The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 24- Uzumaki Tamada

CONTENT WARNING... Haruto isn't in this chapter BUT! none the less what it does have is NTR, CHEATING, teen pregnancy, light body shaming, and CUCKING


<p.o.v Uzumaki Tamada>

My name is Uzumaki Tamada…... It's an appropriate name for me. Unmoving. For that's all I ever was, still. That was how I was born, and that is how I lived.

Born to my parents premature, they actually thought I was a still born, cuddled in a fetal position. I was resuscitated with an oxygen machine, yet even with air in my lungs I didn't look like I moved, thus through irony, I was given the name Tamada.

Over the years my physical development was slower than others causing me to look smaller than most kids. Being weaker, smaller, and slower didn't make me popular on the playground. I had no friends, nor any idea how to approach them, just an unmoving child. My only friend was a red blanket I would carry around with me. The blanket I had as an infant that no one thought would even walk one day. 

It took me 14 months for my first steps, honestly not much later than others, but to my expecting parents watching every day? It was excruciating.

This blanket, it was the shell I wrapped around myself when I was scared or wanted to forget about the outside world. If I needed companionship, my blanket provided it. This way of life continued in my earliest memories.

It wasn't til a man came over to meet with my parents did I make my first friend.

In the doorway to my home my father greeted another man, both wearing suits way too expensive to carry toddlers around while wearing, so I was on the ground, and so was a 3-year old girl behind her father's legs holding the hem of his pants as he tried to shake her off gently. She was the same age as me, but whole a baby head taller. 

I thought she was a giant when I first met her.

Being the only child around she approached me.

If there were others besides me I doubt she would've even noticed me.

She had fat chipmunk cheeks, a little pot belly, black pig tails, and two of the brightest bulging eyes. She wore a tiny blue dress.

My hair was a light brown and slightly curly. I had concaving cheeks, and green veins wrapped around my face, I looked rather malnourished, but I promise that wasn't the case. I wore a blue jean jumper and a light blue shirt underneath. I was rather petite so my father wanted everyone to know I was a boy. To top off my ensemble was the red blanket wrapped around my body like a robe.

"Are you sick?" Were the first words the little girl said to me.

I remember standing there frozen, I wanted to shake my head, but I just didn't. She moved from her father's shadow and rushed to me.

"Sick babies need res'" she said with a little lisp as she grabbed me and asked me directions in my large home. She escorted me to the family room where she patted a cushion on the couch, signaling me to get on.

I did as instructed only to have her hop on right after. She then laid me down and put my head on her lap and stroked my hair.

"Mama holds' Akio when Akio is' sick." She said as she patted my head. I didn't know what to do, this stranger thought I was sick and wanted to help me get better. But, I quickly devised an ingenious plan to escape the situation…….. I fell asleep.

Although I was scared and shy, I was also very comfortable. When I awoke I saw neither hide nor hair of my nurse in chibi clothing, so wrapping myself in my blanket I went looking for her.

It didn't take me long to find out that her and her father had left, I was a little sad at that fact, but I was told they will be coming over frequently. 

I can get my first friend, was the thought on my tiny little mind.

Over the course of several months Kuwabara Akio, I learned her name, would come over and always be cheerful and over time I came out of my shell. (Not my blanket shell, that I was keeping.)

We grew ever so close as a dynamic duo, she would use me as a guinea pig patient because she always thought I was sick, and I would….. well, I always look sick.

After playing every week one day came when she came over, but she didn't leave. 

We were both 4 years-old and she stayed the night. I was honestly happy, at the time I didn't know that her mom and dad left her with us so they could take a business trip, I just thought I gained an older sister who always doted on me so I was very happy.

After the second night of her staying over when it was time for bed. We shared my room and had our own separate futons, from Akio's futon I heard something I didn't think I'd hear…… she was crying.

"Mama…. Papa….. I miss' mama…" she was whimpering with her little lisp.

I never thought I would ever see the strong reliable older sister of mine, cry like this.

"Aki-nee" was what I called her at the time, "what's wrong?" I said as I wrapped my blanket around me and crawled into her futon.

*sniffle* "Tamada-kun?" She said wiping her tears, "you're awake? Ahhhh this is…" she frantically wiped away her tears.

"It's OK Aki-nee, I cry all the time." I said trying to make her feel better.

