The New Babylon

Chapter 10 : A new kind of prey


As always, do point out my mistakes in the comment pls

At daybreak most of the goblins of the camp were armed with javelins or bow, satiated and ready. They all grouped around Nathan as he spoke.

“ _ Grom will track the prey, when we are close enough, I want you guys to stay silent and noiseless. We will evaluate the situation before further planning.

Let’s depart !”

All the goblins cheered, before the hunting group composed of more than 20 goblins departed. As they walked Nathan was thinking

‘ I already have thirty goblins under me, but honestly the more the better. With the food from hunting and fishing I can sustain more of them … but in the long run, I will have to find someplace to build a city, developpe agriculture, animal husbandry, Fishing, and commerce. Those tribes are nomadic, always fighting for food, space or even just to lessen their own numbers. I want something more stable, more luxurious. I want a fucking silk bed.’

After a two-hour trek, Grom signalled to Nathan that they were near their destination. Nathan took Steeve and Mouzuk with him as they followed Grom while he tracked down the exact position of the giant boar they were going to kill.

As they saw it resting between the trees, they returned to the hunting group.

Nathan immediately shared his plans to the hunters.

“_ Let’s surround the beast as we climb in the trees. When we are all unattainable … We will fire at will with our bows and Javelins. When it will flee as we wound it, we will track it down again before repeating the same strategy. Agreed ?”

As no one objected, Nathan began directing the goblins to stealthily climb the trees all around the boar in pairs. When everyone was ready, Steeve fired his first Javelin straight in the eye of the giant boar, which served as a signal for the other to rain hell at the prey. Some goblin missed, as for those who succeeded, only a few managed to wound it.

Looking at the boar who was shrieking in confusion and pain

‘God, I almost pity this boar … there’s even a Javelin planted in its ass, it’s becoming a recurrent theme and I don’t like it.’

With javelins and arrows stuck everywhere on its body, the boar started to rub against the tree to get rid of them, only to worsen its injury. Everything happened in a few short minutes before it fled, bleeding profusely, but with no mortal injury. Taking a few hours of the day, the goblin repeated their strategy.

Track it down, ambush it, let it flee, rinse and repeat.

Way past midday, the boar did not stand up again and died in a gigantic pool of blood as Nathan was thinking.

‘To be honest there is no easy hunt. But at least, no goblin died’

“_ Ok, folks, Let’s bring our prize back to the camp ! It’s time for a victorious feast !”

After they brought back the dead boar, Nathan decided to go for another round of recruitment while Mourzuk oversaw its processing.

He picked ten goblins, including Grom and Steeve. After a quick snack with them, he equipped his bone sword before departing for the tribe camp.

When they arrived at the camp Nathan saw a group of goblins in the distance.

Nathan instantly stopped in his tracks as he squinted his eye.

‘There’s something strange. What’s … Oh I see. There is a Hobgoblin in the group …’

He thought as he looked at the brown, supersized goblin with long hairs, before patting his own hair.

‘Wait, hairs ? fuck yeah ! Another reason to evolve I guess … Still why would a hobgoblin be here ? It’s fishy …’

“_ Grom !

_ Boss ?

_ Take my sword and go to the camp. When you’re there tell Mourzuk to come here with the hunting group. Tell him to come armed.”

Steeve looked at Nathan and asked

“_ Is there a problem ?

_ You see the Hobgoblin in the camp ? I have a bad feeling about it … Stay on your guard.

_ Ok … I will protect you.”

Nathan looked at him with hesitation

‘ Is he gay ? Sorry mate, I plan to find an elf girl or something.’

After Grom started to run back in the direction of the hunting camp. Nathan took a deep breath before signaling the others to follow him.

When the Hobgoblin noticed him, Nathan felt the malicious gaze of the group scanning him from head to toes. The Hobgoblin walked slowly to him with a vicious grin, clearly scornful of the young goblin leader as he spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear.

“_ You ! The goblin … I heard you were successful in your hunts ? “

Nathan smiled brightly at the Hobgoblin, looking like a simpleton

“_ Yes ! Yes , Boss hobgoblin ! Me want to know name of Boss”

The Hobgoblin was surprised to see the goblin so submissive as he thought.

‘I was thinking of killing him to plunder what he amassed … But look at him so obedient. Fortunately for him he is young, the youngling are easy to manipulate.’

“_ I’m Goruk the tall !”

Hearing this Nathan’s face twitched while he thought

‘He he hi hi hi, The hell ! His a funny one … The tall he said ! The guy’s maximum 1m60, maybe less. Ok, ok let’s be honest, he is tall … For a Hobgoblin that is’

“_ What’s your name?

_ I’m … Nathan the bald ?

_ The b- … Yeah anyway from now on you will be at my service ! You drop your weapons and supplies at my camp”

Nathan kept his stupid face, but Steeve took out his Javelin ready to fight. Just before Steeve could do anything, Nathan looked sternly at him and said

“ _Yes boss ! Immediately boss ! Can you show me your camp ? I need to know to drop the weapons of the others !”

Steeve face showed a mix of confusion and stupefaction. As for Goruk, he looked pleased before answering

“_ Give your weapons to my subordinates and follow us !

_ Yes ! Yes ! Boss!”

Nathan looked Sternly at Steeve and the others as they hesitated, before throwing their weapons on the ground under the scornful faces of the audience. Goruk’s goblins took them before he told everyone to follow him

As Nathan was looking at Goruk’s back he briefly showed a sadistic smile, with veins on his forehead clearly implying his inner anger as he thought

‘Eat well and sleep tight tonight, my dear boss … I will make sure you wake up in hell … Tomorrow, only your head will be able to proudly parade around.’

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