The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Editted* Chapter 6- strip for us

<p.o.v Haruto>

Tuesday, January 23rd

Slowly getting up from the semi-comfortable infirmary bed I check the time on my cell phone, however what I’m greeted with is an unusual notification.

 11 missed calls, 22 unread messages?

Skimming through everything sent my way, it's mainly Sakura trying to figure out where I am or what started the "rumors".

How do I politely say that the rumors about her cheating on me, are actually from her cheating on me and she can go fuck herself? most of her messages asked if I told anyone that I was available….. NANI?!

I read the messages again and yup she is asking if I told anyone I'm single.

"What the hell is she… oh yeah." I thought to myself.

I rubbed my head remembering the issue with Akechi. That man used to be my best friend and he allowed our relationship to go down the drain. I'm actually concerned about what he might do, or try to do, against Sasuke with how hot headed he his.

Bigswing:  You were absolutely right and I'm sorry.

Well I don't plan on mending any bridges with him, but it's nice to know he's actually coming to terms with his own truth. If I had the full choice to lose my virginity to the girl I had a crush on, I guess I'd do it in a heartbeat. But him losing his virginity to my girlfriend(currently ex) while I hadn’t even gotten that far still irks me, so he can stew in his emotions for now.

I don't feel obligated to message Sakura, but out of all of her messages one actually stood out and was very different from the rest:

100%LOVED:  Are you okay, Haruto?

How long has it been since she showed concern about me? I can't really remember the last time she checked up on me. 

Wow, I've been so concerned about her accepting me as her man that I didn't realize that we’d lost touch of our friendship. Well, I mean she lost touch, and I catered so one-sidedly to her all this time.

I shake my thoughts away, if I keep thinking about this then I definitely might even call MYSELF Toto-kun. Honestly though, I wouldn't have changed how I did things, but my feelings for her would've definitely waned more, had I realized. To reward her for showing concern I guess I'll let her know the gist of things.

Rutotheprince:  Akechi saw you get dropped off by Sasuke this morning. He didn't take it well and caused a scene in my homeroom. We had an argument, and bystanders eavesdropped on our conversation. But, yes, I'm okay. I had a little headache and went to the infirmary where I ended up taking a nap.

And send.

Okay, looks like it's time for the fourth period now, so I should get going. 

*BZZZT* *BZZZZT*, and that’s my phone going off again.

100%Loved:  Why would Akechi get upset?

You're kidding, like you have to be right? There's no fucking way….. ugh no, there is a way she doesn't know.

Rutotheprince:  Because he's been secretly in love with you and he's upset you're with the guy you cheated with instead of me… or him. Look, I'll talk to you later... for now I gotta get to class.

100%:  is that so? OK, we will talk later. Love ya!

For someone so smart, she’s very fucking dense. Don't get me wrong, my grades outrank hers, but she's not failing. In fact, she's in the upper 30% of her grade.

I shake it off, grab my bags, and head out.

I want to say that today was a very normal day where nothing out of the ordinary happened, but that would be a lie. 

In every class I had, there seemed to be small groups of girls giggling and laughing around me. Is it because rumors are going around about me being cucked? Are they teasing me?

Is this the legendary ‘bullying’ I’ve heard about?!

As I'm not one for conflict… well, I mean as long as the conflict doesn't appear in front of my face and grabs me by my collar….

or shows up to my house unannounced

or raw-dog fucks the woman I have feelings for...   

Fuck it, I'm balanced.  I balance my inner conflict and inner peace, yeah, that works… balanced.

Anyway, what I meant to say was that I didn't treat people differently. I helped my fellow students with schoolwork if they asked... 

Hmmm more girls seemed to have asked me for help today…  

I helped anyone with carrying things that were too heavy for them if asked... 

It seems like a lot of girls borrowed quite a few library books today... 

I helped people stretch who suddenly got cramps... 

What the hell, this time it was ONLY girls and it wasn't even p.e day?

Something is going on.

100%loved:  I didn't see Ruto-kun during lunch *pout emoji*. I was gonna eat with you!