"That's because Tamada-kun is fragile." She said with a smile teasing me.

I pouted, puffing my tiny cheeks at her making her giggle.

"Im s'orry, it was a joke." She said.

Without saying a word I unraveled my blanket and wrapped her in it with me.


"This is my special blanket, whenever I am scared or nervous I keep it close to me." I said in bashful voice.

"But Tamada-kun always has…."

I glared at her and she could only giggle. I curled into a fetal position to get closer to share the tiny blanket.

"Tamada-kun is like a a fragile glass ball…. Like a Tama!" She said as she hugged me, "but  Tama can be strong too, thank you Tama-kun."

I felt my tiny face heat up at her words.

"Ill always help Aki-nee when she is sad." At my words she hugged me tighter and we slowly fell asleep.


Over time we got closer until we ended up in primary school together. Everyday we were inseparable, either in class, or on breaks. We attended some of the most prestigious private schools, but even that didn't stop me from being bullied. Aki-nee became more busy as the years went by, separating us from each other. My tormentors would use these times to tease me.

A small boy holding a blanket would obviously be a target.

"Don't tease Tama-kun!" Aki-nee would cry whenever she'd interrupt my bullies fun sessions.

Of course yelling out Tama-kun caused them to laugh, they still dispersed due Aki-nees family background.

"You have to stand up for yourself Tama-kun." She would scold me. We were about to enter middle school and she long since lost her lisp. I was disheartened, always thinking Aki-nee will be there was selfish. I had to do something to stop her from worrying.

"Yes Aki-nee." 

Later that evening, I had one of my maids turn my blanket into a scarf. I always had my blanket with me as a toddler whenever I was scared or nervous, but with Aki-nee's appearance, it lost its power to do that. All i needed now was Aki-nee, but this blanket now was a charm filled with our memories of growing up. 

So I wanted to keep it, i asked for the scarf hoping it would stop the bullying while still keeping the memories intact.

My plan kind of worked. The bullying slowed down, and completely disappeared in the winter(when a scarf makes sense), but I was teased in the summer and spring for wearing a scarf, but it was a small price to pay to help Aki-nee.




In the second year of middle school something happened. I had a dream, where Aki-nee and me…. She was breast feeding me(of course that means she held me VERY close to her chest) while rubbing my little son

I awoke with a stickiness in my pants, and it was at that point I started seeing Aki-nee as more than my reliable older sister.

I began to become a little awkward around her, and started to really notice how nice she smelled. I started to feel like I was becoming creepy, But I didn't let my growing desires affect our relationship.

In 3rd year middle school I shyly asked if I could call her Aki-chan, she said it was cuter to be called Aki-nee, but she accepted.

It was the happiest moment of my life!

Aki-chan was very active in school activities, especially track. So much in fact she ended up requesting from her family to go to a public school. A school renowned for its athletic divisions. After she got her approval, I begged my parents to go there as well. Since I never asked for anything and it seemed I did it to chase after Aki-chan, my father agreed.

He was always worried about me because I looked petite, but I started thinking there was more to his decision.



As we entered our first year of highschool I knew I wanted to confess my feelings to Aki-chan, but every chance I had…. I chickened out. Until it came to a point where my chances became less and less frequent. She was doing so much, hoping to catch the attention of her parents, hoping they would stay at home and cheer her on. I did my best, but I guess me always being by her side, my cheers didn't mean as much.

Lost and in despair I was approached my a senpai….. Hachi Sasuke…

He said he wanted to help me, Aki-chan always said I needed more friends so I wouldn't feel alone without her. So, I took a leap of faith…. And now I'm here.




Watching my childhood friend and my first love ravaged by man after man in the videos Sasuke sent me, I didn't do anything.

What could I do? This is partly my fault, I must atone. Since it hurts me to see her like this…. Would this be my punishment? Seeing her diligent, upright, and sophisticated demeanor being lowered to that of a slut in heat. It hurt me, but I couldn't look away.

It took time to realize that I felt so inferior to the men in those videos that I convinced myself that those videos were as close as I could get to being with my Aki-chan. Those random men able to brandish their dicks at my beloved and jam them into her, while myself? I couldn't tell her I loved her.

It all became routine until one day Sasuke tied me up, blindfolded, me and forced me to participate.

