The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 990

II86. The dominant girl gets rounded shoulders.

“I can’t believe it!… I wonder if it was Jeanne. Did you really, really not do anything weird…?

Yes… and with a bitter smile, I return the words to the angry female teacher.

The reply was still pointing to my back, but I don’t have to look at the same face as when I first saw the scene.

Just me and the teacher in the classroom, sitting tight on the floor. The male student who was stretching into the classroom was also collected in the hallway, stunned, and Captain Alan stood behind the wall with his back facing away from the classroom in front of the broken door.

It was suggested to change the location of each classroom, but I didn’t want to go out in the hallway even for a moment while wearing group clothes. The “victim” feeling is too strong. That’s why if you’re seen, you could make weird rumors.

“I’m really sorry, Sensei… I’m on my way to lunch right now….”

“What are you talking about? You’re the victim, so don’t apologize.”

This teacher is very gentle even though he is forced to work overtime.

With a soft voice, the word “victim” seemed to overflow with somewhat dull laughter, but it stopped just by mouth movement. It seems that this man, whom Captain Column called Professor Nell, is a coated instructor. My class hasn’t come around in elective classes yet, so it’s my first time meeting, but it’s very kind of me.

My sister is younger than Marie, the maid of honor, but she was only recruited by Prime Minister Jill Vail for a job well done…. or I think I’ve seen it somewhere.

Memories are really thin at oblate level, but this is probably the Mobkara teacher who was in this person’s second work. There is also a delicate hairstyle with two gold knitted down and the sound of “Professor Nell”. This character was used as a general teacher A whenever it was necessary to help Amlet make a gift for Farnum Onee-sama, or else the teacher appeared at the event. I think Prime Minister Gilbert chewed one of the same teachers in the game and in reality to recruit the faculty.

After Captain Alan called Captain Column out the window.

Captain Column went out of his way to call the teacher who was resting in the dressing room. Captain Column, the words needle, thread and female teacher alone made me realize this far, too much boulder.

Dr. Nell, who was brought in by Captain Column, came into the classroom as soon as Captain Alan briefed me on the situation in front of the broken door.

Captain Column and I have only seen each other from afar behind Captain Alan’s back, but we know that Captain Column’s expression is poor even in the dark classroom. You must have been very worried about Captain Column because he’s been so sensible.

After talking to Captain Alan in a whisper, he left again on his feet. Maybe you went to get Stale and Arthur.

“I really don’t believe it…. but I’m glad the Knight found us before he did anything terrible. He’s a royal escort from the High Department. It’s been less than a month.”

You’re lucky. I hammer the teacher who tells me.

It’s actually my escort, and Captain Alan is a relative in the first place, but talking about it here will definitely make it more confusing. This teacher is just glad I’m safe.

I couldn’t help but say, “I’m really glad.” I can feel the skirt behind me being connected to sulsulfur.

I hope that the torn fabric you received from Captain Alan will be re-stitched and not stand out as much as possible. If the seam on the back of the skirt becomes too clear, it will definitely stand out. Even though the original clothes are for ordinary people, they are almost mint, so they are extra. I think I should have worn old clothes like the lower-level kids.

Even though I’m a sewing professional and a coat teacher, I came suddenly, so if the color of the thread doesn’t suit me, it will stand out no matter how beautiful the sewing is.

When Captain Column brought me here, not only the needle and thread set, but also the thread and needle were connected from a small pouch that looked like a sewing set held in my left hand. Sure enough, she hastily rushed in during the sewing, and there wouldn’t be many types of thread holdings.

“Yes, I’m fine now.”

The teacher, who kept me waiting, said in such a lovely voice, slapped me on the shoulders with his palm wrapped lightly.

Because I was thinking, my back turned upside down unexpectedly, but I immediately looked back.

To thank you and see what the skirt on the back looks like, twist your torso and look behind you.

… incredibly cute embroidery.

“Eh, cute… eh…”

Rather than repairing it, I’m upgrading it.

Unexpectedly, I looked at it twice and three times and the words didn’t get wrapped up. The pattern sewn to the point where I thought there was such an embroidery from the very beginning was an applique.

Two or so flower embroideries sewn to hide torn seams seem so cute. Thanks to it hiding the horizontal part of the torn cloth, I hardly care about the stitched vertical line. Thanks to the green thread, it looks like a flower stem or a pigeon even if you glimpse it.

When I looked at the teacher while complaining the question with my eyes before my mouth, he picked several other appliques from the smell and pocket and showed me.

“The threads didn’t fit very well, but I don’t think they’ll stand out. If they ask, tell them I got caught in a prototype.”

Well then, I guess this is it.

The teacher who stood up slowly said that, and finally said, “I’ll talk to you when it gets tough later,” he stroked my head and left the classroom with a light step.

When it was over, Captain Alan looked back and opened the door, lowering his head deeply. “I’m so sorry,” continued Dr. Nell. Instead of complaining with one hand, he smiled back.

“No, I’m glad the student is safe. Alan, it was you. I’m going to give you a proper report.”

Thank you, and Dr. Nell, who lowered his head and thanked me for being safe, walked straight away in the direction of the staff room…. Prime Minister Gilbert, this is a really great choice. Exactly what I would call a smart eye.

