The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Editted* Chapter 7- I should’ve known

<p.o.v Haruto>

Tuesday, January 23rd. Afternoon

Popular phase! This is my ACTUAL popular phase! Onee-san was right! All my hard work, perseverance, and staying on the right track has led me to the promised land!

...Is what I would like to think. However, reality will never stop being the fucking cold shower to my sunburns of joy, and jolts me right out of it. 

I'm still sitting at the desk they set up for me and I'm looking at the three beauties who belong to my journey club. Don't get me wrong, I've never been into men, but if you saw Mirai you definitely wouldn't think he ever was one. I'm honestly conflicted about how attractive I find him (her?), but really he is a just a sweet person that was dealt a bad hand in life and he fucking deserves head pats!

He has always been timid around me, but I’ve always treated him fairly, just like anyone else.  He bakes some really good cakes and we have exchanged recipes a couple of times.  Actually, when cooking or trying each other's foods, that was the only time he would open up and become really talkative with me.  I learned he was raised by his brother, Sasuke, and as such, is the only parental figure in his life. Sasuke had made him learn to do chores such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping.  It was the cooking that made Murai discover his dream to be a patisserie or to hopefully just run a bakery.

I don’t believe in old wounds ruining new days. If there was any way I could see Sasuke in a new light and learn he might actually be a good thing for Sakura, I'd cling on to that hope.  Yet again however, reality continues to crush my expectations.

Mirai told me about how Sasuke had forced testosterone shots and steroids into his younger self at a very young age and trained him in weight lifting. Yeah, sounds like an older brother looking out for his younger brother right? I wish that were the case. Mirai told me that he'd go months straight while doped on those supplements while lifting heavy weights, but all the lifting was done only with his legs.

That explains his ass and thighs. Was my thought at the time he told me.

The negative effects however, was that because a lot of weight was stacked on Mirai’s spine and joints, it resulted in stunting his growth. What's even worse is doing that to a boy, is doing that  before puberty. Injecting that much testosterone and steroids would drastically affect his body too, causing all sorts of development issues!  After you do a cycle of testosterone and steroids, you need a cleansing cycle where you take estrogen blockers.

As is the case with steroids, they are just like other drugs that provide dopamine, but in this case it was testosterone. With Domaine inducing drugs and as such, when you stop taking them you become depressed.  It's because the body started to rely on outside sources for the chemical, so the body stops producing it on its own. That's what happened to Mirai and his testosterone levels. With that in mind, estrogen blockers are necessary after a cycle so that the body regulates itself, because it'll stop producing the normal testosterone levels otherwise, so you need to block the estrogen still being made in the body to counter it. So, because of the reckless doping, Mirai’s body doesn't produce much testosterone on its own anymore. His body however, still produces normal levels of estrogen.

So instead of buying estrogen for feminization, Sasuke made it where Murai doesn't need it...

I honestly pitied him. Looking at the hulking size of Sasuke, this boy could have otherwise been a tall Adonis. Instead he's a small (Herm)Aphrodite. 

None of the girls were aware that I have long ago found the site that Sasuke uses to share their videos. They do know that I know that they sell themselves, but not that I know about Sasuke's nor Sakura’s involvement in the whole scheme of things. 

They inadvertently volunteered the information of how they sell themselves, mainly due to a misunderstanding. I knew there were other girls besides Sakura, but them being here was almost like destiny.

When I approached each of them, they all initially thought I was a creepy asshole trying to blackmail them.

 Thank you, messy hentai protagonist haircut.

They all thought I was after their bodies.  It took a lot of convincing, for them to understand that I really wasn’t.  Hell, it took an entire month for Rika to stop offering me blow-jobs for the dirt I had on her, but…. I'll get to Rika in a moment.  Let’s get Back to Mirai.

In the videos that I've seen, Sasuke has had Mirai role-playing as a wife learning to cater to his husbandly needs. If Mirai failed at a task or simply wasn't good enough, punishments would then be in order. He got beat, yes but that by itself was just foreplay, his punishments however, were much more….. permanent.

That man has no chance of redemption.  If my Onee-san groomed me to be like that, would I be happy?  Honestly, I trust Onee-san too much to think she'd ever try to hurt me. If Mirai was more happy I wouldn't care as much, but I've seen the tears he shed in those videos.

I just wanted to let Mirai be able to be himself without being forced or tricked, like he was with his brother.  Ironically enough, in the beginning he started off coming to club dressed in his male uniform, but over the last few months he's always dressed up…. well like how he is now.

But, why does he want me to strip? 

