The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 31- Akio laments part 3

Monday, February 13th

Currently we are in the student council room and I'm on top of Haruto with my school skirt hiked up. Haruto has much less layers of clothing on. Allowing me to unzip his pants and release the awakened dragon from his boxers. Albeit it was a little difficult to do with one hand. I kept him distracted with my lips on his.

Fuck what a monster. I haven't had one near this size since that bastard Sasuke.

I slid my panties to the side and and insert Haruto into myself causing me to break our kiss.

"HhhhhHhhaaaaaa" I came instantly 

It doesn't hit my spots like Sasuke's, but I've waited so long. Is that why it feels so much better?

"AaaahhhHhhhh" I came again as I slid all the way down making his dick hit my baby room.

My face frozen in euphoria. I didn't notice Harutos intense glare.

"Akio, what is this?" 

His words snapped me out of my trance. 

Fuck! Is this rape? No! He was hard, it can't be rape.

"I uhhhh….." 

"You broke up with me and now you made out with me and shoved me inside of you?"

"You were sharing your love so publicly… I-I-I didn't know what to do, I just lo-"



Both of Harutos hands land flat on my ass and he pulls my cheeks apart. 

Hes ripping my asshole.

"AAAAAAHHHHMNNN." as if to shut up my mental complaints, Haruto begins to ram deeply into me.

Pulling any leg and ass meat apart that could cushion his pistons thrusts, I feel the full brunt of his dick trying to break through my cervix.

How is it sssssssssssss…. Hhaaaaaaaaarrr…

I'm losing my mind, every stroke is a mini orgasm. I feel my heart beating faster just to outpace my orgasms.


Haruto pulls out quickly causing air to escape my quivering pussy. My body is still rhythmically humping air as I'm still having orgasms. I could end this right now and be satisfied….. but I soon learn thats not up to me.

"This is what you wanted right!?"

Haruto pushed me aside and quickly got on top of me as I was laying on my stomach. He reached between my legs with one hand and grabbed my panties by the crotch section and pulled it to my knees. He lifted my ass up and in one motion as I went up he brought down his dick causing a large orgasm as the two forms of momentum clashed at my womb.

"AAAAAGGGGGHHH" my face was twisted with pain and pleasure, but Haruto didn't stop. He pushes one of my legs up so it's under my chest while the other is straightened out between his legs. He angled his body as he thrust into me. I can tell I can't receive all of him inside of me. Even with all his force behind his pumps I don't feel his pelvis touch me.

The lack of closeness makes me feel AAHHHHHHHHH……. 



Haruto was entering me at a new angle as my legs were spread wide, he's hitting something that was never hit before. Now he's playing with my clit as well.

"Please! Please! I can't! I'm scared! IM SCARED HARUTO I MIGHT DIE! I THINK I MIGHT DIE!"

"Lift up your shirt and show me those tiny tits!"

Haruto? Thats just cru-


"Hurry up!"

"H-h-h-h… here." I lift my shirt and try to hook my bra up as well exposing my nipple on the cold desk. Haruto quickly pinches it with his teeth without relenting his thrusts or his fingering. "D...D….D….Do you… like… them"

I'm having a hard time breathing. The orgasms are getting more and more intense, I can't hold myself up as it is. My body is almost lifeless as pleasure keeps getting pumped into it.

"Like what? Just nipples? You have no appeal as a woman."

Haruto?! W-w-why?


He slaps my ass again


"Apologize for having an unappealing body!"


Fuck I can't hold it!

"HHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The sound of water splashing hits the floor as I release my bladder. My steam landed on my desk and flowed off of it to the floor.

"MMMMMMMNNNNFFFF!" Haruto groaned as he released his cum.

"Hhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"  My body collapsed. But Haruto picked me up while I'm underneath him and moved us away from my puddle.

He pulled us off of the desk and led me to a coffee table. He had me put my head on the knee high table. He pulled my underwear completely off and shoved it in my mouth.

This isn't how I wanted this to happen. Is this my fault? Did I do this to Haruto?

He pulled his dick out of my pussy and his cum started leaking out of me. He starts tickling my clit with his still erect penis. I was thinking he was going to be gentle with me now….. what he was doing was having his cum leak onto his dick, he then used his cum soaked dick and penetrated my ass.




"I know you've had this before so don't act innocent."

It happened once and it was with a much smaller-

He begins to move.

It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!

I can't move and Haruto begins to pump into me. His thrusts are shallow at first, I guess even angry he still doesn't try to hurt me.

I made you angry didn't I, Haruto? Please use me and… and….and…

Something happened a few dozen small pumps and the silky smooth rod gaping my asshole stopped feeling as painful.

Is this because I'm accepting Haruto? I'm not resisting his feelings so it fe...fe…..fe……..FUUUUUUCCCKKK

"FUCK MY ASS HARUTO!" Did I just say that?!

"This fucking whore ass just wants dick doesn't it"

Haruto pushes my whole body down onto the coffee table. My pussy hangs off the edgen, as my knees straddle the sides of the table forcing me to spread open. 

