The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1143

II186. Selfish Girls Want,

“Was Nate really weird then, Jack?”

Pride, who heard Arthur’s story, checked as he rounded his purple eyes.

After walking away from Nate, Stale and Powell listened with interest as they walked down the hall.

There is no certainty as to how serious Nate is in answering and how appropriate he is in answering.Stale and the others also decided that all the topics Pride had spoken to him had begun with the stories around him, including introducing themselves as the first person to meet.

That’s why Nate boiled his business to the pride of never getting along.That’s why I asked Stale about his greatest suspicion of class absenteeism one step ahead of Pride.

As a result, he was only buying the anger of hardworking student Powell who heard of his own selfless or inexplicable reasons.It was unexpected that Powell would be angry with Stale and the others, but at the same time, I don’t think it would be impossible.

Schools are basically designed for students who wish to study.In addition, even the students for dating purposes were firmly present in the class, but when I heard the reasoning from him who had even abandoned his duties and used only the classroom, I was just unhappy to buy from the students who were seriously combining study and work.

“Yes… no, I’m not sure.Just because I felt that way… ”

“Your opinion is enough to prove it.”

“Wow, Jack, I didn’t realize anything about it.”

Confirmed by pride, Arthur assured Arthur that he was scratching his head unconfidently.

Stale, his partner, best understood that his eyes were sensitive to people’s facial expressions.Powell also listened to Stale’s assertions and was impressed.

I should have heard Nate’s story from Pride, but I didn’t notice the discomfort at all.

Even though Stale and Powell didn’t notice any changes at all, Arthur’s expression changes were obvious.But above all, Arthur and Stale still can’t figure out why he tried so suddenly to deceive us in that scene.

… I knew it…

Hyah… my whole back got cold as a cold breeze.

I don’t know Arthur as well as Stale, but I think Pride would be worthy of his credit if he said so.Above all, Pride knows very well that he is not just a person who speaks disgraceful lies and half-certifications.

That’s why Arthur told me that Nate’s “credible” reaction was a big clue to his current situation.

Originally, if I assembled one by one with a good head that worked even more, it would already have been fully shaped.Although she didn’t get to the core during the lunch break earlier, Nate was able to get most of the information she needed.

The facts I last confirmed to Nate, and the hypotheses that would have been assembled had I obtained Arthur’s opinion in the extreme, are only true.That way, everything will be satisfactory to him.

… we need to help.

The will sticks straight into your head.

Now, if he was being hunted down as he feared, and if there were more tragedies ahead, there was one thing to do.

She is convinced that the reason why he retreated from class, the reason why he went to school, and the reason why he became emotional about Powell’s words, and the scolding of others are all the result of what he has.

However, it is still not as irrevocable as the game.It was only for Pride to confirm that.I decided to go to Nate’s classroom as soon as the next break was over.

If he waits for me, I can step on one more step.I thought it would be quick from today, but I stopped there.Even though it is confirmed in me, there is no conclusive evidence of it.

I would be lucky if Nate told me a few things that I had said, but I realize it would be difficult to figure out how it would be during lunch break.At the very least, I hope that you will consider the options presented next.

I instilled mistrust in Nate because of myself.If I could get along better in that place, I might have gotten along better with Powell.Now Powell and Nate, who seem to be in the opposite position, know from the memory of the previous life that they both have very kind roots.

There is no contact between Nate in the second and Powell in the third, but in reality, I think it is a sufficiently fateful contact just to go to the same school.Once this case is resolved and Nate starts taking classes normally, it won’t be difficult to reconcile with Powell.

… well, even in the game, Nate was scrambling around the class.

When I think about the setting of the game’s Nate, I think there’s nothing I can do about it, but I think it’s pride.

Because “that” was the only significance for the game Nate and the current Nate.At the start of the game, go to Las Boss, and now you must go to another opponent.

No matter how many protagonists Amrett asks not to go to class, more than that, I think he was just as troubled as he is now, swinging around with her who got along a little bit.And he must have been more lonely than anyone else.

That’s why I wish I could be one of my friends to him, who is clearly isolated in reality as well as in the classroom.Of course, the most important thing is to solve his problem.

“The truth is… I wish you could talk to him.”

Hah… she murmured in her mouth, and instead she exhaled a big sigh.

Say goodbye to Powell, who took me down the hallway, and go back to the middle with Stale and Arthur, hoping she finds it difficult.

If it’s true, I’d like to move right after school today.And I think I’m going to move if I need to.Even if he escapes the worst now, he’s still being chased.And I really don’t want to forgive it for a minute or a second.

However, “prediction” and “special ability to know weaknesses” can only move under the name of truth.

In order to do that, we need to ask for more confirmation and a few more words from Nate himself during the next break.

… help me. If you could just say one word and tell me everything, it would be the fastest.

But it’s also difficult for us who don’t have enough trust.

With that in mind, Pride returned to the classroom.


“Help me! Hey!… someone!!”

Somewhere on campus.

There were two students all calling for help.Even if the pre-bell rings at the end of the lunch break, they can’t move on the spot asking for help.Fifteen minutes had already passed since I raised my voice with someone else instead.They can’t start classes and go back to the classroom as usual.Instead of classrooms, there was nowhere else to go now.

“Somebody!! Whoa!!… hey, what do we do?Pretty bad, huh? ”

I kept calling and breathing.

Besides, if you’re on lunch break, you’re still in class.There are no students passing by.

My only hope is to be surrounded by guards and teachers, but I don’t know when they’ll pass us by.In the meantime, when their throats had dried up, it was over, and it was not unusual for them to go from crisis to sweat to thirst. They closed their mouths and looked at each other.

Now it’s the third time. If you didn’t find me at the next four limits and drop out of school, I knew it would be the biggest crisis in real life.

“They’ve gone somewhere… they’ve been completely left behind.”

“Damn it…! What the hell is going on…?!”

They grip their teeth and grip their fists, recalling the person they abandoned.

There are not zero people who know that they are being driven away by the current situation.It is right to think that they have been abandoned even when they know that they have been left behind, and even when they think about it from where no help has yet come.

Did they set themselves up, or a third party?Worst case scenario, I think they are going to leave us alone and sell away when the after-school eyes are gone.No, on the contrary, the most terrifying thing is that they won’t find us until we’re dead.It’s not impossible.Because now they’re here.



Another sound is thrown into the space where we could only hear each other’s breaths.At the same time, I could hear footsteps that had never been heard before approaching us from a short distance.

Hey! No way! Somebody help me!and the two shouted again in haste.The sudden sound of footsteps and uncomfortable laughter don’t bother me now.It was stronger to say that someone was lucky enough to come through.

Hey, there you are!!And many times they lifted up their throats, but the LORD of the voice hastened not to reply in the first place, rather than to hasten his steps.However, they only understand that the footsteps approaching at regular intervals stopped snapping along the way.And he looked up, and opened his mouth, and glanced, and desperately searched for the LORD of voice.

Deep, deep, from the bottom of the hole.

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