The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1153

II193. I receive twins.

I don’t like it.

Exactly. Alan and Eric visited Crowe, who told the two knights so, and couldn’t get any closer.

I see. I can’t help it.Against the two laughing gently with their shoulders down, Dios, the twin brother, protested.

“Why!! It’s about one of the rooms, though Jeanne is in trouble!”

“Did you hear what I said? It’s Jeanne I’m asking for, but it’s someone else.What happens if someone steals my precious home? ”

“But Chloe, if you’re a friend of Jeanne’s, you must be a good girl…?”

Despite two to one, Chloe didn’t bend at all.

It was surprising when the two knights visited in white group clothes to talk to him. He was just as scared as Dios and Helene, but when I heard that Jeanne had asked me to go around, I felt a little better.It is not the knight in front of us who is of service to us, but Jeanne who has no reason to be nervous.

Sister Helene and eldest son Dios were delighted by the requirement to rent a room to a middle school student for only a week, explained by two knights.If it was a request from Jeanne, and even a referral from two trusted knights, there was no problem.

I was able to trust Eric, who had already accompanied Jeanne to the study group, and Alan, who had helped Cedric’s escort and paint the house, more than three ordinary knights.

But Chloe hung up strongly on them saying, “If Jeanne asked me to,” “Is it really just an empty room?”

Alan and Eric, I don’t think there’s any other way to refuse Chloe.

He’s right, lending only school time means that no one is home while Nate is in the room.I might not have been so alert at least while someone was at home, but renting a room to someone else is such a big deal.Nothing is more restless than being occupied by others.

Secretly, Jill Vail proposed to strengthen the tour, but there is no way to say it here.

“If Jeanne uses it, I can lend it to her anyway.How can you trust such a stranger?I wish I could be a teacher or a knight. ”

“That’s right… but we don’t know, but Jeanne knows him.”

“You have no idea who Jeanne can trust.How many ordinary people have been introduced to Jeanne before?The royal family, the knights and all the other crazy guys. ”


The two knights laughed together at Croix, who said that it was good to be pride in renting out the room to Angry Helene.This means that we have so much trust in Pride.

I don’t care much about what Chloe’s “unusual” people are adding to them.Originally, the Knights of the Kingdom of Freesia were easily treated like that when it comes to fighting from other countries.Both of them, who cannot use their special abilities, are well off track.

Still, Eric forgave Helene for trying to be angry with the knight, saying, “It’s okay.”She was not as bloody as when I first met her, and her voice was too tense to breathe.

“But you were just a good guy!”

“Not necessarily this time.What if, in fact, Jeanne and the others were fools?This house could be taken from you.What if they steal memories of you and your mom? ”

Dios’ onslaught was still windy on Croix’s willow.

I can’t say anything because I know that Helene is right about what Chloe says.I would like to help Jeanne, but the price is certainly too high in the worst case.For us, this house is the greatest possession left to us by our parents.

Muggle, Dios squeezes his mouth and stares at the same face as himself, but it doesn’t work for Crowe at all.Dios put too much force into his face and turned slightly into a red tide. This time, Alan smiled lightly to forgive him for saying, “That’s so sweet.”

“We just stopped by because we wanted you to ask.We’ll tell Jeanne. ”

“I’m so sorry.I visited him on my own while I was studying.It was an emergency….. ”

Following Alan, Eric lightly lowers his head to the oldest Helene.

Neither one of the knights is going to be forced.I think it is better to just get a reply.If the Farnham family were to fail from now on, the next option could be considered immediately.

… as a result, Eric laughed bitterly, prepared in his heart that he might be renting his home again as a last resort.

It’s a way to avoid it if possible, but I don’t think the prides have already envisaged it.On top of that, I think that what you are proposing to others rather than yourself is that you are already thinking about the burden on yourself.

“Suddenly… is Jeanne and the others sticking something in your neck again?”

“Eh! So you’re in a hurry not to make it to school tomorrow, because Jeanne couldn’t come directly?”

“Ma ahh? I don’t know.It’s not like I’m gonna get hurt. It’s okay. ”

“Instead of being late, we just have to find the address by tomorrow.Don’t worry, it’s not like I don’t have any other addresses. ”

Alan and Eric forgive Chloe and Dios for their words.

However, only the back of my chest was ticklish about Crowe’s remarks.Besides, Dios and Helene are very anxious because they really take it seriously.The two knights also chose to try not to bother them as much as possible.

