The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 25- SIMP-KING [arc 1 end]


<p.o.v Sasuke>

Just waking up from a drunken slumber. I was looking for some relief. "MIRAI! COOK SOMETHING AND MAKE ME TEA!" I yelled as I rolled off the bed. Completely naked exposing my fully tattooed upper body and erect dick. Sitting up I take stock of everything.

Clothes. wallet. phone. Burner phones. Good got everything.

I check my personal phone first. I have a message from that loose cunt Miyuki.

TraumaDoc- The legs were real. I had a colleague test them and they are 100% that it was human DNA. Someone is sending you a message.

Fucking shit! First thing in the morn…. What time is it? 2pm?! Fuck!

I get out of bed with a groan.

"MIRAI!" I yelled out again. I walk into the bathroom and peer into the mirror. My face looks like shit but the rest of me is still up and running. Large biceps and triceps.  Check. Large thighs. Check. Ripped muscular abdomen. Check

I turn around exposing the large centipede and dragon tattoo on my back, the centipede is wrapped around the dragon trying to suffocate it. The centipede antenna creeps onto my neck.

You don't have to be honorable or respected to win.

I splash my face with water. Flex my hands I notice some bruising.

Must've gotten too excited with Mirai or someone said something stupid, maybe both.

I flex my biceps till the veins in my arms wrapped around my mountain peaks. Scars on my biceps from when my mother used them as an ashtray are still slightly visible.

Fuck my bodies really tight. I should relax for most of the day. One of Mirai's blowjobs would be good right now. Fuck since those legs were human, I can officially say Mirai is a man eater.  "HAHAAHA" I laugh at my own thoughts.

Walking around my apartment naked I don't bother with clothes. I just enter the family room and grab the pack of smokes and a light I left on the couch. Indulging in the nicotine air I look around.

"MIRAI!" I wait for an answer, "what fucking day is it? Sunday right? There's no school."

I get up and go to Mirais room. The room looks ransacked. It's a simple room with a bed and a dresser, but even with so little in it there's a lot of carnage.

Wallet, phone, and bags are gone.


I look frantically around the room for clues, cock swinging in the air at my frantic movements. I rush to my room and grab my phone.

No missed calls or messages. If I'm gonna go search for Mirai I better set up all my transactions today.

Going to the dresser in my room I grab my scrubbed phones. Checking them all to make sure I have no urgent business, I notice I have a message from a number I don't know.

<anonymoususer>- image.mpg

I clicked on the image. My blood froze, my body tensed up, I inhaled so deep and slowly I used up most of my cigarette!

A picture of Mirai in someone else's arms.

*Dokidoki* *DOKIDOKI*

My heartbeat quickens. A second message was below the picture.

"Found this little morsel on the side of the road. All tuckered out from the rough fucking I gave its asshole."



"ARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I let out a primal roar! I grab my personal and use the TRACKMYIPHAN app. 

A few kilometers away!

I put my jeans from last night on and put on some dirty socks. I waste no time with a shirt and head for the door. I slam my feet into some running shoes and I Burst out my front door slamming it shut as I take off and leap over the second floor railing and on a pile of trash below me.

I take off once again into the direction my phone guides me.



My thoughts and my words are in unison as I sprint across streets and driveways. Pushing innocent bystanders out of my way trying to get to my destination even 1-second faster.

15 minutes of non-stop running later.

My body is covered in sweat as my breathing is ragged. I put my hands to my knees to catch my breath. After a few seconds I look up at my destination. 

The kingdom lounge? Is this a bar? How did Mirai get here? Is someone selling my piece of ass without my permission!!?

I kick in the door to the bar.


It being still early in the day, there weren't many patrons in the bar. No one flinched at my words. The bartender was an older woman, long gone were her good sellable days. I see a couple men in suits drinking at the end of the bar.

Office workers?

 and I approach them and slam my fist on the counter.

"OI! Either one of you seen this person?"

I brought out my phone and flashed a picture of Mirai to the drinkers. Both of them are wearing brown suits. One with a green tie, the other red. Green tie had a long face, while the red tie was portly and round.

I put my phone right to the face of green tie.


"Oh! You're not gonna like what happens if you don't fucking answer!"

That's when red tie got involved.

"Oh yeaaaahhh? What exactly is gonna happen if we don't answer?"

