The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 962

The weak knight stood up.

“I’m out of ammo! Please resupply here!

“No! I can’t shoot anymore.

… that sucks.


“Hold the sword. Hold it till the advance troops arrive!

“It’s time for them to come down the cliff.”

Hiding in the shadow of a shield or rock in a complex voice, he passes the shooting.

The enemy is not an enemy, it’s just a bandit. Regardless of whether they are recruits or not, the knights will just have to accept it.

Initially lurked in the shadows and pulled the trigger to counterattack, but as soon as the ammunition ran out, the formation leaned towards disadvantage at once. I can’t help regretting having more weapons, even though it’s just a few hours away from my neighbor’s expedition.

The advance troops won’t be here for long, and we have no escape. No matter how much blood is wiped from the cheeks, it doesn’t stop. The leg wounds were also smoothly wetting the clothes red from the inside, and I desperately managed to get my breathing done. I ran out of bandages and hemostats for my last line of desperately life-threatening companions. There’s nothing we can use to move like this yet.

I want to get out of here at least for the seriously wounded. Whether you’re spared the bullet rain or caught in a rockfall, it’s over. The Knight Commander said earlier that the ground here was loose after a major rockfall.

There must have been a sidewalk back there somewhere, but we can’t go back that far. It’s a hive the moment it comes out of the shadow of a shield. On a horse that survived under the direction of the Knight Commander, the rear knights advance just to prepare to run and escape at any time. Now, the wounded have only horses on their feet.

“Ah, you remember the orders. When they come down, everybody back as far as you can! The only priority is to protect the wounded until the advance party arrives in time!

As soon as the restraint stopped ringing from us, the Knight Commander gave me instructions.

I was supposed to tell you before I got stuck, but I got as choked as I was for the first time. There is no Knight Commander in the “All”.

“I will try to reduce the number and stop it! Keep the rest of the bullets at the end.”

They think they’ve run out of ammo. As all the recruits who were able to move to the Knight Commander holding the sword as they continued to do so, I was the only one to bite back. I couldn’t help but notice the face of the majestic Knight Commander at his feet…. one foot buried in rubble and sandwiched.

─ If only I could move.

The moment I thought so, my body trembled.

If you think this time has finally come, your body will not be able to move more than when you were ambushed. I was the closest to the Knight Commander. If I had been covering for the Knight Commander at that time, I might have left one foot buried. It doesn’t make sense for the Knight Commander and the recruits to be targeted by the incoming ambushers, who can’t escape, can’t avoid them.

I don’t know how to breathe and my throat is dry. Leaving the Knight Commander behind, the wounded will call me back, but I can’t afford to react. His eyes were as if he had been struck by a pile, and he couldn’t get away from the Knight Commander. I just want to stay here because I can die in vain. Why should I leave a Knight Commander who has lost his ability to move due to my lack of power?

“Eric, don’t even think about it now! Just think of following orders from the Knight Commander.

That’s what one of the guys who joined the regiment at the same time pulled my arm.

Even though my shaking feet were not injured, they fell backwards. The other senpai said, “Hurry up!” and grabbed the other arm and pulled me. Even if you think about what you’re doing with your feet, your shallow-breathing body won’t listen to you.

“It’s okay! I’m the Roderick Knight Commander. How can an ambush be easily done?”

Can’t you move with one foot?

Even the words that inspired me now go through my ears. Though the advance party might not have arrived yet, it took me a long time to hold it with a gun in the first place.

Much of the rubble, supplies, and weapons are laid down, and we, lightly equipped, have no power to resist ambushes from the cliffs. Even special abilities climb the cliff, but if the ambush shoots them, it’s over, and no ranged attacks can reach the cliff. Still, turning to the support of the Knight Commander, when I saw the special abilities recruit in front of me in the rear guard… I regret that it was a mistake in the first place that I joined the army without special abilities.