Rutotheprince:  Sorry, sorry, I was helping some classmates with rearranging their club room.

Wait! Those girls had guys in their clubs and none of the guys were around. Was I wrong? Maybe this isn’t bullying… could it be that this is this my POPULAR PHASE!?

I stopped walking as I had this realization. 

If these girls were only waiting for me to be 'single,’ then that means even with how I'm dressed and my messy haircut, they might have feelings for me?  Maybe I can get a new girlfriend who would appreciate me!  Maybe I can finally graduate from my virginity!


I immediately wiped the creepy smile off my face. Whether I lose my virginity or not doesn't actually matter to me, I remind myself that being a nice person can only mean something when there's no ulterior motive! 


I continue on to my last class.

The rest of the day sees things actually calming down.  There was still a little line of people asking for assistance with the lesson, for which I gladly helped them.  After class was over, I headed to my clubroom. I am LESS frustrated than I was this morning. Throughout the day I snuck in bathroom breaks to get my numbers taken care of:

-200 push ups

-200 sit ups (In my bookbag I have a little sheet I put on the floor so I'm not laying directly on the bathroom floor)

-200 squats

-6 ejaculations

If you're wondering why I'm going to my club room if I already did all my numbers between classes, well, the answer’s obvious isn’t it? It’s to train more! Onee-san’s ultimatum of finishing all those work outs in an hour was very hard, so to increase my chances I started targeting individual muscle groups for specific gains. I have free weights hidden in the closet of my clubroom to increase workload as well.

Also, being beaten to near death by Sasuke made me feel weak….. and I want to never feel like that again.

I thought the weirdness to this day would end, but was I in for a surprise when I reached my clubroom. 

I entered the clubroom and my ghost members were there! They usually only come on Wednesdays where we have to be seen with each other by my club advisor or someone from the student council.

 Today's Tuesday, right? RIGHT?

In front of me are three very attractive girls sitting at the desks I set up yesterday. Well, it looks like the girls rearranged how I had them set up, though. Currently, there are three desks spaced about a meter apart, pushed against the window of the room allowing the girls to face whoever enters.

All three beauties turn ONLY their heads and simultaneously greet me by standing up and bowing. And again SIMULTANEOUSLY they gently raised their arms to a desk directly in front of them but turned in a way that whoever sits there will face them. They are all wearing the same uniform as Sakura. A Black plaited skirt and black sailor uniform top, with only some cosmetic changes.

I received their greetings and offered one of my own and proceeded to the desk and to take my seat.

It's like a panel of judges!? Am I auditioning to be some kind of pop star? Am I going to hollywood?!

No one says anything.  All they do is stare at me intently. So I decided to break the awkward silence.

"Ummm…. It is Tuesday, correct?" I asked.

I am perfectly parallel with the center desk, but the beauty on my left speaks first.

"That is correct Tomaki-san." She replied.

The one who replied is second year, Kuwabara Akio. 167 cm tall, slender build, milky white skin, jet black hair falling to her mid back, with lovely light brown eyes that reflect any lights that hit them, her face is without fat, and her lips are very small. Her looks can only be described as distinguished. She’s an A-cu…

*AHEM* she retorted.

Okay… She’s pushing close to a B-cup(shes not). She used to be a member of the track team, so she is very lean.  She's also wearing a red ascot around her sailor collar.

"But, you guys only show up on Wednesdays right?" I tried to confirm, this time the girl in the middle replied.

"Like we had some stuff with ya today, that needs taken care of." 

This 179cm second year giant gyaru is named Sagrado Rika. She's actually part japanese, part brazilian, but 100% Amazon goddess.

Her dyed platinum blonde hair is bowl cut at her ears, she is very dark skinned (I guess it’s safe to call her a kuro-gyaru) with big round silver eyes. 

Her eyes are natural, her hair is not.

Her skirt is rolled up like Sakuras allowing glimpses of her naughty underwear and edible rump-roast.

