The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 30- Mirai’s meloncholy only ch.

trigger warning bigotry. Violence. A very sad cute trap

Tuesday, January 31st.

What do you mean his mother is missing?

I don't get what's going on, its way too much for me. But the person that needs me is Haruto.

I rushed to his side and hold him, but he shrugged me off.


"Mirai im sorry." He said but ignored my words after.


Haruto was livid… the entire scene was horrific. I never thought I'd be pushed aside by my gentle Haru…. I know he didn't mean it as such, but I felt discarded.

Was I really not able to comfort him? Does this mean I'm worthless?

Hands reached around my body and held me.

"He didn't mean anything by it sweety." 

"M-m-mom?" I was surprised by the motherly action.

"Don't worry, he's just in shock right now." She caressed my cheek with hers. "Let's give him a moment."

Mom pulled Saito-sensei and myself outside and gave the brother-sister couple some space. 

"Saito-sensei, I would like to gather forms to no longer allow my other son…. To come on campus to speak with Mirai, I will be going to the police station after this to seek further protection if you could help me." My mother bowed to sensei. "Please…. I've failed Mirai so much, but I want….her to feel safe from now on."

"Her?..." Saito-sensei remarked but shook her head, "Yes! I fully agree and I want to help."

I looked at my mother a little differently after that.

Whether her concern is because of Himeno or Haruto doesn't matter. She's now the second person to try and help me. My heart is swelling. 

"Mom… I think ill wait at the car. I need to get some fresh air."

My request was met with a nod and I left to the car.




Walking to the car I was caught up in my thoughts. I'm really concerned how Haruto-sama shrugged me off, but I'm more concerned with how can I help him. I don't want to be useless to him but what can I offer him?

I'm not as capable as Himeno, strong like Rika, or as organized as Akio. I really am just a boy in girls clothing to him aren't I?

"Hey cutie." A blonde delinquent in a white tank-top and a cigarette in his mouth approached me with his friends in tow.

Delinquents cutting class.

I keep walking, not wanting to get involved.

"What's the rush!" A hand grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. "You look very cute! Want to have some fun?"

I stared at the long-haired blonde boy. He looks like he gets in trouble a lot but his frame being the same as Harutos, but lacking muscles, seems like he can't back up most of his words. 

Just a discount Sasuke!

"N-n-no I don't im very busy, if you could excuse-"

"Come on, it'll be fun." One of his fellow dyed-blonde friends interjected. He was wearing a brown blazer coming from a different school.

"Wait a minute! I know you!" Said the only black haired boy who is wearing the same uniform I'm wearing. "HEY GUYS! this is the pervert I was talking about!"

"Huh? Pervert?" The tank-top said



"That's the boys uniform!"

"No fucking way!"

Feeling smaller than ever I tried to shuffle away from the situation while they were distracted.

"Oye!" A hand grabs my shoulder again, "Hey fag! You think this is funny? Making guys look your way like that? This the kinda shit that gets you off!?" The Tank-top said.

"I-I-I…" fear building up in my mind. Help me…. "I-I-I didn't…. I'm in the boys uniform…."

I didn't know what to say, I did nothing to gain their attention. They approached me, how am I in the wrong?

"So you're saying its OUR fault?! You wanna be a fag so much then we can just give you your wish! BOYS!"

the other two boys grabbed my arms and started dragging me away.



"SHUT UP!" The tank-top boy hit me, "take this thing to that wall!"

I felt my senses were knocked out of me. He didn't hit as hard as Sasuke, but I wasn't prepared for it.

"Strip him!"

The boys started to undress me. I tried to struggle but I couldn't break free. The removed my blazer and my vest. They are trying to unbuckle my belt.

"Now you get what you wanted fucking homo." The Tank-top boy starts to unbuckled his pants.


"FUCK!"  The tank-top boy let go of his pants and grabbed his head. He checked his hand for blood I assumed. "Who threw that!?"

I looked on the ground and I see a small rock.

