The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1084

[Reprint 1-2 Thanksgiving] Those who get knights, want it.

“Damn it, you ran away, you fucking father….”

Throw out your tongue and walk the road.

Originally, my father forgot his sword.It was difficult for my mother to dig leaves and flush them while eating breakfast thanks to me.I just got home yesterday, but I didn’t think I’d go to the castle again today.

Although it is under the castle, it is quite a walk from us to the castle.It has been a long time since I walked to the castle town in this way while I was always cultivating the fields.I feel it’s extra fresh because my forehead is also wrapped together and my vision is wide.

While choosing the main street closest to the castle, I glanced up at the castle standing long before me.I’ve only thought about where my father works and where the Knights are, but I think Pride is there now.It’s really far and high.If I was a nobleman, I had met him in the relationship with my father, but that was the first time I met him in the royal family.Normally, I can’t see anything.

“… no, I haven’t come since then.”

And when I thought about it, I lost my word.

The nobles who used to come to my father’s relationship don’t even look at it anymore.Only familiar customers come.

Originally, I didn’t want to involve my family as much as possible in my work, so I didn’t even bring knights except Clark, and now I think the nobles forced me to.I’m sure it was just when my father became a knight.

Has that father ever said no?Did the nobles over there feel disgusted with my father’s lack of affection?

None of the nobles were evil themselves.I didn’t hate noblemen, but I just drank them in the store and talked to my father and mother.Nothing I hate at all…..

Oh, is he the son of the rumors?

“No… did it happen?”

As soon as I remembered, I caught my eyebrows on my own.

I can’t remember my face or my name anymore, but it faded and came to mind.

He was still a kid, and the knights were honestly aiming.When my father brought the nobles home, I was called in to greet them with my mother.I was praised for my father by saying his name and being asked a few questions.At that time, I was praised for everything that looked like my father and for aiming for knights…. just…

“Are you my son, Arthur?”

Yes, my father takes care of me!

“Aren’t you proud that your father was the youngest knight in history?”

“Yes! I dream of becoming a knight like my father one day.They also have special abilities!

At first, he praised it as well.Wow, you’re not a parent or a child, you’re the son of the Knight Stream Commander.

I was proud, happy and smiling.But as soon as it was used for any special abilities, the expressions of all the nobles who had kept their eyes shining until now changed.

Plants? Can they be manipulated? Or growth.I was asked about all the plant-related special abilities they knew, but I shook all my necks sideways.

It was not the first time they asked me that.When I talked about my awakening to special abilities, I was told by regular customers from that time onwards that it was always about the “afterlife”.

I didn’t know at first why grown-ups cared about being the same psychic as my father.I thought it was special and unusual just for special abilities.

I’m sorry.

… as usual, I was the last person to say that line, and I was slapped on the shoulder.

It’s not the first time I’ve been told I’m sorry, but it’s the first time I’ve been hit on the shoulder like that.I still remember that it wasn’t a lie to make fun of, laugh at, or despise, but that it was really just a straight sympathetic eye.

I always wondered why you look like that when you open your mouth…. if I hadn’t woken up to my special abilities, I wouldn’t have said that.

“I’m looking forward to it” and “I’m sure you will one day” are just the way I expected it to end.You know, I realized it was a little bit later that this was a better fucking special ability.

The customer at the store and the regular customer told me.When I heard about special abilities and said what they were like, they said, “I’m sorry,” and I was comforted again.I was told a lot, but I felt that it was the hardest thing to try to compete with Roderick, who became the youngest Knight Commander, with special abilities.True, but… I know the line between me and my father.

My father didn’t bring the same nobleman once, but one day when he saw a carriage that looked expensive parked in front of the store, he pulled into the back or fled to the field.

Gradually, the number of referrals has also become billions.My father is praised in front of me, my dreams are heard, my special abilities are heard.

I’m afraid that you’ll say that word, or I’ll be gently slapped on the shoulder.It was just then that I started to skip training…..

“Arthur?… are you Arthur?”

A familiar voice, and somehow a falling gaze turned towards you.

