The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 43

37. The knight or the gainer realizes,

Line up behind the Knights and walk in the castle.

Everywhere was brilliant and sparkling, and now it’s hundreds of millions dressed the same as yesterday.

My father and Clark were provided with a change of armor, but at this age it was too dassa to get clothes ready to say no. I didn’t want to look more like my father in this outfit in front of the Knights, even if they told me to at least wrap my hair around it.

But now that I was aware of a situation that was too inappropriate for the occasion, I finally understood that my father and Clark had prepared a change of clothes.

Between glances.

Instead of knights, it’s a place where even Clark, the father and deputy commander, rarely get in.

My father and Clark were surprised that they were going to have that room.

All the knights open the way in the middle and split into two hands. No one said anything and waited for Lord Pride to come.

Wait a while, when the time was just right, Master Pride came in.

Unlike yesterday, I walk perfectly dressed in a luxurious dress. Dear First Prince Style, take the Second Princess Tiara with you.

… Oh, you were a princess after all.

Somehow, I finally got a feeling.

He’s a beautiful man.

Yesterday’s standing behavior is like a lie, gracefully, and I get confused by the way I walk slowly.

It’s like someone from another world.

To go with my father and Clark, the Knights kneel, and I learn to do that too.

Standing still, Master Pride speaks up.

“Raise your face.”

Face up to the knights. There, indeed, was the First Princess of this country.

“I have paid for it. Right now, only you and… me and my dear siblings are here.

In keeping with Lord Pride’s words, Lady Steele and Lady Tiara had a light meeting.

“If you have something to say to me, only on this occasion now, I will not blame you for any kind of rudeness.

Tensions run from the Knights.

Then Master Pride began to speak as if he had drawn on it.

“I heard from Stayle. I hear you kept a secret about one of my trips to the field. Thank you.

Clark told me too. He said he was strict about it. I told my mother and Dachi never to tell me again. I also agreed that it would be good for the Knights and Lord Pride.

My father said to Lord Pride, “No… because that would be more helpful as well.” As I answered, I continued my words slowly.

Do you have any experience with swords, sniping or martial arts?

How did you know the ambusher was a special ability man?

Why, single but not left to the other knights, did I head to that scene?

My father’s questioning goes on to blame as does Lord Pride. I was also surprised at my father, who said so tightly to the First Princess, but also surprised that Lord Pride had little experience with swords, sniping or martial arts. I don’t think I can fight like that to a little extent.

I thought you might be hiding that even though you’re really skilled, but for that, you lied poorly.

When I heard about the ability to predict or the limitation of the special abilities of Mr. Steele, I was already a little out of my mind about it, but at the next moment I woke up with my father yelling.

“Still, it’s much better than getting you out on the battlefield.”

Birrible and yelling sounds that even come to the skin and eardrums. I’ve heard it’s been a long time since I’ve been so tight.

“If there was any other possibility that you might not have made it out in time, you should have told the advance unit about the man’s characteristics and left the rest to us.”

Clark tries to calm me down, but I can’t. It was the way I said it when I decided to say it completely and yelled at him.

I was wondering if there was a way you could have helped me, but what my father said was more than that.

… Yes, my father is always right.

The royal family is a special being to be protected before anyone else. And because of that, the people pay taxes and listen to what they say. Even knights put their lives on the line to die for it.

It’s ridiculous that the royal family would risk their lives for a human being below the royal family, even though he is the Knights Commander.

Lord Pride also tied his mouth from time to time so that he could enjoy himself on the way, listening to his father.

The knight even gave his life for the royal family.

The knight gives more than one life to one royalty.

The royal family even has a great impact on the country and the people when one of them dies.

So knights are proud to live and die for their royalty.

Lord Pride’s actions painted mud on the way his father died.

… When I heard that much, I realized that my father wanted to tell me that I should have died there.

Don’t be ridiculous.

I still vividly remember the sense of despair and loss then.

How happy do you think the knights are that Temé’s alive?

How much do I…

“Forget it, if you put yourself in danger, even if my life, the Knight Commander, is not hesitant.”

Shall I beat him up on this spot first?

It was when I thought so and re-gripped my fist hard.

“Shut up.

Master Pride’s clear voice echoed.

Me, my dad, all the knights lose their words.

That much majesty was there.

Not like my father again, everyone solidifies to bitter pressure.