 AND she's wearing black thigh highs the glorious fucking thigh highs! They are strangling all the meat of her juicy thighs forcing them to spill over the top!


Speaking of "juicy meat spilling over the top" this gyaru is packing WMDD's 

(Wonderfully Massive Double D's) 

"Oh so you had business with me? Was it about the club?" I’m now very curious. That’s when the beauty to my right speaks up.

"Eno…. Umm… No, senpai-sama... that’s n-n-not exactly it." 

This timid creation is the only one shorter than me at a cute 143cm. Her shoulder length dyed yellow blonde hair makes her mesmerizing red eyes pop. 

She cuts her bangs but even if she didn't those gorgeous eyes would stand out from behind the curtains. She's so damn cute that I don't even mind that she has a spray tan

She's wearing the uniform vest for the boys in our school on top of the plaited skirt. Under the skirt she’s wearing the boys uniform pants. 

Normally at this time she's completely changed, I guess she rushed here. I really wish I was able to see her thighs.

 While Sagrado-san has the largest thighs, this one has the most perfect. The contrast to fat and muscle leading up to that bubbled ass is ridiculous! Although completely flat chested it doesn't take away from her charm.

Big boobs fill a man's hands, small boobs fill a man's heart 

Well this beautiful pixie is Hachi Mirai.

If you aren't thinking about it, I'll spell it out for you.

-spray tan

-red eyes

-yellow dyed hair

Yeah, Hachi Mirai is none other than Hachi Sasuke's little brother.

As you can see, this boy is a trap. Raised as one by Sasuke himself. Actually all these girls are currently victims of Sasuke. It was another reason I kept the club... to help them. 

Well I made the club to pursue happiness, yet they kinda fell in place with me.

When I found out the situation they were in I wanted to give them a sense of normalcy.

 Most times they aren't here, they are having horrible things done to them.

Or I assume it's horrible, because of Sakura I can't be sure how much of what they do is willingly.

 And since most days they leave school immediately, they were the perfect candidates for this club.

Every Wednesday for the mandatory check ins, we would play board games and eat snacks that I buy or make. Over time our Wednesdays get togethers became more like friends hanging out. They are pretty nice people and have their own circumstances for what they do.

I can go over that later, more importantly however, is the answer to the question I keep wondering about.  Why are they here?

"Is that so Hachi-san? Then, what's going on? Are you guys okay?" At my question they all give me a warm smile and stand up. They look at eachother and nod trying to encourage themselves.

Simultaneously they all bow.


Did I just get confe... Wait?


<p.o.v Sakura>

**During lunch**

I was searching for Haruto, but I can't seem to find him anywhere. All the first years are talking about a certain nice guy being single for once, or something like that. It might be Haruto they are talking about, but it also might not. Haruto isn't a nice guy. Haruto is Haruto, he is above nice guys.

Since I couldn't find him I just decided to sit at a table in the cafe. A peaceful lunch never hurt.

What am I gonna do about my appointment after school? It's a new client so I shouldn't go alone, should I?

I'm lost in my thoughts for a few minutes before I'm patted on my back, I turn around to see Rika.  

Ahhh, she’s with Mirai-kun who is still in his male uniform, and they are also with Akino-san.   

We are pretty close and are on a first name basis with each other after all.  If you can't be casual after sucking dicks together, then when can you?

"Yo-yo!" She said, saluting at me with eyes between two fingers.

"Heya guys, wassup?" I ask as they all sit with me.

"Well, Mirai had been telling us Sasuke walked ya’ ta’ school an’ all, but he must be fibbin' ta’ us like, right?" Rika asked with a big smile.

"O-o-oh, uh yeah, he did." I say in a hushed tone. Lying won't work and why would I lie? He's my boyfriend.

"But what about you and Tomaki-san? We heard he walked to school alone and got into a fight because of you." Akino inquired as she sat right in front of me.

"He what?! Is he ok?" I scrambled to get my phone out and I message him

100%loved:  Are you okay, Haruto?

"He's fine, Senpai-sama is too strong. The other boy left after being laid out." Mirai spoke in a sweet womanly tone about Haruto, with reverence… and a hint of something else.

