The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1142

II185. The selfish girl asks.

“So, are your fathers still working there?I don’t even go home for a day. ”


For my confirmation, Nate leaned against the wall in a flickering manner.

You’ve decided that you’re not afraid of getting your backpack stolen, and now you’re standing next to yourself without holding it.I just said that I would not forgive you if you put your arms together, but you answered all my questions.Although I don’t know whether the rotten way of saying it is true or lying.

Still, so far, I think it would be better if you could just give me back the family structure, life at home, and other things that are not related to this incident.If I’m just talking, I’m surrounded by my teacher, Captain Column, tall Arthur, Powell, and Stale.

Although the door is now closed, it could be misunderstood if the students see it.It is the only reassurance that there is a Column Captain who can explain.

Neither did he say anything bad about it, nor said anything bad after that.Instead, he did not answer our questions, which he would not be interested in at all.I’m still the only one who introduced myself, and I don’t even want to hear Stale’s names.

You probably don’t remember much about us when Captain Column caught you the other day, and if it’s true, you should be wondering why because you’re involved.

Anyway, I really appreciate you answering all of them.

“Your parents are busy and hard. Then, uncle.”

“I don’t care how long you’re talking about it.There’s nothing else you want to tell me. ”

Nate finally returned an answer.

Your spine is stretching with your cold eyes full of mistrust.I mean, there’s a lot I want to hear in a straight ball.But I don’t know if Nate is looking for it, and I can’t think of anything.

I think it would be better to ask the smile as it stuck in the words and stepped even further.Nate stares at me gently, and if she doesn’t remember, she’ll wash it away right away.

So when I came up with the question, I was shouted from the tail behind me.Until now, I had only asked a few questions, so I glanced at Nate with a face that obviously didn’t like the sudden appearance of Stale.

“Why haven’t you been in class before?I don’t think it makes sense to just attend classes…. or is there anything else you feel guilty about? ”

She also went to class today, but as a regular student, Stale’s question continued to be a natural question.

After gathering around the muscles of his face, Nate stared at Captain Column with his fished fox eyes.Maybe you’re mistaken that Captain Column asked us to tell you why we’re skipping class.If my friend asked me to get along with you because of that, or… if I thought that my teacher would intervene like that when I was thirteen years old, I would be satisfied with my dissatisfied attitude so far.Secondary school students are just delicate times.

“Since I found out…. we’ve been worried about you forever.So I asked Captain Column to follow me. ”

It was our intention to only get involved with you!As I was told, I repeated my words to Nate, who was silent.

Waiting for the words to solve Captain Column’s misunderstanding, Nate slowly lowered his childish immature voice once he squeezed his lips.

“I just sat back from class.I can’t believe you just read a book. I’m always stupid, and… I didn’t do anything wrong. ”

At the end, he had a slightly weaker voice, and he lay still.

Unconsciously, he grabbed the backpack next to him with one arm and made a fist as if he had applied force to his fingers.The same goes for Amlet in the game when he said, “The others are stupid.”

Again, I think he’s thirteen years old for his angry childish expression.He was still a childish character in the game as a junior character, but now he is a genuine child.

“No, I’m sorry.”

Powell, who had been sitting idly by Nate’s words, moved this time.Nate, he stood just one step ahead while confirming his name. He bent his knees and crouched to the spot to avoid frightening him with a large body, bringing Nate and his gaze closer.

“Why do you come to school if you don’t like classes so much? If you don’t want to, why don’t you quit school and work to save your father and mother?I don’t think it’s the worst thing that I can’t go back to class alone in this place. ”

“Ugh! Ugh! Uh-uh! Uh-uh!”

Captain Stale and Captain Column nodded to Powell, who gave a straightforward argument.

He raised his face as if he didn’t even think of Nate in the words, and shouted while choking the words.After glancing at her face with regret, she turned away again with evil intentions.But Powell’s still not scared at all.