"That would be me, asshole." Walking toward us was a very pretty girl, wearing the girls school uniform. Her black hair swaying in the wind like some kind of shounen protagonist. "Let her go and leave or get your ass kicked by me, and then her boyfriend."

Boyfriend? Does she know Haruto-sama??

"What did you say!?" The tank-top boy fixed his belt and charged after her.

The girl slides her foot back as he rushed toward her. As he closed the distance he swung a wide punch at her.

She caught it!?

The girl leaned in, caught the on coming swing at the boy's shoulder, twisted and flipped him over her shoulder. The tank-top is now flat on his back.

"Get her!" He yelled out from the ground unmoving. The other two boys let me go and try to chase her down. Thinking quickly I wrapped my arms around the ankles of the black haired boy causing him to trip. He begins to kick me on the head to try and shake me off.

I have to help her for saving me.

He eventually gets free but instead of joining his friends, he focuses on me. Trying to kick my ribs and stomp on my head, I'm in the fetal position trying to protect myself.

The assault ends abruptly with a loud THUD!

I look up and see the girl standing above me.

She saved me again.

Unfortunately all 3-boys are getting to their feet now. 

I have to help.

I try to get back up to my feet, but it hurts all over. The girl assumes another stance as the boys try to regroup.

"We are gonna fuck both of you up!" The black haired boy said.


A loud roar and what looked like a yellow blur appeared. As if a lioness protecting her cub, Sachiko doesn't stop for anything and is already on the attack. Still on her business suit she reached in her cleavage and pulled out something. With a flick of her wrist it extended….. a baton.

She speeds her way from the direction of the school and charges forward. Swinging at the tank-top top first he raised his hand to block it.

"AHAHAHHHHHHHH!" A stomach sickening *CRUNCH* echoed on contact. Clearly the boys arm broke. She followed up with a punch to the face.

The boy collapses on the ground as she moved to the other blonde, wacking his shin and kneeing his face. He ends up on the ground holding his quickly swelling leg.

The last boy is just frozen staring at her in fear. Sachiko walks up to him as she retracts the baton and puts it back in her cleavage. As she is almost arms length away from the boy she stops. The boy still frozen.


Sachiko snaps her leg up and kicks the boy in the jaw! As soon as it connects the boy folds downward like an accordion. Finished with all this Sachiko rushed to Mirai.

"My baby! My baby! I'm so sorry! I let you get hurt again!" Tears stream down Sachiko's face as she goes on her knees and checks Mirai's condition.

"I just wanna go home." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Yes yes baby." My mother picked me up to my feet, and I was able to look at the girl who saved me. 

"T-T-Thank you." I bowed, "I don't know how I can repay you."

"Its nothing, I was on my way to my club room when I heard your screams. Assholes like that deserve to be castrated."

Before I could comment a new voice came towards us.

"What happened?!" It was Saito-sensei staring at the 3 bodies on the ground, with Haruto and Himeno following her.

"Is this the safety your school offers!?" My mother yelled out. "These assholes just assaulted my son!"

"What!?" Haruto blurted, changing his direction to the bodies.

"Haruto it's over already!" Himeno grabbed his arm but he tried to shake it off. "Calm down!" Now Himeno is practically wrestling Haruto trying to stop him from further assaulting the boys until….


Himeno dropped her hands and was holding her nose. Haruto accidentally headbutted her with the back of his head. He turned around with his eyes wide open.

"N-N-Nee-san?" He tried to embrace Himeno and wrapped his arms around her, "Im sorry, I'm sorry."

Himenos eyes were lifeless as blood trickled out her nose. Her arms hang dead to her sides. She looked completely soulless before shaking her head and reciprocating Harutos embrace.

"I will heighten security and ask for more budget to allow it. As with this incident and the issue with Sasuke, we will be more justified with the request."

"Are there security tapes in this area of the school?" Mother asked.

"This is a blind area. Further up the walkway, and lower toward the parking lot are covered areas."

"Change that."

"Yes!" Saito-sensei bowed deeply and left to tend to the bodies near the school entrance. 