"He...he….hehe….HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA" I throw my head back and laugh. "Its so good you asked… ha… ha..",  I try to calm down my laughing. "What's gonna happen is both of you bleeding, broken, and both if you get your assholes stretched. Who gets my dick and who gets the pool stick will be decided by who PISSES ME OFF MORE!"

Red tie got off the stool he was sitting on, I closed my phone staring at red-tie, that was my mistake.


Green-tie whipped his arm and backhanded me, Red-tie grabbed the stool he just hopped off of and lunged it into my face right over the seated Green-tie. *CLACK*! It hit me right in my forehead causing me to stumble.

What the hell was up with that coordination?

Snapping back upright I raise my arms in time to block the swinging barstool. *CRASH* the barstool broke in my block. Green-tie is already in front of me and sends a liver punch landing right on target.

*cough* *cough*

"FUCK YOU!" I grab the Green-tie by his collar and head-butt him. I do it again, and again, and again, and again. He tries punching me to force me to let go, but I dont. I push forward and Green-tie  falls back. We end up crashing on the ground, my bare chest covered in blood leaking from my forehead and nose. I continued to head-butt the now motionless man.

Red-tie has been punching and kicking  the entire time. Noticing I haven't stopped he grabbed another stool and hit me in the back of my head. *DOOSH* the barstool broke and I was flown off of Green-tie.

Blood dripping from my head I stagger to my feet, but before I can a soccer kick lands right in my liver.


"You stupid piece of shit, walking in here like you fucking own the place!? This is Gido's sect," he said as he continued to kick my body. "!"

Watching his rhythm while feeling pain. I grabbed his leg and chopped his knee tripping him. Holding his leg while he was on his back, I climbed to my feet and I kicked him in his fucking dick, grabbed the ankle of the leg in my hand, and stomped on his knee.


"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Red-tie screamed, holding his knee, which was now poking out in the back of his leg.

"Oh I'm not done with you asshole!" I spit out a mouth full of blood on the floor. I grabbed the phone I left on the counter. I open it, while Red-tie is still screaming, I called Mirais phone.


I look around and come to the pool table. In the area where the balls come out after to put your coins in, was Mirais phone. I picked it up and on the back had a little post-it note.

"Sasuke, I'm leaving you 

I hated the life you gave me

and I've fallen in love, and want a new life.

I'm going to live with mother to

find a way to live a good 

Life as a proper wife.

Fuck you forever.


(Spoiler from author*- Mirai didn't write the note)

The blood leaks out of my head and nose faster as the blood rushed to my head. 

"...LEAVE….ME!?" I squeezed the note and phone in my hand. "YOU… THINK… YOU CAN LEAVE… ME!?"

My blood is burning, my body is cold, my head is dizzy, and my dick is hard. I'm gonna cause pain to someone right now.

My attention turns back to the screaming Red-tie. I rush toward him and pick him up, bending him over on a barstool. I punch the back of his head a few times for still resisting.

"You wanted to act like a bitch! Then you'll be MY BITCH!" I yelled as I yanked his pants down exposing his hairy ass. I spit in my hand and slapped it between his cheeks. I pulled my pants down-

*BOOM* the bar door gets kicked open.

"Freeze! Police!"

I was caught with my pants down.

<p.o.v Haruto>


Waking up, my body was still ruptured by the pain from yesterday. My breathing feels labored. It still wasn't fully bright outside. My body is naked and wrapped in gauze and ace-bandages.

"Here." I turned to the voice to see Himeno and Sakura, both of them fully clothed in pajamas. Sakura is in a huge blue T-shirt holding a glass of water, and Himeno is in pink silk shorts and a matching top holding a couple of pills.

Sexy and cute. This is much better than over using naked apr….. 

As I recalled "naked apron" I remembered the events that transpired last night.



I come back from my daze.

"Oh sorry." I reach out and take the pills and water, wincing as I reach my hand out.

I hope these kick in fast.

I down the pills quickly and hang my head, a little dizzy from my quick head movement.

*chuchu* *chuchu* *chuachua*

I look up to see Sakura lifting her oversized shirt. Exposing her blue lace panties and topless breast while Himeno was sucking on Sakura's breasts.

"Uh… what are you doing?" I asked almost bemusingly.