I didn't think he saw me like that, but honestly if it means I can head pat this little pixie while he uses me as a chair whenever he wants, then SO BE IT!

I survey the girls and my gaze lands on Akio. 

Akio is, well, how do I explain it…?  Have you ever put your furniture together in your room and it just sort of clicked?  Like, arranged your space to a point that if you moved anything around, then it would just feel off? That’s Akio, a living embodiment of Feng Shui. This woman is arranged to the point that the slightest blemish can stand out.

That's actually how her story started.  She was always pristine and proper, had great grades, was a track star, and overall had a high popularity.  Maintaining her image was tiring and stressful for her.  Then, along came a man that forced her into exhibitionist situations all of a sudden, and for the first time in her life, she didn't think about anything else.

At first her grades and performance actually improved along with the new activities she partook in. She was the idol of year one and no one knew her secret past time. All of that started to change though.

She became addicted to losing her competitive tension and the distraction she felt from sex. The more intense the sex, the more she vented her stress. Her childhood friend had apparently been in love with her and he transferred schools after his heart broke, upon catching a blindfolded Akio with strange men in a very compromising situation. 

She went through a phase of depression after that and with her truest friend gone she lost her biggest support pillar. Her grades slipped, she stopped attending practice and lost all sense of self. She never planned on being with anyone other than Sasuke. She was an exhibitionist not a masochist.

Although from something I've seen, she might enjoy a little domination... but only in a safe environment.

She never knew she was gonna be made to be with strange men nor did she think Sasuke would force her to continue to do so. She kept up her pristine student image and if word got out about what she has done she'd be disowned, or worse she might actually take her life.

When I offered her to join my club she resigned herself to a fate of continued humiliation, believing it was blackmail. That is until she came in and just had tea and snacks. 

"I haven't sat down and had tea like this since last year." She said to me at the time. A rather normal sentence but with the tears in her eyes, it was meant in a not normal way.

She was so happy the club didn't involve sex so what the fuck makes her want to see me naked?!

My happiness is starting to disperse. Something feels wrong here, and my popular phase seems unnaturally forced. Even more so when you add in the gyaru beauty directly in front of me.

Rika, being the part-Brazilian goddess that she is, has been blessed by several things. Her height which towers over most of the girls, her full curves that would make winding mountain roads jealous, her infectiously positive personality, and those silver eyes!

How do you even get silver eyes?? If there were more girls with random eye colors I'd assume I'm in some kind of hentai!

Rika has all those blessings and as beautiful as they make her, they are also her curse. Her height made a lot of the boys intimidated so they never approached her, her figure made girls jealous so they started rumors, and her eyes are actually a genetic anomaly that caused bullying when she first moved to Japan as a child.

Her story started off very sweetly. A boy finally approached her and despite all the rumors and her looks, he asked her out. After being together for a while Rika felt she was in love. She lost her first time in a love hotel, a very common story, and she was on cloud nine.

Events quickly took a turn for the worse though. It was after two months of dating that the boy told her he had a special fetish. He wanted to see Rika be with other men. It took a solid week of convincing, but Rika finally agreed.

Being young, means to be impulsive. That's actually something my parents would say whenever I switched my hobbies from trading cards, to video games, to sports but I guess it matches with a lot of things in life huh?

After Rika committed the act she felt horrible and disgusted with herself, but she was still in love and didn't want to lose him. It took another month until her boyfriend announced their break up due to her cheating. She was so dumbstruck by it that she was absent from school for a couple days. When she returned, Sasuke appeared before her with a video of her ex-boyfriend in a gangbang, with Akio as the participant. 

Hurt and distraught, Sasuke then revealed that her ex worked for him. She was a toy and ‘that’s all she'd ever be,’ is what he told her. He then revealed videos starring her with different men and… well you get where this is going.

She hated Akio at first until she found out their positions were the same. They bonded over their situation and then bonded even further in the club. I really hope I gave them a little bit of peace, even if just for a moment.

Why didn't I go to the police? Well, that's easy for me to do, but these girls are afraid of their secrets leaking and an outsider would only endanger them. I don't have a way to fully link Sasuke to each of them and if Sasuke does leak the videos publicly because of me, their lives will be ruined. 

Sakura never comes to my club, and the fact that the girls here only come once a week has stopped Sasuke from knowing that I mingle with them at all. I wanna keep it that way until they ask for help or until I can fully take that asshole down.

Rika was the most wary of me when she first joined, so why does she want me naked now? Why did they all say they love me?

Yeah this is too fishy. Something happened but what could it be?


The door to the clubroom slides open.

"Ruto-kun what are…?" Sakura's cheery face turns to confusion as her eyes settle on the scene before her.