Both of my holes are unguarded and visible, Haruto can see me disgraceful as he plows open my ass. I can feel his dick pushing down on my pussy as he enters my ass in his downward angle.


"HAAAAHA!" I moaned as he pulled out of my asshole.

He slides his cum-lubed dick into my ass again so slowly. Breaking the ring-like muscle that holds back my shit so easily with his weapon of ASS destruction, but he stops as soon as I feel my hungry asshole pass his thick cockhead.


He pulled out again. He inches back in and stops as soon as my asshole closes over his cock head.


"Give me your phone and hold your ass cheeks apart"

I do as he commands. Immediately as he gets my phone he begins to ram my asshole again. The cum on his dick never being able to dry as my asshole juices keeps wetting it.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I've never.. I've never… had it like this… I love… love you."

"Shut up

I do as commanded.

"Apologize, while I record you."

"What sho-sho-should I apologize for?" Cumming every few strokes its hard to talk.


He pulls out again and begins tipping my asshole with his cock head again.

"Please… please! Cum in my ass, don't tease me anymore."


He puts his tip right at my asshole entrance. I can tell I'm gaping as the very tip of Harutos dick didn't touch any of my asshole. While holding my ass open for Haruto my pussy is leaking uncomfortably. I need it in me.

"Im… I'm sorry… that my breasts are too small."

He rammed his dick all the way to the base! 

All of his dick! All of his dick is in me. I can feel his dick hitting the coffee table from my insides, it's so heavenly.

"Im sorry! I'm sorry! HAHHHHHAAAAAAAHN!" He begins pumping into me harder and faster than before, no longer being careful and going all the way in until his pelvis hits my spread open ass.

This is it. This is heaven. All my hardships were for this moment.

"Im sorry I lack woman appeal! I'm sorry I hurt you! ….. I'm Im sorry all I can give you is my second hand body. This tainted body is too dirty for Haruto. Fuck my undeserving ass, I can promise this ass will never have another dick in it. I'm sorry you weren't my assholes first dick, I'm sorry, I'm Suryyyyyyy…… "

My mind begins to blank out.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" I heard Harutos moan and my hips drop. Causing him to fall on top of me, burying his dick further into me.

"FFFFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKK!" I let go of my asscheeks  as I reach behind me trying to pull his head into me.

*pant* *pant* *pant*

"Im sorry, I'm not a professional at this Haruto… I think…..*pant*... I need help up."

Haruto slowly gets up me unable to keep my hold on him let's him go.

"Open your ass again"

I weakly do as commanded. He gets up and slowly pulls out.



I hope that's the last orgasm I can't handle anymore.

I can't really move, but after a few moments I feel something between my legs.


"Its tissues, you are overflowing."

Ahhhh thank goodness.

After plugging me up he stands me up.

"I have to get to class, sorry for leaving the clean up to you." 

He said without looking me in the eye.

Haruto? Did this not bring us closer?!

I grab him and kiss him.

"I do love you!"

"Are you still engaged?"

"Uh…" my face paled. All the happiness I just gained disappeared at that moment. "Haruto, I-I-I have to be."

"Did you even try to tell your parents no?!" He asked.

"....." I could only look down.

"Please try to keep our relationship more platonic from here on." He said that and handed back my phone. "I didn't send the video or anything, but I know your voyeurism so I figured you'd want this. Consider it a break up gift."

With those words he turned and left. Leaving me with only a video, his cum, and a room reeking of sex to remember this moment by.

I broke up with him, so why doesn't it feel like it?

I began to tidy up so there would be no evidence left behind.



It took me 30 minutes and some lost and found matches to clean up the room and it took 10 more minutes in the bathroom to….. clean me out.

My pussy and asshole hurt so much, but in the way when you work out really hard and the aching feels rewarding. 

Trying not to take up any more time, I make it to class. I used the excuse of student council work and got let off.

Finishing the school day I texted Tama and Rika.

Flyfee- Did you have any plans today? I might hang out with Rika

nTrAMA- Don't worry about me, I actually had something I wanted to do.

Huh?! He has plans?

Flyfree- okiedokie


Flyfree- Did you wanna hang out?

Vanillalvr- totes! Mirai is gonna spend time with Ruto-babes so I'm like totes free. 

Flyfree- OK! See you at the entrance.

Me and Rika meet up at the school entrance. 

"Aki-chan!" Rika yelled, waving at me skipping ahead of students on her way to me.

She has her skirt rolled up again. Why is it more enticing than annoying today? Wait, are those boys staring at her ass?!

"Rika!" I called out a little annoyed as she was close to me. "Roll down your skirt, those boys are staring"

"Heehee~ always a worrywort." Rika said, rolling her skirt down…. A little.

"W-W-Well…. Haruto won't want your panties seen by others. Right?" I said with a beet red face.

"Hmmmm, but he…. wouldn't want to change Rika right?" She said with a depressed face.

Fuck! No! No! No!

"N-N-Nevermind, you're right, but…. I-I-I hate men treating you like loose meat." I said in a weak voice.

