The New Babylon

Chapter 19 : Assault II

When Nathan’s troops approached the enemy camp the few goblin who were awake just stood there in confusion, it was Stevie’s who started the hostilities by killing a goblin from the distance with a well-aimed javelin.

The javelin pierced the goblin right through the chest, seeing this the other goblin around it scattered in panic while screaming.

Hearing the chaos outside of his tent a hobgoblin walked out screaming to rally the goblins around him.

Looking at them Nathan just stood beside Stevie and yelled his command.

“_ Wait for my orders before shooting them. When they are close enough you will be able to fire at will !”

He then whispered at Stevie.

“_ Aim for the hobgoblin … you don’t have to kill him, but at least try to incapacitate him

_  I will try.”

It didn’t took long for the hobgoblin to organise a first wave of assault, aiming for Nathan’s troops, with a hobgoblin leading them and the number advantages their moral immediately soared sky high.

But it took only a moment for it to fall back to were it was after the first casualty they had.

When the hobgoblin was ordering the charge, another one came with him, with even more reinforcement. Confident, the first hobgoblin led the charge at the front.

When the distance between him and Nathan’s reached 20 meters Steevie immediately fired another javelin. It stuck the hobgoblin in the thigh  , leading to a severe bleeding. Seeing this Nathan thought.

‘ Oof … She probably hit an artery, that one is 100% out of fight after this.’

But the mark on the hobgoblin neck stated to shine brightly,  immediately stopping the bleeding. It did not save him though because the goblins under Nathan immediately followed his order to shoot in the direction of the limping hobgoblin.

He was hit, by two other javelins in the torso, and a few arrows. What sealed his fate though was on arrow piercing right through his eyes, right in his brain.

Nathan immediately heard one of his men yell, hearing this familiar voice the mark in his eyes shined a bit as he immediately remembered whose voice it was.

“_ I killed him ! Boss ! I killed him”

‘ Yesus ? The hell mate … Now I fucked up. I did not think about the fact that he will have to kill some peoples when I gave him his name.’

The charging goblin were stopped by the projectiles, but right behind us Nathan heard the yell of a hobgoblin. With his memory he noted that the voice was not from the hobgoblin he saw earlier.

‘There was a Third hobgoblin ? … that’s trouble. But I can’t change the plan in the middle of the fight… Now I can only try to adapt’

After a thought, Nathan yelled to Vorya to follow him, they placed themselves right behind their front line, ready to fight. Looking at the sea of goblin approaching and the two hobgoblins with who were releasing dark auras.

The enemy front line was drowning under arrows , but with two hobgoblin and the rest of the goblins behind them they could not fall back.

Looking at the situation, Nathan ordered the Goblin archer to fire a volley at the back line of the enemies. He then ordered his front-line group to advance to the sea of bodies on the ground.

‘Now at least it would be harder for them to fight with unstable footings, good luck to move on a literal corps carpet.’

What Nathan did not anticipate was that after a few moments the enemy goblins were climbing their dead comrades, giving them the high ground on his front line. A few of them even jumping over it, this included the two ominous hobgoblins.

Nathan and Vorya reacted in a second and moved to intercept the hobgoblins, taking one each. Meanwhile Mourzuk ordered the archers to continue to support the front line, and the javelin users to follow him in close combat to stop the enemies from backstabbing their meat shields.

As they reinforced the front line, no one tried to intrude the hobgoblins in their fight. Still Mourzuk was keeping a close eye on them, While Stevie was killing the goblin left and right around Nathan as he fought.

The hobgoblin cultists were way stronger than they anticipated, they did not feel pain, or fear. The hobgoblin Nathan fought had a skin as resistant as a leather protection, and every move he made with his sword was heavy and quick. While fighting Nathan thought.

‘He is physically stronger, but he is alone … If I can’t kill you myself, I will just stall you until my friends back stab the shit out of you’

The one in the worst position was Vorya, as he not only fought against the hobgoblin, but also 3 goblins moving around him, striking at every opportunity.

After a minute in fight he was bleeding from multiple small wounds but directed by anger and hatred for his opponent he did not relent, until a goblin stabbed his right leg. With a knee on the ground and the hobgoblin ready to kill him, he thought.

‘ah … I can’t die like this, not by a trash cultist.’

He yelled in anger.

Meanwhile Nathan, who was keeping an eye out for his friends saw the bleeding figure of Vorya, he did not even take the time to think before he charged his opponent while yelling Mourzuk’s name.

The abrupt change from his defensive fighting style to an offensive one surprised his opponent, which only had time to block Nathan sword before getting a violently kneed in the crotch.

Nathan heard a strong breaking noise and pushed the hobgoblin, who surprisingly released shrill scream of pain. Nathan took the sword wielding hand of the hobgoblin, disarmed him before pushing him away.

Just as he turned, he saw Vorya falling on his knee, Nathan reacted with a single thought.

‘oh shit’

And threw the sword he stole right at the hobgoblin who was raising his sword to kill his screaming friend.

Looking at the weapons which flew straight to the sword wielding arm of the hobgoblin, he smiled. He quickly looked back to his previous opponent, only to see it being ganged by Mourzuk and Stevie while only armed with a dagger.

He ran to Vorya and killed the goblins who were surrounding him.

As for Vorya, he seized the opportunity when he saw his opponent getting destabilized by a miraculous flying sword hitting his arm. He jumped on the hobgoblin and planted his axe in the middle of it’s face. Multiple times.

Just as Vorya’s opponent died Nathan turned around to watch Mourzuk and Stevie, only to see Mourzuk behead the hobgoblin.

‘Wut ? he killed it ? I know the hobgob was tired, injured, and almost weapon less but still the guy was infused with concentrated godly steroids …’

When all the leaders died, Nathan immediately collected their head to demoralize the remaining goblins, which was useless because just as he raised the head of the hobgoblin Vorya killed with a satisfied smile, all the enemies goblin were already fleeing a few meters ahead.

Looking at them he yelled at the archers to shoot the running goblins as he thought.

‘ Ok, I took the time to behead it with care and caution, getting all bloodied, just to destroy your moral completely … So at least look at my hard work goddammit’

He then heard Yesus yelling.

“_ We don’t have any arrows remaining boss !

_ *tsk* Then chase them you dumbf- brave warriors …”

‘Can’t spit on them now, that would be a dick move …’

“_ Anyway, kill as much as you can, but do not stray to far from the camp, for those who manage to flee, just let Grom’s group take care of them.”

He then turned to Mourzuk and spoke.

“_Mourzuk, gather our wounded, and take care of them. Get Vorya’s treatmen-

_ I can’t boss … I’m … evolving”

Nathan looked at the mix of a pained and happy smile on Mourzuk face before he continued.

“_ Good, go rest then. Stevie yo-

_  I’m … evolving too”

Said the little goblin with an embarrassed smile as Nathan thought.

‘ Does that mean that I need to work ? No way.’

“Yesus !!! You’re promoted, take care of the wounded !”



Yo! I wanted to ask you my dear readers your thoughts about my writing style, for example: Nathan thought ‘ blablabla’

Is it confusing ? Redundant ? Please tell me ? Thanks for reading

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