The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 14- me, Ruto-kun, and no problems.

this chapter contains forced sex and (unknown) victim blaming.

<p.o.v Haruto>

Thursday ended with me and Sakura spending the day with each other. Which hasn't happened in a long time actually. Lately we've only been living together and just going about the daily motions.

Kinda sad isn't it? Is this how marriages become stagnant and dull? The lack of adventure and fun? Well more adventure for me, 'fun' was all Sakura was doing.

We played some video games, watched t.v, and she helped me cook.

"No not like that" I put my knife next to the meat I was cutting. I wash my hands really quickly and go to help her cut the cabbage.

"Like this." I move her to the side and do some cuts. "Now you go."

She starts cutting and almost cuts herself.

"Kyaaaa, that was close."

"Here." I position myself behind her and reach around her. I guide her knife hand and paw(grip) hand by placing my hands over them. We begin to cut the cabbage slices.

*giggle* "look I'm doing it!" Sakura looked up at me and I looked down at her. Our eyes met and her innocent smiling face turned to something else. 

Her eyes become tender and her lips pucker she leans in and kisses me….. or she tries to.

She stopped it, not me.

"Haruto, I'm so sorry." Her face is really close to mine, I can feel her breath. "Will it be like this? Always? Even when your sister returns, we can always be together right?"

"Sakura," I take a breath,  put our hands down and turn her to me. "you chose someone over me. You've put your desires above what we had. You should be trying to make a life with the person you chose over me."

Her eyes look sad but confused, like she doesn't know what I'm saying.

"You're my Ruto-kun forever aren't you?"

"Didn't you change that?"

"Me? Changed? I-I-I…" shes looking around like shes looking for an answer. Her eyes start to shake, her breathing becomes erratic.

I've never seen her like this.

"H-h-how do I change it back?" Shes shaking but she doesn't seem timid.

What is she feeling?

"Sakura I honestly don't know if you can, and even if you could I'm not the one who knows how you could."

"So if I can find a way…. You'll think about it?"

"Sakura if you could find a chance," I'll be so fucking amazed I'll freeze hell with my piss, "I'll think about it."

She immediately smiled so brightly. It was like a kid getting the perfect gift on Christmas.

"Un." She nodded. 

She wrapped my arms back around her to guide the knives again. 

Dinner was very delicious. Every time I bit into the salad she made(we made) her eyes would sparkle. Food can transmit feelings and it was as if her happiness made the food that much better.

Why couldn't it have always been like this? 

I take another bite.

Why does she seem so happy?

We slept together again that night. We didn't know how she'd react to her medication, so this was my idea out of concern.

This is who I am, I care about others too much.

I thought to myself as Sakura snuggled on me.

My club girls were messaging me all day as well, I didn't neglect them but thanks to them and the motivation they all sent, I've beaten my record of beatings.


Would've been more if Sakura wasn't with me all day.

I text them all goodnight, hold Sakura, and go to sleep.




<p.o.v Sakura>

I lay in the arms of my Ruto-kun, like I should be. 

We never should sleep apart, never be apart. None of this would have happened if Ruto-kun would've taken me. 

I know the rules of men and women because step-dad told me. That when a man pursues a woman, then she must accept them if she isn't married, but for a woman to pursue a man she must….. I wasn't ready for that.

Whenever I had sex I always wanted to look at Ruto-kun, to be near Ruto-kun. 

Why didn't he take me? Sex is fun, but i wanted him. I shown him how much of a naughty girl I can be, but he never made a move. Was he scared?? I came so many times from cocks I wish were his. All those throbbing, juicy cocks, with Ruto-kun's face. Ahn.

Now it seems my Ruto-kun is with someone else. He no longer says we'll be together forever as easily as before. 

Is it because his new girlfriend? Soon she'll know that Ruto-kun is mine. He's mine. My Ruto-kun My Ruto-kun, my Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun Ruto-kun ….MY Ruto-kun.

