The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 32: Stark, did you win the lottery?

"Fifty thousand!" Angelo pointed to the whiteboard gold coin in Stark's hand, "This gold is sold to you, even if it is 50,000 dollars, I won't tell you about it."

Angelo is a lion with a big mouth, and a gold coin weighs less than 60 grams. Even if it is sold at the price of gold, the price of $50,000 per piece has at least doubled!

In the end, Stark nodded and agreed without any hesitation.

"Hey! Dude! This is a check for $50,000!" Stark took out a check directly from his pocket, filled in the number and handed it to Angelo, then said proudly, "Since it's been dealt, then you can Can't regret it!"

Stark grinned proudly. As one of the richest people in America, he didn't really care about the fifty thousand dollars. He might have more than that price for a random bottle of wine.

What makes him so happy is that he naturally feels that he has taken advantage of Angelo, especially when he thinks of the last time he bought a bottle of cheap beer at Angelo for $500!

This is no ordinary gold coin, it has unknown energy technology on it! The price of fifty thousand dollars is simply the price of cabbage!

Angelo looked at him like an idiot. He had turned himself several times over, how could he regret it.

"Why are you so happy? Won the lottery?"

After speaking, Angelo also looked at Pepper, who was beside him. "Your boss is crazy? Why don't you come to work with me? At least I'm not crazy."

Pepper smiled dryly, but didn't speak. She was used to such a Stark for a long time, like a child sometimes.

"Hey! Dude!" Stark blocked Angelo's sight with dissatisfaction, "Pepper is my assistant! She won't come to work with you! And, I'm not crazy! I tell you, you Gold coins are not simple ordinary gold coins!"

Angelo was stunned when he heard this, what is ordinary gold? This is the gold coins in the game. Could it be that there is some mystery in it?

Angelo's face became a little dignified. In his last life, he had heard some remarks that modern people traveled to ancient times, and the virus on his body could destroy the world. Would the gold coins he brought out of the game be possible? Does it have the same effect?

Although Angelo is not the Virgin, he is not a murderer who wants to destroy the world! He still has to live in this world! Besides, Little Gary and the others are also here.

"Stark, what's going on?"

Seeing the cautious expression on Angelo's face, although Stark didn't know why it was clearly Angelo's gold coin, he didn't know the mystery, but Stark couldn't hold back his self-esteem and always took advantage of Angelo.

"This gold coin has an unknown energy field on it, and the material is not ordinary gold, but a new type of material." Stark held the gold coin in his hand and showed it in front of Angelo. Then he emphasized again, "This is mine, you have sold it to me! You can't regret it!"

"What energy field? What does it do? Stark, for your safety, you have to return the gold coins to me first."

"Hey! Dude, you sold it to me! How can you rob it? Don't you have so much?" Stark immediately put the gold coin into his pocket vigilantly, and stepped back again and again, for fear that Angelo would rob him.

Angelo could only smile bitterly, "You don't understand, I don't know if there is any virus or other things on it... You don't want you to contract some inexplicable disease, right?"

"What virus?" Stark looked at him inexplicably, "Hey hey! Brother, you won't curse me with smallpox! There is only one energy stance on this, I have tested it, and there is no virus? You won't Think this energy stance is caused by this virus?"

Now Stark suddenly feels that it is understandable that Angelo does not understand the mystery on the platinum coin, but anyone who has gone to middle school will not feel that the virus can bring any energy.

Obviously, Angelo's behavior was classified as "anti-intellectual" by him.

"Are you sure?" Angelo originally wanted to get the gold coins back for the safety of Stark's life, but after thinking about it, Stark said that he had been tested and that he had been with him for so long.

So it means that there is really no problem?

"Then what are the energy positions and unknown materials you're talking about?"

"I don't understand this either. I know that this material has extremely good energy conductivity.

However, there is a sentence translated above, NotevenDeathcansaveyoufromme!

Where did you get these gold coins? Jarvis said that according to the religious interpretation, this is the Divine Mark? We all know that God does not exist. "

After speaking, Stark himself, Pepper and Happy couldn't help laughing.

They all know that this is the age of science, there is no god, and the gods are just imaginary by the ancients.

Angelo fell silent when he heard Stark's words.

He knew that the sentence that Stark parsed was correct! Moreover, he even knows the source!

That is the famous saying of the big BOSS Diablo in the Diablo game - it can be translated into even death can't save you! I don't know how many times I listened to it when I played games in my last life.

I don't know why it was attached to the gold coin and was parsed by Stark.

Angelo was still worried about uncontrollable accidents that would happen to Stark when he studied gold coins. Stark is known as a person cursed by knowledge.

If this is the case if Diablo was summoned here by studying this gold coin, wouldn't he still have to wipe his **** in the end?

But I couldn't tell him about it when I traveled through it myself.

Angelo stood up from the bench and said sternly to Stark, "Tony!"

Angelo always had a smile on his face except when he buried him with gold coins, and suddenly he became so serious...

Stark was stunned for a moment. UU reading looked at him strangely. Stark instinctively felt that what Angelo said next was very important.

Angelo didn't give Stark a chance to ask, "You know, there are some things in this world that you can't understand. You must not believe in magic, right?"

"Yes! How is magic possible? It's just a trick or another form of technology!" Stark said firmly.

"Then you can touch that wall and feel it."

Angelo pointed to the bone wall he summoned just now to protect Little Gary.

The bone wall divided the entire church in two. Stark touched the bone wall lightly. It was unexpectedly firm. The wall was full of rough texture. Existence, did not expect to be repaired so quickly?

"Dude, where did you find the construction team? This is really fast..." Stark's witticism was only halfway through.

Angelo waved his hand gently. Under the horrified eyes of Stark, Pepper, and Happy, the entire bone wall fell apart. Like sugar, it gradually melted into the air.

Behind the bone wall, little Gary, No. 1 and others, who were waiting for her, were exposed.

"This...this..." Stark's jaw was about to fall.

If gold coins can still be explained by projection or some new technology, but how can this bone wall be explained?

Projection? He just touched it himself! Swear in the name of the Stark family! The touch is absolutely real! Is there really magic?

Angelo smiled strangely, having some headaches how to explain it to Stark.

"Tony, you have to know that there are actually many things in the world that you don't know..."

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