"So like, what happened ta’ cause the sudden split?  Like did he catch ya’ finally?" Rika asked, and I was hit with melancholy. I forgot that I had never announced my break up to these girls.

They always saw me with Ruto-kun and always saw me getting fucked by Sasuke and others. It never changed even after the break up, makes sense they didn't know. My bad.

"Well…." So I explained to them I've been with Sasuke for a while and that Haruto knew about the things I did, my attempts to be shared amongst men while still having Haruto love me. I even explained how Sasuke tried to help me achieve this. When it was said and done they all looked at me dumbfounded.

"He gave you back almost 4-million yen?" Akino asked.

"He never treated you differently while he knew the fucked up shit you were doing?... This sounds like the web novel my internet friend Ai-chan was gossiping about it even had a cute trap." Mirai broke character and swore.

"I've read that one! I actually couldn't help compare the MC's situation to…." Akio drifted her words off. Mirai gave an awkward smile.

"But, like shit hit the fan cuz ya’ tried ta’ monopolize him from his one an’ only family, while ya got traded like a deck of cards?" Rika asked, glazing over the previous comment.

I just nodded my head at all their questions. Why is it so hard to hear it from other people, but it makes sense when Sasuke says it?

"If he went through all of that for you, then he’s probably not done. I mean, what makes you think it’s over?" Akio said, trying to cheer me up.

"Well… He did something different this time."

They all looked up at me as if waiting for the story. I took a breath and continued.

 "He stripped naked, telling me he saved his body for only the ones that love him. Showing me his body before I proved that I did, meant we can no longer be lovers, he said."

"Like what's with a crazy rule like that?! Hahahahaa." Rika starts laughing, "treating a boy’s body special like, why?" She is using exaggerated hand movements, "He should feel lucky to get naked near hot babez like us yeah?" Rika tried to make a joke, but she honestly respects Haruto for treating his body so special, wishing she could have done the same with her own. Her heart starts beating at the idea of Harutos' body. She began daydreaming of her "earning" that body and her gaze went blank.

Silence surrounded the table and the girls ate their food. Then with a realization Mirai spoke up.

"S-s-s-so, if we prove we love him before we see him naked?" Mirai asked while his face was beet red.

"I guess? He'd be with anyone that does that." I say with a depressed look not noticing the girls looking at each other. How can Ruto-kun be with just anyone? You shouldn't be in a relationship with someone you don't like. That's why I went with Sasuke after our break up, I wouldn't date a random person and he seemed to be trying to help me be with Ruto-kun.

"Eno...ummm….. if you don't mind, how-how is he in bed?" Akino asked.

"Eh? Oh… I don't know we never did it," I speak in a matter of fact tone, it was Ruto-kuns choice to never do it anyway, "As far as I know he's still a virgin." I admitted


Rika dropped her spoon(shovel) as she was pounding away at her plate. She shakes her head and snaps out of it.

"W-w-was," *ahem Rika cleared her throat before continuing, "was it cuz he like, is ashamed of it? Is his body like, deformed or somethin’?" Rikas interest level was piqued. The idea of Haruto saving himself for love has sparked her desires for him even more.

At this question I blushed.

Did she just fucking blush?!   The three thought immediately of me, I’m sure.

"I-i-i-t…" My breathing gets heavier, just thinking about how much I came this morning just from looking at him. I'm leaking, oh God I'm leaking. "It… was amazing." My face gets more flushed. 

I want his dick, I want his tongue, I wish I got that kiss this morning. 

In my horny stupor I ended up telling the girls what happened this morning. Every detail, from the look of hunger in my eyes as his cock bobbed into the kitchen, all the way to the fate of Ruto-kuns apple.

"I-i-i- got to go!" Rika yelled.

"Me too!"

"And me!"

"Bathroom!" I stood up slamming my hands on the table.

All of them left the cafeteria abruptly leaving behind their plates of food and….. 4 seats with noticeable levels of moisture. 

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