Fuck! This isn't good.

She never comes here! Wait, why did she come here? As if breaking into my thoughts, Sakura spoke.

"Ruto-kun, why are ya here with Mirai and the senpais?" She asked slowly.

"Uhhhh…." I’m trying to think of something.

"It's obvious isn't it?" Akio said nonchalantly while she smiled at me.

What does that mean? What’s obvious? What’s going to happen!?

<p.o.v Sakura>

My body! It feels so... off. We were just eating lunch and all of a sudden I got so hot!

I'm currently in a bathroom stall. On one hand I'm squeezing a wad of toilet paper wrapped with my black panties, hoping this will help them dry. My other hand? Working my ham wallet like I'm trying to pay a mortgage at the first national-bank of spunk!

Fuck! Why is using my hand so good today? It never feels this good!

I have my sailor uniform lifted up exposing my very basic green-and-white striped bra. Don't judge me for not wearing matching underwear, I didn't expect that hot masturbation session with Ruto-kun so I had to change!!  


Fuck, I can't keep my voice down! They'll know, my classmates will know how dirty I am. Its suppose to be kept secret!

"HAAhnnnnnnn…." I put my rolled up shirt in my mouth trying hard to stifle any noise.

*squish* *squish* *squish* *SHHHHHHH*

Fuck, my clit is throbbing, it's so hard!  My pussy lips are so wet that my fingers slide deep inside of me without any resistance. Droplets of my love juice keep falling into the toilet. I'm taking too long, I know, so I try to imagine something to bring me over the edge, to finally satiate the hunger in my lower...

*knock* *knock*

I fucking freeze! Someone knocked on my neighboring wall. Is it a pervert? Do they know what I'm doing?  Calm down Sakura, calm down.

"Sakura?" A sweet voice rang out

Wait, I know that voice! I drop the shirt in my mouth. "A-a-akio?" My breathing is rough

"Are you… from lunch… feeling hot?" Akio is beating around the bush but also hits the nail on the head.

"Yeah….. I-I-I-I do-don't understand ya know? What’s going on with my p-pus…. Body." I switch words not wanting to be loud about it.

"C-c-can I join you?"

"Hehhh?!?! But-but, why?" My face flushes, I'm not used to people asking me for permission for things like that.

"I need…. Some… help." Akio's voice trailed off.

"O-O-Okay." I allow it and unlock my stall door. 

What could happen right? I've done things with her before so what's the harm?

I hear the stall next to me open and close and quick steps leading to my door opening. Akio’s lithe figure is quick like a ninja. 

Ahhhh yes, I forgot, she’s an exhibitionist.

Before me is Akio with her entire lower body exposed. Her toned calves flex as she darts into the stall, closing and locking the door before she turns around again. All she's wearing is the top of her uniform with her red ascot. In her right hand is her panties and skirt, which she immediately drops to the floor. 

Akio leans back against the door pushing her pubic bone slightly forward.

Does she want me to eat her? I don't mind but will she return the favor? The thought of it doesn't even turn me on right now, but I'll help a fellow slut.

Directly in front of me is Akio's pussy. Her legs are toned and slender, she has a thigh gap that's only connected by the minor bit of fat pinched at her pussy hiding her lips. I say hiding her lips because she actually has none that protrudes. She has a thin line of pussy hair on her pubis but none any lower.

She also has no hair on her pink asshole, I’ve seen it myself and it's naturally this hairless.

She spreads her legs ‘til they touch either side of the stall and she squats down, now she's in a sumo stance and I can see her thighs flexing. Once she gets in position she leans her head back and pushes her pussy forward again, fully exposing her tiny pussy. 

I get slightly jealous by how well maintained it looks with all that's been done to it. My own pussy lips are starting to enlarge and darken. Hers by comparison looks fresh and new, as if it's yet to even be opened.

"I love it when you stare at my slutty pussy, Sakura." Akio whispers as she rubs her adorable clit. "My body, my body is hot after your story. Tell it again. Please, please one… one more time."

I begin to play with myself and I lean back on the toilet allowing her a full view of my sopping mess. All the sexual thoughts I tried to use weren't working, but as soon as Akio asked for this story I felt a throb on my clit so hard that it felt like kami-sama just pressed my ON switch.

I retell my story of seeing Haruto naked. Akio cums, as do I. My orgasms feel fuller this time, not like the ghost feelings I had earlier. These orgasms are finally offering me relief.

"No, no," Akio says as she sticks a finger in her tight cunt never looking away from how I'm working mine. "Where…. Was…. He…. L-L-L-L…HNNNNNN"

Fucking hell she just squirted. It looks so good, I wanna feel that good. I wanna feel that good. I wanna feel that good!

