The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 42

And chase.

After dropping off Master Pride, who was left inside the castle with Master Style and Master Tiara while being protected by his squire, he immediately contacted Clark, the deputy commander.

My father arrived with the advance troops at the ambulance where the other recruits were transported.

I’ll follow the Knights to the ambulance, too.

Ambulance building adjacent to the Knights’ practice area.

Dozens of recruits had already been brought in for treatment.

And there now, in a luggage pulled by the advance troops, my father returned with other wounded recruits.

I waited for my father in the shadows, far from the Knights lined up to greet him.

As soon as my father returned, the Knights were overjoyed.

My father, who unloaded the other recruits first and finally got out of his luggage, was quickly surrounded by knights.

Still face-to-face with each of the knights with the same stunned look I saw in the video.

Clark, the deputy captain, jumped first and called his father’s name “Roderick” at the same time as embracing his father. As soon as that happened, one knight after the other jumped at my father.

So finally, I smiled back at my father.

Clark and the knights are all crying and happy for their father’s safety.

I knew it was good, the Knights.

That thought came to my chest.

… I’ll get out in front of my dad too, but I don’t know what kind of rash to meet him.

It was when I was thinking about it and watching how Uzi, my father and the knights were doing.


My father, he fell.

I tried my best to fall on Clark, who lent me his shoulder, as if the thread had broken. Panicked knights and Clark rush to hand him over to the ambulance building.


Finally, I ran out too.


The doctor said there was nothing else in life.

He said he was on a cliff and received first aid for special abilities, and he was fine.

He must have fallen out of his mind, and Clark said he’d wake up soon.

He also received all the treatment, and his father was asleep in an ambulance bed.

He slept in a different room from the other recruits, either because he was the Knights Commander or because he was a terrible weight.

There are two knights watching outside the room, but now it was just me and my dad here.

Clark was also back in the operations conference room because he thought the knights, who went to support the recruits still near the cliff, were going to take them all home from now on.

Next to my father’s bed, he leads me to the wall and I crouch.

Seeing the occasional sound of sleep and the breathing shoulders moving, I realise that my father is alive again.


My father’s here.

When I thought so, my vision distorted again and tears dripped from my eyes, dripping my forehead to hide, pressing my eyes against both knees I held.

I thought I’d never really see you again.

I wonder if this is such a goodbye and if I will regret it for the rest of my life.

How many times have I regretted it since I thought my father was going to die? How many times would I have wanted to start over?

… I know.

My father is a knight.

Even before, there have been many times when a knight dies, and my father has always… and always will. It’s decided to suit his dying eyes again.

It’s just that that wasn’t today. That’s all.

I don’t know when my father will die.

So, what do I want to do by then?

What am I supposed to do without regrets like today?


“… Sa…,… Arthur…, Arthur!

He slaps me on the shoulder and wakes up.

If I noticed, they’d have fallen asleep.

I looked up and there was Clark in front of me.

“… Clark…

“Are you all right? If you’re tired, why don’t you go home once? Mr. Clarissa, aren’t you worried?

… Ah.

Clarissa, that’s my mother’s name.

Speaking of which, I stayed out telling my mother I’d be right back.

Rise off the spot with a sleepy head.

When I asked Clark about his time, he’d already left the house and it had been a long time.

I rushed out to the door of the room, but once I opened the door, I turned around.

My father was still sleeping well.

Make sure you’re breathing with your eyes and relieve yourself.

“I’m going to wake you up now and report on the Knights…. Do you want me to say hello before you go?

Clark, who tells me like he noticed my gaze, seemed a little annoyed to be guessing a lot.

“… nothing good. I’ll be right back when I see my mother.

When I said that and turned my back again, I just got an extra word back from being a good Clark after the word “well”.

“… go back, you jerk off.

“… Shut up.

Clark is a little annoyed that I’ve known anything like this for a long time. They’ve known me since I was a kid, so I can’t fix them now.

I returned the words of Clark that seemed happy with evil, and now it’s time for me to leave the room.


When I got home, I was worried about my mother a lot.

He also said he was worried because he knew the Knights had passed in front of the field and then I left the house immediately and didn’t come straight home.

He asked me a lot about what was going on, whether I was going to the Knights, and whether my father was safe, but I couldn’t help but delude him all.

I went to the Knights, but nothing happened. He said he was late to see Dachi on his way home.

My mother reassured me first, but I’m going out again from now on. He looked worried again when he said he might not be home for a while.

“… hey, I’m going with my father Ng.

That said, he looked weird this time.

You look like you’re surprised, suspicious, laughing.

But if anything happens to me, I’ll come to the Knights. He sent me out once I told him.

Now, don’t ask me anything.