"W-w-we thought that if we both played with each other…. Y-y-you would like it, and forget about…..just a little ease your pain." Sakura said while Himeno continued.

*sigh* "If I wasn't here would you want to do this, either of you?"

Himeno stopped and looked at Sakura and Sakura did the same. They then looked at me, and shook their heads.

"Then thank you, but stop it."

"Ahem…." Himeno said, pointing down at me.

Yes my dick was up. Two beautiful women fondling each other early in the morning? Despite my feelings for Mirai I am 100% into this.

"Is seeing two of the most beautiful women I've ever met fondling each other not suppose to have this happen? You should be concerned if it didn't happen." I teased. Both girls chuckled, "why are you both up so early?"

"We didn't sleep…" they said at the same time.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Uh well." Sakura and Himeno started. Sakura bowed to Himeno, giving her the chance to respond.

"We were worried. With how injured you are and how you started bleeding again, we couldn't relax knowing you might need someone."

I looked around and noticed Sachiko and Mirai weren't around.

"The other two were given time alone. They are relatives but they haven't actually known each other for a long time." Sakura squeaked.

"It would be nice if they could re-connect. Sachiko already feels unqualified to be a mother, but maybe they can still be friends and work from there." I said aloud.

"You're very sentimental aren't you Haruto." Himeno purred.

"I just know what it's like not having a mom for so long. Me and Mirai are very similar actually. With no mom we were shaped by the next closest relative. For Mirai it was Sasuke, and for me…" I just smiled at Himeno without finishing my sentence.

"In that case, I will do my duty and give you advice." Himeno said as she got on the bed crawling to me. "You can be as nice or as great to someone as no one else could ever be for them," she said as she got closer to me until she nestled to my side. "But, if you allow them to mistreat you, the person really getting hurt…" Himeno looked at Sakura and waved her forth, "is themselves." Sakura accepted the invitation and cuddled with us. "If you chase after Akio and show her you can be walked on, she'll allow herself to indulge in all sorts of things without concerning your feelings." Himeno said as she laid me back and cradled my head. "Sakura, what do you think of Akio?"

"She hurt my Ruto-kun and she needs to disappear."

"Please don't talk like that." I said, my words causing Sakura to go wide eyed.

"I-I-I'm sorry I didn't mean…"

"Yes you did." I pulled Sakura in for a hug. "Thank you for being worried." I release her, "having people I care for, just disappearing, isn't something I want. Ill deal with the situation my way, ok." I patted her head.

"If its the same way you treated Sakuras situation then I'm putting my fucking foot down brother." Himeno looked me in the eyes with utmost certainty. "You were too hurt from that and you dealt with it horribly. Promise you'll act differently this time, or i'll handle this for you."

"Hime I got this just stay out of it." I struck back, albeit annoyed at her words.

"Promise first, no more easy chances!" 

"I just want to live how I want to live! Is that too much too ask for?"

"Yes! Yes it is! Its not just about you Haruto. How would your other women hold their head up high if their man was a fucking doormat!? How could a child be proud if a father like that." She said as she stroked her belly.

Ok I'm not a scientist but even I know its too soon to tell…. But, I grew up not knowing some truths about my own father. How would my kids react to me living like I used to? How can I make everyone happy?

"Can you not use our non-existent children against me Hime? I get it, I get it. I promise I will handle this differently."

"Thank you." She kissed my cheek, as well as Sakura did. 

"We have to meet the principal soon, we should get some sleep."

"We can sleep in a little, you're too injured for classes so let's just go at around lunch time."

"As reluctant as I am, I agree." Just trying to shift my body weight hurts. "Lets have Sachiko and Mirai come, they need to set it up so Sasuke can't come to the school easily."

"We already planned on it."

"Sakura you can sleep in more, this shouldn't take long."

"Okay.. yaaawwwn."

Without anymore words we just huddled together and went to sleep.




Tuesday late morning

<p.o.v Haruto>

Dressed in our school uniforms, me and Mirai got a ride there with Sachiko and Himeno. 

How did things end up this way?

Himeno wanting to "make an impression" dressed her and Sachiko in what I could only define as, naughty secretary outfits.  

Himeno wore a dark grey business suit, with a skirt. The blazer however only has a bottom button making sure not to protect her chest. She matched it with a white button up that was a size too small, showing the buttons were strained, revealing the black bra she had underneath. She wore black stockings that came past her knees? But her skirt was so short that there was several centimeters of skin between her stocking endings and skirt beginnings.