"Without evidence of them starting this and them being worse for wear, we should just leave." She said, everyone agreed.

"Haruto…." The girl said, "Did you put any thought into my request?"

What request?

"Oh yes actually. Now is not the right time, but I gladly accept and home that we can make it official when I return."


"Return?" The girl asked

"Yeah, you see my mother is missing. Me and Himeno will go to look into this and see if we have to get the police involved."

"Oh no! I'm so sorry! This is no time for me to be selfish." She kowtowed to Haruto, "I hope everything goes well."

Haruto quickly tried to wave her off, but Himeno hasn't let go of him.

Is she OK?

"Uhhh….eto….. I'm Hachi Mirai." I tried a late introduction. "I just wanted to thank you again for helping me."

"Oh yes! I'm so sorry." She gave me a quick bow, "I am Miyamoto Kahana, please call me Koko-chan. I'll be in your care."

"Huh? Uhhh, what?" I said with a blank face.

"Oh! I had thought Haruto would've mentioned…."

"I'm sorry Mirai." Haruto interjected. "I wanted to talk with everyone last night but-" Haruto trailed off, still shaken by the events of Akio's betrayal.

He went on to explain the situation with Koko-chan and how they knew each other for a while. How she loved him even knowing his relationship with Himeno was probably illicit. How they met again and how she helped him with those boys yesterday.

Ahhh, another amazing woman. My chest hurts. Just smile Mirai, just smile.

An arm wrapped around me in support.

"Well we can discuss that later. For now let's get Mirai home.

"Yes, sorry. This was all out of nowhere for you Mi-... Hachi-san." She bowed and turned to leave.

"Wait!" I spoke out. If my husband wants her and she seems dependable, I need to be supportive, right?

"Could I get your...nngnn.. contact info?" I said as I winced getting my phone from my pocket.

Koko-chan gave a warm smile and brought her phone out as well.

We left immediately after that and the car ride was completely silent. Even Himeno was completely quiet. I kept giving her glances but her expression was hard to make out.

When we arrived home Himeno and Haruto went to their room and me and mother went to ours(formerly Himenos)

My mother goes to the night stand and pours something in a small measuring cup.

"For the pain honey." She said in a soft voice, I took the small cup and downed it.

Grape? Not bad. Is this really what its like to have a mother?

We both ended up in the bed and we snuggled. I felt safe in my mothers arms so I didn't move for a long while. 

A couple hours later with me remaining unmoving, I decided to get up and change. I wasn't comfortable in the boys uniform. I must of had an expression on my face because it caught my mothers attention.

"What's wrong?" She asked me.

"Huh?.... n-n-nothing." I tried to avoid answering, but mother wasn't having it. 

"Please don't shut me out." Her face looked like it was in agony.

Is this how it feels to others when I pout?

"I don't feel like I'm good enough to stay here." I admitted dropping my shoulders while undressing to change my clothes.

"Why is that?" Herbface perking up at my words.

"They are so special." My Lips tremble. "Rika is so beautiful and strong; Akio is so hardworking and elegant, but she isn't weak either; and now Koko-chan!? Is God playing a game with me!? I feel like I was isekai'd with my classmates but was the only one that didn't receive cheats!"

"Isekai'd?" She tilted her head.

"Ugh!" Frustrated she didn't get my reference, "like powers, powers to help Haruto-sama! Everyone was given one except me." Now I'm fully naked except for my lacey pink panties. "Even these!" I grabbed my mothers swelling breasts. "These balls of fat are better than what I can offer! My mother took my b-b-b-boyfriends virginity, and I can't even beat her in sex appeal!"

"AaaaaHHnnn." My mother blushed at my groping. 

*knock* *knock*

"Hey guys w-" Himeno walked into the door to see me in my kinky lace panties, groping my mother, who has a blushing expression. "I'll let you guys finish and go get a quickie of my own."

My face flushes red.

"N-N-N-N-NO! this isn't what it looks like! Th-Th-This is my own mother!" I let go of her enormous tits l.

