The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 15- Order up.

ATTENTION the horror tag and gore tag get used in this chapter

<p.o.v Ryudo Jinbei>

"Boss, we don't see him anywhere. You sure he's supposed to be here?" A tall man on the phone was speaking. He had slicked back black hair. He was wearing black jeans, an unbuttoned black short sleeve with a white undershirt. Tattoos can be seen on his chest creeping to the neck.

"That bitch said they'll be there so they'll be there. One more hour. DONT FUCK THIS UP JINBEI."

"Got ya boss." He puts his phone in his pocket, "Hey boys! Let's go grab a couple drinks." He said to his 4 goons. All wearing tank-tops and black jeans but different colored over shirts.

"Alirght!" The yellow shifted short one replied

"Now were talking." Tiger printed stalky one said

"Ill have a beer." The one in red said.

"Lets go!" Another black shirt but much shorter said.

<p.o.v Haruto>

Sakura got on the train still, but not in my cab. I noticed her when we got off and she ran up to me. Something is definitely wrong. Did something happen? 

I go home, drop off my dirty clothes but since the washer was open I started it instead of leaving right away. I come to meet Sakura and shes working on some guy's dick while she was crying. I don't fucking get it. Did I miss something?

I felt a pain I didn't think I could feel again. 

Was it because I was taking care of her? Did I fucking drop my guard again? 

"Sakura!" I call out since she's just skipping next to me and humming. "Tell me what happened, I'll give you a chance, did you want to do that with those guys?" She stopped and stared at me.

"Huh?" Her head tilted, "What guys? Doing what?"

What the fuck? Sakura is many things but she's not a liar, especially when caught red handed. 

"Sakura….." I think hard, "what's the last thing you remember?"

"Remember?" Sakura puts her finger to her chin and tried to think. "I….I...I…" Sakuras breathing becomes erratic! Her eyes widened and she gripped her chest.


"No...No...NONONONO!" Sakura gripped her chest with one hand and her head with the other.

I grab Sakura trying to calm her down. People are looking at us and I'm trying to calm the situation. 

"Sakura? Did they force you? Are you ok?" I'm genuinely concerned now. I've never seen Sakura act like this.

"Ha...ha..ha..huh?" She looked at me a little wide eyed. "Who? Did who… what?" Her eyes looked blank for a moment before the light returned. "Ru-Ru-Ruto-kun, you're not marrying anyone right?"

Wait, what the fuck just happened?

"Wait what? Of course its too early, legally I can't even apply." I'm more concerned with the out of the blue question adding to her state of mind.

"Is that…. so…" she seemed to calm down, "ok then everything will be fine."

What does that mean?

"What do you mean?" My brows furrowed.

"It just means everything will be ok. Let's go get your onee-sans gift." Sakura said that but her eyes don't look right. 

The way she said onee-san….

"Let's hurry so we can get you home."

I grabbed her hand and pulled her along. At this rate she might actually wander off if I let go. The candy shop isn't far from the station so we can get there quickly.

I look at the time and it seems to be later than I initially thought it would be by now. We enter the shop and our nostrils are filled with scent of sweets. 

"Welcome." A cute middle aged lady spoke.

You can tell she might be an oba-san but she has a lot of energy. Black hair, a little bit of wrinkles and she's about 155cm tall, adorable.

"Ohhh if it isn't Sakura-chan!" The oba said.

"Baba-san?" Sakura said.

Baba-san?! Its been a while since I've seen her.

"Hi Baba-san." I greeted with a bow.

"Oh so polite! You have to be her Ruto-kun! You were always together, you two, and your nee-san… what was it? Himeno?" Baba-sans words caused Sakura to flinch.

We have to hurry, she needs to lay down and rest.

"Yeah yeah," I scratch the back of my head nervously, "speaking of nee-san," Sakura flinched again. "Could we get some of her favorites? If you remember?"

"How could I forget, actually how could you forget?" Baba-san scolded.

I thought back on it… I'm so stupid.

"Can I get some sour apple taffy, and sour apple chews." I said confidently.

My onee-san Himeno always had me try them but they were too sour for me. Until she would suck on them and then give them to me and they'd be very sweet….. Baba-san doesn't know about the indirect kisses, but how could I forget.

