at once, moved them instantly from Lieutenant Harrison, who seemed to be in the hurry first.Next, Arthur, who was within reach of him, looked deeply at what he meant by “Ja ‘ana” and stroked his back to move instantly.Next time I reached out to you, Captain Alan and Lieutenant Eric were moved in an instant so that they could overlap.One of the column captains is late for the window to close the window that Lieutenant Harrison left open.

He apologized from me to the window and said, “I’m still in time.”Still, it doesn’t change to overtime.

“!… Pride. I was wondering if I could check one thing.”

While the patterns and windows were closed and the curtains were carefully handled by Captain Column, Stale looked at me with a slightly sharp expression, as he remembered.

Somehow, returning it slightly to his gaze, Captain Column was walking as if he was worried.He waits about two steps away from me to keep me and Stale from talking.I’m sorry to keep you waiting, but now I’m waiting for Stale to say something that looks serious.

Once her lips were tightly tied, Stale dropped her gaze on the floor and then turned to me with a sharp expression saying, “I’m sorry to steam it back.”

“Being confused by the words of Dios just now… you don’t think it’s a good idea to return the right to inherit the queen and live as a” Jeanne “?”


I accidentally get stuck in words with a shock like being thrown at a sphere of change.I realize now that I was worried about that.

I remember the words I accidentally said in front of Stale and the others after the recapture war.Speaking of which, I was very surprised at that time.

Even though Stale and Tiara are working hard to support me now, I wonder if Dios’ words made me worry that I wanted to be a civilian.But anyway, Val and I haven’t escaped enough to get a Dios joke while we were traveling.

“No, that’s not true.I was just really surprised…. ”


Style repeats his words like stepping one step further.

Apparently you haven’t trusted me yet.Certainly, even if Tiara couldn’t defeat the discussion of inheritance rights, I thought I’d throw away my identity and have the courier’s party mix it up, and it seems like it could only be called rust coming out of my body.

Gugugu gu gu gu gu gu gu gu gu gu gu gu I feel a little from stale to frightening signs, and I become like a suspect who will be questioned.I know that everyday behavior is something to say at times like this.

I tried to laugh, but the edge of my mouth trembled.I’m a little scared that the back of the black rim glasses glows black.

I arranged the words so that Stale could convince me by turning only the calm part of my head.

“It’s true. I don’t have to worry. I’m thinking of being the first princess now.I didn’t shake it, and I was just really surprised by Dios’ joke. ”

“What if Dios is serious?”


The demon stabbed me with the feeling of being crushed with excuses like chess, and I thought it would be easier to admit and apologize even if I lied like I was a paranoid suspect in my previous life.No, I can’t say that because I’m sincere!

Apparently, you’re working hard as the next Regent, and like Arthur and Captain Column, I’m afraid you’ll have to watch out for the black and white stale that gets caught up in me.”It’s all right,” she continued explaining, whispering a small voice like being strangled.

If this happens again, even if you are embarrassed, you will have to deal with Dios’ theory of sincerity and sincerity.As I stare straight at Stale, I make up my mind with a slight pull of my head.

“You don’t have to be kidding me.I’m sure I won’t, because Dios still doesn’t know who I am…. ”

It’s embarrassing to talk on the assumption that Dios is not joking anymore.

I feel itchy to the tip of my feet because I take it seriously.Perhaps she was worried that she had become serious enough to be proposed for a joke.Apart from my ex-fiancée Leon, I’ve never been proposed from the front like Tiara in social life.

Even so, Stale remains unconvinced.If you tie your mouth to a letter and close the mouth that I keep cramping and opening, the second and third questions will certainly fly.

Before doing so, spin the word “to” and submit explanations and evidence to convince Schemer Stale in vain.

“I already have someone who can take it.”

At that moment, Stale’s eyes, which were suspected to be a hundred percent, were wide open.

Shoulders in the front and inside are shifted from back to back after shaking heavily.

Um, I was surprised that I thought I might have lost something again, but suddenly my face turned bright red as if I had painted Stale.

Asked about Stayle, he glanced in the direction of Arthur.But he’s gone, so I can’t get first aid for the fever.On the contrary, if Captain Column had been there instead, his face would have been bright red.Hands down straight next to his body, hardened like a soldier doll.She was staring at me with her eyes wide open and painful, but her mouth was still tightly closed.

Hee, I alternately compare the two of you, but there is no other reaction at all.Late and finally “I did it!”He bites his mouth at his inaccuracy.

If you say this in front of two potential fiancées, “You’re going to take it, right?with the pressure being applied.I said something like a pressed wife to the First Princess, and maybe the pressure was too strong and made me nervous. Rather, I might have angered myself by saying something like that.

Oh, I’m sorry! I apologize, but they both nodded rather than answering.I apologize to both of you in the form of a child. I am certainly a troubled child.

The moment I turned my neck down, I wondered if I should properly lower my head, and now I was stopped with my hands by Stale and Column Captain at the same time.”No…!” looked back at the two people who had sporadically overlapped their voices, and Captain Column, who covered his mouth with one hand, and Stale, who held them behind his back, both looked in a different direction from me.If you don’t want to see your head down, you’re finally in the realm of rage.

