The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 991

II87. The dominant girl is mentioned,

“Ha… ha…”

I didn’t seem to make a sound.

After Captain Column took the students away, the two people who heard the situation from Captain Alan’s mouth quickly ceased to speak.

Captain Alan, who chose his words to explain, explained that he had helped me get into the mobile classroom suddenly and in captivity, including what I had heard. The moment the word “pulled in” came out, they were both staring at me and the broken room of the door with great momentum. It was a room that once opened the curtains, but it was dark because Dr. Nell closed them after he started sewing me.

I desperately complain to them in front of me, “It’s okay, you ran away right away.” Unexpectedly, with momentum, “Alan saved me soon after I was tied up! When I said no, the two of them said,” Tie me up… “. Captain Alan’s face at that moment is unlikely to be forgotten for a while.

“What do you mean? Why does Jeanne look so familiar to those two?”

“It doesn’t matter when or when you go to school, it’s a crime. They really are students. Besides, human trafficking and so on….”

I managed to finish listening to Captain Alan, and the two of them coughed up their voices.

After thanking Captain Alan for lying down for tearing my skirt, I managed to forgive them desperately with a smile. Calm down, it’s okay, I don’t remember, I don’t know anything yet, I repeat, I show my palms and appeal to them.

In fact, I really don’t know anything yet. Did you know that you were the first princess, that Jeanne’s me was targeted, that you were targeting a girl, that any student would have been fine? As I asked, both the killers were instantly killed by Captain Alan and unconscious.

“Are you one of those guys Jack kicked out of high school before?”

“Then you’re not just after Jeanne, you’re after me too, right?

“If I decided I couldn’t beat you, it could be enough.”

Their mouths don’t stop at a good rhythm, like banging a taiko drum.

Because of your mind, they’re both afraid of the color of their eyes. I’m sure if there’s still a killer student here, he’ll be waiting for a painful interrogation. Still, Stale says, “Don’t wake up if you stick it in the ocean.” His momentary journey will truly make it possible to reach the harbour of the kingdom of Anemone. I don’t know what they were going to do yet, but I’d rather not go that far.

“But it’s okay anyway. Look, as I’ve said many times, I’m not injured, and I’m not doing anything weird….”

“It’s a felony just because I wanted to.”

Style words like a body blow are dropped.

Well, that’s true. Attempts do not make them evil. Besides, whether you know it or not, the opponent is the First Princess. If you knew, you’d be sentenced to death…. I mean, even if it’s not royalty, it’s definitely a crime, and I can’t forgive it. I realize that if this were a girl other than me, I would certainly have been on Stale and Arthur’s side.

I want to manage to suppress their anger. But Stale’s eyes are already burning, and Arthur’s eyes are burning. If this happens, the two of us could go to the infirmary and beat him up. I’m really glad Captain Column took us and evacuated first.

Then Captain Alan, who was finished talking and watching our interaction, offered his help in a bright, one-tone voice.

“I dare say those two dropped out of school on a boulder. Attempted, handed over to the guards without being taken to the castle… well, the Duke still seems to intervene.”

I nod to Captain Alan as he continues because it is a school issue.

Even though it is not a king’s capital, and there may be counts and marquises as lords in this territory that is close to the lower classes, it is the new institution that has named the country that committed the crime. It is no wonder the Duke came out when crime was committed in such a place…. no, it could be quite a big deal if you think so. If they succeed, they will both be dealt with more heavily than necessary.

I remember Stale speaking of the Duke around here, but I can’t stop sweating alone. No, it’s definitely a crime, no matter what they do, and I can’t forgive you, but…

But surely coming out to the Duke could wipe out every single existence. The Duke certainly wasn’t a bad person either, but I feel like a solid person once in a while, and I know that the president of the school is not the one who protects the soft students!

“Ah, can you… dare to listen to me…? I’m sure the school wants to be peaceful…..”

“You’re not going to forgive them, are you?

Fear asks me, Stale sticks a nail in it.

I’m afraid of eyebrows. As Arthur and Captain Alan look back at me with round eyes, I have a strong face and only the corners of my mouth twitch. Stale has a good feeling about Val’s trial.

No, it’s not… I speak slowly with a calm voice that somehow connects me with… so that I don’t get angry as much as possible.