Sachiko was in the exact same outfit but a black suit instead of gray. 

Her buttons look like they are fighting for their damn lives!

When we got to the school we already caused a scene by me being a part of the group, but with these two bombshells next to me we created a pandemic. Girls and boys were rushing towards me to "check up on me", honestly the attention wasn't too bad, but I had hated them staring at Himeno.

If Mirai was dolled up she would be catching eyes too, and I'm most protective of my little fairy. Thankfully she's wearing her boys uniform right now.

You always have the harem novels where the MC "doesn't care" if a man approaches his woman, but murders men for speaking to them, or the ones where it's all butterflies and rainbows. Personally my self esteem isn't there. I've been cheated on and lied too for so long that I feel undeserving of the affection pointed toward me. Whether or not Sakura is faking it or not doesn't matter, the damage is done, and I'll have to deal with it somehow.

I saw a lot of faces try to get a word with me while I was walking. Miyamoto-san, Sumire-san, Koko-chan (her eyes seem so radiant today.)


The Jiu Jitsu club captain. Nagasai Ino.

In our common uniform. The dark blazer and plaited skirt she wore, she still looked so…… scary.

Thank goodness I was able to miss out on Jiu Jitsu today, but the look she's giving me… what does it mean?

She has her black hair cut shorter than Mirai's, black eyes, a tiny button nose, faceted symmetrical cheeks and chin.

Looking at her face you'd think you were looking at the perfect shape of a diamond.

My thoughts are interrupted when she said.


As if on cue, every girl in my vicinity took a step back and bowed.


"Huh?" My face went blank.

Whats going on?

Nagasai-san approached me but was blocked by Himeno. They seem to be having a talk. They are whispering and Nagasai-san brought her phone and showed something. They only spoked for a minute, but the end of it was signaled by Himeno nodding.

Nagasai-san was let passed Himeno, she came up to me…… and kissed me.

"Thank you." She said and walked away.

I was still confused but that wasn't the end of it, there was a line! Girl after girl did the same thing. After a few minutes, Koko-chan was in front of me.

"For protecting basic human decency, thank you very much My love." She laid a thick kiss on me, much deeper than the others and this time WITH tongue!

What is going on!?

When I thought it was over Koko only moved away a little as Himeno approached me but she was wearing sunglasses?

"Its what is expected  from the man, me and my…. Sister wives," Himeno patted Koko-chan on her shoulder, "have chosen. Thank you for being the most decent, kindest, and warmest human being." Before she finished she lifted her head to yell, "WITH A HUGE COCK! " then she kissed me passionately. This wasn't some sloppy porno kiss. No, this was the kiss you give the girl at the end of the movie when you finished all the bullshit.

I still don't know what's going on.

"Come on let's go." Himeno said as she pulled my hand.

A few minutes of power walking and we are at the principal's office.

"Ok… what was that!?" I said.

"That was this." Himeno opened her phone.

It was videos of my fight, but instead of me speaking you have people dubbing over it.

"Wah-wah I'm the simp king! Fuck you alpha men for not bowing to women." 

Or other dubs like.


"Uhhh what is this?" I asked.

"Apparently a lot of guys didn't like you standing up to men that forced themselves on a girl, so they started making parody videos, meme's, and just teasing you." She said as she closed her phone.

"What does that have to do with…."

"The girls love you for it." Himeno smiled. "They wanted to show what 'the simp king' earned. The respect of all those girls. They hated you being teased so they just made a video."

Himeno showed another video. This time it's me with fan fare music in the background. Words floating over my head walking through the halls.

"The Adonis has returned!"

Goddammit Sumire-san!

And then the line if girls come to kiss me. Ending with Himeno commenting about my dick….. Now there's an interview, all the faces are censored.

"Is it true they call him the python?!" The interviewer asked

I'm pretty sure that Koko-chan.


"Oh kami! I saw just the outline. I was more afraid than impressed…. Still impressed though."

"How did they upload this so quickly!?" I asked

"Dont know, but you're new girlfriend was the one that set this up. Respond to her properly please, I like her." Himeno said.

"Me too." Mirai said with eyes of admiration.

"Hehehe ok ok, ill have a pro-"


The principal's door flung open. 