"I already know she's doing this kind of thing! Why involve mmmmmph-" they gagged me.

"Its easier to control guilty broken bitches you stupid virgin! Hahahahaa, but don't worry, you're my favorite type of guy. You helped sell out this woman and left her to her own sins. All bitches need to be reminded of their place in this world."

I heard all the obscene screams, all the nasty noises of bodies being meshed together, until it was my turn.

As a young virgin I was already erect and I was placed inside of a hot wet slimy entrance.

But, the weirdest thing was a wet slimy something picking at its own unique chastity!

Is someone licking my…

"Hhhaaaan" I remembered moaning at the sensation of something wet licking my back entrance.

I don't wanna be here! I don't want this! Were my thoughts at the time, but they were immediately followed with, did she ever feel this way? Did she ever NOT want it? I've always seen her lustful face enjoy this.

*sniffle* unable to answer my own questions I started crying.

When the tonguing stopped a voice was heard.

"How does it feel, Akio? Is it as good as mine?" The voice I know as Hachi-senpai said

"Not even close." Aki-chan said in a voice of judgment. My heart throbbed hearing that the woman I loved not only had other men, but she proffered them over me. Tears ran down my face and a large hand grabbed my butt and pushed me into her at a faster tempo then I was originally doing.

"Is that so? What's wrong with it?" I felt the joy in his tone as he mocked me.

"Its too small and it's just flailing inside of me."

What are you saying? Am I really that lesser of a being? Not being better then other men is one thing, but not giving her joy at all hurt whatever little pride I had. I begin to thrust harder on my own accord.

"Would you like my dick instead?" Hachi-senpai said. Even with my faster movements he never let go of my butt.

"Yes!" She said without hesitation. I did the python thing I could do. I thrusted faster and harder. Hoping, just hoping I could go a little deeper, that I could please her just a little. Hoping I had a chance to bring her back to me. The blindfold is soaking all my tears. My heart is breaking as I can't even earn a moan out if her.

Damnit, Damnit, Damnit, Damnit, Damnit, Damnit. Please! Feel me! Feel my love! I've always been there! Please let's go back together! Please Aki..

"By the way, weren’t you supposed to see Tama-kun later?" A ridiculing question he posed right next to my ear.

Stop! Please no more…

I slowed my waist down but he pushed me in and out with his hand.

"I-I-I canceled again…."  She said with a sad tone.

Yes! You feel bad right? You don't like leaving me alone right, right, right, right!?

"You'd rather get fucked by strangers then be near your childhood friend?" He chuckled.

"...I-I-I…" she stuttered.


My sobs and wails are further drowned out my Hachi-sans free hand as he now puts his body behind me.

What's going on!?

Hachi-senpai pushes he's thighs into my butt and he grinds his dick on my back. As he pushes onto me, he pushes me into Aki-chan

Stop! Stop! Its too fast!

"..yes." I said in defeat.


My spirit and heart shatter. Everything has been taken from me. My love, my future i once saw, and my manhood. I felt something inside of me break. I couldn't express anything. My mind is a cloud and I have no idea what I'm feeling. It was like all my energy left me but I could still move. Like my body and mind were separated, it almost felt like this was someone else's life.

"Oh looks like he's about to cum inside you!" Hachi-senpai said as he moved away from my bacm.

"Wait! What! No! Noooo! Put on a condom! Where's his condom!?" Aki-chan panicked, as Hachi-senpai removed my blind fold.

"What’s wrong Akio? You let me shoot in you a bunch!" He laughed out loud.

"T-T-Thats different!" 

Of course, me cumming in her would ruin her mood. But, not a man like Hachi-senpai who can share you with everyone. I have no chance to be next to you, do I Aki…… Kuwabara-san.

"That's different, no one else can! Please, I don't want anyone else to cum in me!" She screamed and she thrashed about, my dick softened inside of her at the mention of how I don't deserve this.…. 

"You heard her, kid." Hachi-senpai begins to cackle loudly, as he removes her blindfold as well. She began to cry. 

What is she crying over? She got caught? That I was the one that came in her?? Is she sad? Happy? I don't know anymore. 

All the other men weren't around and I noticed it was just me, Aki-chan, and Sasuke. Looking back on it that means there was only one person who could have licked my butt, but I was so distraught I didn't think of it.