It seems he's getting farther from me? Why? 

I know why, I tried to take him from…. HER...but to make our 'forever" happen I know who to talk to.

Soon sleep takes hold of me and I drift off.





In the morning, I text Sasuke saying I don't need him to walk me to school, and after school I have plans.

Shiningguns- what kinda plans do you have?

100%loved- me and Ruto-kun will be getting a present at the candy shop near the station.

Shiningguns- a present for who?

100%loved- his onee-san. He's gonna see her tomorrow.

Shiningguns- where are they gonna meat?

100%loved- you know the mental institute?

Shiningguns- they are gonna meet near the mental institute?

100%loved- No silly. she's IN the mental institute, she's in there for attempted murder and was transferred from the juvenile detention center because, well shes crazy teehee~

Shiningguns- …. When does she get out?

100%loved- uh? Why?

Shiningguns- answer the fucking question!

100%loved- but I don't know when.

Shiningguns- fucking useless. So the candy shop around 430 today.

100%loved- uh yeah? After school so I guess it would be that time.

Shiningguns- got it.

Sasuke hasn't been acting like he usually does.

How does he usually act? I've never hung out with him when we weren't going to have sex. I never had a day like yesterday with him. Would I want to? I can't see yesterday being any good without it being with Ruto-kun.

I got up a little early (not by choice, I was wrapped around Haruto, and he always gets up early.). He let me go back to sleep for a while and woke me again to get ready for school.

Using the bathroom hurts and there's a weird odor when I pee. I take my medication and I throw my old toothbrush away, doctors orders, before using a new one to brush my teeth. Changing my clothes to our school's sailor uniform I added a panty liner because the doctor said my discharge might be a different color.

It really makes me self conscious.

I smell something in the kitchen and to my surprise Haruto is cooking.

I love his breakfasts! The only things that come close are his lunch and dinners!

Nice soup, salad, fish, and rice.

"Mmmmmmm!" I chew happily.

Haruto always stares when someone's eating his food, so I always give him a good show of me enjoying it, not like I have to fake it for Haruto.

Haruto seems more awake than usual.

"Haruto you seem wide awake."

"Uh yeah I woke up early and went to the school to help with the judo team. I just got back and showered before I cooked."

"I know you're helpful, but you shouldn't go out of your way for strangers if you are gonna end up worn out."

"They're not strangers. It kinda feels like they're friends."

Friends? Harutos making friends? That's normal right? Why doesn't it feel normal?

"I-i-is that so…" the food started to lose flavor.

"Sakura? Is something wrong?"

"No no no, everything is fine. Medication just makes me feel full. Let's hurry to school."

I begin to clean up but Haruto takes everything from me.

I want to clean. I want him to see I'm useful.

"Ruto-kun, please let me I-I-I wan…." Its hard to admit I don't wanna be useless 

"You're still recovering so take it easy, ok?" He smiled at me and patted my head.

He makes me melt. I'll do whatever it takes for our future. We belong together. 

"Ok…" I submitted 

We quickly are out the door and on our way to school where we seperated.

I want to be by his side a little while longer 

<p.o.v Anderson Sachiko>

Himenos cell*

"Are you sure you shouldn't have told him?" I asked Himeno.

"What's done is done, after all it won't hurt him." She says as she's doing her pull ups. "You don't want to…..*grunt*... talk about that, do you?" Himeno let's go of her bed frame and every flexed muscle relaxes and almost fully re-feminizes into soft flesh she turns to face me, topless as usual, but also pantsless. 

Even in our institutes raggedy underwear, she looks like a model.

She walks toward the glass that's separating us. She moved her hair to her back to reveal her perky breasts and nipples. She pinches each nipple.

We have a game where she will squeeze harder and harder until I smile. The first time she did this she drew blood because I didn't know the rules. She said she wants me to control whether she feels pain or pleasure. It's a reward she gives me ever since I snuck those letters out.

She whimpers, and I smile.

