The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1085

II145. The man reunited.

A month ago.

“This way…!!”

In the tight air, the lord guided himself to the room.

ZazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzHis ancestors were entrusted with the rule of the land, but it was the first time that he had ever been so restless.

His position, which until now had only been allowed to dedicate his income to the area on a regular basis, would collapse instantly if he made a mistake even now.It was only about a month ago that such a journey began.

A man led by a lord says nothing.I closed my mouth and opened my eyes, waiting for this leg to reach its goal now or now.”After the circular arrived, his head was filled to the point where he thought there were other things.

At last, he reached the top floor of the decorated door.While the guards were already lined up as many guards, the door was opened before anyone could thank the lord for his visit.Originally known as the Throne Room, the room was now used only for one visitor.

It is the result of the “lord” who is supposed to be the owner of the room, taking care not to be rude.

Please, this way. Another voice was thrown from inside the room so that it could be worn by the lord who guided him.

“Ahhhhhhhhhh… here I am!”

Kera Kera’s laughing voice was cloudy.

The bed in the middle of the large room was brand new when it was decided to move him to this room.But now, it’s dirty with disinfectant and body fluids such as its own pus and sweat, and the smell won’t go away no matter how many times I change the sheets.

He could not get up from bed on his own, but still pulled up his mouth to decorate the overwhelming advantage and laughed.Even though he was sleeping on the bed, the man, whose taste had been refined every day, knew who had come with the sound alone while facing the ceiling.Deep purple acorn hair is flushed to the right, and even if you want to scratch it, it won’t come true in your own body now.

Bandages were wrapped around the body and treated by the hands of the best doctors as far as the lord could gather them.All he does now is take medicine and time.

My bones broke and my body swelled and pus because of the delay in the first aid. Even though I was promised full recovery, I can’t even drink water with my own strength now.

“I miss you so much, Father…”

The man who led him to his seriously wounded bed walks fast.

There was also a woman with a bandage beside the bed.Although the wound was shallow compared to his in bed, one arm under the hood broke bones and the joint came off temporarily. Her dressing was painful.But neither did he ask for rest in bed, as he did.

Speaking of “belonging state”, she was alone with a knife to protect him when he was weak, and continued to be alert. She didn’t even sleep properly.No one else was here to order her to rest, or to think of her and order her to do so.Even if treatment is allowed, it is an incredible concession given the usual husband’s behavior.Until then, she is hard for her husband to let go of.She was supposed to have been a convenient disposable secret tool a month ago.

It was a tribute to retrieve and bring my husband back alive from the collapsing tower and the blast.


Emperor Alf of the Radian Empire summoned his name to bite from the bottom of his belly.

He was also recognized as the first prince and heir to the first throne.It was only a month ago that he was taken by Tippet to the region, a province of the Radian Empire.

It was all thanks to the woman he took with him, who was wounded and could not even walk without borrowing his shoulders, and who was able to escape the country through the underground escape route.

He was ready to finish with the Tower and Pride, but the impact of the blast and all the rubble that collapsed were transmitted by her hand.The impact of the fall struck both sides, but it was only because of her abilities that she was able to pass through the tunnel, which was supposed to have been blocked by the collapse of the debris that had been shaken until she walked underground to escape.

After spending decades walking along the secret path of the Freesian kingdom, he carried (…) the special (…) ability (…) of warmth (…) degree (…) knowledge (…) to (…) hold (…) the horseman (…) and (…) even chased (…) a brilliant master from outside the country back from the Freesian kingdom to the nearby state of the Radian Empire.It is a trick that no warrior as good as the Radian Empire can achieve.

Its dependency, close to the Kingdom of Freesia, was under the control of the Radian Empire, which had lost the concept of “nation” for more than a hundred years.Tippetto’s abilities allowed her to infiltrate the territory more and more, and instead of unconscious Adam, she showed evidence of his Raja Empire prince.If you show it, it’s easy to get to protection.

Even a royal carriage would take more than a month, but I didn’t know the face of the prince of my own country.In particular, the recent violations of the peace in the Kingdom of Freesia and Radio were naturally widespread.

They had no great national power and had long been accustomed to providing regular resources and funding to their country. They could not even count on the power of the Freesian assault, but Adam now had no place to hide.All I had to do was send a messenger to the country of the Radian Empire on the orders of the lord to announce the protection of the Crown Prince.

It was not difficult for the Kingdom of Freesia to send orders for immediate visits for the defeat of the Radian Empire and the re-signing of the treaty, and to join the hastily established Radian Imperial Army…. and even without it.

“I miss you so much, my beloved son…”

Emperor Alf intended to blindly promote Adam’s survival possibilities by mobilizing his own country near the Kingdom of Freesia.

The Emperor, who had remained as cool as ice until just now, opened his hands and echoed Adam’s survival.Glitter your eyes, moisten them with tears of joy, expose your flooded face, and flush your skin with excitement.If this were a pure reunion of parents and children, it would certainly have been an emotion, but only the Emperor felt that way on this occasion.

The Crown Prince, who turned the kingdom of Freesia, whispered as the kingdom of monsters and the absolute inviolability of the enemy, denigrated the name of the great power and was sworn in to compensate the kingdom immensely, is in a position to be disposed of here.