Akio gets up. She keeps her legs spread and bends over. She releases one of my tits from my bra.

"Where was he looking, please say it, say it slowly." She reaches between her legs and bites on my tit.

"HNNNNNN!" I came lightly.

Looking? Looking? Where was he…? Ohhhh!

"A-a-at me." My fingers move at speeds that are so fast they should be documented. "He stood there, stroking his c-c-c-ock… never looking away." My breath is heavy.

"Hnnnnnn." Akio cums with my tit in her mouth.

"He stroked his glorious cock….not gently, n-n-not roughly. But with dedication, h-h-he stared at my pussy, at my e-e-eyes, at my tits. All of me, he let me know, all of me was noticed,HHHAAAAAANNNNNNNN," It’s about to come, it’s happening. "His eyes never left me, only me. That’s what his eyes said. Only me, only me only me only me only me only me only me only me only me only me only me only me only me, all that mattered was only…. MEEEEEEE!" my back arches and so does Akio’s. Our hands reach for each other as she slams her pussy to mine. While I begin to squirt on her clit, she begins to squirt into the toilet. (Mine was redirected by hers into the toilet, since that’s how you tag team a clean up)

Breathing heavily, we let go of each other's hands. We used some toilet paper to clean up and I noticed that my hand which was holding my panties had squeezed them so hard they ended up pretty dry.

We put our clothes on and wait for the coast to be clear before we exit.

What we didn't know however was that in another stall adjacent, a platinum haired dark skin beauty had her panties on her ankles but wasn't playing with herself. She was hunched over on the toilet with her eyes watery looking at her phone muttering "Only me. Only me. Only me Only me." quietly to herself.

On her phone was a picture of Haruto with his cheeks puffy, blowing air upward, moving the hair out of his eyes. Her perfect shot of him. Her treasure.




Sakura made it to 3rd period with almost no time to spare.

What kinda fantasy was that? Am I an exhibitionist now too? I didn't think people watching me would get me off so much.

She texted Haruto a little more and he said they'll talk later, but more importantly she has an after school appointment. How can she tell Haruto she still needs to go to it if he doesn't want her money? How can she do this safely without a bodyguard?

With all the girls Sasuke has, Sakura is the only one that meets up with new clients to establish the rules before any of the other girls get to be purchased. Due to her intense sexual desire, Sasuke made her the official tes…. Taste tester… yes... Taste tester.

100%loved:  So, with no bodyguard do I cancel the appointment?

Shiningguns:  Fuck no, get your ass there!

100%loved:  But it's a new client and Ruto-kun won't be there.

Shiningguns:  Then figure something out!

100%loved:  Ummm…. Could you do it?

Shiningguns:  I don’t have time for shit like this!

100%loved:  Okay, but Haruto will worry if I tell him ya won't go and that i'm going alone.

Shiningguns:  Don't you dare tell him anything!

100%loved:  You know how he is though.  He'll ask, and you said no more secrets.

Shiningguns: .....

100%loved:  Sasuke?

Shiningguns:  Fuck, fine! I'll meet you there.

100%loved:  Really?! Yay! Love ya!

Now then, since that's settled I don't have to worry about it anymore. 

Since it's not ‘til later that I can walk home with Ruto-kun! It's been so long since we did that without him being my bodyguard. I’ll surprise him after school."

<fast forward to club room>

Getting lost a couple times looking for Haruto’s club I kept searching.

Where did he say the club was? I tried calling but he didn't answer. Is his phone set to silent? Oh, oh, I found it!

"Ruto-kun what are….?"

This is weird. Murai, Akio, and Rika in his clubroom? Is this a party? Wait, is Ruto-kun a customer of theirs? 

Fuck! Something felt like it pinched my chest. No he's not a customer, he has his requirements for sex. 

I let out a breath of relief.

"Ruto-kun, why are ya’ here with Mirai and the senpais?" She asked slowly.

"Uhhhh…." He begins but before he can answer

"It's obvious isn't it?" Akio said nonchalantly.

"I-I-I don't think so?" I looked at everyone's faces and no one seemed to know the answer.

"We came to see Tomaki-sans body!" Akio blurted out


"Huh? Did you say something Sakura?"

"Huh? Did I? Uhhh wait, did you guys prove you loved him!?" I questioned immediately.

"Uh-uh-uh…" Akio stammered, "well we all just said we loved him, so what else is there?" She honestly looked like she had no answer.

"Then go ahead." I smirk. 

