The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 31: S.H.I.E.L.D. 1st greed

"Mr. Angelo..." Coulson sighed, "How much compensation do you want, we can actually discuss it to save face for me."

Angelo sneered in his heart, you didn't eat the face fruit, why would you give you face?

He smiled sarcastically, "But just now, Agent Coulson, didn't you say you don't have any money? Why don't you just forget it."

Coulson gave a helpless smile, "Compared to being impeached by Mr. Stark in Congress, I think it's better to lose money, even if I have to write fifteen reports for this."

Angelo waved his hand amusingly, expressing that he didn't want to hear Coulson's misfortune.

Coulson, a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., how could he have such a low authority, and he didn't even say how much the other party would pay!

Although I learned from the movie in my last life that S.H.I.E.L.D. is actually a Snake Shield, it has been infiltrated by the Hydra people, and I can’t remember which Hydra people Angelo is, but He knew that Coulson was definitely not a bad guy, he was a real good guy.

The church needs to be renovated and maintained, and little Gary also needs a lot of snacks. No. 1 and the others also need to pay a salary and buy clothes...

Although it can't kill you on the spot, it can definitely make you pay the price. As for this Ward agent, it was impossible for S.H.I.E.L.D. to lose so much money, so it was impossible for S.H.I.E.L.D. to find him in trouble.

"I'm not interested in how many reports you want to write, I don't want much, five million! How about it?" Angelo stretched out five fingers, "Otherwise I'll let Stark impeach your homeland strategic defense attack with the Logistics Service."

Contrary to Angelo's expectations, Stark, who has always been mean-spirited, didn't stink, but nodded in agreement.

Angelo gave him a surprised look, wondering why Stark was so good at talking today.

"Mr. Angelo, you are hard for a strong man." Coulson's face had a bitter expression on his face, "You want too much, we don't have that much money, if my salary is enough, I even They'll all get paid."

Stark glanced at Coulson contemptuously, pouted and said, "You guys are really poor."

"It's not negotiable." Angelo shook his head, then glanced at Agent Ward again, "Isn't the life of one of your agents worth five million? It's really cheap to work for you. I know Nick Fury, you This one-eyed dragon is peeking, don't pretend to be dead."

Angelo's words are a bit murderous, at least Agent Ward's face is starting to look ugly.

He doesn't believe what Coulson said. A gangster in Hell's Kitchen can give out one million casually, but a behemoth like S.H.I.E.L.D. can't give out five million?

"Ring-ring-ring~" Coulson's phone actually rang!

"Hello, Chief." Coulson answered the phone and walked aside helplessly.


"Yes, I am here."


"Okay, got it."

Heaven and Earth's conscience, when Angelo said this, he was trying to kill someone to kill his heart, and by the way, he was deceiving the other party.

Unexpectedly, Nick Fury's big bald head is actually peeking? The ghost knows where the other party hides the monitor on his body.

Coulson hung up the phone and came back, with a friendly smile on his face again, "Mr. Angelo, we agreed to your conditions, we will transfer the money to your bank account, but our director said that we will personally to visit you."

Angelo shrugged and said nothing.

"Hey! Dude! Can you leave after paying the money?" Stark on the side couldn't wait any longer. He had something to do with Angelo this time, and let the two of them go on like this. head.

"Okay, Mr. Angelo, goodbye." Not knowing what Nick Fury told him on the phone just now, Coulson gave up and continued to pester Angelo. "I hope the next meeting will be a little more pleasant."

"It's better to never see you again..." Angelo waved at the backs of Coulson and Ward.


In the top-floor office of SHIELD headquarters.

Nick Fury kept replaying the footage from Coulson's tiny camera over and over again.

Finally, the picture was fixed on the picture of Orange Seat.

Nick Fury sighed deeply, he read it right just now, this chubby orange cat is that gugu.

The Skrulls call it the Primordial Eater! Once experienced a thrilling space adventure with him and Captain Marvel.

Although I don't know why Gugu is mixing with Angelo now, but looking at Angelo's unconcerned attitude, it shows that Angelo's force is still higher than his previous estimates.

It's definitely not possible to use force. It might not even be necessary to use Angelo's shot. Just Gugu can swallow Coulson and Ward in one bite.

Nick Fury has personally seen Gugu swallowing several Kree people with weapons in one bite. That's not the limit of Gugu!

After a little thought, Nick Fury pressed the phone on the table, "Let Hill come."

Soon, Agent Hill pushed open the door of the office.

"Director, are you looking for me?" Hill's face showed no expression at all, like a machine.

"Well, set Angelo's information to the ninth level of confidentiality."

Not to mention Angelo, who has an unknown upper limit of ability, just the nature of Gugu's own Elemental Devourer and the news that he has been in contact with the universe Rubik's Cube is worthy of being a top secret.

At this time, Hill finally showed a look of surprise on his face. You must know that the SHIELD's confidentiality level is customized according to the level of the The highest is level ten.

Because Hill himself formulated the hierarchy of SHIELD agents, he designed his own level to be level 9. Above her, only the director of Nick Fury has level 10 authority.

In other words, Angelo's information is the highest level of secrecy except for some tenth-level secrets that only Nick Fury knows about himself. The Cree and the spaceship a few decades ago were the ninth-level secrecy project!

Although she was surprised, Hill was not someone who liked to ask more questions. She just nodded and responded.

When she was about to reach the door, Nick Fury spoke again.

"By the way, go and apply to the Security Council for a funding project of 10 million yuan for special confidential projects. If the Security Council has any questions about this, I will personally explain it to them."

"Okay, I understand."


Angelo didn't know that Nick Fury had embezzled five million by the way of the "compensation" he gave him.

He was staring silently at Stark and the white gold coin in his hand.

"Hey! Dude! Don't worry about these little problems, I just helped you out!" Stark shook the gold coin in his hand dissatisfied, "Isn't it just a gold coin? I will pay you! "

"Huh?" Angelo said sarcastically, "The world's top rich man, Mr. Stark, would actually steal a poor man's gold coins? I think this news can be on the headlines of tomorrow's New York Times!"

"How can something about the rich be called stealing?" Stark argued red-faced as he faced Angelo's gaze.

Seeing Angelo unmoved, Stark could only sigh in frustration.

"Okay, man, how much do I have to pay to make you forget about this?"

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