The New Babylon

Chapter 9 : New weapons, new prey, new hunt

As always, do point out my mistakes in the comment pls


After Nathan and his group of recruits came back to the camp, he spotted Mourzuk and Nubian standing up before a big pile of bird as they were directing two goblins on how to process them. Nathan directly came to them to ask about it, but also to offload the recruits on Nubian.

"_ Nubian, Mourzuk !

_ Boss !

_ Welcome back Boss. How was the recruitment ?” Nubian asked

“_ About that Nubian, could you explain to them how things work around here ?

_ Errr, will do boss … Oh yes, before that boss, Grom took charge of the fishing group, they were quite successful.”

Said Nubian pointing to some goblin who were moving pots around.

Before Nathan nodded as he spoke

“_That’s good news. Nubian could you call Grom for me while you are at it. I have a task for him.

_ Yes boss !”

Nubian did not even have the time to turn around before Mourzuk immediately spoke excitedly.

“_ Boss ! I did it !

_ Yeah, I can see this … How did you catch those birds by the way ?

_ That’s the thing boss ! At first, we tried with the Javelins … That was not very effective. Then I remembered the time I saw the tribe’s warriors using this to hunt !”

Mourzuk then took out some weird looking bolas from behind the dead bird pile. Before Nathan could ask about it Mourzuk continued his story.

“_ At the time they were hunting Hobgoblins … But if it worked on them I thought it would be good enough for birds, Yeah ?


_ So, I Immediately caught Nubian to help me make them, after a few failures here they are ! Impressed boss ? Hmhm Since I was young I always got knak for those things you see …”

As Nathan listen to Mourzuk brag he thought

‘These two old dudes really do some pretty neat work … I really stumbled on some fucking treasure. If those two were gatcha’s they would be legendary. Anyhow that’s the first time I saw Mourzuk this excited.’

After a while of Mourzuk bragging and reminiscing, Nathan’s face tuned from a smile to a blank face, to a frown. He even saw Grom come to him.

“_ Mourzuk, I hate to interrupt but, the feathers of the birds ... You know that you can make arrows with it ?

_ Yeah ? Yes indeed …

_ Since you can make arrows, you should also make some bows, right ?

_ Yes obviously.

_ You can use the tendons from the previous hunt to make the bowstrings you need.

_ Yes boss ! Immediately !”

As Mourzuk instantly stood to run somewhere Nathan, stopped him.

“_Wait finish your task first, oh and direct some goblins to manufacture more bolas … enough for everyone.

_ Ah ? oh yeah almost forgot ahah …”

Nathan turned to Grom who was yawning after the bragging session.

“_  Grom, I have a mission for you. I want you to search for a new prey, pick as many goblins as you need and tread cautiously.

_ Yes boss, let Grom do it !”

After resting for a while Nathan found Steeve and taught him how to play rock-paper-scissors. After losing a few rounds in a raw, he decided to use his time more wisely. He walked to the goblins in charge of baking pots, who were chilling around the old ovens and the big new one looking at the clay baking.

He ordered them to make a new oven for him, when it was done, he instructed them on how to make some plates and cups.

He then took the goblins who were in charge of scavenging wood with him and brought back big flat rocks.

When the day was ending, he was standing proudly with them before some big makeshifts table.

‘ Aaah … Look at me transforming those savage critters into civilized critters.’

As Nathan was thinking proudly,  Grom came to him with a downcast look.

“ _ Boss … I couldn’t find a prey.

_ It’s not a problem Grom, you can try again tomorrow. For now, let us gather everyone to eat.”

When Grom heard him, his face brightened instantly.

After the bird and fish meat were served on the new tables. Nathan thought

‘ Now that’s what I call a banquet …’

When every goblin was sated, Nathan got to sleep with a satisfied smile before he frowned right away as his head touched the improvised pillow made of hide.

‘Fuck I made tables and shits, and I forgot about the most important thing. A real bed …’

When the new day came everyone got to work like always. The day went uneventfully. The plates and goblets were ready, even if there were not enough for every goblin. Nubian made some hide clothes for most of the first goblin who joined. As for Mourzuk he was proudly running around distributing the bows and bolas he made with the group he was in charge. When he came to Steeve and Nathan to give them the best bows he made, Steeve surprisingly refused the new weapons saying he was more comfortable with the javelins.

Nathan thought about it and told Steeve to make a bone Javelin for himself since he refused the bow.

However, when night came and the goblin reunited to eat, Nathan was pacing around the camp nervously accompanied by Steeve and Nubian.

“_Where the hell is Grom ! His group should’ve already come back hours ago !”

When Steeve saw Nathan roar at the sky, He approached and laid his hand on Nathan’s shoulder to calm him. Just as Nathan sighed, they all heard someone roar back. Before Grom and his group came in the camp

“ _ BOOOOOSSS !! I’m late boss !!!

_ Then don’t be ! You fucker !!”

Nathan immediately roared back at Grom before heavily sighing as he moved his head from right to left.

“_ Anyway, Grom whatever I ask you to do, always come back before sunset. I don’t want you to die so pointlessly on me. If you really want to die, do it when killing some preys.

_Yes, boss … errr

_ Talk, what did you find ?

_ I did it, boss. I found a prey. Big, Big prey with tusks !”

‘ Wait a second … did this mad lad found an elephant ?’

After Grom described the preys more precisely, Nathan looked nervously at Steeve.

“_ Steeve, he found the same beast as the one we first hunted … what do you think we should do ?”

Steeve smiled at Nathan before replying.

“ _ We kill it, boss.”

‘Ok, I must say I was a bit traumatised after those two, almost, failed hunts. But Steeve you … you have some steel balls mate.

Nathan then looked at his subordinates as he announced.

“ You all heard him ! Tomorrow, we hunt again !”

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