In my schools principal office are two individuals sitting down talking. One is me in my school uniform, with my red scarf(now looking more like an ascot since I did grow a little) however the other person is looking at a written up request of mine.

In front of me is the perfect figure of Saito Fuyu. Perfect oval face, sparkling black almond eyes framed by small squares glasses, long hair so black it can reflect any light shining on it.  She is medium height at 169 cm, which is still much larger than me, her curvaceous figure can be made out in the black skirted-business suit she wears every day, exposing her wide hips and taut ass. White button up under shirt, black stockings. She is the picture perfect image of dignity and refinement.

"So Uzumaki-kun," she said as she looked up from behind her desk. "It seems you got your parents approval to transfer schools. According to the reasoning it seems you were…. Bullied."

Sitting in my chair I try to not look her in the eyes, knowing too well how they can consume you if you look too deep.

"" I stuttered.

"Well instead of transferring, how about you name your…. Bullies." She said as she stood up, "you don't spend time with many students." She walked over to me, "from what I know it's only Kuwabara-san," she walked behind me and wrapped her arms around me, "... and Hachi-kun." She whispered in my ear as her hands stroked my chest. "He wouldn't be your bully would he? If he is and you have proof… I could… h...e..l...p you." She said as she reached for my crotch, alerting me. I stood up and backed and distanced myself from her.

"N-n-n-no h-h-he…." I stuttered. 

I just want to be left alone. I don't want to be involved with Hachi-senpai anymore.

Saito-sans face looks very displeased at my words.

"Is that so…." She adjusted her blazer and went back behind her desk. "I guess if a coward could stand up for themself…. They wouldn't be running, would they."


She stamped my transcripts  and handed me a new form.

"You're no longer a student here now, and no longer my concern." She said as she handed me my papers and sat back down, no longer acknowledging my existence.

I left the office immediately.

I just don't want to be apart of this anymore.



When I told my father I was being bullied and wanted to transfer schools he looked at me with such disgust. I have had no way to appeal to him, and it seems running away only caused more of a rift between us. It didn't matter though, a fresh start was what I needed. To cement my decision, I finally wrote down my confession to Aki-chan, and left behind my scarf. Those lingering feelings didn't do me well, so I hope leaving them behind will be the push I need to create a new life.





A couple of months have passed since then, and although what I have been through was traumatic I can say I have moved on successfully. I'm almost a second year, doing well in school, and I have a girlfriend.

Her name is Amai Yuko, a very plain girl, but she fills my heart.

She is the class rep and was given the task of showing me around school on my first day. I sought her out with all my questions of the school like a good new student, but with an ulterior motive. With my recent hardships at the hands of Sasuke I wanted to have someone for myself, someone I could grow with, someone that could be there for me.

Yuko was diligent and hardworking, but she didn't stretch herself too thin, she always maintained a balance between social life and school life. I was attracted to her work ethic, and not wanting history to repeat itself, I confessed to her earnestly and quickly. Within my first 3 weeks of my new school, I actually had a girlfriend. I became very happy with my current life….. but good things really don't last do they?

As a man who has lost his virginity the I did, I was very eager to have a re-do. Perhaps too eager. At our one-month anniversary I pressured Yukon into sex. Although we only recently had our first kiss and public displays of affection, she consented to going all the way. 

It was magical! I felt a wonderful connection to another that I've never felt before. The feel of her body against mine, the taste of her. Everything was perfect…...or so I thought.

We would have sex pretty often when I would bring her to my home, my father was very happy with me bringing a girl to our house, even though I tried to hide what we were doing, I had a feeling that he knew. 

Everyday was fulfilling to me. The everyday life of a student with a girlfriend was a great experience to me. I didn't think life could be any better.

It was lunch one day at school.


I turned around and looked at a classmate trying to get my attention.

"It looks like Amai-san left her lunch here."

"Oh she said she had student counsel work to do. I'll take it to her."

Taking her lunch I went to the student council room where I bumped into the president.

"Good afternoon president, is Yuko here, she forgot her lunch."

"Huh? No Yuko isn't here. She would normally eat lunch in her class, in the cafe, or on the roof of the school though."

"Ahh I see. She would feel silly if she went to the roof and didn't have lunch to eat. Thank you president."