"Oh? I didn't think things like that mattered here fufufu~" Himeno smiled for the first time since she heard the news about her mom. Which got me wondering. 

"Wait, so when you find your mother…. You want her…. With Haruto-"


Himeno's hand just ripped the door knob she was holding right out of the door.

"Huh?" Himeno blinked, "I guess you're right, mother and…" she paused as she stared at me, "child, shouldn't do such a thing."

What the fuck was that killing intent she just had?! I'm not even a fighter yet I felt it strongly! Why is mothers face so pale?

I approached Himeno, albeit slowly, and I hugged her. I felt her body jolt at my actions, but I just stroked her back and buried my head in her chest. Fuck I'm short.

"Himeno…. You don't have to do this alone, despite what Akio did, I want you to trust me. No matter what, we will be family and I want to ease your burden, but before we are family I want to be your friend."

I felt Himenos hands push me away a little as she looked at my face.

"How can I trust someone that loved someone besides Haruto? Doesn't that mean you might fall for someone else again? I've only loved Haruto, can only love Haruto, and will only love Haruto."

"Wouldn't loving someone else, and in the end choosing Haruto over them, mean that Haruto is my most beloved? Wouldn't that mean my love for him won out in the end?" I say this to Himeno but I'm also trying to convince myself.

"So would you fuck over the person you used to love for Haruto?" Himeno stares at me intently, showing I have no time to hesitate.

"Yes. The person I loved died the day he had me please other men, and every action after that just buried them deeper into the ground, furthering them from my love." I said resolutely.

"Good. We have to prove that right now, get dressed."

I was the only one who changed their clothes. Now I am wearing an orange crop top, black skirt, and black jacket.

We headed to my old home. Haruto said he had things to do so he came with us for the ride. Haruto stayed by the car in case anyone from Sasuke's group tried to come by, so he could call us. 

Himeno wanted me to open the apartment for her, but the door was left unlocked. We all put on gloves that Himeno bought a couple days prior. We entered after making sure the coast was clear. 

Sasuke never trusted anyone so all of his blackmail material was always near him. The things we found were disturbing to say the least, including the cooler with the human remains still.

I guess since he wasn't home no one took it.

In his room we found all types of evidence, as well as a safe. We found DVD's of girls from years ago. The principal, the former school nurse, as well as a new woman. Well not new, I knew her for many years, but I never suspected her as well.

"It's good we came here before we went to the police station." My mother said, "this woman is a long time friend of mine and I asked her to check up on you from time to time."

The woman in the video was being violated by a very young Sasuke. I would assume in his first year on highschool.

"Why is it good we didn't go there first?"

"This woman is my friend but she's also a lieutenant on the police force. If she's being blackmailed then any evidence we try to gather and give to her might have been lost."

"So that's another way he stayed out of jail. He blackmailed a high ranking officer." Himeno chimed in.

We found USB's, DVD's, his burner phones, and we also found a safe under his bed. Himeno and mother both tried opening it, but with a little reluctance I told them to use my birthday.

I don't want to think that after everything he's done to me, that he considered me special. That would be sickening.


This if fucking sickening

My facial expression warped and it was caught by Himeno who opened the safe.

"Regretting ratting out your beloved Nii-san?"

"I regret not doing it sooner." I said coldly, "even if I might've died, I should've done this sooner." I said with my fists clenching and my tears falling.

"Himeno, please don't talk that way to Mirai. Today is hitting really hard." Mother chimed in.

Himenos eyes widened at mother standing up for me, but she said nothing as she opened the safe door.

Inside was millions and millions of yen! The small safe was filled to the brim with cash. There were also more DVD's as well as USB's. We tried to look through most of them and a lot of them were of Sakura and Akio.

"These were his……" I trailed off, "these were the private videos he'd make just to send to those closest to the girls. Haruto for Sakura and Tama-kun for Akio." I hung my head.