Master Pride stood up slowly.

“You’re right, Commander of the Knights. I have annoyed many with short-circuited behavior. I tried to help you in a way you didn’t want. But.”

Lord Pride’s words are quiet, spinning cold. There was a definite feeling of “anger.”

The last time I cut the word, everyone guessed.

The First Princess of Pride is angry.

“You’re not the only one I saved! You, and the knights you will raise, will save many more people.”

Goosebumps appeared deliberately.

He said that he was not alone in helping a people who could be helped by the knights his father and father would now raise.

She did say that.

It’s worth so much to my father.

He looked down at us just asking, and the first princess continued.

“You don’t understand the value of the Knights, Captain. How much the people involved admire, love, and incline their hearts to you.”

You got it, this guy.

Mine, he knew exactly how we felt, and he put it into words.

I was delighted with that.

“I am royal; I am the first princess and the first heir to the throne of this country! The people of this country are the ones who live for it.

Blood, shivering.

I’m sure I’ll never taste anything like this in my life.

“Who the people live for.”

What a divine being.

And for such a being, the knight says, “Hope and light.

He said that a presence that protects the people directly, and the death of one knight, is big enough to leave many influences ahead.

That’s right.

That’s the knight I’ve always admired.

“Even if you’re not the Knights Commander, and you’re not just a soldier, I must have done the same thing. If you save me when I know I can, I won’t allow you to die unnecessarily.”

I will not tolerate unnecessary death.

How great that word of the First Throne heir would have been for the knights.

That’s when I finally understood.

I had nothing to do with Lord Pride moving to help my father then.

We just happened to be together.

It’s not even sympathy for me.

This guy would have done exactly the same thing if I stayed over there.

I jumped out, fought, and saved my father in the same way.

Save when you know you can… how hard it is to do that and how courageous it will take.

“You are knights and at the same time you are the people of our country. You are a proud people. It is the duty of our royal family to protect our people. If you are to be named knights, regret that you will not be able to save the people you would not have saved in the future than you will not be honored to death.”

Finally, I shook up to my body.

In just a few seconds, I repeated Lord Pride’s last words over and over again.

“Repent that you cannot save a people you have not yet seen, who would have been able to save in the future, rather than not be honored to death.”

I wanted to protect you.

My father, my mother, everyone.

So I regretted not being more of a knight than my father.

Because my admiration was my father.

So I hated being a disgrace to my father any more, and I gave up being a knight.

That time… when I thought my father was going to die

What did I regret?

So far in your life, what did you regret and regret and continue to regret?

“I wanted to be a knight.”

I wanted to protect you.

“I wanted to be strong.”

Who is it?

You disdained me for pushing all my responsibilities on my father to be a knight.

Is that your father? No, my father always told me not to give up, that he wouldn’t even go for a knight now.

When I’m ashamed of my father, it’s too late now, I don’t have the talent, he says I can never be like my father.

You kept killing me over and over again.

This, it’s me.

-… oh, again.

I can’t stop my body trembling.

Keep your hands on it and listen to Master Pride.

I apologize for doing something unsolicited to the knights.

-… and I noticed.

Clark goes on to talk.

It was gratitude for saving my father.

I was uninterruptedly happy that Clark said that to me.

“Repent that you cannot save a people you have not yet seen, who would have been able to save in the future, rather than not be honored to death.”

Also, that word turns my head.

The other knights thank each other with their mouths and lay low.

My father is surprised by one, but his father, admired by so many knights, is now just proud.

At the end of the day I get up too.

I’ve been watching it from behind, so I don’t know if I can do well.

Lay low and stick your forehead to the floor.

Now I just want to thank you.

That you saved my father.

Before you regret it, let me see you again.

I’m scared.

There’s a future ahead where you can’t protect one thing you really want to protect.

“… Now, if you’ll excuse us.

Clark signals and the knight leaves the room with one more.

I’m sure I’ll regret it.

Now that I’ve given up again on this occasion, when I couldn’t save the precious people I might have saved ahead of me.

“Huh… Um! …

Keep your voice down that’s going to turn upside down and manage to turn your tongue.

Lord Pride sees me.

Maybe I don’t know what to remember anymore.

It’s just about me, the pathetic fucking kid who cried out.


“From me, too, … is it good…”

– I still don’t want to give up.

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