The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 961

II67. The dominant girl is struck by surprise.

“Now, please write down the words I say. Let’s start with simple words.”

Use our paper and pen, and Stale lends herself and Arthur’s pen to the Farnham brothers.

I didn’t expect people to lend me the paper and pen. They both used the same brand new ones, so I was surprised to receive them. “Can I use it?” “You’re not going to charge me later…? There is also a slightly suspicious color.

Especially since paper is not cheap at all even if it is a consumable product, I know that I hesitate. Even here, three people who grew up in the mountains could not behave on a large scale, but otherwise, they could not practice writing letters.

You can’t just go out and scribble on the ground every time you rest on a boulder. It is different from the previous and present life, which can be used like hot water. Still, the papermaking industry is turning in times like this is the ultimate salvation. I wonder if there was a minimum of copy binding and printing technology in the world of driftstone maiden games.

In the case of Japan, although the industry turned relatively quickly, because some people with special abilities did it for us…. how was the history of papermaking in the previous life?

I can’t believe how cheap a bunch of paper is to live in this world. In this world, distribution is not as expensive as it is expensive, but it is not cheap enough to be erased and meaninglessly swept away by ordinary people.

“Don’t worry. I can get the paper from my dad’s work relationship.”

Sarasa, I feel strong without thinking about the stale that incorporates new settings.

I’m sorry Captain Alan’s family is updating their settings for the snowman ceremony. But perhaps that’s the easiest way to provide paper without being thought to be rich. We need to report to Captain Alan later that the number of papermaking workers has increased to your brother.

I also remind them to nod without forgetting the blink.

“However, we only offer it for three days from today. We also save paper, so please buy it ourselves from now on.”

It’s not cheap, just this once.

If I put it that way, he nodded a lot this time. Both Dios and Chloe stroked their fingers on the surface many times to check the texture of the smooth paper. Even during the exam, both the question paper and the answer paper were paper, and it should not be unusual.

Even if Stale asked verbally from a simple word, “Well, hurry up,” it seemed like the first blade wouldn’t come down with a pen, regardless of whether he knew the letter or not. Still, when Stale relentlessly said, “If you don’t write, I’ll confiscate one at a time,” I hurried to write it out at the same time. After all, I remember the letters and words I learned in class.

Looking at the classroom scenery of Mr. Stale and his twin students while thinking like that, I heard a small voice from the front of me saying, “Um…” Turning around, the light grey eyes and eyes hit. Shit, I left her.

“Jeanne, what should I write…?

“Oh, please, don’t. First of all, please tell us what you have learned so far….”

All right, Farnum, onee-sama gave me a nice smile back in a hurry.

It was lunch break and we came to their sister’s classroom in high school.

Take Dios and Chloe with you. Onee-sama didn’t want to move the classroom too much because she was weak, so we all decided to disturb onee-sama’s classroom.

Dios and Chloe were hesitant that middle school students would feel comfortable getting into high school, but they almost accompanied us when we went. After all, I think it’s thanks to the boy’s Stale and Arthur, who is in good shape…. I think it would be easier than Cedric’s special classroom, but I’m sure he was able to do it grandly because he was on his side.

Onee-sama’s classroom was more fragile than I expected during lunch break. Everyone is out eating, but according to the story, most of them are gathered in the cafeteria due to the Cedric effect. I knew it was because I was close to my age, and my interest in Cedric seemed to be great regardless of gender.

… I wouldn’t expect her younger brothers to have dinner with Wang’s younger brother every time. Dios and Chloe basically go to school first thing in the morning with their sister, and since they are returning later than other high school students to pick up their sister on their way home, they rarely get together.

Whatever it was, I was grateful for the small number of high school students. Suddenly the middle school students come and stand out. I went to the Farnham brothers’ class between the limit and the limit because I stormed their class this morning, and I got a lot of attention. That would be the case if the students were teaching them. Moreover, since the second term was a selective class for both sexes, I entered alone. I was worried about Stale and Arthur, but even if they moved, they were in the same grade class, and above all, I didn’t want to waste a minute or a second.

While Stale was watching the Farnham brothers study, I was watching their sisters study. If it was true, I should have taught Dios and the others how to study, but Stale said, “It’s strange that I can teach high school content,” and he bought me two teachers. Certainly, unlike me, he didn’t solve more than middle-class problems on the answer sheet, and it is natural for me to take care of my sister when I solved it.

“Philip and Jeanne are really smart. I had no idea.”

Powell murmured as he swapped the sandwich that had been exchanged for Stale.

We had a meeting with Powell on lunch break, but when I refused to spend lunch in a high school classroom to teach Farnham’s sister and brother to study, he followed me. “It’s my classroom anyway,” he went all the way back to the classroom. He was really kind.

Powell seems to be willing to give up on the privileged students from the beginning. He said he could read and write letters and calculate simple calculations, but he still couldn’t keep up with high school classes. I’m not personally dissatisfied with my current life, so it doesn’t seem very urgent. I just want to understand the lesson, so I’m still watching a middle-scale stall lesson and my senior class with Arthur while eating.

Because it’s in the same class as Farnham’s sister, I can hear more about the class scope from Powell, and it’s very helpful for me…. even though Powell couldn’t calm down at close range.

Powell is Powell even though he already knows that life is different from games. This is the third character I admire.

While returning Powell’s words with a smile, I dropped my gaze on the contents of Farnham’s class. Then Powell dropped his gaze on onee-sama’s lesson and added, “Ah, there was that, too.” “And yesterday…” Onee-sama is also listening to the class seriously, so it seems that there are few holes.

