The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1129

II175. Girls with lust listen.

“Um… so did you really have any problems at school?”

Yes, yes.

There was no confusion between the two of them, who responded immediately to the challenge from Pride.

I felt like I couldn’t say anything, and when I turned to Stale to look him in the eye, he could only return his vague expression on the spot.Pride also understands that the behavior that looks small and shruggy includes the meaning of “I don’t seem willing to talk.”

While watching Pride and Stale interact, Jill Vail changed the rhetoric.

“So, Sefek, Chemet, have you seen anything suspicious or damaged at school?”

Whether it’s a teacher, a student, or an outsider.Sefek and Chemet looked at each other on Jill Vail.

After welcoming Val and the others who were waiting in the guest room for delivery, Pride asked the two of them “about the school” and asked if they could find a way to hear from Kemet in detail.

But no matter how far I go, Sefek goes to Kemet and says, “Nothing.” “School is so fun!”I was just making my eyes shine.Well, I don’t know what to say in that situation, but I’d still like to hear more about how Chemet got stuck with senior students.That’s why, despite his obvious attempts to hide it, I was distracted to point it out in front of Val and the others.Even so, they were the ones who didn’t want Chemet to know who they were.I’ve only seen it myself. I know, but I hesitate to reveal it unilaterally.

Val raised his eyebrows as he listened beside Pride, who repeated the same question more strangely than usual, but did not think so much.I also wondered if there was any trouble at school, and I fell down on the floor and compared the two of them to Jill Vail, even though I didn’t get into contact with them.

When I changed the words from Jill Vail to something that would be easier to say if it were about others rather than themselves, they both made memories.Chemet would never want to help Pride.It was Cefek who first opened his mouth as he explored his own thoughts.

“Ah, but if what Bayle was talking about…”

“If that’s what I want.”

When I remembered what I told you the other day at the tavern, I finally opened Kemet’s mouth.

When Sefek pulled each other out of the conversation, he finally told me what Pride and the others wanted.

Val, who had already heard from the two at the tavern, said, “Is it that story again?” and moved to the wall with a boring lack of stretch.I meditated for a nap until the two of us finished talking… and a disturbing memory came back from the conversation at the tavern.

Pride asks the two strangely, and Gilbert asks Vail for information, which is a little convincing.He shook his body, pointing his cheek cane at the knee he was kneeling against the wall and listening to them.

Along the way, when Chemet started talking to the kid, he realized that it was a story he hadn’t heard yet.

Once this morning, Val was submitting information about the tavern when he was moved to Gilbert in an instant to turn 18, but he also visited the tavern again after school today.

I looked into the information Jilbert asked for the other day in just three days, and he gave me more details.Receive it from Bayle, and once again he is here on his second visit to the castle today.

I still have a bundle of paper that I have been deprived of the opportunity to hand over, but I think it would be thin if I gave it to Stale here.I had never been interested in the contents before, but Pride, who had finished listening to Chemet in front of me, fell down and looked at him and asked him.

“So, Chemet, what exactly did those people ask you about…?”

For the prides, it was already the first time that Chemet and Sefek had spoken to someone named “Bayle.”

Gilbert knew to some extent that it was a letter from Bayle that was handed over this morning, but Val and the others visited the castle before talking to Pride, so we haven’t spoken yet.I don’t even know Stale, who always checks his dealings with the informant and Jill Vail.Unlike the information provided so far, this time Jilbert did not go through Val because it was information that the individual asked Val to pass through.

In the handed letter, a script from Bayle said, “… so far, I’ve been able to get it back from the couriers’ kids.Ask me directly in your mouth if you want to know. ”

From Gilbert’s point of view, the rumours about Pradest were only thankful information now, but the witness was also close to him.

It is also an opportunity to wait for Val, who has been waiting for Val to come to the castle as never before.Gilbert, who had just been entrusted by Pride, had already decided to thoroughly uncover the matter.Because pride didn’t take the lead, but trusted me to solve it.

And now, in front of me, a school student, a member of the waiting courier, testifies.And in terms of pride, Chemet was a party that had gone one step further.Even though they are unconscious, they can extract as much useful information as they can from induction interrogation and questioning.Unlike Val, Sefek and Chemet know very well that they are malicious children who do not lie to their own questions, which are related to pride.Their people were trustworthy to Gilbert through pride, Val, and even through the nostalgia of her beloved daughter, Stella.

“I don’t know, but I was looking for someone.He said, “Liar.”

Pride, who heard the name again from Lyer and Chemet, played guzzle only in his chest.