I only know this because my brother would drunkenly brag about having separate videos just to cuck men. It was like a sport for him, to try and break couples apart where the woman was treated 'better than they deserved' by his standards

I tell them why he targeted Haruto and Tama-kun. He hates women. He absolutely hates them. However, he can't go around attacking random women. So, he would pick our some that seemed to be above the men in the relationship healthy and bring them down a peg.

In the safe were also Saito-sensei's videos with her student, as well as her gangbang. Lastly we found a DVD and it was of my mother. My brothers first victim.

I grew up around this, so I couldn't find it as wrong as a normal person would, but its hurts me knowing none of them wanted this. My friends didn't want this, once you attach a feeling to a person than it's much easier to understand their pain. The pain I feel the most is Haruto-sama, and how he must feel seeing the people he cared for having these things done to them. I never wanted him to feel that way again, and now, hopefully he won't.

We take all the money and all the personal DVD's.

"This would be easier if we had one of the women step up and be a witness."

""I'll do it.""

My mother and I both said at the same time. We looked at eachother.

"Mother, you could lose your job!"

"Mirai, you might get kicked out of school!"

We said at the same time.

"I would rather lose my future and give all these women back theirs." I said

"I would rather lose my career than let my son carry on with this life."

"Hey!" Himeno called out. "See all this money? As far as I'm concerned it's both of yours. Dirty or not, as long as you take Sasuke down the free woman won't mind you getting something out of it, now would they?"

We both stared at Himeno.

"I'd rather Haruto take it." I said

"Huh? Why? So you can have leverage for him to keep you!?" Himeno accused.

"Himeno!" Mother snapped "please believe in my child!"

Her words caused Himeno to glare at her.

"N-N-NO! he has suffered so much because the women he cared for. He tried so hard all alone for us." I take a deep breath, "HE DESERVES MORE THAN I CAN OFFER HIM." 

I said it. I actually said it. I admitted it. Its painful and liberating at the same time, but I did it.

Himeno smiled at my words and got up and hugged me.

"There, there. As long as you know that, then I have no problems." I'm conflicted about how I feel about her words and actions. "We all must take care of each other's shortcomings to give Haruto the happiness he deserves." 

I can't deny her words, and if I think of it like that then the girls he has makes sense. But I still don't know my place amongst them.

"Let's get out of here."

We all headed back to the parking lot. Haruto was there talking to a woman we couldn't see from far away as her back was facing us. As Haruto waved at us the woman just walked off and left.

"What was that?" Himeno asked.

"I think she was flirting with me, but the lady is a psychiatrist and I'm thinking about getting help for Sakura."

"That may be a good idea." Mother said.

"Ok Haruto we will drop you off at Rikas, then pick you up after we are finished with the police station." Himeno said

"Sounds like a plan."

We pile into the car and head off. Dropping Haruto at Rikas and we headed to the police station.

At the police station mother and I head to the front desk while Himeno waited in the car.

"We would like to report a crime." Mother said

The police officer took our statement with diligence but showed no reaction until we mentioned the website. 

"We've been having victims coming in with assault injuries that were tied to this website! What makes it worse is they are all videotaped confessing to their crimes so we can't just let them go, but we can't find their attackers."

"Are you really more concerned with their attackers then the actual crimes they committed!?"

"Ma'am a crime is a crime. You can't fight crime with crime. We cannot harbor vigilantes."

"Do you have a daughter!?"

"No ma'am luckily I only have sons."


"Well I mean…. Uh…."

"You think your child is safe because he has a dick!? You think this is someone else's problem?!" Mother slammed her fist on the desk. "This is MY son!" She points at me, and takes out a picture from her wallet. 

It's a picture of me as a young boy?! Did she always carry that?

"I love my son! No matter what he dresses like. But the monsters involved in this FORCED him to be like this. Grown men taking advantage of your son again and again! Think of your son being trained to be the wife of someone your age! Imagine being helpless for so long! Imagine him being beaten for not being womanly enough! Fuck you! Get me lieutenant Tanaka right now! Tell her Sachi is here."