"Ok no problem, but hold on." Baba-san grabbed a step stool and placed it behind her trying to get to a shelf. "Here we go." She grabbed a small bag and gave it to Sakura. "You always loved themed candies, here you go. I have a good friend in the city that runs a candy shop, and her son in law and granddaughter Satoko loves these."  Sakura grabbed the bag and opened them. Inside were little cola bottle shaped candies. "You'd always get the candies that looked like smaller versions of something and acted like a giant. Hohoho, but I bet it'll be easier now since you got so big. Can't believe its been 2 years since I've seen you two."

"Huh?" Sakura said, "two years? But were just here a couple days ago."

Wait what?

"Sakura what do you mean?" I looked at her asked.

"We were just playing here the other day, but its gonna be Hime's 16th birthday so her and mom are at home cooking right? We are grabbing her favorite candies to put on the cake right?" Sakura said with an innocent face.

What the fuck?! She reverted to her past self?! Right before Himeno was taken away.

"Um, Baba-san we'll take these." I pay Baba-san who doesn't know what's going on and pull Sakura out.

"Sakura you have to tell me what happened." I say as we exit the store.

"What do you mean?" She looks genuinely confused.

"You fuck someone else again, I tell you to leave me alone, and you miraculously forget EVERYTHING YOU FUCKING DID TO ME IN THE LAST TWO-YEARS!?" im heated, I should be concerned with her well being but I'm too irritated at how convenient this is for her.

"R-Ruto-kun?" she steps back in fear, her eyes begin to water.

If what she's saying is true, I've never yelled at her or ever been mad at her in the past.

She's scared, if what she said is true, then she doesn't know what's going on.

"I-I-Im sorry for whatever I did," *sniffle*, "i don't know what I did, but I'd never hurt Ruto-kun, we'll be together forever right?"

Her words were true two-years ago. The problem is, today is not two years ago.

"Thats the thing, you may have forgotten, but haven't." I clench my fists, "I wish I could forget what you've done, but you hurt me too much. You don't even remember that you live with me right now. So that's perfect, when we get home I want you out. I can't take care of you anymore. This is too much."

"Wh….wh….wh…." Sakura can't form a single word. She grips her chest, something may be wrong with her, but me helping her anymore doesn't seem like is can cure her.

"Go back to your family's home, go." I said with my head hung low.

"Ruto-kun… what ever I did, I don't know what I did. I love you. I cant… I cant," she seems to be entering a panicked state.

I start walking past her. Not even 30 seconds go by….

"TOTO!" A voice yelled

"Huh?" I turned around and a fist hit me in the face.

<p.o.v Sakura>

Everything in my chest hurts. 

My heart! Someone is squeezing my heart.

"You hurt me too much."

Ruto-kun said that! What did I do? How could I ever hurt Ruto-kun?

"Wait so you've been doing this just because you were commanded to?" A voice belonging to a cute little girl asked

"Don't you care how much you hurt him?" A distinguished voice said

Hurt? What am I remembering? Hurt who!?

"Like totes I've seen his eyes look athca an he has no happiness from you, but loves ya all the way through."

No! No! No! No! I make Ruto-kun happy! We are meant to be together. WHY ARE YOU LYING!!!

"You sleep with any man? Then you felt like you deserve to pick a man? Thats not fair to senpai-sama, he doesn't deserve it and you honestly don't deserve…." The little girl said 

Wait! What don't I deserve!? We are meant for each other! I...I… I…..

I don't give him anything do I.  My own voice echoed in my head.

"If I had a good boyfriend chuu chuu chuu all day we'd…. Ho-ho-Hol' hands like real lovey dovey! Choosing time with any kine of other man, would totes reject-X" I dont fully understand what that voice said but it hurts.

I 'chose' others over him? No! I had to! Don't you guys do the same!? Aren't all girls the same!? 

It hurts, everything hurts. My chest, my heart, my head.

"Just fucking suck the dick in front of you!" A man's voice said

"A woman must be a cum dump until she's married. Only men can approach a woman for sex, unless the woman….."

"You see I married your mother and I get to fuck you whenever I want. If you don't like it, then it'll only hurt. Learn to love it now, maybe imagine someone else while it's happening, because ITS GONNA HAPPEN sweetie. So let's have fun."


