The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1144

And dig it out.

“What is it? It’s still coming out.”When you got caught in my pit, you were better, but have you slept in the grass yet?”

Stand up to the edge of the pit and break your legs to relax there.

The man who dared to pretend that he had done it threw a voice without peeking into them from the hole.The two students who looked up at the ground at the bottom of the hole took a breath and said, “Did you do it?!”He roughed up his voice.

I don’t even know why they were targeted by that voice, which I don’t hear at all.However, from the moment that men say it, it is only the core that they have relinquished it from the moment they fall to the present day and made a high-profile sightseeing.

“What do you mean?! What grudges do we have!?”

“Don’t think this is going to be free.”

The fact that I was trapped, not in an accident, seeped slightly from the impatience earlier.As soon as they suddenly stepped on their feet, their feet collapsed and they were trapped in the bottom of the ground, it was clear that the man on the ground was the enemy.

But when they yell, the man spreads his uncomfortable smile with his cheek wand on his knees.No matter how much you threaten, it doesn’t change that you’re the absolute priority.It was nothing but a loser’s howl. It was just a pleasure.In addition, listening to their arguments makes me even think of it as a nostalgic dialogue.

Try poking it and let it out with the feeling of throwing pebbles at the surface.

“What kind of grudge is this?Ahahaha! That’s the dialogue between the kids who got caught up in it. ”

In that word, they lost their word this time.I finally understand why we’re seeing things like this.

Men had no idea what they looked like without peeking into a hole.As the person doing it often said, it was typical of a dwarf who used to be at the end of the lower class and in the back street.I think it was fun to see these orgasms in the old days being killed half way over the top.

“Well, it was a complete” coincidence “that Temee and the others” just “fell into the pit.I was worthy of “digging hard.”

While laughing at Kera Kera as if she could hear her, while they were upset, she lined up all the lies and chatter.

Actually, it’s not just a coincidence.And there was no way to dig a pit in advance where the man himself was sweating and didn’t know who would fall.But at the bottom of the hole without any negative material, they can only swallow it honestly.

“Listen quickly, huh? Temee, what the hell did you ask those kids?Who sent you? And… ahh?Well, obviously, I’d like to hear that you’re targeting a low-level kid. ”

I don’t care what happens when you just give me what I need.The man throws them questions as instructed by Stale and Jill Vail.

When asked by men who clearly knew they were looking into them, they looked at each other in astonishment.I said “who” and “not good” with a lurking voice, but I can’t lead you to the conclusion of what to do.

Men obviously know what they are doing.In other words, I understand that both of us got caught in a fishing line.

Lunch break. They “as usual” grabbed the junior students away from the others and dragged them into the back of the building.Confirming that they were not attached to other students, they only interrogated, threatened, and silenced the frightened students as usual.I drove an eye-catching junior student against the wall… by the way, my feet collapsed suddenly.

When he suddenly felt like the ground was sinking in, he turned his eyes on the next moment with a falling shock, and the students he brought in ran away without knowing why.

Students who lost sight without checking the bottom of the hole don’t think that the high school students who suddenly tried to bring them in fell to such a depth that they could not crawl up on their own.For those who had originally lived in the lower classes of insecurity, the avoidance habit of “let’s run away” was stronger without going deeper into the opponent who had been malicious to them.It is a common sense that people who “pretend not to see” or “forget” that they do not have a relationship with each other basically become infested with living.

And the man who threw the bad student at the bottom of the earth… Val knew it well.

After that, not long after the students were taken away, the lunch break ended and the class was left behind.And he was literally looking up on the wall behind the school building, looking for help, and he finally got to the point.

“You don’t know, do you? Or can’t you say?Then you can wait until you change your mind. ”

Having received some “permission” from Pride, he was in a good mood to recall his long feelings.

I dare to enjoy the taboos that have not been permitted under slave contracts until now, if I can.Normally, he would never fit others into a pit or trap them like this.That’s why this was just his “pleasure.”

“But… the ground was easily dug.An amateur hole might collapse at any moment.When you bury yourself alive, you think you were unlucky and give up? ”

Hahahaha!! and another fun laugh fell from the top of the high school students’ heads.

Val’s words also turned pale.The men above us now are seriously enjoying their situation.If you suck, you may actually fill the hole or leave it like this.I’m afraid of retaliation when I cut my mouth, but more than that, their lives are in danger.

I had to say, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Parallax shook the sand over her head and raised her voice as if one of the students had been pierced with a stranded thread.The moment Val raised his stupid voice, he laughed loudly.It’s fun, isn’t it? I play with them with the feeling of pouring water into the nest of ants as I throw them at the bottom of the hole.