Even though I could be a knight, what I can do is hardly the same as a seriously wounded man. Just grab the weapon and wait for the Knights of the Brigade to come to our aid.

As we read, there was not much we could do after the ambushers came down. On the front lines, the Knight Commander, who is attracting enemies in the most unfavourable circumstances, disabled most of them alone. After they told me to shoot at a distance, the Special Ability responded instead of the gun, but only halfway through the attack to avoid involving the Knight Commander. The closer they get to the Knights, the less they can aim. I recall in the corner of my head that the inevitable presence of an ally was also taught in the exercise to influence the rear guard. So the skill of avoidance, the law of retreat, and the arrangement are all engraved in our recruits. It was the Knight Commander who taught us how to defend ourselves.

“Here we go! Look! There are advance troops on the cliff!”

“It’s true! I made it.”

“No one’s coming this way. Why?”

“I’m sure this situation has been communicated to the Operations Chamber, so no one’s coming to rescue the Knights or the wounded.”

I waited for a while to see the Knight Commander bleed out.

Recruits around me look up the cliff before I lose my sense of time. There was a mix of cheer and noise in the appearance of the Knight of the Corps. I know it’s important to clean up your enemies. Why on earth is the advance unit, the deputy commander, thinking what the HQ is doing when the Knight Commander is fighting?

Blood freezes like being abandoned to the Knight Commander. As far as I can tell, communications from the other side were cut off long ago when the ambush came down.

As soon as I saw the advance troops sweeping through the ambushers on the cliff like a tsunami, the men who were attacking the Knight Commander at the bottom of the cliff looked back and changed their complexion. The Knight Commander slashes another one the moment he gets lost in the arms of running or fighting. I don’t know why I can’t help you, but I saw a glimmer of hope that this might help us all.


My vision swayed the world.

What the hell is this? It’s going to crash! Advance troops! Everything collapses as everyone screams, pointing to the top of the head and the cliffs. The advance party, which had been a lump of hope until now, fell with the ambushers.

It was also a moment for me to raise my voice. As if from there, the collapse shards will fall to where we are. It wasn’t dropped on purpose this time, it’s real.

Fall back, all of you, get off the cliff now. I can only hear the Knight Commander shouting as he retreats to the sidewalk with the wounded. Rather, almost simultaneously

The rubble sounded and the nose shouted.

Gushaah, I also felt like I heard a crushing sound.

The synchronizer next to me shouted earlier than me, who was slow to respond. Looking back, after the rocks fell where the recruits were, who were badly wounded and unable to move.

With a distracted eye without knowing what happened, you can see the broken limbs from the rock gap. Once you’ve completely seen the moment your buddies crush, the synchronization pulls you out…. I lost my help again without realizing it.

Ben, a senpai, pulls his arm to me as the fact hardens without even screaming. As soon as I tried to reach out for synchronization with my hips pulled out, the synchronization was now swallowed by debris in front of my senpai. Ben, who jumped out on the brink, shouted his name. My nightmare is over and I still can’t understand my feelings.

As Ben, a large body, pulled his arm and ran away, his eyes shifted from the marks of his crushed companions to the Knight Commander. The Knight Commander was about to step on his foot as he left. He’s screaming at us to get away, and it turns out right away it’s not “don’t leave us” or “help us.”

While I was thinking about it, Ben stopped pulling me suddenly. It was the moment when senpai fell, looking back, and the falling debris hit his head directly. Even if Ben’s head finally catches up and screams, the fallen Ben bleeds from his head and doesn’t move. My neck is facing in a strange direction. Someone, without the confidence to be able to carry a big senpai by myself, if I asked for help forward… I would have buried everyone who had fled ahead of the ragged avalanche debris. Immediately after the nose scream and the Abandoned Demon, the big rock fell there again, and a large amount of blood splash fragments flew to me. I’m the only recruit standing up.

