The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1127

II173. Ignore selfish girls.

“I’m sorry I kept quiet….”

Yes, Stale opened his mouth as he stared at his feet after a while away from school.

After thanking Cedric as Berners and apologizing to Lieutenant Eric for keeping him waiting, he asked both of them to stop saying that Philip was a benefactor from me, as Powell asked.After that, I was immersed in a daring silence.

I wish I could have told you a little bit about Nate, but about Eflon’s brothers and sisters, it’s gone completely.Cedric and Lieutenant Eric would not have known that they were related to Stale, but Stale’s malaise was still apparent.He tied his mouth to care about us, even Lieutenant Eric, and it sounded like he was being pushed into a quiet space.

Instead of the castle, Lieutenant Eric remained beside me, but I was a little surprised that he spoke to me.I was wondering if the Knights of the Kintetsu would come to talk to me at night.

Did Lieutenant Eric decide to ask you, too, or… did he simply push his chest to the limit of the night?

“No, I’m sorry. I knew you were avoiding contact with Amrett.”

Apologize while choosing words to avoid making decisive remarks until Stale speaks.

Stale had avoided Amrett without even saying why, but I got involved more than I needed.If I had refused to teach Amlet to study, Eflon-san wouldn’t have been involved with me either.

Stale shook his neck sideways silently with his round back, exhaling a sigh so large that his shoulders rose and fell.Your gaze stays the same and falls to the ground as you walk.

Tilt your head and peek a little as you line up with the stale, but you still can’t see the expression.Stale, holding down the black edge of his glasses, still seemed to be out of order.

“Ah… sorry, you helped me.”

“Apologize to me. There’s nothing you can do.”

You don’t have the nerve to repeat it anymore, but Stale, who for a moment called “Arthur,” clogged the words and continued.

In a word of apology, Arthur slapped Stale lightly on the shoulder on the back of his hand.The sound was so light that my upper body was still shaken tightly by Stale’s shoulders.

No… it was small and zero, but I still didn’t seem to get any more words out.I’m sure Arthur would be willing to say that he was fully cooperative if it were true.It was Arthur who took the lead in evacuating Stale to the carriage.Afterwards, I refused Powell, probably because I didn’t want Eflon niisama to get close to Stale because of his connection.

When I thought about it, I remembered the same thing about Stale. “Really…” I shortly zero with my sigh, and slowly raised my face to the front.

“I didn’t expect to ambush you…I thought I might change my appearance and infiltrate a student, but if I only had a girl named Jeanne in my head, I wouldn’t be able to see him…. ”

I think you knew Eflon Oniisama’s special abilities when she murmured outside the calculation.

It seems that Amrett was only talking about me in the first place, and even if you look at Oniisama’s straight line, you won’t see Stale at that time.In fact, I didn’t see Arthur, not just Stale, this time.To put it badly, the field of view is narrow, but otherwise it would be a complete sniper.

“By the way… how long did you hear the conversation in the carriage?”

“Everything since he approached Jack in front of the carriage and started greeting him…. it was a miracle I had a heart… ”

Stale, who was able to speak a little, breathed out again with his face down, as he remembered.

Unlike Cedric, who stood on the same line in front of the school gate, and Arthur, who even walked in front of the carriage, who kept his ears clear and focused on what was going on here, Stale was sheltering in a royal carriage with some soundproofing.Perhaps she was holding her head in the carriage or pushing her ears in front of her, but if Eflon or Amlet screamed in front of the carriage on a boulder, she would have heard it.Besides, it’s obviously Stale on the way.I have to listen even if I don’t want to.

“He used to be.Noisy, hot, painful and persistent… he cared more about his sister Amlet than anyone else. ”

Though I suppressed my voice, Stale finally pushed me to the core.

To Lieutenant Eric, who had “long” eyes wide open for his remarks, Stale looked up with his eyes only once he cut his words and said, “Please talk only here.”Lieutenant Eric replied with a single voice to the tone, including the order, and Stale changed to explain in a lower voice.

“Philip Efron is a friend of mine over a decade ago.My sister Amrett, who was three at the time, said, “You don’t know that, do you?”

In concrete years, Lieutenant Eric shook his shoulders, making it clear when he was a friend.

I can see that tension ran with a tighter mouth than before.For Stale, who was adopted by the royal family, all previous records are classified.Stale herself, when she was adopted, it was decided that she shouldn’t easily say anything else at that time.From the moment he was adopted, he had to live as a “royal”, not a commoner.

Neither did I, nor Arthur nor Tiara, of course, even know what kind of life Arthur and Tiara lived apart from being commoners before Stale became royal…. I’m actually the only one who knows some of the game settings.

“Since the day I was taken over, there must have been a claw-off order from the castle in the city.The facts of my existence are hidden.At first, I was anxious if Philip was telling Amlet everything about me, but… it was different and reassuring. ”

It seemed like I was sorting things out while saying it myself.

Phew, with a sigh of breath, Stale and Arthur were both caught and exhaled at the same time.Yeah, I was in a lot of a hurry back then.

It is decided not only to conceal the birth of a person who has been adopted by the royal family, but also not to mention the existence of a person in the past to prevent them from being used by third parties as a hostage or trading material.To be precise, the fact that the person has become royal, his special abilities and his name are forbidden to speak.

If only the name and special abilities were rare, they would quickly fit in, and even if they were not identified, there are many ways to use them simply by being related to the royal past.