The officer trembled at my words. As I recall Tanaka was always a hard ass with everyone…. Except me. I haven't seen her in a while but I always remember her being very doting. I never knew her and Sasuke had that type of relationship.

A few minutes later coming down the hall running at top speed was a gyaru with platinum blonde hair. She leapt half the length of the hallway and landed on mother.

"SAAAACCCCHHHHIIIIIIIII-NEEEEEEEEE!" She cried out as she rubbed her face against my mothers.

The police officer behind the desk was horrified at the display of affection.

"Kiki! KIKI!" Mother pushed her off, "I'm here on important business." 

"Oh?... uh….*ahem*" She straightens out her uniform. "What can I do for you."

The woman, Tanaka Kikyo, was standing at 177cm tall. Platinum blonde

My mother got close enough to whisper to her.

"Well first off, you remember 5 months ago when you said Mirai was doing fine?" Mother said causing a look of fear on her face

"Uhhh….. y….yeah."

"Let me introduce you to my son Mirai." She pointed at me.

I feel like I've become an example of what NOT to be. Does my mother see me as a twisted existence.

"No-no-no baby! It's not like that" almost reading my thoughts through my facial expression she begins to pamper me. "Im upset that the choice was taken from you! I love you no matter what!" She turns her focus back to her friend. "We need to speak in private! You promised me my son was doing okay, that's…" she turns back to me, "no excuse for not saving you sooner. I just wish I could've. Stay here Mirai, I'll be back."

Mother and Tanaka-san head to an empty room. I assume it's an interrogation room like in the movies. I just stand there, feeling very down and depressed.

"Ex….ex...excuse me," the police officer at the desk mumbled, "a-a-are you really a b-b-b-"

I scowl at him and lift my skirt up showing my bulge.

Since I'm just a freak show I might as act like it.

"Ahhhh!" He screamed.

"Your sons aren't safe." I walked toward him slowly dropping my skirt to its original position. "Do you know what perverted men like you love about little boys? Not that we can't get pregnant. Nooooooo, perverts don't care about bastard children. What old men like you love, is knowing my entire life is changed by them. They love knowing they have that much power over who I become. They love knowing that if someone found out about it, some blame goes to the victim, 'oh why couldn't they fight back,'.... like somehow being a girl means you wanted it, but being a boy means you let it! FUCKING LET IT!" I screamed at him

"J-J-J-just calm down! I'm sorry!" He bowed.

"No you're not. How could you be without knowing what it's like? Talking about justice? Crime can't fight crime? Yet justice doesn't PREVENT IT AND EVEN ALLOWS IT!  You could be sorry if it happened in your life, but I hope you never have to go through." Tears run down my cheeks. I turn around and look for a seat. As soon as I do, I hug my knees and cry.

Almost an hour later, my mother is shaking me awake as I must have fallen asleep on the bench.

"Come on sweety, it's time to go."

We head to the car where Himeno looks like she hasn't moved a muscle.

Is she OK?

I wasn't mentally able to ask her this time as I felt exhausted. We went to Rikas house to pick up Haruto on the way home.

As Haruto walked out of the house, We can tell something was wrong. A large man, who I assumed was Rikas papa she always talked about, helped Haruto to the car.

"Please be safe, and again I apologize about earlier." The large man said as Haruto got in the car wincing in pain. The man waved at all of us and left.

He's a giant!!

"Is everything alright?" I asked 

"Yeah yeah, just a little rough housing, but as you can see a little isn't in that man's dictionary." He chuckled.

Himeno had her head turned at Haruto, in a very monster like way, eyeing blood on his arm. Haruto and I noticed her stares but instead of talking he just wiped it on his black blazer.

Now Haruto is gonna keep secrets from me? At least it's from Himeno as well, so I at least don't feel lonely.

Or that's what I thought. Later that evening Haruto told me that he and Himeno will be catching a train to Tokyo. They are going to look into their mothers disappearance. They were leaving right this minute and had packed clothes earlier in the day.

Mother and I dropped them off at the train station. It would be a while before they get to their destination. Just like that, I was left behind.

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