I open my eyes and I see 5-men surrounding a body on the floor. Punching and kicking one has a bat and hes getting closer to the body…. The body…. The body…

Thats Ruto-kun!

I get up and run.

"Fucking in public instead if being with your boyfriend! Hahaha what a slut."

"Your boyfriend must hate life to have a girlfriend like you."

"Maybe after you have a few bastards we'll let him have a turn impregnating you."

"I said you have to tell her."

"After marriage."

My tears won't stop. I hurt Ruto-kun, I don't know how, and I don't know how to fix it. Some of my memories keep coming back, and I hate it.

I've seen him in tears so much while I had him to myself… maybe he should marry someone……

"WAAAAHHHHHHH" I leap on the man with the bat. 

"What the fuck! Get off me bitch!" He shoves me off. "Hey you gotta be one of Sasukes, be a good slut and sit down this is his orders."

What!? Sasuke-senpai?! Even if we weren't that close I thought he at least cared.

I charge again. This time he slaps me and I fall back. He gets right next to Ruto-kun and lifts up the bat.


<p.o.v Haruto>

1 year ago.

I was hanging out with Akechi, we had similar interests and enjoyed each other's company, but he came over more often after he learned Sakura lived with me. To me it was obvious but apparently he thought he was being natural. While walking to my house we were talking.

"Haruto,you have to know something is up with Sakura. Like as a friend I have to tell you this." Akechi faked concern.

Yeah? Concern. I have a feeling he did it more than once with Sakura and wants me out of the picture to make a move. But, I'll give him some time to change his ways.

"I love her." I said like it was the answer to end all answers.

"I can get that. She's super pretty and nice." He put his hands behind the back of his head.

"Is that it?" I chuckled

"What do you mean?" He looked at me.

"You want someone pretty and nice? That can be anyone. Thats a stupid answer."

"Hahahaha OK Mr. Sage, please educate me."

"Sakura is Sakura. She isn't pretty, she's Sakura. She isn't nice, she's Sakura." I chuckled again. "A nice person will lend you a hand when you can't get up. Sakura is weak, if she can't pull you up? She'll sit down with you. She'll act strong when you're hurting even if she's weaker than you. She'll always show concern if you're doing too much, if she can't help, her weak self shall stand by you while you work. Even if she can't do the job, she'll stay side by side with you til the end. Sakura is Sakura, and Sakura is weak. I love her because she's weak, you can never hate unless you love, and you can never be strong without being weak." I smiled just saying those words.

"That's way too long." Akechi mumbled.

"Sakura, no matter how weak she is, will endure pain so someone doesn't have to."






The tall man that blindsided me, and helped kick me while I was down and his boys joined in. Swung that bat down at me.

Why didn't I feel it?

I look down on my legs where he Swung. Right there, is another body….


Sakura's body was motionless on top of me. Her head was on top of my stomach. I saw a trail of blood coming from her mouth. 

"I'll be strong for you when you can't be, just protect forever okay?"

The words she said at my parents funeral flash in my head.



No… its a calm, my head is flooded with a calm feeling. Telling me what I have to do.

I grabbed Sakura's head tightly and rolled toward my attacker. He stepped back as he avoided being tripped and that's when I was on top of Sakura and I kicked him with his momentum going back pushing him further. I used the opportunity to get up. I thrust kicked one goon into two others, with enough space I take my sweater off my body but keep my fists in my sleeves. Onee-sans words echo in my head

"Sometimes you'll fight a much stronger opponent and you have to be smart. Lull him into a false sense if security, disarm his strengths. He may be stronger than you all together. But use two hands to his one hand, teeth to his neck, mom also says hits to the balls but I dont know how you feel about that. If someone has a bat or knife and you can't run, try this."

I approached the man with the bat. The mans 2-meters tall at least, decent width, and honestly too much grease in his hair.

He swings the bat at my head, I stretched my arms out pull my sweater apart, catching most of the momentum, let the bat hit my neck where I pinch it with my shoulders locking it in place. Using my two hands I slam down on his hand holding the bat. It pulled him forward and jolted the bat off my shoulder hitting him in the face.