My fingers are in my pants working viciously. She pushes her tits to the glass, pressing her small hard nipples into her flesh. I place my face against them hoping to feel their warmth, I want it so bad I actually imagine my face being warmed by them. 

"What you really want to talk about is," she keeps her body pressed to the glass as her hand snakes into her underwear, but they don't move, "what you asked Haruto for, right?"

"Y...y...yes." my hand doesn't stop, my climax is near. "Please...l..l..let… me… stay…"

Himeno begins to work her clit.

"Mmmmm, Sachiko, you're the only friend I've had for a long time. Despite how I stay distant from you, I do treasure you." she stroked faster. "You know I'll only ever love Haruto right? That he's the first in my mind, heart, and one day my bod…" she climaxes to thoughts of her brother while I am half an inch away from her.

Am I a cuck?

"Just being with you is all I need." I'm licking the glass, hoping for a taste of her flesh. "I love you, but also admire you. You told me what you are planning, and I want to be part of it. I want to be useful to you."

"I won't let you have my brothers baby." She moans as she says it.

Honestly I'm shocked by the statement. I had hoped he could be a surrogate for baby i can claim as Himenos. How did she know? I was taken aback, but I don't stop playing with myself. 

"Why? Ahnnnn…. It would be like having...y..y..yours aahhhhhhnnnnnnnnmm!" Just saying it made me cum!

Holy fuck! The idea of her baby probably got my dried uterus ovulating!

"Be...cause~ of that! You won't love him…. Hmmmm…. I won't let you use himmmmm….. if you fall for him, or have a better reason, I'll allow it."

"Yes… yes….Yes!" I'm convulsing on the glass.

"Tell me more about your son…" Himeno dropped her panties, and kicked one leg on the wall. Before continuing to rub her clit. (Side note* Himeno has never had her vagina penatrated, even by her own fingers.)

She's in a standing split.

" Talk about HHHHHHHHHHaaaaahhHhn… about..ha ha… how he tried to break MY prrriiiiinnnnce, tell me how he tried to hurt my brother….hmmm… tell me how he stole my man's mistress...AHHH FUCK IM GONNA CUM….. TELL ME HOW MY BROTHER… AAAAHHHHHHHNNNN…. STAYED KIND… STAYED STRONG… AND STAYED THE THE THE THE…….FFFFFFFFFFFFcccckkkkkk."

She sprayed all over the glass while facing me.

My pussy is broken, it had just become so aroused at seeing my goddess squirt at me… that it's gone numb.

"Start again, and I will." I smiled at her in a way that's begging for her to put me in my place for commanding her.

"Welcome to the family." Himeno smiled back, knowing she will, soon.

<p.o.v. Haruto>

School went smoothly. I have still been helping everyone out.

Honestly if I wasn't gonna see onee-san tomorrow I would sleep in!! But why dream about her when I can actually see her?

Throughout the day I received texts from my girls and Sakura. I want to be 100% honest with the women in my life. So, I told the girls to meet me across the street from my house tomorrow, so they could go with me to meet my onee-san. 

While Sakura stayed at home of course. I want to see 'my Hime' in a good mood, and her seeing Sakura might sour it.

This was important so I attempted tell them face to face. At first I was worried I wouldn't find the time to see them, it turned out easier than I thought…… because they all hijacked me.

Mirai can use the boys bathroom, I'm starting to think she has an unfair advantage, and we shared a stall for making out, that's when I told her about visiting onee-san. She was excited at meeting my family and that made our make out session get too heavy, she came again. Knowing she dirtied her underwear I offered my own.

"But what will you wear?" Mirai asked

"Oh I also wear a jockstrap."

"Ill take the jockstrap." Mirai said without hesitation and a straight face.

Like hell was I gonna hand my jock strap for someone else to wear….

So, Mirai took my jockstrap before I left. She said that her pussy being so much smaller than my big, delicious, succulent cock meant she needed the tighter fitting jockstrap. Of course I used a separate stall to undress. 