I rushed to the rooftop. If she went to the cafeteria without lunch she could always buy one, so if she went to the roof that would be the worst case scenario without having lunch. So, with that logic I reached the roof. Opening the door…. What came to view was Yuko with her skirt lifted, being pounded from behind while holding onto the fence that blocks the edge of the roof.

"Hah…. Hah… hah… aaaahhhnnn" her moans were heavy.

I ducked behind the door since they were too busy to notice me. I crept my head in the doorway to see a man plowing my girlfriend from behind.

"Are you all pent up again today?"

"Y..ha...y..ha...yes…" she moaned out

"Cheating on your boyfriend because he isn't good at sex, such a horrible class rep."

Because I'm bad at sex?

"D-dont say that! You kept…. You kept… haaaahnnn."

"I know I know, I'm only playing," he said as he stroked the back of her head.

I should do something about this! Am I not moving?

"If anything it's his fault, never fulfilling you right? Always getting pleasure himself and leaving you hanging."

Is that true? Have I not been pleasuring her well?

"Im cumming! I'm cumming!" Yuko yelled out.

Something happened at that moment seeing my girlfriend cum from a dick thats not my own. An erection in my pants that I didn't notice until it bumped the wall I was hiding behind.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHH." The boy moaned as well.

Both of their bodies slumped down onto the ground. The boy pulled himself out of her and adjusted her pants.

"Well until next time class rep."

The boy started to leave. I panicked and hid behind the door. The boy passed me without noticing me.

I don't know what caused it, probably my erection was controlling my brain, but I approached Yuko who was still on the ground with her skirt lifted. Cum that wasn't mine was oozing out of her and she was panting heavily.

I slowly pulled my pants down exposing my underwhelming penis and I positioned myself behind her.

"Did you enjoy that?" 

"Ehhhg!" Startled she turned around and almost panicked. "TAMADA-KUN! I-I-I-I-I….."

"Shhhh….." I put one hand on her back to keep her from turning around, and the other hand reached for her dripping pussy. Seeing the cum in her pussy, I was unable to look away. 

"Hhhhaaa….." she moaned as I inserted two fingers into her used hole. I scraped out some of its contents and bring my fingers to her face. "Ta-ta-ta- Tamada-kun, I'm sorry, I just…."

I put my fingers in her mouth.

"You cheated on me, you should swallow the evidence so you can act like it didn't happen."

Removing my fingers, I reach for my dick. I tap her cum filled clam with my tip before I insert myself.

"Hhhaaaaa…" she quivered.

"Did you like cheating on me? Hurting me? Lying to me?" I said as I thrusted furiously into her. "Your boyfriend's dick is inside of you but its covered in another man's cum. We haven't even done it raw yet my dick is in you and the cum in there with it, isn't mine." I said with a tear running down my face. 

"Im… I'm sorry Tamada-kun."

"Why? Tell me why." I demanded as I thrusted faster.

"Y...y….you always leave me frustrated. You always get me in the mood but can't finish me."

Why am I asking her? I already know it's not a question I want the answer too.

"Is he better than me?"

Why am I asking more? What am I doing?

My chest tightened waiting for the response to her question 

"...ha..ha…. Hhaaa…" she moaned out.

Like a bolt of lightning went down my spine, I instantly recalled Aki-chans face when when she confessed to wanting Sasuke's dick over mine. This time however, the churning in my stomach traveled to my dick, and I ejaculated more than I ever have.

"Hhhhaaaahhhn!" Yuko moaned.


"Hahhh… hahhh…. Hahhh…" I was out if breath and so was Yuko. "Did you finish that time?"

"..... yes…" Yuko looked down in shame.

"Wow, you have semen from both of us in you. If you got pregnant, whose would you prefer?"


Yuko remained silent, but the thought of her saying it wasn't me made my dick tingle in excitement, however Yuko didn't respond. Most likely ashamed of what just happened.

"Oh yeah, here's your lunch." I reached behind me and put her bento down next to her. I then pulled myself out of her and helped her to her feet. I gave her a kiss on her tainted lips.

"I'll see you in class." My words caused her to go wide eyed.

"Y-y-y-your not mad?"

"Hmmm? Oh I am, but it seems I'm lacking too much to keep you to myself. So, I'll better myself and make sure you choose me."