Although there are many pupils with minor problems, the teachers are all good people so far. I want this school to succeed again because they also help me run the corner.

“… are you okay?

After the teacher is gone, the fearful Captain Alan calls from the front of the door.

Yeah, while returning, I stood up holding back the band clothes I had in front of my chest. Captain Alan’s uniform, which he borrowed to hide from tears, was still being used on his knees after he took it off to repair his skirt. And now, in order to return it again, I fold it as carefully as possible in my hand and walk towards the door.

“Thank you, Alan. It’s okay now.”

Hand Captain Alan his easily folded group clothes with both hands.

Captain Alan, who received his jacket with both hands, for some reason didn’t want to spread it out immediately. Did you hesitate because I folded it on purpose? When I stare at the folded group clothes, I hold them to my side.

Reflecting on whether I have done something extra, I now turn my back and show it. When I bragged about the skirt with the cute applique, my voice said, “Ooh.” Captain Alan the Stray Stone was unexpected about this bi-for-after.

I have no idea.

“Yes, I can get back to class safely…. but the exam has already begun…”

Turn your back to Captain Alan and check the clock in the classroom again.

It’s almost midway to the exam. I just went up to the examination hall and had to wait in the hallway. I apologize to the Farnham brothers for not being able to go even if I don’t have to go to the situation properly later… And I have to apologize to Croix for making him angry at the second limit…. I hope they’re not both upset because of me.

When you think about it, you swim fluffy and anxious in your chest.

Captain Alan encouraged me to “tell you what’s going on when I’m done.” With his eyebrows hanging and a smile returning to it, Captain Alan slightly changed his tone of voice to make him change his mind and dropped his gaze from me towards the hallway wall.

“So, what do we do with these guys? It’s time for the lunch break students to come back.”

Oh dear, Captain Alan lost sight of the two boys who attacked me while exhaling.

Captain Alan said he remembered seeing Captain Column in a senior class for two years. This is the second floor of my class, and I’m sure of it. Captain Alan is rolling us down the hallway, and we’re not even waking up at all. I don’t know why you’re after me, but I don’t know what to do with it.

I dared to suggest to the infirmary… at that time.


Called with a playable scream, he looks back.

It seemed that the two of them, who were in an incredible shape from the direction of the hallway, had just passed through the column captain and rushed towards me. Arthur arrived in front of him first with his legs, and the wind blew softly and thinly with a suddenly stopped recoil. It’s like Lieutenant Harrison. The silver-edged glasses that I am not used to hanging were slightly shifted and diagonal.

And with a few beats late, Stale lined up with Arthur. With too much momentum, he hit Arthur on the shoulders from the front, but they didn’t care about each other at all. I still have a little rough breath after stopping, and I don’t think Stale will be able to hold his breath for such a short distance. I wonder if they were worried, but I can understand it by looking at their open pale and dark eyes.

“What happened? Are you hurt?”

“Why didn’t you come to class?”

They scream almost simultaneously, turning their backs against the force of the bars.

Both of us were really worried. It is only natural that I should be surprised if Captain Alan protects me and receives a call from Captain Column.

I’m so sorry! While apologizing, I dared to tell her that there was no injury.

“Thanks to Alan, nothing happened! The second time I was in the mobile classroom, I was a little late to go home when I was talking to my teacher. I’m sorry I worried.”

She’s really safe! And I put my hands up in front of my face, and they both stared at me from edge to edge. I haven’t seen my back yet, so I haven’t noticed the embroidery rather than the seams. My clothes were undisturbed because I didn’t dare to resist, and it was good before the harm was done. After you two had your eyes on each other, you said, He laughed to admit that he was safe, and then he released an arrow-like question from Stale.

“So, who are they behind this? And because of Alan, what happened until then?”

… I knew I had to explain that.

Your mouth is twitching and stretching with a smile. Stale’s gaze pointed straight at two boys. Arthur also noticed and was asked by Zubali, “Was it something they tried to do to Jeanne?”

As I became harder to say and hardened, both eyes turned towards Captain Alan, not me or the boy student. Captain Column had already heard from Captain Alan and he was distracted from the two eyes…. maybe he bought me as much time as possible until my skirt was repaired in time. It can’t take so long to get back and forth from here to our classroom.

“… um… can I talk to you myself?

I’m really sorry to Captain Alan for scratching my head and making sure I’m in trouble.

Please… cover your face with both hands, but I can’t tell you from myself, so I’ll really leave it to you to explain. Unfortunately, my too weak voice was completely disempowered.

Suddenly brought into an empty classroom by a boy student on a boulder, I can be chained from my mouth. It sounds extra vivid as subjectivity enters.

Then Captain Column felt the crisis before the explanation began and took the boy students one arm at a time, waiting for Captain Alan.

“As an instructor, I bring them to the infirmary first. I may have already contacted you, but I will report it to the staff office again.”

After Dr. Nell left, it would be a decision that has already been reported.

You did say that to Captain Alan earlier. The testimony from the lecturer and even the knight Captain Column is credible and pleasant…. just…

Captain Column, who is willing with his eyes to Captain Alan, felt the intention of evacuating them rather than taking them with him.

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