A familiar friend was riding in a carriage with his father.It’s already King’s City, and it’s probably on its way.

We’ve been talking about Dad’s work in a carriage every day since we were kids, but we haven’t seen each other outside the neighborhood for a long time…. when I met my dad, I didn’t really want to see him.

When I raised my hand slightly and returned it, I was pointed at my hair with my round eyes immediately afterwards.She said, “What’s wrong with that hair?” Yes, I think I just put it in this morning.

It was my usual head when I met you the other day, and that’s amazing.I’ve had that hair for years.

I couldn’t stop at the carriage and tell a hundred of them to talk to me, and I just said, “I’ve tried to put it together.”Grab the bundle of heads with one hand and pay again.I still feel uncomfortable with my hair wrapped around the back.

It suits me. I praised you for being absolutely better, but I was embarrassed this time because I was told in the middle of the King’s Street.Then my father, who was sitting next to me, stepped out of his podium.

“Really refreshing, Arthur!And when you look at it, it’s more and more like Mr. Roderick. ”

“Aaah! Hey, Daddy!”

We hurriedly blocked Dad’s mouth as he laughed.

Suddenly his mouth was covered and his father said something. He almost let go of the rope.We sneaked up and said, “That’s why I told Arthur…!”” Don’t say it again and again, “he nodded in his ear.As soon as he let go of his hand, he was beaten up saying, “That’s why I’m driving.”

In general, all my friends know why they were stretching their hair.Every time I look at him, he says he looks like my father, he’s not a knight, how many years are left to apply for new recruits, and so on, so I was a little bad at it.I’m not a bad person.

Apologize to me for getting mad at me every time, but my father was a rough guy who didn’t care how many times I told him, so I ended up avoiding him.When this person comes to the store, he often runs away to the fields because he can be summoned even if he is in the back…. but now…


I’ll make you laugh.

It’s funny. Now, the word “similar to my father” is not painful. It’s just that.Laughing at my teeth made my eyes round, not just for my father, but for my friend.Maybe they’ll ask me if I see you again.

I don’t hate being told I look like my father now.Look at this face. Someone told me to be the knight I wanted.

I dared to say, “Well, hurry up first,” and waved at the cops again.As soon as I delivered it to my father, I ran out for as long as I had stopped, and it was light to the feet that kicked the ground.

Leave King’s Landing for the castle.

Next time I came to the store, I thought I’d say “knight” to that father again.

Probably won’t hurt anymore.


Arthur Beresford, huh?

“Good work studying, Stale. Would you like to go to the Knights now?”

Of course. Put your words back in line for pride.

After class, I walk between prides with Tiara, who had already joined me, and I think as I head to the carriage for travel. [M]I’ve been over it many times in class.

Arthur Beresford, son of the Knight Commander, returned home safely yesterday.

That is a little inconvenient for me now. [M]If this were to happen, I think we should have managed to make contact while we were inside the castle.

We’re going to the Knights’ Exercise Stadium, but he’s not there.Instead of being a knight, he’s not even a recruit. He’s probably practicing alone by now.Whatever the son of the Knight Commander, he will never visit the castle.It’s time for the entrance exam.

… the most certain thing is that you will introduce me to the Knights.

How should I put it?

Should I say I’m looking for someone to practice with?No, that’s what the Knights say first.I am royal and he is not even a knight. [M]Then I want a friend close to my age… no, I want as many people as I want to find a social world like that.

Speaking of strength, he said he was going to start training knights, but I’m not convinced how much strength I expected. [M]

Do you want to deepen your relationship as a son of the Knight Commander in the future…?No. I have nothing to do with him, anyway, Pride.I helped the Knights a little, but that wasn’t my intention because Pride wanted me to.At such a difficult time, it is doubtful that he will ever remember me. [M]

No matter how much you like it, how much you want to be friends, or how much you want to brush your arms together, I don’t think you’ll believe me.If he had shown his face in the social world, he would have made contact at the party, both at the tea party and at the evening party.If the opponent is a nobleman, it is easy to make contact using the position of the First Prince.