Yuko had a confused look on her face but didn't say another word.



It was from that day forward that I dedicated myself to bettering myself as a man. I wanted to be the one that caused my woman to climax.

I began working out albeit minimally at first. My father seeing me trying to become a man in his eyes actually gave me his full support. He procured me physical fitness trainers, dieticians, testosterone, steroids, and anything else he felt I lacked. 

During this time Yuko actually stopped cheating on. 

"I can see the effort you're putting in to get my approval and even though I don't deserve it, I have truly fallen for you and want to make this work. So please forgive me and allow us to move on  together."

Her words moved me, but they weren't enough. I needed her to be ensnared by another man so I can steal her away, proving I'm the better one. It took some convincing but I was able to get her to cheat again.

At first she would just tell me how she cheated on me, but it wasn't enough. I needed proof that the other man was giving it his all, just so when I steal Yuko i'll be 100% guaranteed to be the only man in her life.

I convinced her to make videos with the other man…. I think his name was Kaito… it didn't really matter as he will be left in the dust.

In these videos she would confess all my shortcomings and allow me to learn how to better myself. Seeing her being taken while the other man doesn't even know he's being recorded.

"He comes so quickly!"

"Having sex with him can only be satisfying, if you make me sensitive for him."

"His penis is too small, but I wish it was bigger."




Lately I've noticed I began masturbating while I watch her videos she sends me. I've also realized that I haven't been having sex with Yuko, every time she's in the mood I send her to make me a video. Maybe after she's done I'll tend to her.

My body has been changing moderately. I'm getting taller, I am no longer frail looking(although far from muscular), my sexual skills have been increasing as I have learned quite a bit from watching my gf fuck behind my back.

I'll put my skills to the test when I see Yuko again……

…… or so I thought.

In a new video Yuko sent me it was just her alone wearing a blue sundress.

"Tamada-kun… I mean Uzumaki-kun. This will be the last video I send you." She starts to cry. "I know I am at fault for what I've done, and this relationship is a way for me to atone, however." Her sobs pause her confession, "in my *sniffle*... in my attempts to redeem myself to you… *sniffle*... it seems I have gotten pregnant. *sobs* Kaito has said he will take responsibility and marry me." She wipes the tears from her eyes. "You see, he was my ex, and I broke up with him because he never took anything seriously, but lately he's been working hard and even got a job to take me out on dates. So, we will be moving into his grandparents home in the country, it has more space for… *sobs* kids to run around. He will make a good father, and I hope you can get over any pain I put you through. I'm sorry, goodbye."

My heart sank in my chest.

Why? Why? Why?! I've improved so much. What could it be? Was he that much better than me?

Thoughts of my girlfriend being stolen away and impregnated broke my heart, yet my erection in my pants is throbbing.

I looked down at the miniscule bulge in my pants….

That's it! That must be why! Its the only reason left! 



Seemingly finding the answer I talked to the one person who could assist me again in my journey to be able to steal women.

My father

As he was rarely home I spoke with him over the phone.

"A penis surgery?" A raspy voice said over the speaker phone.

"Yes father, I feel I am inadequate currently to please women properly, and……" do I just tell my father I wanna fuck women?

"No need to say anymore son. I personally understand where you are coming from."

Heh? Did My father just admit to being….

"I have a surgeon that specializes in this, I am gonna give them a call, and don't worry the results, will astound you."

It almost feels like he was prepared for this.

"Thank you father."

"No problem son. Pride can sometimes affect a man's decisions. The way you have been working hard and how you can admit your shortcomings is nothing but greatness in my eyes. I'm proud of you son"

My broken heart swelled again. 

I made him proud?

"Yes father I will not disappoint you!"




With my fathers backing I have become a man I never thought I could be. 

Through surgery I grew taller.

Through the workout regimens I filled out.

My dick is no longer the tiny finger I once had. It almost tripled from my 7 ½ centimeters and has reached a staggering 17 centimeters (that's about 6 ½ inches), to make up for my width my fathers doctor modified my penis further through pearling

With all my recent achievements I have become quite eye catching, easily able to make women's hearts flutter. I have laid waste to a few women in my school. I have successfully broken up several relationships and gotten a few sex friends.