I’m sure Amrett thought about it from what I just said, but I only heard it was “my brother’s friend who moved in a long time ago”, not Stale.This means that Eflon Oniisama hasn’t told Amrett where Stale really is or what his name is…. but even so, I think Eflon-san told her sister about Stale as a “friend”.I could have pretended to forget and stayed in Amlet and not told him what was going on.

“You’ve been a good friend.”

“It’s no big deal. I’ve talked to you a few times, but I’ve never played with you.He was desperate for his younger sister.I’ve been away from home, so sometimes I get to hang out with a mutual friend. ”

It’s kind of like a relationship between single furthers.

Stale, who responded lightly to Arthur’s words, seemed to have recovered a lot.Arthur smacked Stale in the back, saying something a little less honest.

I think so too. Stale and Eflon, who were seven at the time, must have been busy dating only one family member and friends around them.There may be parts that go through because they are close to each other.Otherwise, Stale wouldn’t have come up with his name the best way to hide his identity.

“But the last sibling fight was definitely my fault.He doesn’t resent royalty as much as I do.Perhaps… you’ve distracted me. ”

That’s when Stale scratched her hair and grabbed it.

At the same time, the expression seems a little complicated and distorted.Even though you’re calm in your mouth, the cause of the fight between Eflon Oniisama and Amlet is still on your chest.

Regularly, there is no problem with Amrett working in the same castle as Stale.

A person who was adopted by the royal family was cut off from his former associates.You have to be someone else in red.It is also forbidden to engage as before.However, on the contrary, it is permissible for anyone other than a relative or relatives who is originally a red person to pass through in a working relationship.Otherwise, the place of work will be restricted simply by being related to the adoption, and it is more impossible for some people who are not ordinary people but are aristocrats or upper echelons to get involved with the royal family.Adoption is based on gender, age, and special abilities.Even blood relatives should be allowed to meet unintentionally and accidentally.Of course, it’s just “others.”

Even if a former associate turns around and becomes one of Stale’s first prince subordinates, there is no problem if it is commensurate with the person’s abilities.If there were any threats there, such as “I know your past, let my men do it”, it would be a felony at once.

At least Amrett, who hasn’t been informed of Stale’s past, has no problem getting a job because of her abilities.That’s why, if Oniisama cares…

“You thought it would be annoying for me to meet people from the past and for Amrett to imitate my past as a ‘friend of my brother’.And… if Amrett gives me “information that goes against the rules” without my knowledge, I’ll be truly guilty. ”

“Information that goes against the rules”…… Not only me, but also the knights Arthur and Lieutenant Eric are familiar with the meaning.Because it’s such a firm decision.

Above all, Stale himself may not want to see his past associates as a royal family.Had that been the case, Amrett’s presence might have created a wave.If you don’t want to remember the past, it’s painful just to get into the sight of your old associates…. of course, that’s not what Stale actually thinks.

“I don’t care if Amrett will work in the castle…Nothing bothers me except that I’m beautified in her. ”

What do you think I am?

The slightly angry Stale tied his teeth to his face.It also seems irritating to scratch your head with your loose hair.But I laughed a little too much at what I said about Stale.

After all, Stale is right, and now she just grunts in her heart.I think Amrett’s compliments are true, but that’s not what Stale is worried about right now.

At least to change the air here, I put the word “but” on Stail, who seemed to be starting to sort things out a little bit.

“What a coincidence. I can’t believe Powell and Amlet’s brother are friends.”

The third concealed character and the second protagonist’s brother are friends.Relationships that are never talked about in games seem very fateful.

From Powell’s story, it seems that Eflon and his sisters didn’t even know his name, rather than finding out that Powell’s benefactor was Stale.

After a little noise, Stale and Arthur gazed at each other.Me and Lieutenant Eric lean their heads toward each other with an unexpected look on their faces.Then Stale turned to me with a distressing look.

“It’s no coincidence….”


It’s no coincidence.

I turned my voice down quietly in response to the question.When I heard back what happened, the truth came back.

“Four years ago, I sent Powell where I used to talk to Philip…. I was able to guess… ”

I’m sorry, but I can’t say a word with my whole face drawn to Stale holding her head with one hand, clouding her voice like a reflection.

No, I can’t even predict that, and above all, I didn’t propose to build a school at the time, and it’s beyond the scope of my expectations to say that I want to go undercover.

I can imagine that Powell and Eflon might get to know each other, but I can’t believe this is going to happen again.Instead, when I visited school on a regular visit instead of undercover, if I could find Powell or meet Amlet or Efron oniisama, on the surface, I might have known their current situation calmly and looked at them as calm as “I’m glad I got along.”

“… I’m sorry.”

If you think so, I’ll apologize this time.

No, you apologize, and I can’t speak any more to Stale, who shakes his head.I didn’t expect this to bother Stale.

Four years ago, as I heard Arthur briefly explain to Lieutenant Eric, who repeatedly blinked at the word, and with Stale’s approval, I shut my mouth again.

When I saw the Gilchrist family, Stale suggested, “When we get home, let’s put this story behind us and focus on Nate.”… maybe that’s why you’ve just spoken to me.

I nodded to Stale, who cared for me until the end, and as the sweat spread to my cheeks, neither Arthur nor I, nor Lieutenant Eric, who spasmed the edge of his mouth in a tremendous fate, had no choice but to obey his intentions.

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