Chemet finally disclosed the information to me.Pride and his friends explained the name to Gilbert, but that’s why it’s important.

Pride alone is well known in game settings, but not for Stale and the others.Because Chemet is sure to have information that we didn’t know from eavesdropping along the way.I couldn’t help but swallow my mouth when I heard more about it.

While Sefek peeked into Chemet with an intriguing look, Zilbert gently urged the sofa to “let me brew some tea, if I may.”After entering the guest room as usual and immediately rushing over to talk to Chemet and Sefek, everyone but Val remained calm until now.

Pride noticed the pointing out, and nodded immediately that they had left Jilbert and the others standing.

Walk to the sofa with Tiara and Stale while suggesting Chemet and Sefek.

Pull your chair down to the main seat on the sofa, and meet Jill Vail, Stale, and Tiara in front of you.Cefek and Chemet sat down in the opposite seat.

Sefek, who seemed uncomfortable in the face-to-face seat with a slightly restless royal family, let him swim his gaze, and then called him away, saying, “Val is not coming either.” But he was rejected in one word.Instead, Tiara, who perceived Sefek’s confusion, moved her seat between her and Kemet.

With tea and sweets, if Tiara speaks to the maids, the air like an interview will be somewhat relieved.Not as much as Val, but after being sandwiched by Tiara and Chemet, who were familiar with him as a friend, Sefek finally breathed out and settled down.

Now, can I talk to you again?

With a light clap of bread and a graceful smile on his hands, Jill Vail resumed his inquiry with great care to avoid feeling oppressed by the two.

Pride, Stale, and Gilbert asked for the information at the time one by one, and Chemet and Sefek recommended the answer. After a while, the maid served tea.

If the plates filled with sparkling confectionery were arranged on the table, Pa and Sefek’s eyes would also shine.When Chemet sees Sefek looking happy, her shoulders relax naturally.

Pride once again thought that the information of current students was strong if the two of them told me that they had information in a conversation with no love other than tea and drinks.Even though it was only worthwhile for the priests, there were many pieces of information that could lead to what they heard from the column.

Especially unlike the middle-class prides and Sefek, the information on Chemet in the primary sector, which is in a weak position in terms of age, was useful.At his age, he is taller and immature than the average, but Stale and the others think that his head is more solid than his age, such as talking and organizing things.On second thought, it was also convincing to recall that he was an honorary student in the fifth grade of primary school.

While answering Pride’s questions, Chemet remembers a lot.”Speaking of which,” he said, turning to Val, who sat by the wall, after picking a cookie.

“Val, don’t I have to give you the letter from Mr. Bayle?”

And Val, who was listening to Chemet and the others, replied in a cumbersome way.

Val refused tea from the maid all the time by the wall, listening only to the story, but suddenly he threw it and he remembered it to the extent of “I don’t know.”In response to Val’s reaction, Jilbert also said,Ah, “he raised his hips and walked towards Val.

Because Val didn’t give it to me earlier, I thought it was a mistake in my prospects, but I naturally smiled at what I didn’t.”Good work,” he said politely, reaching out to Val, and his long, thin eyes smiled.

Slightly shook his shoulders at the expression, Val handed Jilbert a bunch of pockets of paper, whispering his tongue to deceive him.

Pacifier. Gilbert’s eyes met for a moment, killing and plundering Val and his momentum at the very least, and they quickly fell off.Saying hello, Jill Bale returns to his original seat as he slowly spreads a bunch of rolled paper.He lowered his hips and widened them to look like the stale sitting next to him, altering the contents.

When asked interestingly by Tiara and Pride, Gilbert answered with a soft voice as she followed Stale in quick reading.

“I’ve gathered a lot of rumors about the castle.Because “bad reputation” spreads among the people rather than the senior level.And here… whoops. I was wondering if there’s anything that would make sense in Chemet’s story. ”

“… Gilbert, what does this” about the previous transcript “mean?I don’t know anything about this. ”

Even though I’ll show you right away, Jill Vail keeps reading the letter, as pointed out sharply by Stale.I handed Stale the letter I received from Val this morning.

I originally intended to talk to Pride and Stale when they returned from school today, but I handed them over to prove my innocence.Once Jill Vail was out of sight of the paper he was spreading, Stale began to read it quickly.

Unlike a report with the usual information, the scribbling text like a letter also contained somewhat more shattered sentences than usual.I hesitated for a moment to read the text that felt the distance between the informant and Jill Vail, which had never been measured at all.However, I immediately changed my mind to Jill Vail’s spare smile, staring at the letter he received from Val without saying that I didn’t care at all.

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