(Author note- Dont try this at home I did some trial an error with a padded bat and this is what happened, most likely accidentally.)

He let go of the bat and it was already wrapped in my shirt. I gripped it and swung at the man behind me.


I hit him in the lower jaw knocking him out. I turn back to tall man and aim at his knee before he can rebalance himself.

*Katunk* target hit. He drops to a knee.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I turn to see two more people came but they are attacking the other men. One man is down, bleeding, one is being taken. The last one just got stabbed in the leg.

I turned back to the tall man I swung at his face he tried to dodge but I clipped his nose. His nose is now probably shattered? And he's bleeding profusely. Only one knee is on the ground, I target the other leg.



His shin bone dented and is now exposed. He's falling down and I swing again hitting his chest, then again, then again, then again.

Arms wrapped around me but I shoved them off and stomp on the mans balls.

Good advice mom.

Before I can attack again


something hit me and I collapsed.

I wake up later on, with my vision blurry.

My sight comes back to me and I can see.

I'm getting a lap pillow in a car… by

"HIME!" I got her attention as she looked down.

"My prince." She stroked my head while she's crying, "its my next year."

"Happy birthday."

I pull her down or I pull myself up I don't know but I kiss her….. and I immediately stop.

"Ow!" I touch my lips and jaw.

My face fucking hurts!

"Please be careful, trust me, I'm holding back as much as I can because you're a mess." Nee-san drops tears, "I wanted my release to be a surprise, not this. I just wanted a nostalgic candy trip with you and Sakura." She sniffles a bit.

I reach into my back pocket.

Holy fuck my ribs hurt.

After I was punched I fell to the ground where all those guys started beating on me. If it was for…

"Sakura! Where's Sakura!" I panicked, trying to get up but failing.

"She's in the front, you were out for a while we just left the hospital. She's not in any danger but they want her back in tomorrow."

I finally reach my back pocket and pull out her candy.

"Hime, here." I tried to hand it to her but it's more she grabbed it from my gimp hand. "Did they check on me too?"

"No." She said stroking my hair, "If they told me that I couldn't spend the night with my brother on the day of my release…. I'd fucking kill those doctors~" she smiled mischievously.

"Or just sneak into my room after visiting hours." I replied causing Himeno to pout

"Im trying to show how serious I am." Shes puffing her cheeks and looking away.

Fuck what an emotional Rollercoaster of a day.

"Whose driving?"

"Hey Haruto-kun." Sachiko raised her hand and said.

"Ahhh Ande…. I mean Sachiko-san"

We arrived home where Sachiko helped Hime to bath me and a really woozy Sakura. While scrubbing my back Hime had me wash the front myself.

I won't lie when I say I was disappointed.

I'm limping too my room

Sachiko was gonna put Sakura in her room,

"Wait, I want her to spend the night with me and Hime." I said while I winced. "I missed having both of them by my side, and today doesn't feel real, since it doesn't seem anything naughty will happen we can just sleep together."

"Fuck I can't do it." Hime pushed me against a wall and took off her pants?

They look like horrible material.

"Im still a woman, I want you so badly! I need to feel you," she takes off the horrible panties she had.

I can't look down properly fuck!! I wanna see it! But my body let me.

"I wanted to buy sexy lingerie," shes pulls down my pajama pants, I'm currently shirtless.

My dick is already at attention.

She vacuumed my dick. Not in a good way, she's trying to suck it in like air.

She starts masturbatimg furiously and deep throating my dick. Shes gagging and her eyes are red and she looks to be in a lot of pain.

"Hime… you don't have to force…"

"I need it!" She rammed my dick down her throat, she doesn't seem to be enjoying it but she won't stop. It's slopp and violent. "I just want it so bad!"

"Sachiko do you have any advice?" I asked the most aged adult.

"Hold on" she went to out Sakura down.

By no means am I not loving this, but my sister hurting herself for my dick isn't a turn on.

Sachiko returns shortly.

"Himeno…." Nee-san ignored her, "HIMENO!" Nee-san looked,  "Slow down, you have to start at the tip."

Himeno tried to ignore Sachiko.

"Himeno I'll stop helping, if you want your brother  to hate you sucking his dick." Sachiko said and that caused nee-san to go puppy eyed.