“You told Jeanne earlier that you were the one who told me to go to school, right?How dare you betray such a good parent?? …………… I don’t even study, so just let my family work.Don’t tell me you’re coming to school because you’re just relaxing without working. ”

Finally, the voice was lowered from Powell to the bottom of the earth.At first, the calming voice gradually decreased and the sharpness increased.

Hih!! I don’t think I’m going to go up or down my shoulders more than Nate.Nate, who looked straight at him, couldn’t move as if he were being stared at by a snake.She is trembling slightly as she stretches her shoulders to the tip of her fingers.

Powell’s eyes, which had his usual oniichan expression just now, were as sharp as a blade.I’ve seen all the bright Powell, but I’m sure that the expression and the way his voice works is the third one.

You’re not going to get tingled here…?! As soon as your spine cools down, there’s a snapping sound of static electricity coming from somewhere, and it jumps up with your heart.

Before Nate suddenly said anything, she hugged Nate to protect him from the side as his complexion turned slightly pale.At least now Powell wouldn’t want to get involved with me, the relative of Stale, who he loves even if he’s angry! and make a wish.

I know very well that Powell receives and gets angry when he hears about Nate so far!! I know, but wait a minute!! Nate should have his own circumstances!

“Pa, Powell…?! Um, calm down?? I don’t think there’s much I can tell him yet.So don’t get mad at me yet…? ”

Just come here and shout at Powell?! in your heart and put your strength into Nate’s arms.

I don’t care if it was painful because I put too much effort into it. As soon as I hugged her, Nate said, “Ha…?!”Instead, don’t say anything to piss me off here!and secured a small body while praying.

Then, when he noticed my impatience, Powell’s eyes flashed twice and then relaxed.Powell, with a neat expression, said in the next moment: “Ah!I’m sorry, but it’s the usual expression again.

“It’s okay! I’ll never touch a woman or a child!! I know that!”

Gabba! He turned his back against Nate as Powell panicked.

He opened his hands in front of his chest to complain about his innocence and shook his head to his side many times.I was relieved by the dialogue I had certainly heard somewhere.Good, Nate was afraid to scold me.

Paul stood up after he apologized loudly to Nate for not just turning his back like he was in a hurry.He stepped back two steps with his back foot, then turned his back and retracted all at once to the front of the door.I followed him with my eyes, worried about Stale, and said quickly, “I’m watching here in silence.”

After all, there seems to be a sense that I have said too much, or that I have been too angry.No, but compared to Powell in the game, it’s totally pacifist.

“… it’s not that.”

Oh, my God.

A small, zero voice was thrown from Nate in his arm.Even after Powell got mad at me, my hand grabbed the rucksack, which I never let go, and I trembled.

Once the squeezed lips were opened, the teeth were swallowed, and the chin trembled while lying down.Nate? It distorted his mouth.The moment I thought I heard a breathtaking sound, I stuck to it and threw it out of my arm.

With my hands on my buttocks, Arthur, who moved quickly, rushed to support me in an instant.”Are you okay?It worries me. I just got thrown out and lost my posture, and it didn’t hurt at all.

Rather, Nate was more concerned that it would solidify by the wall.

“I’m not a kid!! You’re the idiots of peace!! I don’t know anything!!”

The air in the whole classroom trembled slightly, like a scream from all the little bodies.

The voice that still remained a little young was slightly rubbed at the end, whether you were used to screaming or not.After you’ve finished speaking, calm your breath so that you can refill your exhausted oxygen without turning off the sound.

Nate, who suddenly yelled at me, stabbed me with an absolute zero gaze while holding the black edge of my glasses with his finger.

Nate raised his face slowly after dozens of seconds in a room full of silence except for the sound of his breath.As soon as he did so, he shook Bikri and his whole body in front of Stale’s eyes, and then hit his back on the wall.

My child will be afraid of the boulders.After checking Nate, whose face was dyed with fear in an instant, he dropped his shoulders as if he was a little weak.Remove your gaze from Nate and look at me and ask me “Are you hurt?” with a calm voice.In return, Stale slowly walked towards me in front of Nate.

