The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 40

35. The knight or the gainer desires.

… it would have been decades.

No, maybe it’s only been a few minutes, actually.

But it was too long for me to be stunned, too much screaming and spitting blood out of my throat.

can’t even sit back and move on the spot with an item dripping.

Why did this happen?

The big rock, which didn’t work its head and was a video perspective, rolled in one way or another, and only completely misguided footage floated in the universe.

I couldn’t even take my eyes off that footage, it was like a shell to take off.

Clark is raising his voice to instruct the knights to search as soon as the collapse settles. The backup who arrived on the ground also said to head to search for all but the protection of recruits.

Yes, it’s a search, not a rescue.

I need to find my father’s body, Lord Pride.

Everyone has a moment when a person dies.

Of course I knew that.

But why?

There’s no way, only questions come to mind.

From behind, the voice of “Sister… to help you, me too,” and the voice of “No! Please calm down, Master Steele. I can hear Clark.

When I twisted only my neck powerless without anything, Master Stayle was shuddering with a bright blue face, “Sister… sister…”.

Yeah, that guy lost his family, too.

I think so as if it were some other HR.

At that moment, I thought lightly that I was already crazy, too.

If Lord Pride is dead, it’s a big problem…

Then why don’t you put it on me?

This is what happened because I made a scene.

That’s good too if that guy gets executed for a reason.

He was so… nice.

… father.

Master Pride’s battle overlaps with his father’s back, and despair reigns.

He’s dead, so easy.

In the end, I couldn’t tell him anything.


“What did you discover in the Knights…”

Clark is even shouting the same thing somewhere again.

I get tired of hearing it because I keep repeating the same dialogue to the broken one.

After a while, I heard from somewhere, and unlike earlier, another video was shown.

Beyond the footage, the knight is coming this way and talking about something.

He’s talking about removing rubble and the Knights Commander on the ground. Then one of the knights touched my shoulder and lent me his shoulder, “Let’s get some air outside,” he said. I almost leaned on the knight and moved out, and I was slowly brought to the wall.

“If anything happens, I’ll come and get you,” he says, and the knight goes back inside again.

In my non-working thoughts, I somehow understood “Oh, you made me look at my father’s body” pale.

You can’t show a kid like me that he’s a corpse of a nasty mess.

The moment I thought about it that much, I imagined my father, who had become a chunk of meat with Lord Pride, and spit it out.

… pitiful.

I took off my shell and looked up at the sky as I took it to the wall.

I heard voices coming from inside the room over the wall, but I don’t know what you’re talking about.

… to my mother, I don’t know what to say.

I’m sure you’ll cry.

My mother was in love with my father.

Every day, every day, waiting for my father to come home.

I laugh happily every time my father comes home.

My father was weak on my mother like that.

My father and I were just fighting, but I liked to see my happy father and mother.

But I can’t see it anymore.

I wonder why I couldn’t do anything.

Why… are you so helpless?

I held my knee and buried my face reminded me of my father’s back again.

‘So watch, my son. of my father as a knight… the last living. ”

Yeah, I was watching it right.

Wow, you looked great.

He doesn’t take a step, he fights to protect his people.

After all, my father was the hero I thought he was.

… Heroes…

“Bring me to that battlefield.”

That look with a sword in one hand and a grand wave

Fighting is vivid, beautiful.

You’re going to beat that number of adult opponents.

It’s really hard to believe…

Dear Pride, you were a total kid more than I was…

He’s dead, both of you.

Two of my heroes died today.

… Sorry.

… I’m sorry.

I’m sorry I’m weak.

I’m sorry I just cried.

I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.

Below fucking… sorry I’m a scumbag human.

I can’t help but hate the wretched self who is weak, pitiful, and just a victim.

─ But what if…

On purpose, the operation conference room becomes noisy.

I could hear the words “you’re lying” or “chief of the knighthood”.

I thought you found my father’s body, and my body trembles.

I’m scared, I don’t want to know, I don’t want to hear it.

Push your face against your knees for as long as you can, and you will have strength in your arms holding your knees.

Batam momentum opened the door well and the vibration rang up against the wall to me.

“Mr. Beresford.”

The voice of a knight who let me out of breath can be directed at me.

That’s the guy who brought me here earlier.

I don’t like it, I don’t want to hear it.

Still, the knight lets me grab my shoulder and turn around.

When I looked up surprised, the knight screamed with excitement as he grabbed my shoulder “Your father…”

─ If you can try again…

The knight draws his arm and runs into the ops conference room.

Inside it was overflowing with uninterrupted enthusiasm.

The knight is making a scene, waving his arms up, screaming.

And the first thing I could clearly hear was…

“No way… I didn’t know it would really help…”

It was my father’s, voice.

I can’t believe it and doubt my ears.

But if you saw the footage, there was definitely a father there.

And beside it is Master Pride.

He stares happily at his father and the knights rushing over, muddy.

He’s alive…!

My father, Lord Pride…

The moment I was taken by that reality, my whole body lost its power.

On the spot he unnecessarily collapsed from his knees, raised his voice and cried.

The whole room is filled with joy and cheer.

─ If you can try again…

I want to protect you with these hands now.

My father, Lord Pride.

All my precious ones.

You know, two heroes.

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