I’ve told him I Ioved him everyday and he only showed me his body when he was done with me… fuck… that pinch again. It doesn't matter if they see his amazing body. Haruto wouldn't date girls like them anyway. Haruto does treat girls like the sex toys they are, and I don't think any of them are willing to do that to marry him. So they are probably just here to look at him, I admit seeing a body like Haruto is amazing, so them seeing it with no attachments shouldn't hurt anybody, right?

I stare at everyone, they seem a little taken back, I don't know why though. I'm being a good friend, why would I brag about my Ruto-kun's body and tell them don't see it? Thats stupid.

"So….." everyone turned to Haruto when he spoke, "Sakura told you guys about me hiding my body and you guys just confessed to me to see it?" Ruto-kun clenched his fists.

What's the matter? What's going on? Three attractive girls wanting to see him naked should be a positive thing right? He doesn't know these girls or what they've done, is that it? He doesn't know that these girls just want to see his sexy body. Well it's good he learns now because these girls are absolutely no good for my Ruto-kun.

Ruto-kun stands up and begins to take his big sweater off.

"I should just stay ready to always be used." 

The three girls stared at Haruto dumbstruck at what he said. They stared at each other see if anyone had a response, but before a word was muttered Harutos shirt was off.

His deep breaths caused the definition in his muscles to fluctuate. His fists clenched again causing the muscles in his arms to flex. He kept his face down, but you can see droplets falling to the ground.

Once the oversized sweater came off, the hentai-protagonist factor for Haruto reached all time lows. While the heart-shape-eye factor of all the girls shot up. All of their mouths opened slightly.


Mirais hand lurched forward wanting to touch him, but also console his friend 

Rikas hand went to her chest because her heart was pounding for him, but it also ached.

Akios hand went to her mouth realizing she did something wrong. This felt wrong to her, something wasn't right, but she couldn't figure it out or look away.

I just stared at him with eyes that wanted to devour him.

Within seconds Ruto-kun dropped his pants. Showing off his impressive lower stature. But before the three girls could fully admire it, Haruto looked up at them with eyes of pain, eyes of frustration… no, they knew this look.

Shame and helplessness.

Haruto is a victim, and it reminds the girls of how they looked when they too were betrayed and sentenced to the life they now live. They did this, they caused his pain. They treated him like a display piece. He, who kept his body sacred for his loved ones, defiled himself at their request. They didn't know better, their lives are warped and have been for a while.  The one good thing they had, they just realized they might've ruined.

Ruto-kun noticed no one was looking at him, so he put his pants, underwear, and jockstrap back on. He fished into his large sweater for his school uniform top and then dropped the sweater to the ground.

Why does he look so sad?! Did I do something wrong?

"Ruto…" I tried to speak.

"DON'T" He snapped at me, he hasn't outright yelled at me ever before. He is still shirtless, holding onto his uniform as he approaches me.  I take a step back out of some primal instinct, but he's already in front of me. 

"Here!" He fished something out of his pocket.

It’s my key.

"What is…" 

"I'm not going home, so use that to get in. Do whatever you want, but if you or if anything is else is FUCKED WITH IN THAT HOUSE SAKURA, YOU'RE OUT!" He begins to exit.

My eyes… tears are leaking out. 

Ruto… Wait, his shirt’s off!

"RUTO-KUN! Your shirt is not on!" I try to help him, tears are falling effortlessly. My chest hurts more and more, do I need to see a doctor? 

Ruto-kun turns to speak, but he’s not looking at any of us.

"Fuck it. I'm done with love. I thought all of you, ...even you Sakura, were still good people." He chuckled a little as if laughing at himself. "People that just had bad things happen to them, and if I showed that your past didn't matter at all, and that you still had a chance at a fun normal highschool life…." *sniffle* "That Rika could be a photographer still, that Akio could still be a sports doctor like she hoped, That Mirai could have that bakery he always wanted, and you, Sakura, you always wanted to be a vet, saying sick kittens hurt the world."

The girls haven't moved. They don't look like they're breathing.

They do hurt the world, all kittens and pawed friends need to be happy! I never forgot! Why won't he look at me? Why does my chest hurt?

My tears are falling and my body won't move the way I want it too.

"But I was wrong. You are exactly what all those videos of each of you show you to be."

"Each of our….?" Rikas head lifted up

"In that sweater’s pocket is a flash drive," Ruto-kun pointed at the floor, "with most of the videos of all of you. I was trying to get evidence to help you, but I guess I really was just wasting my time. I'm sorry for interfering, I won’t make that mistake again." Ruto-kun bowed deeply. And he left.

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