She looked up at me with my dick in her mouth almost like she was trying to say 

"You wouldn't hate onee-san sucking your dick would you?"

"Hime, just listen to Sachiko please." I said while caressing her cock filled mouth.

*purr* she purred like a kitten. 

Himeno hasn't stopped playing with herself and I can't look down to see it!

"Ok Himeno, close your lips around his tip. Suck as if you're sucking a lollipop, and less like your taking a deep breath." Sachiko explained

Himeno does it.

"I know you want your brother deep in you, but he wants you to love the feeling. So, start bobbing your head up and down just a little."

Himeno listened.

"Ok I'll skip a few steps for you." Sachiko got right behind Himeno. "Build up your saliva in your mouth. Thats good, good. What a good girl."

Sachiko is getting into it.

"Now swallow all that saliva." 


As Himeno gulped Sachiko pushed her head down forcing ALL OF MY DICK IN MYBSISTERS THROAT.

No! My sister has heart eyes!!

"Now that its in your throat, back a way. That's good. Stop, you don't want it to exit your throat yet." Sachiko pushed nee-san back down and puts her face next to hers. Nee-san hasn't stopped playing with her pussy.

I bet the floors a mess.

"I can see his dick stretching your throat, Himeno your so beautiful when you're being a naughty sister." Sachiko pulled Himeno off my dick and my sister *Gasped* for air. Her face looks so happy though.

My dick is coated with heavy white saliva and nee-san is stroking my dick fast.

"Cumming!" I said

Nee-san enclosed you mouth on my head as I spilled my seed. I love my sister but Sachikos tit job milked me more.

Is this the power of experience?

Himeno removed her mouth from my dick but does stop stroking.

"Shooo, dewishus." Himeno said with a mouth full of my cum. Himeno strokes more jazz out of the tip of my dick and stops masturbating to scoop the remnants before she uses it as bean flicking lube.

A few minutes later I'm cleaned up and in bed.

"Hime, aren't you sleeping with us?" I pointed to me and Sakura.

"I will. I have to finish something first but ill be right back."

<p.o.v Himeno>

Sachiko parked her car around the block. Its like a mini-mini van. (Look up Mazda 5). Im wearing temporary clothes from the institution that looks like the orange jumper they had, but the material, believe it or not, was worse. Sachiko was in her guard uniform.

"It was cheap" was what she said when she saw my judging stares.

Walking to the candy shop I was excited. I couldn't wait to see my brother. 

You see I turned 18 and was allowed to finally sign my own release papers. I Was eligible for release for a long time, but i have no guardian. My mother is in a coma, and we had money so there was no reason for me to try and obtain one. We don't have any living relative that I want to let into my life with Haruto. Not to mention my dads parents are probably senile by now.

Another benefit to being 18, I can now start collecting my fathers retirement money he had. I just have to get the papers together.

Me and Haruto will have no troubles at all!

That doesn't mean I'll go easy on him. Dreams and goals are needed to keep passion in your life and I plan to have him A LOT of passion.  *giggle*

Approaching the area, I noticed there was no pedestrian traffic.

That's odd

What I saw when me and Sachiko approached the candy shop wasn't the happy reunion I wanted though.

A boy in a large sweater being beaten? A girl in agony? Wait…. I know that girl.

"That's Sakura! The boy has to be!" I tried to run but Sachiko held my hand.

"What are you DOING!?" I let out killing intent.

"We need proof for when the cops come. Trust me." Sachiko had her iphan XXX out and was recording. She saw the big man pull a bat from his back, and that's when we started to run.

We didn't make it before Sakura jumped in to save Haruto. I thought Haruto was gonna get hit next, but Haruto….Haruto...

Haruto… was magnificent.

He turned the tables to save the girl he loved. My pussy is drenching itself.

I take out the shiv I hid in my cleavage.

(I wanted to show Haruto what I made, like arts and crafts, don't judge me)

One goon in a tiger print shirt was approaching Harutos back. Haruto hit him in the jaw and turned around as I ran up behind him and sliced his hamstring(to stop him from getting back up). I avoided lethal cuts, but didn't avoid excessive cuts. 