“Hey, I’m just looking into it.If Teme and the others don’t come to Pradesh again after divulging the information, they won’t find out until the leak.It’s cheap money and Teme’s life. ”

“Don’t cross the gate of the school twice” secretly, telling the fact that you leaked the information to disappear, I’ll throw it as if I had come up with a good idea.

Of course they know Val’s spirit well.That is why I hesitated to get on with his invitation here.It’s nothing but shame that someone who doesn’t know where they are, whether they’re a student or a teacher, made them good.When I got out of here, I would definitely rip that man apart, and I ate his teeth.


“?! Uaahh… muuuuuuuuu!! Oh, you’re kidding!!”

Wowaahhh?!, and immediately after the sound of the fingers playing, they would raise their voice so loud that they couldn’t afford to think together.

Val’s special abilities suddenly caused the inner wall of the pit to collapse from the surface.It was an unimaginable fear for them to pour dirt into the bottom of a hole that was just a surface but no escape.

As only the words of falling, burying, dying fell on their heads many times, one begged for help!!.

The other one, who was trying to shut his mouth, shouted in his chest with confidence that Val was not going to kill him in earnest.But both of their reactions are just pleasant to Val.They continue to expect confusion, frustration, and indignation.

“I’ve come up with something good.”Now as if I had thought of it, I dropped the sand again into the hole with my brown fingertips.

“I’ll change the conditions in three minutes.If you didn’t break your mouth by then, “either” of Teme et al.I’ll only ask those who survived by killing each other in the hole. ”

When I thought about it well, I finally lost my blood color from both faces when I said, “I don’t need either of you.”

Instead of angering both of them, they could not afford to be wounded, and collapsed at the bottom of the hole.I felt painful to breathe because I thought maybe it was because of my mind or maybe even the oxygen was getting thinner.I don’t even realize that I’m going to hyperventilate in too many situations.

I had no idea that on campus, and on the side that targeted the students, they would be forced into such demonic conditions.They were the ones soaked in the backyard business, but I’m not prepared to be killed like this.And above all, for the client of the job who received a little tasty pocket money feeling, there is not enough readiness and stepsister to endure here again.

Okay, I’ll talk, I’ll tell you everything, so they all begged for help before Val said “two more minutes” for the prank.

“… heh? So, what’s this” lyer “?”

While listening to the two people who had hesitated to say that as long as they knew it as a lie, Val thought it was an easy job.

His role is only to protect the lower-level students who are targeted and to interfere with defective students.And I was further ordered to do what I could, so that the student would never let another student do it again.And to get their information out.

I don’t think other people would be able to do the same thing if I just dropped it in a hole and shook it so easily.

People who don’t see themselves, don’t spit out information, and who leak information run away from their employers before they find out.Besides, when I asked them who they were, Val decided that it wouldn’t be a problem to be a little too rough.He laughed individually that he should never come near the school again.

“Hey!! I told you everything!! Let me out!!”

Numbness is caused by the absence of any reaction from Val even after exhausting the information.

But soon after they said it themselves, they regretted it.I didn’t really miss the fear of being buried alive and killing each other.I realize now that I’m in the wrong order.

I wonder why they talked about everything before they got out of the hole.

“Ah? I guess so. Then I’ll teach you a great lesson from me.”

Shivering, they trembled all over their bodies at a throw that only seemed ominous.

I can’t afford to think of a man as a high school person, a teacher or an outsider.Forget how to breathe, and raise your nails to the earth to pray.Now, if you make any inadvertent remarks, that’s the last of them, sharpening your ears with words thrown without moving.

“Stay out of this kid forever.”


Shortly after the fingers snapped again, the walls of the rattles and holes collapsed again.As they uttered the voice of the Terminator, the high laughter of Hihahaha and Val echoed, as they painted it, far from the pit.

Val laid a hole of chaos so much that he could not catch up with his understanding that he had been deceived, exploited, and fitted.Now that Pride has allowed me to skip during class, I think it’s finally getting interesting.It was a good distress for him to watch a man step in the middle prepare for death and regret it.

“It’s fun, isn’t it? School is fun.”

Having laughed as bad as ever, he left the scene, muttering alone.

… it was only thirteen minutes after the end of the third limit that the guards, who had been designated by Prime Minister Jilbert as the “Essential Areas to Go Around After Each Class”, discovered two students who had lost consciousness due to “coincidence” in the dirt.

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