The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1152

And it moves.

“I think I’m good, too.If we can make it, we might be able to order it regularly at the castle. ”

“The boulder is Mr. Pride. Prince Leon will be delighted.”

Looking forward to it, Prime Minister Gilbert laughs gracefully after Stale.

Perhaps Chancellor Gilbert would like to make a deal…. yeah, I’m sure you want it.

In addition, Tiara threw a bright voice at Arthur and the others behind me, saying, “What do you think?”Looking back at Tiara’s gaze, the Kintetsu Knights who suddenly blinked at what they were talking about quickly agreed, “I think it’s good.”

“I’m sure everyone wants it!We can’t help ourselves by inventing Streamstone and Special Capabilities. ”

“Yes, but if the reputation spreads, it could be something we’d like to see in the castle.”

“Me too! Prince Leon, I’m sure he’ll buy it.”

“Aside from whether it can be made, is it worth proposing?… at least it’s more common sense than flying umbrellas, and certainly safer than “door keys.”

Captain Alan, Lieutenant Eric, Arthur, and Captain Column will be pleased to support you.

I’m sure the four of us are more familiar with the life and feelings of the castle than we are, and if you think it’s better than that, there’s no doubt.Stale was satisfied with the words from Arthur and the others and said, “It’s settled.”

I’ll suggest it first, then leave it to Nate’s ideas, abilities and skills.I don’t think we can make the exact same thing, but if we can make something similar, it’ll definitely be a nice invention with his hands.

“I’m worried about Nate’s working hours.The embarrassment from Captain Column seems to be in class, but as a result his working hours have been cut.But that’s why we can’t just ignore the abandonment of class.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ”

Finally, I understand that Stale’s words, which all at once tired of lowering his voice, refer entirely to Val.

Until now, Val had been attending classes, but he was also allowed to skip classes as a result of this leap.Well, in his case, the formal expulsion as a subsequent school has also been decided.

But Nate is a genuine student.I have no choice but to take the class now, but if we can solve the problem, he will take the class seriously…. maybe.

At present, it is quite a burden for him to make yet another invention in a week because of the class, which has prevented him from carrying out the invention work that he has been skipping.I wish I could take a break from school, but I can’t do that either.

“Oh, if that’s the case,” replied Prime Minister Gilbert calmly.Immediately noticing our gaze, Chancellor Gilbert smiled with anticipation at the tone that had already come to mind.

“I didn’t take classes for a long time, I personalized other classrooms, and I went into a locked area.Perfect, and he’ll be suspended for a week from tomorrow. ”

Along with the punching and clapping of hands… a felony conviction was handed down.

I was told with a smiling smile and my open mouth couldn’t be blocked.The braced stale said, “I see,” but I can’t say anything.Tiara said, “That’s right!” I was surprised to hear her voice play.

No, it’s true that in this world, schools are a new institution that has just been created, and it’s not unusual.Everything will be the first attempt.

There is no punitive game to contact parents because there is no phone number or address book, and there is no “suspension” or “bad student” image.While there are already dropouts, other students don’t care so much about the degree of suspension.

Even if he can’t come to school for a week, Nate’s classmates are unusual for him to attend class, and he won’t mind.

Above all, that’s all the students who skipped class were suspended from school…… that’s a bad way to put it, but it’s also a gesture to other students.If students who don’t come to class properly are told by the school that they will be played, they can also prevent imitation of Nate.

However, to be honest, it sounded bad to my heart that I tend to come back because I didn’t forget my previous life and became a student.

In my previous life, I never had a stupid suspension of students from school life or elementary to high school. In fact, when I received such a suspension, it was a big incident that resonated not only with the surrounding eyes, but also with grades and pathways…. I think this world without exam wars is in a sense very peaceful.Instead, we all work young.

In this world, I think that the suspension of school still feels like a prohibition for parents to go out.

“…! But where should Nate invent in the meantime?Even if the boulder enters the empty classroom again, it’s a problem….. ”

“Sure, but he wouldn’t want to leave school…. Jilbert, can I borrow your mansion? ”

“No, that’s not recommended.Even in my mansion, you will be questioned about the introduction of Jeanne.

If you’re a friend of Pride’s, you’re welcome, but Prime Minister Gilbert, who is shrugging his shoulders, quickly broke Stale.Apparently, I was just trying.

For a moment, I thought about Lieutenant Eric’s parents’ home again, but it was too much trouble for the boulders.Stale probably thought about it first, so he threw it at Prime Minister Gilbert.Nate is not a bad boy in a man’s house, and in that sense, he can be trusted…I wish I had a friend who could rely on Nate.Nate was in school because he didn’t have one.

“… pride…. one suggestion.”