Why do I get excited when Mirai talks like that?

Akio pulled me into an empty locker room. As a former track star she knows when they are empty. So while making out, that's when I told her. Unfortunately, without the added resistance to little brother, she felt him on her hip. She's still taller than me. Causing her to go on a rant about how she's happy she can still excite me with how her bodies tainted, and then she wanted me to take her right there in the locker room. She told me that she can't wait to test my stamina against a former track star, This….fucking...90-day...rule!

When I think about it these girls are way more aggressive than Sakura was. Sakura would let me know at any given time she was ready for me, or that she was horny, but she was never this proactive. Was she proactive with all the other men? What am I doing? I shouldn't think about these things anymore.

Rika was by far within expectation.

She sat down next to me at lunch, where I told her about the visit. Then when Sakura joined Rika said she was asking me to model for photos, Sakura agreed I'm the best pick, while that happened Rika grabbed my hand under the table. she is blushing and looking down! Its too damn cute! My chocolate mocha queen with her vanilla desires heals my heart from the pent up sexual frustrations the other two gave me. To show her its not one sided I interlocked her fingers….fuck bad move!

Rikas breathing got rough, I started to hear giggling from her. Heart eyes! Shes looking down but I know she has heart eyes! ABORT!

I tried to pull my hand away..yank! Fuck!

How is she so strong!?

Rika stopped my hand pull and brought my hand over her…. Stomach? Nope it's her womb.

"Tomaki Rito for the first, after marriage." She whispered while panting.

How are you so vanilla crazy!?

"What was that?" Sakura snapping Rika out of her delusion. I pulled my hand back hopefully not being noticed.

"She said a tuxedo picture. Hehehe" I said nervously.

"Oh….. ok." Sakura said with a face I couldn't determine the emotion behind.

Lunch ends and we go about our day til school is over.

<p.o.v Sakura>

I kept finding Haruto during the day,

Strange, what's this smell.

Haruto looks like he has flushed cheeks, and is breathing hard.

Oh holy fuck! fuck me with your cock! Cock!

My mind shut off at the sight. Something was wrong because his bulge was exposed. I could see it from across the hallway in passing, and it drew me closer to him. I approached Ruto-kun to give him a hug and feel that wagyu-tube pressed against me. However, as I approached him, before I reached him with my arm, I could smell, someone. It was a familiar scent, yet I couldn't place it, but that scent also brought along a new hickey on his neck.

So his new girlfriend is in this school?

I placed my hands to my sides, I just said a greeting and left.

Later on in the day, I saw Ruto-kun again, this time I hugged him, thinking he wasn't hard, but to my, amazing surprise, he had his dick tucked into his belt line. Ruto-kun I can feel you on my stomach! I was being filled with lust until……. *sniff*...??

A new scent?! What the fuck is going on?! 

My euphoric face darkened. The energy my body had seemed to leave me.

More than one person?

Ruto-kun looked worried at my expression but I laughed it off and left.

During lunch I saw that he was eating with Rika-san. It was a normal lunch and kinda fun to eat with more than one person, until.

"Tomaki Rito for the first? After marriage."




I felt something begin to break inside me. 

Ruto-kun is looking at me, I have to put a smile on.

Lunch was a little awkward after, but it finished without incident. It finally was after school and I went to Ruto-kuns club room. I sat there with him awkwardly.

"I guess it doesn't matter if you know what I do here anymore." He said.

Ruto-kun began to strip! He took his uniform off and left himself in only his underwear. He opened the storage closet in the room and took out two trash bags. One said clean, the other said dirty. He took out gym shorts and a plain white t-shirt from the clean bag. He quickly got changed and pulled out some weights and a mat from inside the closet.

So this is his club? He just worked out by himself?

45 minutes in Ruto-kun is breathing hard and has a decent amount of sweat,  causing his shirt to be see-through. The wet shirt plastered to his body, making his body visible…. Is it wrong that he looks so lickable.

