The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1072

Comicalisation Episode 11 Update · Comicalisation Volume 2 Launch Decision!Thanksgiving > The Prime Minister is reflected.

─ I hate flowers.

“Good morning, Maria. It’s a pleasant morning.”

Slightly eye-catching from the maid’s open window to the zero sunrise.

After my beloved Maria had finished dressing before she woke up, I put my finger through her pale peach hair sleeping in bed.I think it would be good not to separate one cloth today for a comfortable light that doesn’t dazzle too much as yesterday.

It’s a calm morning to hear the birds.While warming her body temperature with her hands, she talks about the birds that look beyond the window.Instead of strengthening her hand, which is likely to break just by gripping her, she rubs her finger belly many times.

“Wake up a little early today.I told you yesterday, didn’t I?… it’s okay.It’s not impossible. ”

She transfers herself to her diluted eyes.

Beautiful eyes, no matter how many times you try.Close your face to her when you break your knees and sleep in bed.Her hand wasn’t enough to warm her up, and she held it to her cheeks.Her cool hands took my fever.

I had trouble sleeping last night.Preparation was thorough, the roots were turned as far as possible in the upper part, and careful measures were put in place.Still, I thought about how I could flip the status quo that was missing from the decision strike.I became accustomed to a proportionate deterioration in my condition as the day approached.The feeling of tight stomach reflux, head, weight, and blunt pain are getting worse.I don’t have time to worry about that.

Compared to her suffering.

“I love you, Maria. I’ll be back when I get a good report.Otherwise, I’ll be back at break time. ”

Maria doesn’t talk. I will not ask her to answer now, even if her breathing is too shallow and small.Just stay alive, that’s all.

As she continued to tremble despite even waking up, she could not even afford to make a smile.She leans quietly against the bed, unable to move even one fingertip, and continues to fight like this…. I’m sure the limit is close.

“Rest well until then.”

Because even if I put the word on it, it stopped showing any reaction.

If your expression doesn’t change, you won’t move a single eyebrow.Yesterday I raised my eyebrows to dazzle the morning sun, but now I’m just looking at the void.My eyes are open, but it is suspicious that I am in sight.I can’t understand how close her medical condition is when the good doctors shook her head.

Are you conscious, blind, or deaf?Until a while ago, I called the doctor every time I was unusual, and I called her many times… but now it’s more cruel to ask her to scrape it off little by little.

Your heart hurts so much that you accidentally eagle over your clothes.I glanced at her instantly to see if she had noticed, but I couldn’t read anything from her without responding.Her tremors, which were unstoppable and anxious at first, are a rare testament to her survival today.

While understanding that I had to go, anxiety swirled around and piled my feet without telling me to leave her lying down.

One of the maids gently decorated a vase with water to enter Maria’s sight.It is a precious colour for her life that can only be seen from a monochromatic ceiling or sky…. I gently put her hand back into bed so I could rush to the bright color claims.

─ I hate flowers. Especially flowers that are decorated without blooming in the field or coloring trees.

“… I’m going. I’ll see you later.”

She stood up, smiling and showing off her beloved forehead.

I just entrusted the maid to call a doctor about Maria’s condition and left her room behind.Speak to the guards and exit the hallway through the hidden door.At this time of day, you can quickly go to the King’s Residence without worrying about being seen by others.

As soon as she left the room, her appearance this morning, like chasing after her, did not leave her head and compressed the built-in from the inside.Looking back at her like a doll without reacting, she walks alone and holds her chest.

It’s all right, if the bill council works today, it won’t be long.If you don’t pass, tell yourself that you are thinking about the next solution, and change your mind even if you can’t.

… when did I stop wanting to put flowers in my sight?

I used to prefer it.

Since I met her, I’ve come to think of her as beautiful.She was delighted when she picked flowers, so she even had a routine during the flowering season.She was pleased with any flower, so if she saw any unusual flowers, she would always pick them before seeing her.

I didn’t even have the money to buy flowers, which was a few things I could give her.I liked seeing her smile with my flowers in my hand and her cheeks broken.

I bought bouquets of flowers many times since I got engaged and lived together.I liked her because she smiled at her chest with a bouquet of flowers that didn’t fit into her hands.