Putting the Kingdom of Freesia under control is a long-standing aspiration of the Radian Empire.It is also true that one day my country was moving to bring the people of the Kingdom of Freesia into its hands.To that end, the Emperor and the upper echelons knew in advance that Adam would leap behind the scenes with the Second Princess’s birthday festival.However, it was only after it was all over that the country was informed that it had moved under its control near the Kingdom of Freesia and had moved abruptly to invade it.

A crown prince who knew the great defeat and shame inherited in the history of the Radiya Empire.

No matter how cute this was for other children, not Adam, the emperor did not hesitate to make a solemn statement.Because the ruthless and brutal emperor has always disposed of his side office and my bloody son, and has silenced the killing of each other under the water.

But Adam was the only one in the world who loved him enough to call him an anomaly in anyone’s eyes.

In this way, the emperor who knew Adam’s survival, despite being denigrated of his country’s status and power, was no better.

Even when the queen of the kingdom of Freesia poked the penalty for peaceful rebellion, she nodded without hesitation to return to Adam without being caught by Freesia right now.Everything is for reunion and safety with my sweet little boy.

“Whoops… poor Adam.It’s going to hurt! I’ll get you home soon.Don’t worry, those monsters think you’re dead.Hide your survival and create a puppet for your chance.You’re the only one who can take charge of the Radian Empire. ”

“… Thank you, Father.But I really don’t need that. ”

Adam’s head cools quietly to his father, who works as hard as he does during the play and smiles with tears.

A powerful man who has been his father for more than a decade, he himself has no shards such as parent-child affection.Words still hold shape with their parents and emperors, but in fact he is only a puppet of his own.

I had no feelings for the Emperor, who had been given anything to myself without a blood connection, but who had become a man who moved with his special powers.

Originally, I was only a “teaching material” just to be crushed by a real “Adam” who died.That’s not why I fell in love with myself, nor did I listen to my begging for help.However, he is a powerful person who crashed into a convenient existence with his own special abilities.It’s just a doll that’s kept alive so that you can take control of yourself and do whatever you want without losing the power of Radiya.

Adam turned down the emperor’s invitation to bring his beloved son back to the country right now, looking up at the ceiling without looking at his father.It’s not worth getting into sight, just telling yourself what you want.

Not only the Emperor, but everyone on the spot breathed into the turbid and painful voice and silenced the sound.Everyone knew that if the crown prince’s voice was blocked by a single sound, he could jump his neck.Even Adam, who speaks of an incredible purpose in front of him, is not even allowed to express his face rather than contest it.

“Okay, okay. I will if you wish.You can say anything you want.The Radian Empire will always welcome you back. ”

Thank you. Adam, who returned the word, smiled bitterly with a broken face.

The Emperor, who took great care not to be noticed by the Kingdom of Freesia and promised to have his regular “resources” ready to provide him with any relief supplies, continued to work for my son.

If the appearance is unusual, why would the Emperor allow Adam alone to make an unmistakable decision, even if he is calm and cruel on the political side?Everyone doubts it, but they don’t say it.

Adam’s malaise is great this time, but at the same time they know his achievements to the point where they hate him.

He was specially educated as the Crown Prince of a great power, and certainly has the strength that he deserves besides his bare deeds.Since he became involved in politics, aggression, and the slave industry, “somehow” everything became superior to his own country in a short period of time.

The more you rule, the more slaves you will have, the more countries that defy Radia will be thrown into dependencies, and territories will continue to grow all over the world.Everyone convinced him that it was impossible for the Emperor not to let him go.Even so, Adam helped convince the royal family that he was the only prince.Only the upper echelons of the Radian Empire know that he is a Freesian people with no connection to the Emperor or blood.

Afterwards, as asked by Adam himself, the father spoke at length about the meticulous situation since the re-signing of the treaty with the Kingdom of Freesia.

Originally, it was left to those who were assistants, but now the seat in the position of hate assistant was “empty” and the emperor himself wanted time with Adam.

Adam thinks it doesn’t matter what his country’s losses are due to treaty violations, but he’s caught up in an assumption anomaly, now that he’s only gained information using Tippet to survive this month.

The most caught was the restitution of the slaves of King Freesia’s people, knowing that he could not expose his neck when he was about to take away his pride.

We must return all the slaves we have collected at a slightly higher price to the Kingdom of Freesia.

Of course, Adam and the Emperor have no intention of keeping it all foolish and honest.However, it was a great disappointment to Radiya, a slave nation, that it could no longer publicly own or buy or sell major businesses.And it’s not just my own country, it’s all under the control of Radiya.

The emperor wanted to stay with Adam until he had fulfilled his wish, but he had to return to his country.From now on, it is one of the emperor’s tasks to give orders for the return of all slaves from the Kingdom of Freesia and to proceed with their preparation.

The emperor stayed with Adam almost all day until he left the country.Listen so that all the Crown Prince’s thoughts and wishes can be fulfilled, and plan to be able to execute all when he returns to his country.

Even when he left the country as planned, he was escorted by leading soldiers carefully chosen to avoid being noticed by the spies of other countries.And on the long journey back to my country, through my own country,

“Become the hands and feet of the Crown Prince of Japan who hides and strives to heal”, the Emperor himself ordered.

Become the power of your beloved, beloved Adam and keep tailoring as your rightful successor.

That’s what drives all the emperors, and the moment Adam admits that he is lacking as a “successor,” he breaks himself.

There’s only one way to be a puppet.

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