The Knight Commander… is he noble?At least judging by his son’s appearance alone, he doesn’t look noble.

I have never been invited to, or heard of, such a ceremony by the Knights.But he also has the nickname of “undamaged knight.”It is not strange if one or two of the titles are received from my mother, if you wish.I praised my father, and I’ve never heard anything bad about the Knight Commander’s good reputation.

If you think so, you can’t find a reason for not being noble at the moment.Then is the aristocrat a person who doesn’t want to get involved in the social world?But it must be difficult to be noble and maintain a good relationship with the social world.Moreover, it is strange that the royal family has never been invited if it is a nobleman.

… Speaking of which, it seems that the aristocrats at the ceremony said to the Knights Commander, “Please ask me again soon.”

“I promised only once,” said the Knight Commander. “Do you still hate inviting people or something?

I’ve never cared about it before… but I don’t suppose my father refused all the invitations?No, Father likes the Knight Commander.I don’t suppose that’s the Jill Vail.

That lowly light blue gaze came back to life in your head, shaking your head and wiping away your thoughts.Pride and Tiara worried about me, but they misled me.

I don’t have a second to think about him now.More than that, it’s him, Arthur Bellesford.

I wonder when he will return to Pride.

Certainly, one day at a ceremony, I think the Knights were talking about your son’s age.Now… thirteen.

Knights are recruited from the age of 14.But I don’t know if he will come for me from fourteen.He said he was going to start training knights, and maybe later.Honestly, I don’t want to wait so long for years and months.I want to get to know him sooner.

The Knight Commander can be trusted. Some people are grateful to Pride for saving their lives, but above all, they were angry for Pride.I’m sure I wouldn’t believe it if it was just someone lying flat.

The deputy commander can be trusted. I think that tear was real when I made sure the Knight Commander was safe, and he was just as helpful to me as he was to Pride.Even when the cliff collapsed, it stopped me from knowing why.Besides, I’m an adult who listened to my persuasion after a moment of pride. [M]If I had made one mistake, I would have been blamed for everything.

But I still don’t know if all the Knights can be completely trusted.Knight captains and recruits… no, I don’t know if everyone is grateful for Pride because they helped me.

You can “pretend” to be thankful for the flat back and the words that matched the other knights.Because Pride is the first heir to the throne, some may have tried to sell this as an opportunity.

I’m glad the Knight Commander was saved, but I don’t know if Pride was even glad he was saved.At the bottom of my mind, I may be thinking about something like Jill Vail.

That’s why I want him.

I want him, who swore to me pride.It’s the first time I’ve ever felt the same. [M]Unless he had the same vows in his heart as me. [M]

I can’t trust the others.He would have trusted me if he had sworn an oath that exceeded even the Knight Commander and Deputy Commander.If he gets stronger and keeps his pride as a knight, there’s nothing more comfortable.I know the weight and strength of vows. [M]

If you think so, we’ll have to negotiate straight.

If you’re going to see the Knight Commander like this today, I’ll talk to you there for a minute.You can just let me see you once first.Let’s find out if he was in the Operations Room about the ambush, or if there’s anything else he’d like to know.It doesn’t have to be about getting closer at first, I want to see him anyway.

One day, he will definitely be a knight.Recruits first.

But I can’t wait. I can’t wait a year or two.I have a stronger pride here than I do, so I want him to be stronger and a knight as soon as possible.

I want him to be the knight closest to Pride, who has sworn so much admiration for Pride.To do that, I need you to be a Knight and a Captain as soon as possible.

Even the army knights have a lot of captain qualities to be left alone to escort the royal family.If you’re chosen to be the best knight in the rank of captain, you’ll keep your pride in the ceremony!Otherwise, if you could be a knight captain, you might want me or a pride escort by then.You just need to nominate a team with Arthur.

I can’t trust the other Knights.A little more, and we can’t have recruits stalling us in order to keep us close to pride for a long time.I want recruits to be knights faster, stronger than me and protect her.

I want Arthur closer to her, faster.

“I apologize for the unexpected visit.I wanted to return the favor to Knight Roderick today. ”

To protect important pride with me.

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