We got the attention of the other goons. Sachiko ran up and pepper sprayed one and tazed another. A third one in all black charged her but she lifted her booted foot and clocked him up the jaw.

Finished with my victim I ran up to the man Sachiko kicked. Slicing his stomach, and elbowing the side of his head. He falls to the ground bleeding.

Me and Sachiko make short work of the tazed and blind assailants as we look at Haruto and notice… hes not stopping. 

I tried to pull him away but he shook me off. I nodded to Sachiko and she tazed him.

I need you pure Haruto, onee-san will be the one with dirty hands.

We called the cops and pulled Sakura, Haruto, and the tall man and put them in the car.

Sachiko tranquilized Haruto and the tall man making them rest.

When the cops cap we acted as witnesses, saying students came to help their classmates after this gang jumped them. We showed the video, they made a copy, took our statements and left.

First we took Sakura to a hospital, that was a couple hours but I'm glad Haruto was still asleep.

I only wanted a happy reunion with my brother. Haruto, you did so well today. Whomever ruined this day, is going to fucking die. I want to touch you more! I want to squeeze you, I want you to squeeze me! My nipples are so hard, I want them bitten. Those fucking bastards. 1 year 17 days 11 hours and 47 minutes I haven't seen my prince and now I have to wait till he heals. I'LL FUCKING KILL SOMEONE!




My brothers cum! I want to bathe in it. I never want my holes without it ever again. Will he cum in my arm pits? When I sweat I want his stench to reak off of me, to mark me as his own. I never want any of his bodily fluids being wasted ever again… ahn! I can be his toilet for the rest my life. 

While I was masturbating to thoughts of Haruto serving me his piss during every meal, straight from the source, in the empty home of our childhood friend.

In the family room I have I have plastic layer out through the entire floor. I'm also wearing a plastic Pancho, and non latex gloves. The kitchen had some knives I could use, and I have a mini-sledge hammer i have them displayed on a foldable mini-meal table. 

I also bought a water vacuum, you know.. for fluids. (Me and Sachiko went to the hardware store before Haruto woke up.)

In the center of everything is the tall man strapped to a chair. Gagged and tied to a chair. Hes draped with plastic.

We cut a hole in a plastic drop and slid it over his head.

He's strapped to a wooden chair with arm rests. Each hand an arm tied down thoroughly. Each of his legs are tied to the leg of a chair.

The man is watching me as I play with myself over the plastic Pancho. Me, him, and Sachiko are *naked, but that doesn't give him the right to lookat what belongs to my prince! 

*(To avoid blood getting into the fabrics)

I stop what I'm doing and get up and approach him. On the way to him I grab the hammer, and without missing a beat



I hit him right in the knee.

"Himeno, I asked you to wait til I got ready." Sachiko came into the room in the same outfit as me. Her glorious tits on a blurry display. Both of our bodys look like they are hazy censored in a J.A.V.

"You took too long," I stared at her inverted nipples that WEREN'T currently inverted."what were you doing?"

"Well…. Well I was pent up from seeing you talking with your brothers cum in your mouth. I wanted you to eat me out with your brother on your tongue."

"You have weird fetishes." I said and she looked taken back.

"W-w-w-what is someone who just sucked off their brother saying?!" Sachiko said while blushing.

"Hehee~. Get my brother to cum or piss in you and ill slurp it up." I declared, making Sachiko shimmy her hips.

"Fort thing first!" I removed the gag from the 




I re-gagged him. I waited for him to calm down and took the gag off again. I grabbed a knife and put the tip on his dick.

"Scream again and this goes bye-bye."

He immediately shuts up.

Threaten a dick and they always do what you say. A dick that isn't Harutos shouldn't even function.

"Ok, now" I remove the knife. "You tell me why I had to see my Haruto on the ground as soon as I got free."

"The boss, he wanted his legs broken."


"The boy was getting cocky, he forced the boss to act nice to the girl he was with by blackmailing him. I was just suppose to break his legs and take his phone."

"Break his legs….." my eyes shifted I gripped the knife and hammer in my hands.

"Himeno wait." Sachiko touched my shoulder, "this boss of yours. Is his name Hachi Sasuke?"