I feel like he's drifting from me. The scents, the club, he doesn't want to acknowledge our destined future. I have to talk with that person quickly.

"Ruto-kun, can I cut ya hair?"

"Huh? Why?" Ruto-kun paused his workout

"I always hated you hiding your looks, and I used to think it was because you lacked confidence. That's obviously," eyed his whole body up and down hungrily, "you were always the most handsome, and I already heard the rumors that you were seen without your shirt. There's an online group for it you know?"

"Wait…. WWHHHHAAATTTT!?" I was obviously shocked.

"Teehee~ look." I bring my phone to him to look and there's a video playing of him walking through school. There's over 200 members in their group. The group name is

The Adonis of A-1!

"Adonis?! Sumire-senpai please don't tell me…." An image in Harutos mind of Sumire-senpai giving a thumbs up pops in his head.

"You've become popular, so hiding ya looks is worthless ya'know?" I giggle

"I guess you're right. Ok tomorrow you can cut my hair." Ruto-kun gave permission.


He finished up his workouts, wiped himself down with a wet towel, and then wiped down with a dry towel. He put all the clothes he wore in the dirty bag.




I went to the station first to wait for Ruto-kun. It's Friday and he wanted to wash his dirty bag, so he took that home first. I honestly had to get away because…… I wanted the bag.

*sigh* "Ruto-kun sure has become popular hasn't he."

I have a seat by the stairs leading up to the train.

I won't let him be stolen away. His girlfriend will never be able to do what I couldn't do. All I need to wait for is Ruto-kun to lose his virginity and then it'll be my turn. With all the skills I learned I know I'll please him.

"Nomura-san." A voice called out.

I look up, it's a senpai from school dressed in our school uniform. Azawa Ito.

Black hair, brown eyes. 174cm tall, medium build, but no muscles really. Short buzz-cut and an irritating grin.

"Hello Azawa-senpai." Behind Azawa are three boys; 2 of which I don't know, and one I do. Akechi-kun

The two boys circle around me while Akechi-kun stays in the back. The boys are younger either 1st or 2nd years. They have crew-cuts but longer than senpais. One has a round face, while the other a more pointed face.

"Wanna go have a good fucking Nomura-san?" Azawa-senpai asked.

"No thank you." I replied immediately.

For some reason Azawa-senpai had a look of shock in his face. He turned to Akechi-kun.

"Oi Oi Oi! You said anyone that asked this bitch to fuck will get action."

Akechi-kun looked at me almost like he was saying sorry.

"I didn't say ask her," he looked down, "I said you have to tell her."

"Huh?" Azawa-senpai looked at Akechi-kun than me, my face turned pale at Akechi-kuns words, Azawa-senpai noticed my expression continued. "Nomura-san come and fuck me right now."

My eyes opened wide, and my pussy started leaking. My eyes began to tear up.

"I-i-i-i…. Have something to do? Can we do this some other time? I'm really busy." I stammered, hoping he won't persist.

"Hahaha, you are a slut aren't you!!" Azawa-senpai got closer, "come on let's have fun." He pulled me up.

"P-p-please not right now. I can do it later today." My pussy is dripping from his command but I try to resist as best I could.

I'm with Ruto-kun right now. There's been so much space between us. I can't leave him when we have to get a gift for his sister, he won't forgive me if it's for her.

"Why should I wait?" Azawa-senpai paused

"I have to grab a present with my friend for his sister." I said sternly.

Akechi's head perked up at my words. Looking like he has a chance out of this situation.

"Hey guys, if it's who I think it is, we should do this another time."

"Shut up! How can I pass up a chance like this." Azawa-senpai pulls me under the stairway to the station above us and begins to finger my pussy. "Look at how wet you are! We don't even need foreplay."

Azawa-senpai drops his pants and so do the other two boys. Their dicks erect and pulsing. Azawa-senpai is an above average looking one at 16cm. The other two are the average 12 cm.

