The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1128

II174. Selfish girls gather.

“… are you predicting again? Again, you might want to consider that this is related to Pradest predictions.”

“I agree. Sister, you haven’t remembered the prediction yet, have you?”

Yes, yes.

I desperately aligned myself with the two words.

After returning to the castle from Lieutenant Eric’s parents’ home, a countermeasure meeting was held with Prime Minister Gilbert, who was waiting in front of the room when he had changed.He wrote a note informing me that he would be late to return to Prime Minister Gilbert while Stale was evacuating in the carriage, causing me to worry too much.

Tiara, who was given a break, sat in the corner of the room while I was dressed, and Prime Minister Gilbert came into the room with Stale and the Kintetsu Knights, saying, “Thank you for coming.”Sometimes time ran out, and when I finished dressing, Arthur and Lieutenant Eric changed from Captain Alan to Captain Column.

After I finished dressing, I just told Stale and the others that I had made a “prediction”, starting with Prime Minister Gilbert in Nate’s concentration.I really wanted to know Nate’s situation and talk to him immediately within today, but I couldn’t find out because of the timing.The fact that I made another prediction was an important event even though I put it behind me because I couldn’t figure it out yet.

While Prime Minister Gilbert was sitting in front of him between Stale and Tiara, Captain Column and Captain Alan, who stood behind him, also rounded their eyes at first.

As for Captain Column, he was a party to Nate today, and it seemed like he was expecting a strong shock even though he was short and zero.

Of course. It’s only been about a week since Farnham’s sister and brother predicted it, and he’s the problem child he got himself.Captain Column’s manoeuvre, which really matched my story at that time, made me lose my mind.

As Prime Ministers Stale and Gilbert are surprised that I made a second and third prediction in the near future… I can’t say that there is still a “prediction” project.

Moreover, there is one unknown target.We must definitely use the word “prediction” in his time, and even if we think about them after the second work in the future, we will be borrowing the threat of “prediction” in succession.Even now, seeing Double Wisdom Combi, a mastermind designer named Stale and Prime Minister Gilbert, trying to make my guess about the prediction, I feel bad about the killer being chased by a detective.

“In the past, there have been examples of princesses who have been temporarily and successively predicted to prevent one prediction.It led to the rescue of the Queen at the time. ”

“The Queen of the Past, who predicted by her own will, had a record of preventing an Alliance invasion.Even though your sister is a moment away, she can predict by herself. [M]Then this time…. ”

I’m terrified that lies are becoming a big incident at the snowman ceremony.Did the wolf boy I read in my previous life feel like this?No, not all of mine is a lie, and it’s a future that can really happen!!

However, in situations that are already very different from the game, we do not know how much of the game’s coercive power is working in reality.Powell is a good example. There is also Eflon Oniisama with regard to the main character Amlet.

So far, the reality has changed a lot better than the game, so it’s good, but that’s why many parts can’t be said easily.It’s like saying to Prime Minister Gilbert, “I predicted that this man had lost a lover in the past.”

At the very least, it would be helpful if you could predict Nate…It is difficult to predict by your own will, like avoiding bullets.In fact, my predictive abilities are very infrequent except in combat.

“I’m a little worried…. there have been several” omens “here recently.I don’t think it’s going to be real, as your mother says.But… I felt so sad.There were many signs of a recapture….. ”


I can’t believe I’m here to reflect on my confession from Tiara, the most powerful predictor.Tiara, who had been listening to us with a difficult face, now held her fist tightly on her lap.

“Prelude”… the phenomenon that my mother was talking about, which is also said to be the future that disappeared in a possible way.

Unlike the “prediction” that becomes reality, and the person does not remember it, so it is not important, but when it is said that it is a time of recall, I am afraid of various things.

Tiara’s confession raises the severity index in the room considerably.After all, as Prime Minister Stale and Gilbert murmur to no one, I feel a little anxious.

Because there is a common part of the overall route that the second piece also shakes the foundation of the school.Perhaps if you stop “him”, you will be able to prevent it as a result, but game knowledge alone will not be able to do it in time.Half a month has passed since the top-secret inspection was suspended.

In the silent and tight air, I sort out my head.Evil wisdom mobilizes smart heads around thinking.

Tiara’s omens are not “predictable,” but there is still salvation.The problem now is where the other target is.But now that I’ve confirmed my junior year, if I keep going smoothly, I’ll be able to find out…If you enroll me properly.Nate’s status quo and rescue are urgently needed.And to leave behind….