My shoulders sway with the voice of Stale, released with a slowly suppressed voice.

Apparently Stale came up with the same thing.Prime Minister Gilbert opened his eyes slightly surprised.

As Tiara leans her head, I feel the edge of my mouth twitching a little.Looking at Stale with only his eyes moving, Stale’s mouth pressed against the black edge of his glasses and laughed.

“You were just there. There are plenty of rooms, homeowners, and even” classmates “who don’t know who we are.


I knew it, Fluorescent genius designer Stale. There’s no way you won’t notice what I noticed.

I heard Arthur standing behind me murmuring, “No way.”… yeah, I don’t think so.

Almost simultaneously, Lieutenant Eric, Captain Alan, Captain Column, and Prime Minister Gilbert also noticed, leaving Tiara alone and my shoulders already narrowed.

No, but it’s a boulder, and it comes out to my throat, but it’s definitely the only one.I consciously tied my lips and waited silently for the continuation of the stale to be released.

“It won’t hurt just to say it.Ask your Farnham sister and brother for help.There are a number of available rooms for them now, and I wonder if there is a problem for about a week.If you’re worried, patrol the guards and knights. ”

Farnham Sisters and Brothers. … and they’re the only ones who’ve just renovated your home.

After listening to Stale’s suggestion, it took me a while to say that.I am very sorry and can’t stay.

Prime Minister Gilbert agrees somewhat, but for us, the Farnham sisters and brothers will rent a room to others.

“Speaking of Jeanne’s favor, at least Dios and Helene can help.”

Chloe shouted to Stale in silence.

From now on, all I can think of is Croy exhaling with a disgusting face.I mean, if you ask me, I’d rather ask Prime Minister Stale and Gilbert, who were mainly teachers, or Cedric, who had the most powerful special cards…. I can’t ask Cedric because it’s irrelevant this time.

With that in mind, Captain Alan shouted unexpectedly from behind.

“Should I go and ask for help now?You’ll be able to ask the boulder for the day, and if you just ask, it’ll be quick. ”

“! Then I’ll go myself.I’m familiar with my Farnham sister and brother. ”

Flushing Stone Captain Alan, we’re moving fast.

I don’t think you’re going to let your superiors go any further. Lieutenant Eric, raise your hand.

Honestly, it’s very helpful. We have to be kids again, and the guards will be a big deal together.If you are a knight, you are generally trustworthy even if you are walking around, and all of the Kintetsu knights have met with the Farnham sisters and brothers, except for Lieutenant Harrison…. No, I wonder if Lieutenant Harrison is seeing Chira.

Thanks for the suggestion, Stale slowly got up from the sofa when he smiled back.

Well, it’s a corner, so would you two please?The Farnham sisters and brothers would be at home at this time of year, and it would be over in an instant with instantaneous travel. ”

It’s just a breakthrough.

Even a knight can’t say no, but he’s gonna let you two go!Besides, it seems that it is Stale who says it is now, not later.

Sure, there are two of them on guard duty and rest time, and I can’t take up wasted time.According to Stale, who knows where the Farnham house is, it’s a quick round trip.

On the contrary, Captain Alan and the others who had stepped forward said to me, “Is that okay?” They sent me back from Stale, but they also gave me a smile.

“This is what I’m asking you to do,” said Stale, telling him to give the signal when the negotiation was over and moving them around in a moment…. you won’t even tell me if I’m there anymore.

“S, Stale… is that really good?Farnham sisters and brothers are hard to say no to a knight….. ”

I’m sure it was because I was confused and I could see hesitation.

When I peered at Stale as I narrowed my voice, I smiled back black.

“It’s okay, that’s all you have to say.And Chloe is a man who can definitely say no if he really doesn’t want to. ”

… that’s true.

Ngu, as he swallowed the words, he felt his gaze and turned around, pouring a gaze like Arthur was stunned at Stale.Because the place is a place, I keep it, but I can tell only by my eyes that I want to say, “I don’t know you.”

“I’d like to see the Farnham sister and brother on my next school tour.”

“These are pretty funny kids.I wonder if my sister would like Tiara-sama. ”

I smile bitterly at Prime Minister Gilbert, who carries tea to my lazy mouth with Tiara who plays his voice pleasantly without even paying attention to his black-and-white brother.

Well, I think twins come to see Cedric regularly in less than a month, rather than touring…. well, in Tiara, who is still avoiding Cedric, it may be quite unlikely to see him.

Then, I noticed Captain Alan’s signal, and it didn’t take long for Stale to pick them up.

The two of us who came back from an instant trip with Stale… gave us the key with a slightly closer look to laughing.

Obviously not from the Farnham family, give me the keys.

… boulder cloy.

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