But what if it's not enough?!

The women who pursued me as a romantic partner were the ones I would coerce into sleeping with other classmates, once they did I would sleep with them immediately afterwards to prove they wouldn't leave me for someone else.




It has been over a year since I left Aki-chan, but instead of moving on, it seems all my actions made me think more about her.

Do I still want her?

If I were to try and take Aki-chan for myself that means I will have to step my game up. I used my allowances to employ some of the looser students to have "sessions" with me.

Paying the slutty girls in my school was one thing, I unfortunately started to gain a reputation around my male peers as a creepy pervert. So I paid the girls for their service AND their silence and waited outside of love hotels to recruit strange men.

All the men would use condoms except for me. I can't be protected from what I must do.

Once assembled we would take turns with the girls and I would have the men ejaculate on her so I could get used to the stench and feel of semen. Its so I can raise my tolerance and not break again like the first time with Aki-chan.

To further my training id make the girl demean me and call me pathetic, and tell me how all the other mens cocks made her orgasm but my modified one was still lacking. I came again and again and again to her verbal abuse. Proving I'm not affected by other men and their cum in the slightest.

Sometimes I would have the girl swallow loads from the men and make out with me right after. Proving how Alpha I was, that none if this bothered me.

I'd have women spit the semen they slurped out of condoms onto my dick, so I could use it as lube for them or just myself in a corner.

No one can question my manliness again.

One girl had a condom break and a man came inside her. I sucked the cum out of her pussy before I entered her……..


There I was, thrusting into a girl I don't know, who's crying out other men's names, while I had a mouth full of another man's cum in my mouth and I realize…. I might have made a mistake.

This isn't alpha is it? No, I'm a beta-cuck aren't I? No true man gets aroused at sharing their woman with others! What have I been doing!?

It was at that moment, the last stand of normalcy broke inside of me.

I swallowed the cum.

The idea of regular sex no longer interested me, I wanted to feel degraded and demeaned. I want to be called worthless as I attempt to pleasure any woman that would have me.

Even though I messed up in my attempts to be an alpha, I believe I actually became the perfect partner for Aki-chan.

Its weird how fate works.



Speaking of fate, several months later nearing the end of my second year of highschool, Aki-chan's father called.

"Uzumaki-kun, how would you like to marry my Akio?"

This can be real can it? Everything I went through this year must of been for this!! All my efforts will finally pay off.


"Hohoho, you sound like you've grown. I'm looking forward to seeing you again. You can let Akio know if you can't wait for my return, welcome to the family."



I returned to the town I ran away from, set up a nice reunion with Aki-chan.

I wonder if she'll be surprised to see me.

While trapped in my thoughts and eating lunch in a mall food court I caught a glimpse of my prize! Aki-chan was having an outing with a group of girls. I noticed she still had my scarf, and that alone warmed my heart. I watched them get up and head to the ice cream cart in the walkway. I approached thinking I could say hello until I heard a part if their conversation.

"Akio," the muscular woman said,

Wow she looks like a model with abs!

"if you do or say anything that i'll feel will hurt Haruto, I'll show him the rest of your videos you make."

Akios face fell. However, she just nodded slowly and we all walked away with me in the back until I was tapped on the shoulder.

Huh? What kinda of reaction was that? Whose Haruto? No! Aki-chan can't have a boyfriend right? I just booked her didn't I? Would she cheat? If she breaks another guys heart like she did mine, I would feel partially guilty if I didn't stop her.

I approached the one girl trailing behind them. She was also gorgeous. Actually each of the girls hanging out were amazingly beautiful. Aki-chan might be the bottom ranked compared to the rest of them.

"Excuse me, I was just wondering," I put on an act "who is Haruto? I think he's a classmate of mine."

"Huh? Ruto-kun is?" The raven haired beauty said.

"Ruto-kun?" I'm confused by the nickname,  "What's his whole name?"

"Tomaki Haruto? Are you friends with him?"

"Ahh, no sorry wrong person. I thought you all were talking about a person whose notes I have to return. Guess not, have a good day." I got the information I wanted. Tomorrow I'll visit him at the school. If he has feelings for Aki-chan, I don't mind sharing but he needs to see her true self or he'll be damaged like me.

Tonight, I have an appointment with Aki-chan and Destiny.

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