I bought it every day after she got sick and fell down.I wanted to paint a little bit of her day inside the house, out of the room and out of bed.

But now that I’ve left it to the maid, I rarely decorate it.I’m not in trouble.I just… hated to put flowers on her when she stopped moving.

─ I hate flowers. Especially white flowers that look like they’re for the dead.

Good morning, Prime Minister Gilbert.

“Good morning, Prime Minister Gilbert.Today, I will also push you forward. ”

“Prime Minister, you’re feeling good today.I support you with shadows…. by the way, what about the case? ”

Good morning, thank you very much, yes, of course.

As soon as he entered the king’s residence and approached the royal palace, he exchanged words with the upper echelons.Everyone on my side.

I also know that I have prepared carefully for today.All those who doubt some royalties are now my sympathizers.He smiles at them with precious votes and goes ahead.Before the bill council, King’s aide is waiting for me…. of Albert, the royal wizard they rebelled against and slapped in the shadows.

Every time you walk in the garden, you can see flowers in your sight, even if you don’t like them.The brightness of the flowers visible from the gap between the upper layers made the inside of the chest uncomfortable.Would it be a little clearer to burn down these flowers every time I go to the royal palace?

I get tired of flowers and so on working at the castle.Flowers by maids are exchanged and decorated everywhere in the royal palace, not just in the garden.

“There you are, Jill Vail. I’m sorry for the haste, but please summarize the materials here.”

“… I understand. His Majesty the King.”

Entering Albert’s room, he finally exhales into the flowers that have disappeared from his sight.

As usual, I greet him, the ruler, summarize the materials, and head to the council.His eyes, which had always frowned on me, are hardly bothering me now.I waited for the thick and overlapping materials.The senior management will of course talk to the Queen about the benefits of the Special Ability Application Obligation Order.Now it’s time to keep calm while the heat enters your fingertips.

“It’s a shame this year. Prime Minister Gilbert.”

… after the council, I was slapped on the shoulder.

When I look at the other person’s face, the name doesn’t immediately come to mind.With a fixed smile, he replied, “I hope you will understand someday.” He expressed his gratitude for this cooperation.

His late head remembered his name after he had already said goodbye.Afterwards, I return greetings to the top of my voice one after the other, but every time a word comes out of their mouth or my mouth, the end becomes distorted.

I suppressed my desire to flip the documents on the spot, and now I moved my mind to the next solution.Ask yourself what I still have to do.Again, there was a majority.The only problem is the royal assent.

“Thank you for joining the bill council today.Her Royal Highness the First Princess of Pride. ”

“No, thank you for studying. Prime Minister Gilbert.”

Excuse me first.

When she greeted Albert, I greeted her from my prime minister and she smiled.Only Mr. Stale standing behind him looked slightly stronger with his mouth tied.

Pretending to be unaware, he first thanked her deeply and dropped her off.Say no to your superiors and follow the princess immediately.

─ I hate flowers. Especially poisonous crimson flowers that resemble the color of blood.

Yes, I still have my hands.

Next year, next year. It’s only possible next year if we get her agreement.She is now on the side not only of the royal family but also of the Knights.

When I made my proposal, she saw no other royal confusion.It’s not too late now.If only I could be on the side of this bill.

She stared at the back of the royal family and held her breath small.Make a smile, correct your posture, and call attention to your voice tone as a persuasive side only.

“… Her Royal Highness Princess Pride 1”

Bright crimson hair. Today, I took care of her with a familiar smile that spreads the same color as the one decorated in Maria’s room.

─ Just looking at it makes me choke back.

Do you give up or something?


Good morning, Mr. Gilbert.

“Good morning, Milord. Breakfast is ready.”

The morning sun dazzled and the eyes dazzled.

Lightly dressed and greeting the maids, she arrived at the table.As Prime Minister, I go from the mansion to the castle early in the morning.Pick up breakfast quickly and rebuke today’s schedule with your head only.

After completing his dress, he went to the front door.As the servants dropped me off in a crowd, I noticed the noise and raised my face, and I was there again today as usual.

“Welcome, Jill. Be careful.”

My dear wife came all the way from the back room to see me off with her feet.