"Please hurry up and-"

The principal is a very beautiful older woman. Without her blazer on her significant bust was on full display in her tight white shirt. Perfect oval face and her hair is so shiny and black it looks like water when the light hits it. Her hair trailed down to the beginning of her skirt. Her short skirt. Her black mini-skirt. No, its rolled up. Tightly fitting her firm hips. Her black stocking noticeably attached to a garter sneaking beneath her skirt. Her beautiful black eyes opened wide at the entourage I had.

"Hello Saito-sensei." I bowed.

Everyone exchanged greetings.

"Please come in and have a seat." Saito-sensei said.

"Of course, are you ok sensei? Your clothes look disheveled." Himeno said.

"Oh?!" She became flustered and she tried to adjust her clothes.

"No need." Himeno said as she pushed sensei into the door had me close it once we were all in.

"Sit!" Himeno pushed sensei onto her desk.

"Whats the meaning of this!"

"I said Sit!" Sensei did so.

"Hime! What's going on?" I asked while Sachiko and Mirai had taken their seats on the two available chairs.

"Oh, well. Yesterday I told the principal you'll be coming alone, because a little bird told me." She looked back at Mirai and winked. "That a teacher had an affair with a student," at Himeno's words sensei's face paled. "Oh look at that face! I didn't even name names! Well," Himeno sat on the desk with sensei and wrapped her arm around her. "You see that teacher became principal, and that student started getting bullied by a very notorious bully…. Hachi Sasuke."

"Wait what?" I said.

"It's true, Haruto-sama." Mirai spoke up. "During Sasuke's last year here, she covered up a lot of incidents that Sasuke caused. She even gave out student files when he requested."

"WHAT!? Sensei! How could you!" I snapped at her, but tears were already forming in her eyes.

"Haruto-sama wait." Mirai stood in front of me, "She was forced."

"Weren't you all forced?! She's an adult! She should have done something…"

"They kidnapped him!" Sensei said with tears streaming down my face.


"There there, get it off your chest." Himeno said rubbing her back.

"The student and I, our relationship started in his first year." Sensei said, smiling a little recalling the past, "I was his homeroom teacher, and we crossed a line that we shouldn't have. He was always earnest and hard working. He always told me his dream of becoming a writer. At the end of his first year, one day he confessed to me and as the adult I should have just shrugged it off, but…." She hangs her head crestfallen, "I didn't want to. Life had become routine, there was no magic left, all the dates I've been on had the same person sitting across from me, just using a different face. Where do you work? How do you like it? What's your salary? Do you want kids?" Himeno hands sensei a tissue from her breast pocket. "He was nothing like that. He'd ask me the weirdest questions like 'sensei if you had to leave home right now, would you go someplace cold or warm?' I didn't even understand the questions he asked me, yet they made me think, and the more thought into his questions, the more thought I out into him."

"So what did Sasuke do?" I asked.

"He started bullying him. It started off small, then it turned to beatings. I wanted evidence to get him kicked out from this school but no one would speak up. Not even the boy I loved. Sasuke got into his head that he couldn't solve anything by himself and that he'll run to me to solve his problems. When I became principal it only got worse. Sasuke offered to stop bullying him if I slept with him…"

"No you didnt…"

"Of course I didn't! What's the point of protecting the one I love if I lose their love to do it?! I rather die."

"So how did it end?"

"Sasuke caught wind I was trying to expel him, so he got some friends and they kidnapped the boy…" *sniffle* "I didn't know who did it at first, I didn't think Sasuke was capable of it, but my love went missing for two days before I started receiving text messages showing his beaten body. The message ls were sent from a burner phone and the number kept changing. They told me he'll die if I went to the police. So in the end, I had to go to the harbor by myself. Once there... a group of men…….." Sensei couldn't talk well anymore.

"Haruto-sama, in the end they recorded the boy, who was the last to go, having sex with sensei and they used that against her. When the boy returned home beaten and bloody he said he had no idea who did it. While he was in school they threatened his life, the video possibly ruining his academic career at any given time. However after the second year, the boy ran away. He was unable to handle the situation anymore. He left sensei to deal with it herself. The heartbroken sensei stopped being agreeable with my brother. Threatening to take him down with her if that video was released. That's why he got more careful and started making it look like the girls were prostituting themselves. A rape video is very shameful, but as blackmail goes, its only evidence of a crime."