“… I think we’ll continue to get involved on Nate.Captain Column, I need your help. ”

The results of each scrutiny are put into words.

I asked Captain Column, who was standing behind me, to look at my eyes as I opened my mouth, and I returned immediately.From what Captain Column told me, he is a powerful ally in his role as an instructor.

Of course, after thanking Captain Column for lowering his head, he turned to Prime Minister Gilbert in the front.

“And please continue to work with Prime Minister Gilbert to investigate and improve what Captain Column told you…. and I was a little worried about you again today, so I hope you move along with me. ”

“! Is this about the lunch break, Pride?”

I nod to Stale, who is quick to pick up words.

During lunch break today, Chemet and her students were involved with the senior students.Prime Minister Gilbert answered me, explaining some of the senior students that Stale saw behind the school building.

If my expectations are correct, then we must definitely deal with them as soon as possible.Now that I want to concentrate on Nate, the important thing is to find out and stop it.Now that the root cause has not been addressed, we cannot speak of it as a prediction.So to solve this, I’m not telling the cause or the truth directly.

“I don’t think it’s irrelevant.We will spare no effort to provide information from inside, so we ask Prime Minister Gilbert to do his utmost to “prevent” along with your investigation. ”

“Do as I say.”

We have to move with a real-world frontal approach.

Chancellor Gilbert’s long and thin eyes, deep down on my words, glowed with suspicion.No one will stand to the right of Prime Minister Gilbert in an information battle.

We are inside, and the column captain is a lecturer.Tiara and Leon visit the school… but I still have some information.

Then Prime Minister Gilbert, who seemed to have smiled a little bit, suddenly turned to me and said, “Please.”Looking back, Captain Column raised his hand to the head to ask permission to speak.He nodded and told me about you last night.

“… and it was His Royal Highness Prince Leon who suggested it again.Therefore, if possible, I would appreciate it if Prince Leon could speak directly to me. ”

And Leon.

I didn’t think Leon and Captain Column would have moved in last night.Captain Column only told me the key points so he wouldn’t take advantage of him.If Captain Column talks about everything here, even though it’s a proposal from the prince of the neighboring country, his position will be problematic…. I don’t think Leon cares at all.

Okay, so I think we need to go talk to Leon.He opened his mouth with a strong tone of “if” on the last leg.

“Please make a regular visit to the Kingdom of Anemone tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.If you run the messenger now, you’ll hear back from me tomorrow. ”

Just tomorrow school is closed, and Stale’s eyes shine sharply.

What should I do? I realize here that the number of engagements is increasing more and more than I expected.But the information is certainly better at the earliest.Captain Column told me, but I would like to provide Prime Minister Gilbert with useful information as soon as possible.

With my permission, Stale asked Jack to leave a message to the guard outside the room.After seeing it, Prime Minister Gilbert smiled gracefully.

“I explored quite a bit last night, but the shaking between Prince Leon and Captain Column would have been effective.It’s very interesting to know what kind of stories you heard. ”

“Neither have I…. Unfortunately, we haven’t had much to gain.”

Stale followed Prime Minister Gilbert with a slightly distorted expression.

From what I’ve just said, Prime Minister Gilbert already knows that he can handle his tail.Regrettably, these words also sound more dependent on Prime Minister Gilbert than on his opponent.Rather, even though I was busy playing the leading role in the birthday festival, I thought it was a boulder on Stale who was moving.

With a slightly pleasant smile at Stale’s words and regrettable expressions, Prime Minister Gilbert said, “Shall we split up if you want?”No, thank you. I’m still talking about Prince Leon.”Apparently, they’re going to follow Stale this time around for regular visits.In order to avoid complexity of the information, it seems better to summarize it once more before sharing it.

Tiara and “I want to be with you too!I think it’s going to be a regular visit for the three brothers for a long time.I’m a little happy to be careless.

I think the air in the room has slightly opened up from Prime Minister Gilbert, who smiled back and said, “Well, I look forward to it.”Prime Minister Gilbert, who turned a pale blue gaze on me, gave me a calm voice that was different from when I entered the room.

“We are also investigating the matter from Captain Column.I got some interesting information this morning, and I was wondering if I could get some useful information in the future. ”


“Dear Pride, the courier has arrived”

Prime Minister Gilbert’s laughter spread to Jack the Guard, who asked me about him from behind the door.

It seems to have arrived. Prime Minister Gilbert, who spoke of his conviction before confirming the delivery from Val, once again burned his eyes to the strength of the prime minister in charge of controlling the country’s information.

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