The body looked back to the Knight Commander who should have left him without knowing why. Now that the exit is blocked, I don’t know where to go. And then…

The Knight Commander was also crushed.

The Knight Commander reached out to convey a point of view or something and was crushed straight into a big rock where there was no escape at the next moment.

It seemed like the sound of people crushing over and over could be heard only in their heads.

I’m the only one left there. The Knight Commander, the Knight of the Corps, Senpai, and the Special Capabilities are all dead. The moment I saw the death of the Knight Commander, something in me collapsed and faded.

If the Knight Commander was able to move his legs, he could have avoided the big rocks by himself. If the Knight Commander commands himself, only the thought that there might have been a lot of recruits standing on the spot will go around at high speed.

Surprisingly, there was a shadow where I was, and when I looked up, it was a big rock again. If it wasn’t a debris avalanche like that, I noticed it before it fell. The defensive technique is knocked into the exercise. Now we can make it, no leg injuries, no head injuries.

─ Guccha.

I couldn’t move anymore.


“Ha…… I wonder if he’s here.”

One person exhales a heavy breath and feet become heavy and shoulders become round.

The middle class market. If you’re heading from the Knights’ Exercise Stadium, it’s faster to get through here than from home. There are too many streets to walk with, but I don’t get tired of seeing the vibrant air.

A merchant sounded from all directions. Especially since there are many stalls around here, guests can’t hear you unless you raise your voice. After school hours, I think the student and his/her parents will give him/her extra credit. If I hadn’t been on a mission, I’d have gone home shopping.

“… hmm?

And then, look in the direction of the sudden noise.

One between the lined stalls and the other behind. I can imagine several voices and screams screaming “Wait”.

Excuse me, pass between the stall and the stall and go out as loud as you can hear. It seemed that the guards were just chasing three men who ran away with their bags.

I can tell from a distance that men in my regiment dress are “knights” and “thieves” from the guards before they peel their eyes! “. The man who runs the most forward pushes the knife forward as he sees the crowd divided from left to right. Certainly, that won’t stop this crowd.

Hah, I caught a man breathing out again and sticking out in front of me.

I don’t think the gun is safe here for a man who swings his knife in a naughty way. Half a step back just before the blade tip hits and catches the foot. It was also easy to twist up by pulling the arm with the center of gravity off in front of the knife.

Along with the rubbing noise of the ground, I hold the man down with my joints. At the same time, he kicked the guard who was chasing the man holding the bag with his opposite leg, pointing his sword at the last one with his remaining arm.

“Don’t move!

Warn the man with his teeth tied against his throat.

Immediately afterwards, the rushing guards were kicked in, followed by the man who was caught and captured from behind. And finally, the man I’m holding down can also hang a rope in his hand.

After returning it to the guards who saluted me thanks for your help, I ran a little to school this time.

It would have been a matter of time before those men were arrested by the guards, but I was lucky to be able to help. Especially a man who swings a knife can be harmed.

I think security is bad compared to the market in King’s Landing…. no, but it’s much better than it was a few years ago. In the past, there were men who looked more like back-entrepreneurs, and kidnapping and extortion using crowds rather than thieves were not uncommon. The number of beggars in the lower classes is not the same as it is today. However, now children under the age of twelve are guaranteed food, clothing and shelter at school, so the begging of children has also been drastically reduced. The impact of the creation of the school is already visible.

Run past the market and get on the road that students often use. I am relieved to see from a distance that no student has left school yet. The guardians gathered at the school gate would be the ones who picked them up from the back.

As you approach with such thoughts in mind… you notice.

“Oniisan. I told you I’d come home.”


Haahhhh… and I’m going to drop my shoulders exhaling.

As I thought, Keith, my youngest brother, already stood in front of the school gate. Keith, who had long wanted to stop Jeanne and the others, still hasn’t given up. I didn’t think my younger brother would get a headache this year.