Akechi just stood on the side.

"G-g-guys we shouldn't do this out in public."

He tried to say

"What are you saying?" One of the two mobs say, "when we were drinking the other day you told us all about this."

"Yeah! How she can't refuse, how you had her several times behind that cucks back, what's the problem?"

Azawa-senpai lifted one of my legs and rammed his cock in me. 

"W-w-wait where's the...hnnn…. Condom!?"

I panicked.

"Fucking whores should pay us if they want to use condoms." Azawa-senpai said while thrusting his hips.

He's that type, spiteful. Probably rejected by a girl and wants vengeance on all women...nnn… my thoughts are fading… I've been horny all day lusting after Haruto. Haruto I just want to spend the rest of the day with you…. Please don't hate me.

The feeling of being dirty again starts to creep up into my stomach, my tears start flowing, and I begin to hate myself.

Why do I feel this way? Aren't women just cump dumps for men until they're married? Why does this feel more painful? I don't feel much pleasure at all. I don't want this. I don't want this. Today is Ruto-kuns day. Breaking the rules when I'm supposed to be with Ruto-kun?! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!

Azawa-senpai doesn't care about my tears and keeps pumping as the other two boys begin playing with themselves.

Since it's breaking the rules I have to call him he always told me.

"HARUTOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I yelled out as my leg gave way and Azawa-senpai pushes me to the floor.

Akechi-kun just looks on with a tear on his cheek.

You ruined my day with Ruto-kun and you want to cry because you're not getting a turn? Selfish.

My tears keep falling and I just let my body go limp. I don't want to participate in this. I don't want this.

"Hey bitch start to work! Move your ass!"

I force myself to do as he commands.

"Hahaha calling out for that cuck and you are working this dick like a slut!"

A couple minutes go by and one of the boys that was playing with himself is now in my mouth. Tears are still streaming from my face. When the motions behind me stop and the boy pulls his dick out of my mouth. I look up and I see Ruto-kun.

"What are you doing you fucking bastard?" Azawa-senpai was holding his cheek. Dick still out.

"I saw something I didn't like and I acted, that's all." Ruto-kun turns to leave but looks at Akechi-kun, "You couldn't say you loved her, couldn't act like you loved her, and you even try to share her with your friends? I'm sorry," Ruto-kun bowed and stands back up, "I'm deeply sorry I ever considered someone like you a friend. You're pathetic." Ruto-kun leaves.

"Fuck this! The mood is over, let's go. Fuck that cuck." Azawa-senpai said as he and his boys left.

Whats a cuck?! I thought to myself.

I stand up an fix my outfit and rush after Ruto-kun.

"Ruto-kun! Please wait!" I catch up and try to grab his hand. *PAK* he slapped my hand away.

"Two days, you went two days. You're even on doctors orders! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" The anger in his voice and eyes. I've never seen it before, is it because I risked my health? 

My chest. Don't look at me like that Ruto-kun. It hurts!

"B-b-but they told me t…."


He hit me. Ruto-kun slapped my face.

"That's all it takes?" Ruto-kun shakes his head. "Go home and we'll discuss our living situation later."

"Wait what does that mean? What about the gift for your sister?" I say in a fast weak voice.

"Do what you want, but me and my sister are no longer connected to you."


Something is breaking.

"B-b-but we're family," I smile but I know my smile doesn't look right, "we'll always be together right!? Right?!"

"No. We won't." He turned and left.


My arms went limp to my sides as he walked away. Do what I want??

What I want? What I want? What I want? 

I WANT to pick out a gift for my Ruto-kuns onee-san… thats all I wanted.. thats all…

I want it to be like it used to…..

"Oh?" Where am i?, "I'm at the station! Ruto-kun must have gone ahead. I should hurry and catch up. We have to get a gift after all."

Just another day with just me and Ruto-kun with no problems.

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