“… Jeanne, have you finished what you wanted to talk about?If there’s anything else you want to ask me, I’ll ask.It’s almost lunchtime and you can go back to class with Jack and Powell. ”

“No, it’s really okay. I’m sorry to worry you.It doesn’t matter. ”

Thanks Stale for swallowing the word “child” and worrying about it.

Behind him was Captain Column walking towards Nate sitting down.Nate taught me not to raise my hand to a woman for any reason, with a calming voice.But it was me who suddenly didn’t let go with a hug, and I’m sure I didn’t like being stuck by me who didn’t like to talk.

Even though it was to protect me from Powell, it was bad for me to be familiar with him because he was a child.For me, even a small child, for him, I am only one girl of different ages.The difference between one and two years of age is not much different from the same age.

“Today, let’s go back to class.If I could just confirm one more thing, it would be enough for now.I’ll see you when the third limit is over. ”

“Don’t come!! You guys!”

“No, I’m coming.”

Get up from a broken position and cut off his words.

Now we are getting a little fever at a bad time.Let’s redo the partition and try talking again.Look straight at him, whose words have been blocked, and shout my will through him.

“I certainly don’t know you.So I just want you to tell me.I’m sorry I made you feel so familiar. ”

I apologize politely by lowering my head.

I apologize for the mistake if I did anything wrong, and you should start with him from there.Nate put his eyes on the plate and gently carried the backpack with only his arm.I’ll walk to him when I’m ready to leave the room.

“But I promise, we’re on your side.If you don’t remember this question, I apologize for it now. ”

The sound of the bell fell.It’s a sign that the lunch break is over. We, the students, naturally have to go to class as well as Captain Column.There is no time, including for the key to be returned to the staff room.The student who comes back to the hallway first goes out into the hallway without being seen.

And while Captain Column was locked again, I confronted him.

Nate, who was scratching his throat disgusting at my question, waited with his lips tied even after he left the classroom.Even if I see you running here and not running away, I think you’re a good kid.

I have a lot to ask.But if I asked on the spot and chose only one word that would not upset Nate again, it was limited.

I cut myself into him in a restless motion, swinging my neck to the left and right without telling him to hurry.

“You’re selling, right?”


Fox eyes were wide open.The same look on Crowe’s face that penetrated the truth.

Nate, whose shoulders rose with the pulled breath, and whose hands were hardened to grip the backpack’s string by spreading the hole in his nose, was confident enough.The instantaneous absence of “anything” or “what does it mean” is evidence of understanding the meaning of words.

I nodded alone, returning only “I see” to Nate, who seemed to have no words.

“… I’ll tell you how I know, next time I’m off.I have a suggestion for you. ”

Nate hasn’t responded. I can’t read it now with astonishment from my rounded eyes with my tightly tied mouth.

Then we greeted Captain Column and left the scene one step ahead of the rest of Nate.Nate and I are on our way, but I’m sure you don’t want to walk with us.

“I’m sorry, Jeanne. You made Nate angry because of me.”

“No, if you say so, that’s why I threw inadvertent questions on my own.I’m sorry, Jeanne. ”

Powell and Stale muttered their voices and apologized when they turned the corner and Nate disappeared.

It’s not bad for both of us, so I shake my head and I’ll sort out Nate’s situation in my head.I don’t know how far he was telling the truth, but at least the last question is for sure.

That alone can predict his situation to some extent.Nate will wonder how I know, and now he won’t be running away from his next vacation.All you have to do is accept “either” of the suggestions.

“… that guy”

Just look back at Arthur’s voice as he walks down to the last row.

As Stale and Powell looked back at him, Arthur, who had received a line of sight, twisted his neck in the same direction as Nate, who was not here.

When Stale asked if he had noticed anything, the words continued to push him.

“You lied to me about something weird.”

After Arthur’s murmuring, which sounded confident, the footsteps of the students who had finished their lunch break echoed.

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