Then Chloe repeated “other…” small again.Eric noticed a slight tingling of his lips.At the same time, I realize that I have “fallen” into the dialogue I said.He knows quite well the subtlety of the boy’s mind.

“… are you a boy or a girl who wants to rent out that room?”

Suddenly, Chloe’s voice was obviously flat, throwing another question.

Eric worries whether to be honest or not, as he thinks it’s bad for the coolness of the dare.After all, I think it would be better to put convenience in here with a girl student.

I don’t want to come here and let the wave of pride into my student life because of us.But Alan answered faster than he did.

A boy student. When Alan asked me to rent the room, Alan decided that the presentation of the information would be optional.

In response, Dios said, “Well, it’s not Amrett,” “Powell or something,” and “Powell seems to have a home… don’t you remember that Dios and Croy are friends of Jeanne’s?Unlike Helene, who asks, only Croy returns his heel to the house silently.

“Where are you going, Chloe? You’re still on your way!”

“Just a minute. Just a minute.”

Croy shouted at Dios with his back.

I thought Eric and Alan left because they didn’t want to talk anymore, but I don’t know why Chloe is back in the house here.I stopped thinking about whether it would be better for them to wait.

I couldn’t help but apologize to my sister and waited on the spot, returning the words to Dios who was eager to know what had happened to Jeanne.And it was really quick for Chloe to come back.

Returning with a look of frustration, Croy gripped his right hand firmly.Once again, he lined up next to Dios, pointing his fist slowly towards Eric.

“… this. Can you give it to Jeanne?”

Judging from the words and the direction of his fist, Eric leaned his neck and opened his palm underneath.

As Alan and Dios peeked into it, the little key was passed from Crowe’s hand.A glance at it shows that it is different from what is used for their single-family home.I repeat the blinking twice, and then I say, “What is this?”When Eric asked, Chloe answered with a calming voice.

“It’s the key to my dorm.I don’t use it anyway, so if you don’t break the room and clean it at the end, you can do it on your own.Because I haven’t used it once because I got the privilege of being a special student. ”

Exclusive benefits.

Various benefits given with scholarships.One of them was living in a dorm for free.However, none of them occupy the room, whose priority is to live in their own home and family.I received the key, but it was supposed to be kept there.

Since the dormitory is still vacant with a large capacity, the room is currently allowed to be occupied without use, and Kroy remains the landlord.

Eric nodded loudly with his mouth open as convinced, and Alan murmured as if he had never heard of such a privilege.We both know about special students and scholarships, but we don’t know the details because we are not students.Eric went to the front door, and Alan was the main escort in the special classroom, which had nothing to do with the special room.

“Thank you,” they both thanked again, but Chloe also said, “No, thanks from the knight.” He raised one hand to his chest and said no.

“If you thank me, I will definitely thank Jeanne, not from the knight, but tomorrow, directly, to us…. just tell him to come and tell me.Thank you very much, Knight, for all your hard work.Thank you very much to Jeanne. ”

That said, Croy lowered his head deeply again, even if he turned to Alan alone and said, “Thank you again tomorrow.”Cedric’s guards, Alan and the Farnham brothers, meet almost every day.

Alan’s face twitched slightly while returning a thank you from Chloe.I know he doesn’t have a problem, but one word, from Croy, says, “Come and thank me directly tomorrow, will you?And Jeanne certainly felt the pressure on Pride.

I seriously wonder if the day will come when he will know the truth to Croix, who is telling the First Princess to thank herself instead of the knight.

“That’s not good!I would have had the keys to the boys’ dorm!”Eric thinks that this is going to make Second World War angry again,” he says, raising his shoulders and returning, “I don’t think it’s too late to think of Dios.”

Helene also felt it and urged with a modest voice, “Please go.”

Waiting for two fights like this drains extra time.The two of us who had to return to Pride also decided to be sweet to our words.Once again, I thanked the three of them and left early enough to call Stale.

“… I don’t know, Croy must have been mad at you for something else, right?”

“Because I’m still a teenager. I bet Jeanne didn’t like to rely on anything other than herself.”

Young, young, they called Stale with a half-laugh.

Whether Jeanne didn’t come directly to ask for help, or if she had someone close to her besides herself, Powell and Amrett, or if she had someone else to rely on in this castle, all of Eric’s remarks would have saved Chloe’s frustration of getting pinned down with a little needle.

Maximize concessions and cooperation while holding the clump in your hand.

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