"AWWWW AKI-CHWAN! TOTES ADORBS!" she pulled me into her chest and hugged me tightly rubbing my face in her chesticles. I put my hands on her giant chest to push away.

*Squish* *Squish*

But I didn't push away. As soon as my hands touched those chocolate mounds my desire to push away disappeared. I loved feeling loved by her, I loved feeling her excessive cheering, and I loved the tits she was suffocating me with.

"Hahhaha, Aki-chan that tickles!" She said separating from me. "Come on, there's a new KoniKit Cafe and I wanna try an get a new Badbadtz toy!" Rika said with sparkling eyes.

She is so easily happy. I'm jealous about it, but happy to be a part of it. 

We end up at the cafe and we both start gossiping. Rika talked about Haruto coming back and how he seems different. That there was something new about him and it didn't feel right.

That could explain what happened earlier today. I enjoyed it but afterwards I felt empty. Like it wasn't supposed to happen that way, and that I didn't get what I really wanted.

"Do you know what it was that might've made him snap!?" I asked with interest.

"No, Ruto-babes doesn't wanna talk about it." She puts on a sad face, "Rika totes wants to help 'as all."

Seeing her sad expression really hurts me.

"Oh! Just take his mind off of it!" I said excitedly.


"You are one of Haruto's girlfriends now! What do boyfriends and girlfriends do, Rika?" At my words Rika shyly looks away and blushes.

"NO! NOT THAT!" I stood up yelling.

I have to calm down. Haruto will sleep with others and Rika will sleep with Haruto… eventually. I can't be this uppity. Calm down.

"I-I-I mean. You can do that, but I mean go on a date!" I said sitting down in the cafe, awkwardly hiding my face from other customers. "We never heard Haruto talking about going on dates. So his last date must have been with Sakura."

At my words Rikas eyes lit up. Her entire face was ecstatic.

"YES! RIKA WANTS THAT!" Rika quickly got up and went to the counter register. She does a weird Gyaru pose and receives something from the cashier. She skips her way back to our table. "Here! Rika wouldn't of thought of that! Like a totes adorbs date with Ruto-babes?! Why isn't that on Rikas mind ALL.THE.TIME!" she squeezed with glee as she handed me something.

It was a badbadtz toy.

"Now we can still be sisters!" She shows me her phone with a matching toy hanging off of it. "Totes matchies!"

Fuck how did this girl win my heart.

"Ok well hopefully your date goes well."

"Totes! I'll use the way of the gyaru!" She said as she made a peace pose.




Tuesday, February 14th late at night

Vanillalvr- Rika messed up!! Can you come over Aki-chan!

Flyfree- yes I'll be right there! 

"Tama-kun I'm so sorry some kind of emergency happened with Rika. She needs me, please don't be mad."

Me and Tama-kun were out on a date. I had to do something knowing Rika and Haruto were alone without me. I'm wearing a white summer dressed, covered by a blue coat-blazer, my red scarf is, and I'm wearing a blue beret.

Tama-kun is wearing a nice dress shirt and dress pants. Black for his pants and white for his shirt. His hair is styled neatly to look like a wavy back comb.

"Don't worry about that. I love the Aki that helps her friends."

He flashed me a brilliant smile. The type of smile that can melt most girls' hearts.

That smile is wasted on me, but I'll make it up to him for it.

I kiss him on the cheek and rush over to Rikas home.




At Rikas home I greet her mother.

How can a woman be so sexy and adorable?! It's like a combination of Mirai and Rika. I'm actually very happy she's not interested in Haruto.

I enter and walk to Rika's room.

*knock* *knock*

I entered Rikas room and….

What's with this weird atmosphere?!

Rika is crying her eyes out holding her Badbadtz…. But she has thisnglow to her. She's radiating a woman's aura. 

How does she look more beautiful?!

"Rika what happened?!"

Rika went down the list of what she didnqith Haruto. I nodded along until it got to the hotel room. My face warped a little, but I held it in.

How could they!? Why couldn't they wait for me!? What happened to Himenos' rule?! I figured I wasn't his girlfriend so I didn't count, but what the fuck is this outcome?!

Holding back my fury, I came up with an idea.

"Rika," I hugged her and stroked her hair. "I know how to make things up to Haruto, and we both can do something to fix this."

I put on a devilish grin.

I just need to make sure that they always want me in their life.


The next few weeks moved very steadily. I would sneak my chances with Haruto at school, he has the exclusive rights to my asshole and I want him to feel special with it. Most of my time after school was spent seeing Rika and going shopping or hanging out. 

Awkwardly enough Tama-kun hadn't tried to set up a new "get together" and that just made things all the better, he himself never made a move on me and I never felt the need to initiate with him. I felt like I got my old friend back.

My life actually felt fun and free for myself. All that I needed was to enact my plan to cement myself in Haruto and Rika's love life and then I'll be able to carry on the Kuwabara name without sacrificing my heart. 

Little did I know that things were set in motion to destroy all the simple things I enjoyed.

hey guys Author here. I will be taking a small Hiatus because I accidentally started a new pet project you can read it here

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