“… uhhhh! Dear Pride, Fear, may I have a little more…?”

I grew taller without thinking yes.

When I consciously corrected my attitude to the squeezed voice of Captain Column, Captain Column took off his hand, holding his mouth, and repeatedly adjusted his forehair with his fingertips before turning back to me.My complexion hasn’t changed yet, but I think it’s even worse than before.

I walked in front of me, passing through the side of the stale that only gave me my gaze so that I could steal a hard look.I’m worried that I can’t feel my feet without feeling frizzy.

When scolded, Captain Column stopped in front of me, stretching me to my shoulders.The expression is definitely stronger than me.When I tied my lips and looked back, she gently looked up on one knee so as not to put pressure on the female counterpart.I wonder in the corner of my head if I’m going to be angry at the polite attitude of Captain Column.But that look is serious.

“As a knight, I am afraid of such remarks.I apologize first. But let me say it in a different position…. a woman of my age. Temporarily, too!I wonder if it would be a little too defenseless to make such a statement in front of a candidate fiancée.

… no, I was pissed off.

With his hands tied in front of his chest, he swallowed the words of Captain Column.It would be rude of me not to take this word seriously to complain in a way that is both clogged and desperate.

Cousins who were not afraid to put pressure on me reflect again on whether they did say something a little too sweet.

When he nodded modestly “… yes” while showing reflection from me, Captain Column, who for some reason frowned even more difficult for a moment, said no and gently sandwiched my right hand with both hands.

“It’s an honor to have you trust us.But in the middle of the night, other blame holders were also in the absent room, and Arthur, who was absent from me and Mr. Stale, is now an adult and “male.”… please check the time, place and other person when you speak, and be “ready”… ”

I can see that the words that are emphasized everywhere are bitten down with a low voice.

Still standing there, he shook his head vertically without saying a word.When I pressed my mouth, my opposite hand was small and I could see my fist holding like a guzzle pose.It would mean full agreement with Captain Column.

In other words… in this situation, if you start turning your head to the meaning of the words, it’s time to understand the meaning that you want to scold Captain Column.

Take a deep breath and rearrange the lighted room with only your eyes, the bedroom behind you by the moonlit window, and the column captain on the stale.Shit! If there were only two possible fiancées, I could only think about it if I talked to them.


When I was told that the night I first talked to Leon and I remembered a lot recently, my lips were squeezed and my head swelled with heat.No, that was different. I didn’t know what face to look like when I shouted in my head immediately afterwards, and I felt my pulse dripping and flowing all over my body with my expression solidified.

Captain Column, who is kneeling with his hand in front of his eyes, is now very embarrassed.Then Captain Column suddenly exhaled to relieve himself of his strength.

“… I’m so afraid, I’m so sorry.But thank you for your understanding. ”

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Captain Stream Column. I recall what Arthur used to say.I was quicker to let go of my hand than to say a word.I think it would be an outrageous regret to keep the room darker.

Looking down at the column captain who stood up slowly without looking away from me, his neck now rose at an angle to look up.Rather than talking, I heard a voice from my throat saying, “I’m sorry…”

Captain Column, who still had a strong expression, lowered his head silently and returned it, but suddenly a sparkling drop of sweat appeared to reflect on the moonlight.

It’s only natural that you bothered to blame the royal opponent.Captain Column, who retreated to the back of Stale with his feet alone, never wiped his sweat.Instead of the retreating Column Captain, Stale stands first again.Yes, Captain Column is not the only one to apologize for.

“Ah, no… I’m really sorry about Stale.I’m a little relieved to follow Stale and the others… no, that’s an excuse.As a result, the place and time have passed, unprotected.I’ll be careful to be a little more solemn next time….. ”

“Ha! I need it!… , no. I… if you could have it, that would be fine…. I was the one who said it was too much… ”

I’m sorry… but the painfully squeezed stale was no more thorny than before.

I was worried about Stale, who felt a fever just one step closer, but the closer I got, the more I retreated.Are you really not angry?

When I asked him if he was feeling well, before that, Captain Column said, “Shh, Tailor…!”and tended to hesitate to suppress his voice.

And Stale said, “That’s right…!”He turned his body around with his full strength and offered his hand to return Captain Column.And finally, they looked at me with the momentum of breaking my neck.

“Well then, Pride! I’m sorry too! Thank you for hanging out with me today!”

“Excuse me, Pride. Please take your time off…”

They were both slightly overwhelmed by the hurry to return Captain Column to the Knight Commander.

Yeah, yeah… and I waved back, weak but small, and Stale disappeared as soon as Captain Column disappeared.

Captain Column will see Arthur from now on, but I’m worried that Stale will be okay.I hope Captain Column isn’t mad at the Knights for being late.

I’ll make sure Lieutenant Eric and the others aren’t mad at Captain Column tomorrow and ask Arthur if he’s not feeling well.Especially when Stale’s not feeling well, because the day after tomorrow,

It’s Stale’s birthday.

With a glimmer of anxiety and anticipation of the day after tomorrow, I began to change my clothes quickly.

I have to rest to prepare for tomorrow’s birthday.

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