The New Babylon

Chapter 20 : New talents

While Nathan was overseeing his troops to establish a casualty count

’10 dead confirmed … and there are at least 30 wounded so the death count will probably go up. As for the prisoners more than half of them are dead too. Honestly … I could have done better than this.’

As Nathan was looking at the prisoners who fought bravely on the front line, he decided to gather them in a group.

‘It’s time to honour my part of the deal …’

“_ You guys fought well ! I am impressed. I will reward you as promised, with your freedom and a job offer…

Looking at a few drowsy goblins who were tightly clenching parts of their body, or wounds Nathan changed subject

“_ I assume that some of you will evolve tonight. It is not surprising after all your achievement must have been recognized by the world. Tomorrow we will talk about the future together. For now, rest.”

After a sigh he sat next to the wounded Vorya with a worried look and spoke to him

“_ So ? Did you have a happy cultist killing time ?”

Vorya groaned as he answered

“_ Fuck you

_ What ? That’s how you speak to the person who saved your life ? Mate show some reconnaissance I’m not your mother. I won’t wipe your ass with a smile every time you fuck up. You hear me mate ?”

As Nathan was showing his best thug imitation as he spoke, Vorya was laughing loudly while wincing in pain from his wounds.

Meanwhile in the outskirt of the hobgoblins base of operation, Grom and a few men were sitting on tree branches while laughing at the pitiful goblins who were falling one by one in the traps they made. Sometimes when a lucky goblin managed to pass the trap field unharmed, Grom would fire an arrow to kill it as he spoke with his goblin’s friends.

“_ You know … Boss Nathan told me it would be a dangerous job, but aren’t they too weak ?

_ You right, boss Grom. They don’t even stop as they see their friend falling one by one in traps.

_ Those Goblins too stupid ahahah”

When no other goblin came their way, they climbed down from their trees to finish off any surviving goblin before going back to Nathan.

When everyone was reunited at the cultist ex-base Nathan announced the start of the plunder, apparently the joyous event even managed to rouse back a few wounded goblins who wanted to participate. Those were stopped by Yesus with words or a punch for the more reluctant of them.

As for Nathan, he was trying to observe the evolving goblins, but every time he was looking in their direction, his eyes would lose their lustre as if lost in thought before he looked absentmindedly elsewhere.

‘The hell ? Why every time I try to peek at their evolving process, I just go brain dead for a few second. I know where they are, I can even see them in my peripheric vision but if I try to concentrate my mind on them … Boom aneurysm rupture.

Nathan looked back at the plundering goblins who were working with gleeful smile for the rest of the day. When night came, they organised festivities with some alcohol they found. When he drunk a sip, Nathan spat everything on an unfortunate goblin.

‘Shit … that’s disgusting, taste like a mix between grass and rotten fruits. I need to make some proper alcohol here. Actually, I need to make everything, I need spice for my food, proper toilettes, and toilette paper, since every time I wipe my ass with leaves it feels like I’m using a pumice stone. I’m surprised there is not blood flowing out of my ass like a geyser’

As Nathan was deep in thought about the future luxuries, he had to create, he adopted the thinker pose.

Meanwhile the goblins were looking at him as if he was a hero. All but Vorya.

‘ With this pose I’m almost sure he is coming up with some weird ideas.’

When the next day came, Nathan excitedly woke up to look at the new evolved subordinates. He found Mourzuk right away even when the hobgoblin looked younger than he really was, he was running and jumping around while laughing like an exited child. He looked as lean and muscled as Nathan, but he was a few centimetres smaller, he still kept his white hair and beard and had a green skin.

Looking at Mourzuk was Stevie who had long flowing black hairs and a tanned skin. Looking at her from behind Nathan was like enchanted before she turned around with a large smile. Staring at her blinding smile he thought

‘Yeah still ugly. Looking at the other hobgoblins, myself included, I did not have any expectations, but I still feel disappointed… At least she is less ugly right ? That is what I would call progression ya ?’

He looked around again to find three other Hobgoblins.

‘Let’s see, two of them are from the prison- no frontline group and one of them is Javelin thrower who fought in close combat too. The first two were males while the last one was female’

Nathan gathered the new hobgoblins and the frontline group.

“First thing first ! Those who fought in the frontline group are now free, and I would also like it if you joined us as official members of our group ! Those who accept raise your hands !’

Six goblins raised their hands, but only one of the two hobgoblins decided to join. Looking at him Nathan asked

“_ I see you do not want to join . What are your plans then ?

_ I want to form my own group !

_ I see you are free to do so. But before you depart you and the other hobgoblins will have to choose a name for yourself if you do not already have one. You guys will also have to report to me the use of the mark that was gifted to you by the world. First Stevie what’s the name and use of your mark ?

_ Yes, err … It’s called polearms mastery. It helps me learn how to use those weapons and strengthen me while fighting with one.

_ That’s good, alright next Mourzuk !

_ Yes, boss ahahah ! It’s good to feel young agai-

_ To the point … go to the point.

_ Yes ! It’s called supernatural reflexes, as the name implies it strengthen my reflexes to a supernatural level.

Nathan looked a bit dumbstruck as he thought

‘ Wait … Why do I get the feeling that my subordinates got better marks than myself ? No, let’s not think about it …’

He then designed the unnamed female hobgoblin.

“_ Your turn, choose a name or yourself

_ …. Sio ? My mark is Strength enhancement, and er… it does just this, it augments my strength by threefold.

He then pointed to the hobgoblin who decided to stay

_ I already had a name, it’s Skeis. My mark is called Tenacity, It strengthen my skin and bones, It help to stop bleedings too.

Now was the turn of the only hobgoblin who chose to leave. He seemed hesitant to answer before Nathan grabbed the hilt of his sword as he spoke first.

“_ I warn you first … You will have to answer truthfully, Mourzuk will then check If you lied.

_ My name is Frand, my mark is Slow perception, It slow down my perception of time.

Hearing this Nathan frowned

‘Another cheat mark I see, before that how the hell should I do to test if it’s true ?’

He looked at Mourzuk who spoke immediately.

“_ I can test him boss ! It will be good practice too.”

Nathan only nodded as the goblins were organized in a circle around the two hobgoblin who were ready to fight.

“_ Start !”

Sorry for the delay ! hope you find this chapter to your taste ! ? 

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