"Ok, so I get all that. You hate Sasuke?" I turned to sensei.

"Very much."

"Yup! Hates him so much she was gonna throw herself at you for help to get dirt on him."

"Huh?" Sensei said



Everyone in the room looks confused. As Himeno was hitting every mark so far I think she's actually the most confused at being wrong.

"T-t-thats not it!" Sensei went beet red in the face. "I'm an adult! I'm not gonna try and have a student fight my battles!"

"Then what the fuck is with the outfit!?!?"

"I-I-I-I-Ive…. Learned that Tomaki-kun and Nomura-san were broken up when," senseis cute face turned angry, "that rat bastard walked Nomura-san to school."

"Ok? What does that have to do with it?" Sachiko actually chimed in.

"Well," sensei's face went back to cute. "I heard he was single, he had a big……. Fight! Yesterday I stayed by his side waiting for him to get up, he was so brave and gallant."

"Wait, you wanna fuck him…. Just to fuck him?!" Himeno looks confused like what she said made sense but her tone didn't match.

"I have been heart broken and seeing a handsome, single man stand up to larger opponents for what he believed is right. Well, I found it honorable, and very attractive."

"Well I thought this was gonna be harder. I had our lawyer on stand by and everything. Now I feel I over prepared. So was this whole meeting, just you trying to get my Harutos attention?" At Himenos words Saito-sensei's eyes bulged.

"Oh! I-I-I-I-I thought he was single," she bowed a full 90 degrees. "I never would have-

"Dont worry about it. Its not just me, he has all of Sasuke's current victims as lovers as well.  Well maybe minus one. That includes Mirai over here."

"Huh?! I-I… this is a lot to take in. Wait does this mean the others are Kuwabara-san and Sagrado-san?"

"Oh you know them?"

"Well they were here earlier…."

"What do you mean?" I asked, "I know Akio is student council president, why was Rika here?"

"So you really are close to them," Sensei let out a big sigh, "I'm sorry to say that they were involved in an altercation…. With each other."

"WHAT!?" I screamed

"I figured that might happen." Himeno said. "Well sensei, if you are interested in Haruto please let him know, he's an honest man after all, but is there anything else we need to do?"

"Well with the video as evidence, the boys are to be reprimanded. If the girl in question wants to press charges I will be as supportive as I possibly can be. However I do need a guardians signature for Haruto, stating we have properly gone over matters. Haruto can return to school immediately but those boys are facing suspension with possible expulsion if we get proof of their misconduct."

"Sounds good, ok I'm his guardian, I'll sign."

"Im sorry, but it says Harutos' legal Guardian is a Tomaki Hina. So I'll need her signature."

"Sensei, my mother has been in a coma for five years."

"Oh kami! I'm so sorry! We've never had you act out or cause issues, so you've never needed a parents signature. Ok, if you could just have her nurse staff send me proof so I can allow you to sign."

"Already ahead of ya." Himeno said while she was on the phone.

"By the way sensei, we will be liberating Sasuke of all his material, so you won't have to worry about anymore blackmail soon."

"I-I-Is that true!" Sensei's tears start to fall.

"You be-... hold on one sec." Himeno had to speak to someone on the phone.

"I hope Rika and Akio are ok."

"Haruto-sama, Rika was….. very upset at Aki."

"Well things are gonna work out ok." I flash alright smile at everyone in the room, "soon everyone's lives will be better, and we can focus on actually being-"


"Huh?" Hearing something drop I turn around. "Himeno you dropped your phone." I said to her but she was facing the door. She slowly turned around.

"Haruto…." She looked at me with eyes of frustration…. "Mom….."

"Huh?! Mom what?!" I start to panic, my face contorting.

What happened contortions.

"Mom woke up…" Himeno said.

"WHAT! thats so-"

"3-months ago, she's gone."

All the excitement left my body. All the energy I was using to hold up my beaten body dispersed and I collapsed on the floor.

ok guys. Thats the end of Arc one. I'm doing my best to bring ALL THAT BULLSHIT NTR into this fictional world of mine so I can trample on it. It will take time, but we shall overcome the dread that is NTR one volume at a time! I will be taking a little break. 1-2 weeks, my last two chapters weren't edited at all and I wanna give you guys a product. Thank you for reading so far

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