“Of course, I’m not gonna miss it. However, if we don’t listen to the right information and what they have to say… then we can make sure that” he “is tried correctly, and if he gets a heavier sentence than necessary with the Duke’s intervention”

“Rather, if you’re going to charge me with the right crime, it’s capital punishment.”

Dystail is relentless.

No! Sure, it is, but even if they didn’t know it, it would be if they assaulted the First Princess.

Unexpectedly, my shoulders went up and down violently, and Stale held the black edge of the glasses down with her fingers, looking dissatisfied. In the meantime, don’t let go of me for a second.

My expression muscles twitched and I couldn’t move one fingertip in the same mood as if I were the killer. After more than ten seconds of silence, he exhaled a sigh of heat. Put your arms together, drop your gaze to your feet, and then open your mouth again.

“… well. I want to know the situation, too. I’ll ask you through Captain Column. Leave the subsequent decision to him. Either way, I was going to talk to you…. I can wash his name, address, priors, and workplace.”


Finally, I’m afraid of a dark, low voice. It seems that Stale didn’t intend to end up like this in the opposite sense of Stale to me.

It was on campus, and Stale, whose name fell down just like mine, rushed his face like a bitter bug. Arthur feels a little pale on the stale that scorches the back of his glasses. “Don’t make a mess,” he said, placing his hand on his shoulder and forgiving me, and Stale finally fell to the point of sharpening his lips…. and when they’ll wake up.

And then I remembered what Captain Alan said just after he helped me. Captain Alan accidentally scratches his cheeks as he turns his face and throws his gaze before asking. With a bitter smile, Stale and Arthur looked back together.

“Tonight… no, I think I’ll wake up tomorrow…”


Arthur’s return to Captain Alan’s words turned pale again. Hyu, I heard a breathtaking sound, so it seems that I cooled my liver a lot.

Arthur, who looked back at Captain Alan from body to body, raised his voice quite seriously. In response, Captain Alan waved “No, no.”

“Just a little… shuffle. Well, it’s just a little bit of sequelae.”

Captain Alan’s a little deadly.

He is truly alive, and Arthur is feeding on Captain Alan with great momentum.

Arthur, who has inadvertently called the captain, seems to be quite worried about the killer student who was angry with me just now.

Speaking of which, it seems that Lieutenant Eric said something similar when he was with Cedric before. Once again, I see Captain Alan’s magnificence.

I could rely on the defense line, but Arthur still has the strength to take advantage of bare hands…. if you change the way you say it, you can say that even the “Knight of the Holy Knight” is exceeded in your arms. Mistakes like that are certainly fatal.

When I noticed it, I looked at Captain Alan’s side, laughing at Arthur, who was in a hurry and said, “It’s okay because I didn’t break my bones.” After all, I’m impressed that even in that instant kill mode, the student was taking a lot of trouble.

This time, Stale put his arms around the wall as if he had regained a little calm. Against Arthur, Stale opens his mouth in a calm manner.

“Well, there’s nothing you can do about it. Rather, I don’t mind folding it at all.”

“You’re dying because of that, aren’t you?

Arthur threw out all his might at Stale’s excessively radical remarks.

Perhaps Arthur didn’t realize it was an inadvertent attempt to jeopardize Captain Alan’s position. Captain Alan didn’t want to hide his mistakes, but he smiled back and said, “No, I can handle it.”

Anyway, is it really true that the person who attacked will not wake up until tonight or the next day? Instead of a contact network, there is no telephone in this world, and I can’t contact my home.

Would it really have been better if he had been handed over to the guards before waking up and asking about the situation?

In that case, the only way to hear the story is to ask him to go to the place where he was taken. Well, I’m sure I can handle it myself. There are right people who can get around the guards’ barracks without us going. In the worst case scenario, if the nobility moves, who is the lord?

“!… Jeanne, Philip, Jack. Let’s get the hell out of here.”

Arthur, who had been fiercely protesting just now, whispered his mouth and almost simultaneously Captain Alan lurked and called.

Captain Alan, who has reworded his words for public use, looks toward the stairs. If I closed my mouth and closed my ear, I could hear a far-fetched but loud voice. Have you finished the exam or come back from the lunch break?

As Captain Alan was the first to react to the signs, we left the scene before the footsteps approached.

No one will be injured because the broken doors are scattered inside the classroom by wreckage, but it certainly stands out. We moved the place, thinking that the compensation for this door would probably be charged to the two killers.

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