".........." he went silent. I give Sachiko the hammer and put the gag back in his mouth. He tried to fight me off, but I put the knife to his dick again. As soon as the gag was on I stabbed his bleeding and busted left leg with it.


2 inches of the 8 inch knife entered him. Blood squirted but was stopped by the plastic. Soon it'll drip to the plastic on the floor.

"Sachiko… use the hammer and pound the knife into him."

"MMMFFFPPMMMMMMMM." The man panicked and was trying to talk.

"Oh? You feel like talking now?" He nodded very energetically. I remove the gag.

"Yes its Hachi Sasuke thats my boss." He said. Sachiko looked down.

"So this guy works for your son who raped you, abuses and hates women, has girls whoring themselves, turned your other son into a tyranny, probably raped him too, and probably doesn't brush his teeth everyday."

"......" Sachiko said nothing. I get up and hug her.

"Im sorry, I said the last part to lighten the mood. I bet he brushes his teeth everyday so don't be sad." *sniffle* *chuckle* she laughed at my joke

"What the hell is wrong with you Himeno." She smiled as a tear fell.

"Well I did just get released from a mental institute." This time I chuckled. "Anyway," I turn to the man. "That the guy? The one I just described?"


"How is he your boss?" Sachiko asked.

"He just…. Pays us."

I twist the knife

"Aaaaaahhhhh….. ok ok. The Hachi family gave him some backing and recruited us. He pays us with the videos he makes."

"The Hachi family…?" Sachiko turned pale.

I kind of figured he wasn't the main guy. But, the main guy didn't target Haruto, Sasuke did.

"How does he make money off the videos?" I asked

The man talked about a website that's on the bad areas of the internet.

Sachikos iphan XXX pulled them up quickly. On it has girls being used by men. Their ages and bodies are exposed but not their faces.

I see in the bottom section a "rule breakers" categories. In it are the names and videos of people who apparently broke the rules.

So he posted their information if the fuck up.

I click on a video and a boy with a censored face is crying. You can't see the tears but you can hear them. Hes in baggy clothes, sweat and pants. Hes yelling at an older man and he charges at him.

My Haruto, you're in pain. All these men hurt you didn't they. Well, I'll have to go and have a talk to 'each of them'

I thought to myself as Haruto beat the older man down in the video.

Haruto beat him for breaking rules. What I do to them, is for the pain they caused my prince.

"Ok, before we cut you loose. Whats your bosses address?" 

He gave us the address and I out the gag back in his mouth. He looked at me with a confused expression.

I grabbed a butcher knife from the table and lifted the plastic that was over his body. I place the knife edge on his shin, right above the ropes holding him, and I let the plastic drape over once more. Now I'm holding the knife handle from outside the plastic.

"Mmmmmphphphphhphmmm." He tried to say.

"Sachiko, if you please."

Sachiko is scared, but more scared of disappointing me. She bends over in some kind of golfing stance, her tits falling with gravity.

Would Haruto wanna sleep on those?

She steadies her aim. Twists her hips and swings.



Blood curtained out. The plastic blocked it all. But a pool is quickly forming. I get the liquid vacuum ready.

"My turn my turn. Can you you throw some water down and start vacuuming." I tell Sachiko and she hands me the hammer and gets to work. "See I told you we'd cut you loose! Now you can move your leg!"

The mans eyes are rolling in the back of his head.

"Oh wait! I'm sorry we didn't go all the way through!" The butcher knife was now lodged in his shin.

Vrrrrrrrrrrrrr goes the vacuum as Sachiko gets ready for clean up.

*KERCKECK* *crunch*


Seems like the man vomited an the gag stopped it.


Looks like another liquid is hitting the plastic on the floor.

Thats dirty. If his piss touches me I make him watch me scramble his 'eggs'

Small crunch this time. As I swing the hammer an hit the knife. This time the knife cut through and fell to the ground. I get up and hit the knife I stabbed him with earlier.


A LOT of blood this time.

I slowly use the butcher knife to cut sections of his legs off. The man passed out on the second section.

I place the pieces in a cooler. With a note on it.

One order of broken legs.

  Author here, please let me know how my world building is, I try my best to keep things fluid but I am a novice. Also how are my fight scenes and smut scenes. remember I have character Bios and pics in the glossary and will be adding more slowly.

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