Walk long enough to get to the ambulance. When I entered my father’s sleeping room, my father was already awake.

He woke up only his upper body with a body full of bandages and still seemed to be talking to Clark about something.

Clark instructs me to go inside with just my hands as I continue to report to my father with a father who looks surprised.

Leaning against the corner wall for a while while while in silence, I’m listening, even tomorrow, to talk to Lord Pride about today. I was just talking to him.

“Oh, I also think it would be better if it were sooner. I intend to advise you on the conduct of Lord Pride responsibly.

That said my father’s eyes were like he was ready for something, and Clark also hit the gavel with a slightly worried face about whether he noticed it.

“… ok. Then I will tell you tomorrow, depending on Lord Pride’s handicap.

That’s what Clark nods. Keep looking back at me slowly.

“Hey, Arthur. Where have you been?

I say it as if you knew I wanted to hide what was attached to my father while he was asleep.

I’m really pissed he’s a good reader.

“… I was going to Auntie Ng.

As soon as I heard the words, my father shouted “Become… ⁉” and turned to me physically.

“You… told Clarissa… you told your mother…”

I see my panicking father, and Clark is laughing with pleasure.

“Oh, you can say that. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.”

When I said that and yelled, “Well… good,” I breathed this time, clearly relieved.

“… but I’ll tell you the next time I see you.

My father looks up and opens his eyes to my words again. But I keep ignoring it.

“Because – I say so. My father had a crush on his leg and fell under a cliff collapse. He finally got shot, and he fell asleep after the castle. And then I left a fucking embarrassing will with the hope of dying in the end, and I didn’t even get my mother’s name out there once.”

When I said that, he was my father, who kept telling me everything until I was on my way, but I said something from the way, “Yes, no, to Clarissa from day to day…” But I ignore it all.

“Mother, do you cry? ‘Cause I’m not following you.’ Cause when Temehe gets back, my mother’s gonna scold me, right? Get ready now, motherfucker.”

Yelling so much makes my father look like he’s never seen anything like it before.

When I hear Clark laugh on the side saying, “You can’t hide it this time, Roderick,” maybe what he’s been hiding from us now is not once or twice.

To my father, who just hardens up to think about what to say to me, and finally, I bump into the words I was deciding to say.

“… but you can keep your mouth shut as long as conditions dictate.

When I say it like that, my father reacts thoughtfully. The wound was painful and groaning as I tried to get out of bed as it was.

“Conditions… what is that? Arthur.”

Clark listens on behalf of his groaning father.

My father also looks at me as I endure painful wounds.

“… I want to see Master Pride again.

Now the two of you lose your words.

Round your eyes, look at each other, look at me again.

“Tomorrow’s meeting – that meeting, let me go too. Let Lord Pride see you even if the talks don’t work. I’m not leaving until I see Lord Pride.

“I’ve told my mother I won’t be home for a while,” they both held their heads silently for a while.

We both know very well that I would never pull off a time like this.

After a short period of silence flowed, my father muttered “Clark…” in a voice he seemed sorry for.

Clark sighs accordingly, “Ok… no, not the source, but let’s hope to Lord Pride”.

I won.

With that certainty in my chest, I’ll keep my hands on the door.

“Then I’ll sleep outside.

“Wait, wait, Arthur! You don’t have to sleep outside…”

“It’s not good to rent a castle room even if you have room for Mon to sit around!

He pushes Clark with his arm to pull me back, but at the end of the day, he got his feathers tightened and forced to stop him.

“Why are you so weird and disciplined like Roderick all the time, Arthur?

Clark’s screams wooded throughout the room.

… eventually overnight, I was to go straight to a cluttered fish sleep in my absolutely resting father’s sleeping room until the treatment of the special abilities worked.

“… blanket, won’t you put it on?

“There’s no way you can borrow it.”

Yelling again at my father, who says looking up at the ceiling on the bed.

Honestly, I’d be lying if I told you it wasn’t cold, but I’m fine, and most importantly, I was tempted to use the supplies even though I was forced to push them onto the castle grounds.

I roll on the floor with my properly folded bedding on the edge.

“… meet Master Pride and what are you going to do.

……… ………………………… you know.

Don’t talk to me anymore because I’m going to bed, fucking dad. That’s how I turned my back and circled.

Even myself, I don’t know what I want to talk about.

I just wanted to see that guy again.

My dad really didn’t talk about anything after that, and I fell asleep soon, too.

… After a while, or when I woke up, someone had just hung my blanket.

Pretend to sleep with your eyes closed. The Lord, who blanketed me, said the wound hurt again, roaring small on his way back to bed.

… fucking father.

The next morning, Clark, who had finished the Knights’ early morning exercise and breakfast, came to tell me that he had been allowed to sit with me.

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