I don’t care if I stop and stand up tightly, “Leave it to me now to get back to work” and “The art of the avenue is just in the square today.” I want to tell my brother the truth. But I also know that it will definitely be a hundred times harder than it is now.

The student hasn’t shown up so far because he was in time for school hours before he dropped out. If Pride always dropped out of school relatively relaxed, there would still be time.

Keith, come here a minute.

“Ah hey, wait! There’s no way you can beat my brother in power matches.”

Grab Keith’s arm and pull him away from the school gate.

He pulls his brother away from the school gate with all his strength, resisting while sharpening the ground with his heel. There are knights in front of the school gate on the boulders, and brotherly fights cannot be shown to the people.

Besides, Ben is the knight guarding the school gate today. He looks back at me with his neck just looking a little funny. He will be a junior, but he was a senior when he was a recruit. When he looked at me, he looked at me and laughed at my brother. I can’t show him any more pathetic brother fights. Besides, Ben doesn’t think I’m the royal transfer.

Move to an invisible position from the school gate and turn to your complaining brother. I repeat what I was supposed to say this morning.

“They leave me to Captain Alan. So it has nothing to do with your vacation.”

“No, so you’re just taking me on a ride, right? You don’t mind if I take your place. I’m not gonna let you walk down the back street or alley.”

Oh, wow.

Sure, if you’re just a kid, you’re right. But they’re not just children. His Highness the First Princess and His Highness the First Prince of this country. Besides, Keith is trying to show the royal family the castle and the king’s capital. I can’t complain when asked disrespectfully.

“Anyway, I’ll send them responsibly, so you go home first.”

“No, we’ll be together when we get here, right?

“It’s good! Go home first. I could talk to Jeanne and the others slowly this morning, so that’s enough.”

“That’s why I want to show you around the castle. You’re just overprotective enough to be with me anymore. When I was with Roberto’s brother, I didn’t mind shopping or stopping by.”

“You’re my brother, they’re not. Captain Alan’s precious relative.”

The barren exchange lasts forever.

Keith has been slightly misinformed for a long time. In other words, I push forward no matter how many times I bump into what I want to do. Please don’t use that propulsion here.

In the meantime, it was time to drop out of school, and the students finally came through the school gate. Even if I wanted to get Keith back by the time Pride and the others arrived, he wouldn’t listen at all…. in a sense, I think that the strength of stickiness was bought at work.

“You tried to tell Jeanne and the others something extra this morning.”

“I just wanted to talk to you about my brother. I didn’t mean to say anything bad.”

No, I was almost told something bad enough.

I didn’t expect Pride to evaporate eight years ago.

I was really pathetically weak back then, and it was a miracle just to be a recruit. I was less ambitious than I am now, and I’m sure I wasn’t prepared enough.

Captain Knight…… really, really good……

I’ve decided to change from the day of the Knights ambush, but if I don’t remember that time enough to wake you up, I can’t be right now…. well, if Pride hadn’t been here, I would have died under the rubble before that.

Since then, there have been more exercises and no compromises. Unlike Roberto, the second son, who was busy studying and working at the time, Keith, who was still a child, also thinks it was bad that he returned to his folding corner parents and did less work with him…. but…

“Not only is it nice to pick you up, but it’s also nice to entertain you. I came all the way from the back of the mountain.”

“They’re at their convenience. If you’re an adult.”

“If it’s not convenient for Jeanne and the others, let’s ask them. If they want to go, it’s okay, right?

“So, you go home!” “It’s a good year, so listen up!

At least make it another time to squeeze the waste.

Except for getting Pride involved, I’ll go out with you for drinks, meals, excursions, work, talks, pride, anything.

Grab Keith’s shoulders with an eagle while enduring an unspeakable itch. Then Keith grabbed my arm back to fight back. I’m absolutely sorry I had to deal with my brother here. Honestly, it was better to deal with a hundred bandits.

… I continued to persuade my younger brother with a different compassion than when I was a recruit.

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