No matter how many times she says she can rest slowly without having to drop her off, she’ll be sure to be in time at this time.Even though her body was supposed to be heavy now, she smiled at me in her nightgown without feeling any pain at all.If I return a smile and say, “Be careful of your health, too,” this time you’ll get closer to something that’s easy to understand…. it looks like she got up today, too.

As Maria and her servants noticed the footsteps and laughed, I dared to stop without opening the front door.Not every day like Maria, but sometimes she wakes me up to see me off.

While waiting for his arrival, his gaze turned towards the vase by the front door.The maid always takes care of the flowers, but since last night new flowers have been decorated.

These are the flowers I bought for my loved ones back home.

─ Flowers are good. It’s not about blooming in the field or coloring trees… only flowers that are decorated.

“Welcome aboard!”

He broke his knees into Stella, his daughter, who ran out of the bedroom with her sleepy eyes open, and jumped right into his chest.

“I’ll come back,” she said, holding my little body back, and a smile that doesn’t seem like a sleepy eye will come back.Finally, she stroked her head and slowly stood up and Stella lined up next to Maria with a footstep.

The front door opens and I look back at the happiness lined up behind me just once before I go out.I went to the castle early enough to go by foot instead of by carriage unless it was a rainy day in order to leave Maria and the others who spent time in the mansion.

The morning sun was warm and I felt dazzled this morning, but I felt more comfortable walking like this.I think it would be nice to buy a mansion in this place with good views.The distance from the castle is just right for everyday exercise.

When they reach the castle, they greet the gate soldiers and pass by without saying a name.Through the castle gate to the royal palace, and through the garden to the royal palace.

The flowers in the garden are still blooming this year.I think the view from the Mansion is good, but the number of flowers still rarely makes us enemies here.It is also one of my morning pleasures.

“… Gilbert, this flower is yours.”

Albert, the royal ruler, proceeded to work early in the morning, and only after Tiara-sama visited did he realize it.

Tiara-sama was immediately noticed by a flower decorated by the window a little further from his seat.Albert finally noticed the presence of Tiara-sama’s praise when she heard a voice saying, “What a lovely flower!”

He’s not interested in flowers either, but this time the vase was in a bad position.It’s not impossible because it was in the room looking at the documents.

“Yes, I ordered the maid last night.I was able to get through to Tiara-sama, and I thought I’d paint the room. ”

“Thank you very much! I was surprised by the beautiful flowers!”

Indeed, Albert nodded and Tiara-sama sparkled his eyes almost simultaneously.

Until now, me, Albert, and Master Stale used to come and go a lot, but I wanted to arrange for a woman to work.

Tiara-sama, who was approached by the window with a light step, stood back and looked at the flower.”What kind of flower is it called?” “Onee-sama will know!”and bragged.

Answering the name of the flower, I said, “I hope Tiara-sama is comfortable enough to assist me in my work,” and I had a warm smile like a sunny cloud.

─ Flowers are good. Innocent and beautiful, but also pure white flowers that bloom in pity.

“… well, it’s time for me to excuse myself for a moment.”

“! Welcome! Prime Minister Gilbert, thank you very much!”

“I’m sorry every morning, Jilbert. Please.”

It’s time for me to leave the room once.

Immediately to my office as Prime Minister.I have to leave my seat this way recently.When I waited in a room other than mine, Mr Stale moved in at once.Beside that, there is also Lord Pride.

Undercover visits to schools. For that reason, it is my recently added task to turn these people who visit my room every morning into children.

It is possible not to touch it when you put it back, but you must touch it once when you change your appearance.The two of you wrapped in simple clothes from neck to neck so that your body can shrink without problems, start with a greeting.

Good morning, Mr. Pride, Mr. Stale.

“Good morning, Prime Minister Gilbert.Thank you again today. ”

Pride, who is still a little sorry and laughs narrowly at his neck, is concerned to use my special abilities every time.Pride will be followed by Master Stale and Lord Arthur, who will be waiting in a separate room.

But it is only natural that I should help you to this extent.Put your hands on your chest from me and thank those who are coming today for the school and for the students to be saved.

─ Flowers are good. Vibrant crimson blossoms emit the colour of life, as well.

“Whatever you want.”

I wish I could help these great benefactors.

─ The lights that illuminate my path.

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