The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 39

34. The knight or the gainer can scorch.

“What the hell?”

Are you sure you’re a pride?

“There are no recruits who can move like that.”

The knights are screaming.

Everyone in the Knights was making a scene that they had to stop somehow when Lord Pride showed up.

But in an instant, everyone lost their word.

At first, he was the man at the rearmost.

He turned to Master Pride and waved his sword, saying, “What is this kid?”

At that moment, when Lord Pride twisted his body and jumped into the pocket of the man who had left the gallows empty, he waved his sword back to his feet without hesitation.

Zashh, a man held both legs down and rolled along with the meat cut man.

Everyone opened their mouths and doubted their eyes.

To the fact that a girl of only eleven years old slashed and lay down a large adult without getting her hair in between.

Even then, Lord Pride’s onslaught continues.

He twisted his arm up, took his move.

Avoid using swords that are swept up by force.

If she waved the sword, surely it took away the opponent’s freedom of hands and feet.

What the… what’s that guy…?

When I realized, I was blinded by the way he fought.

It was the warrior himself who did not cower his opponent’s sword or fist, but merely controlled his opponent without being frightened by its blood splash.

At that time, everyone was still just stunned to see the sight.

But I took a breath when Gorotsuki bundled up and jumped at Master Pride.

Big men attacked at the little body, so much so that I couldn’t see her covered up on its back.

But the next moment she reappeared. Kick off the men’s feet, let them fall the other way and a flash of the exact sword takes away the freedom of their feet.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.”

All the knights watching the footage cheered on the spot.

“… wow…”

Unexpectedly, the exclamation leaks.

I even thought the fight was beautiful.

The gun was next.

Shoot Lord Pride with a gun picked up by a man deprived of his leg freedom. Yet soon after frightening, Master Pride disappeared. The man behind Master Pride is shot instead and falls. For a moment, eh. and everyone leaked their voices. But at the next moment Master Pride appears from above. I jumped and dodged, in that moment.

“Yes, you should use this.”

When Lord Pride said with a light word as he picked up the gun, he suddenly rolled onto the spot.

Did someone hit you, or did you twist your leg? That’s what I thought between bundles, and Gorotsuki both scream and fall if I think the dry sound of the gun sounded over and over again.

“Is it still like pride that you sniped earlier?”

Someone in the knight speaks up.

I’m sure it is.

For no reason, even while I am so sure, Master Pride rolls and shoots, rolls and shoots, Gorotsuki screams as much as the sniping noise, and falls.

If you noticed, my physical tremors had stopped.

“Is that… a special ability?

“No, Master Pride is a foreseeable man. Impossible to have a special ability to snipe.”

“But that sniper… we’re not even close.”

The knights say it orally.

My father’s proud knights were chosen for this country and the elites.

They all acknowledge the strength of a girl smaller and thinner than me.

It was an incredible sight.

Not long ago, both Gorotsky fell to the ground and only Lord Pride and his father stood there.

“Nah… why…”

Father’s voice was called on the back of Lord Pride, who wandered around.

“Why did you come here?” You know best that this place is dangerous. ”

I relieved my father of his cheerful voice before he felt like he had anything to say or cancer when he was helped around the corner.

Style told me the same thing.

Master Pride is still walking around without worrying about words like that.

… that?

Speaking of which, why is everyone still making a scene when my dad saved my life?

Now we’re done…

“This place will be beneath the rubble.” “You predicted so.”


The moment the thought stops again.

Gaga, gaga, gaga, gaga, gaga, gaga.

A gruesome ground crack, a sounding wooden spirit.

I also saw from the footage over my father’s back whether the cliff had collapsed and the debris was falling all over the footage.

“Lieutenant, the fall of the cliff has begun.”

“Just now! The advance unit has completed the evacuation of the recruits.

“The Knights are on their way to backup, confirming the collapse of the cliff from afar.”

“I checked with the Lieutenant General’s advance unit that the collapse was terrible and it was impossible to get back to the Knights Commander.”

One knight after another cries cross.

What the hell is going on?

You knocked down all the people who were attacking my father, and now you’re all right…

Before I asked Clark for an explanation, one of the knights shouted, “Lord Pride shouted.”

If you look at the footage, it was the moment Lord Pride kicked one of Gorotsuki’s ass towards his father.

The sound of debris is annoying and I can’t hear my voice.

However, when his father caught the man, Lord Pride threw away his sword and cling to his father and Gorotsuki.

As even the knights shouted, “What imitation is that?”, the only words I managed to hear were Lord Pride’s words “your special abilities” shouted at Gorotsuki and Gorotsuki’s fury.

And the next moment.

I don’t know if it’s up or down, but it’s covered in a lot of rubble.

The footage went black.

My father and Lord Pride all disappeared into the rubble.

“Ah, ah, ah…”

Everything really happened in a flash from the fall of the cliff.

I can’t even react.


All I could do was scream in despair.

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