Looking at the contents of the item, it can be seen that the higher education department is the same as the middle education department, and only the basic content. Although there is a certain knowledge difference in terms of age, it is judged that the range of classes does not change even in the middle school because the children have not been taught by schools or teachers. In this case, it is possible that even the contents of the test are the same for the middle part and the higher part… like the strength test, there is also the possibility of both ranges. Once you have dared to deepen your understanding of the content of the class, I would also like to give you a course on the content of the aptitude examination.

With that in mind, Farnum Onee-sama laughed with a slightly funny voice as she ran the pen.

“I didn’t know your friend and Powell knew each other. What a coincidence.”

Fufu, onee-sama laughed at her younger brothers only once.

If you didn’t know Dios was still going to school secretly, you’d think we’d become friends with Chloe, whom we knew at school. Powell raised his face neatly to onee-sama’s words. After swallowing the last sip of the sandwich, he opens his mouth to say a word. But before he could talk about it, Dios returned his words with a fluttering voice as he wrote out Stale’s verbal questions.

“No, it’s not. Chloe’s (…) friends and his (…) friends were just (…) friends…. that’s why I’m sticking to him. You always leave your sister alone for lunch.”

Dios lowered his voice to infidelity, and then Chloe poked him at the elbow.

“That’s what I told Dios,” he said deceitfully, eyebrowing and staring at Powell like Dios. Apparently, they both heard that Onee-sama and Powell were together outside of class…. it is our fault that Onee-sama and Powell are not with us during lunch break, and he is not obliged to do so at all.

Both Dios and Chloe have been behaving quite badly since we met Powell…. precisely after Powell named them. Dios was obviously staring at him like a wild cat with hostility, and Croix looked up with a cold look.

Powell twisted his neck just like he did at the beginning in response to the two same reactions. Onee-sama apologized to Powell as she squeezed her shoulders in trouble. “No, it’s fine,” said Powell, staring seriously at the two people who once again dropped their gaze on the paper.

“Hey, did I do something to you guys?

“I didn’t do it and don’t do anything in the future.”

Would you like to join me here?

It was here that the dialogues overlapped, but Powell’s eyes were rounded by the fact that his voice overlapped more beautifully than his words.

Nevertheless, I didn’t think that Powell, who had almost met me and helped me with all kinds of things, said to me, “Dios! Chloe!” almost simultaneously, onee-sama blamed me for “both of you being rude.”

“You told them, didn’t you? Powell was kind to a stranger. He’s a really, really good person.”

I care about your sister anyway.

“I’m going to ask you straight to the point, do you like your sister? Are you sure it’s just kindness?

Onee-sama blamed Dios for his bomb remarks, and Chloe’s blade went on without putting in his hair.

How unforgiving is that in front of onee-sama?

I thought it was childish Dios who had a bad mouth, but Chloe was also pretty good with Chloe. If Powell really likes onee-sama now, that would be a really tricky question. Onee-sama was also surprised by the boulder. She shouted, “What are you talking about?”

At last, the three of us stop running the pen. Please don’t stop that. I wonder why every world becomes a chat or a love banana when I meet with my student.

Four young leaves of gaze are pointed at Powell. And then he took it, and he tied his mouth only once.

“No? No, I have someone more important. There’s nothing kind about it. Women deserve to be protected, right?

⁈⁈‼ ︎ ‼ ︎ ‼ ︎ ‼ ︎

Hurry up. Everyone will be silent for a few seconds on the dynamite speech that seems cute to be attacking from both of us…. eh, now what?

Wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobble wobbly wobble wobble wobbly wobbly wobbly wobble wobbly wobbly wobbly wobble wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobbly wobb It’s as hot as a campfire to the tip of your pinch, and your heart is pounding. Did you surprise Stale too? He turned his face and swallowed with his mouth covered with his hands, and Arthur and the others were surprised and his mouth remained open. I just told you to concentrate on your studies, and I’m not going to study anymore.

Eh, Powell, someone important… eh! I want to know more about it. I’m old, I’m cool, I’m masculine, and even if I have a lover, I’m not surprised, but what should I do? I really want to hear about bananas. Congratulations on having someone I care about, but I really want to know more about what kind of woman you are.

Powell didn’t seem to care at all, and he was sticking his cane and he said, “Are you worried about that? on the contrary.

When the Farnham brothers dig deeper here, they had a slightly bad expectation and looked at it, but their faces were slightly red with their mouths open. That’s right.

That’s what happens when Powell hears such a manly conversation. I mean, I’ve said the same thing before, but what is that masculine dialog? There was no such dialog in the game.

Powell gets too dressed up and his blood pressure rises in me when someone says something he likes. Don’t throw two happy events all of a sudden

I can’t stand it anymore, and I’m pushing my hot face in front of onee-sama with both hands. A cold desk feels good on your hot forehead. If it wasn’t in public, my feet would have been bumpy.

“I dare say I care more about that person now, and your sister has no intention of doing that at all.”

Rest assured. When she raised her face a little too calmly, Dios and Croy turned bright red and leaned over to Powell, who said while squeaking bread.

I’m sure you’ve now realized that there was such a shameful misunderstanding. The hands holding the pen together are trembling. Instead, it’s full of grown-ups who smile and say, “You think of your sister.” No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Arthur, worried about me, peeks at me. When I was asked how you feel, I raised my face as soon as it was hot and fanned it myself. The flames and heartburns are still not gone, even though I said it was fine.

Looking at onee-sama to apologize for suddenly pushing herself down on the desk, onee-sama smiled and blinked at Powell with her fluffy cheeks.

After all, it seems that girls like to talk about love.

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