The New Babylon

Chapter 23 : New opportunities

After the success of the bricks crafting, Nathan asked Nubian to first reinforce the structure of the hunting camp using the new bricks and cement before they renovate Alesia again. Looking at the bricks, Nathan knew that the production time will be long, first because of the lack of workers, but also the lack of materials.

‘ There is only so much we can take from the small stream after all. It is a bit wasteful in terms of manpower, mainly because sooner or later we will have to move out from here. Well, it doesn’t hurt to be well defended for now… Still since I came here, to this strange new world, I never felt this happy. The lack of luxuries is a minus though. But well … I feel that this time, my life may not be a failure.’

Nathan then personally said goodbye to every goblin who helped him make his bricks and cement. Just as he prepared to leave the camp, he saw Stevie and Sio, leading a pack of 40 goblins. Sio had blood splash on her face and hand, while Stevie, was spotless, except for her blood-stained spear.

Behind them, the goblins were either wearing fearful faces or hopeful eyes. Nathan could recognize a dozen of the goblins that came from his own camp and fought for him, those ones were showing satisfied smile, wiping blood from their weapons.

‘ Look at them … They grow so quickly’


As Nathan wiped a fake tear from his left eyes, Stevie quickly rushed to him.

“ _Are you Okay ? Why are you crying ? Is it because …? I wasn’t here ?

_ The hell ? That tears of proudness, look at our goblins, they look all battle hardened, if not a little ridiculous with the gap between their gait and frame.”

As Stevie showed a disappointed smile, she walked away while mumbling some incomprehensible curses. Looking at her back, Nathan looked a bit surprised by Stevie’s action , he looked at Sio who was patting Stevie’s shoulders and the goblins who smiled and laughed as he murmured

“_ They really are growing fast …

_ Indeed boss .

_ Oh shit ! Nubian ? Got scared for a second here.

_ Sorry ? Anyway boss, are those the new recruits ? I will get them to train well.

_ Yeah, do so. Remember, be on your guard. Every cultist must die.

_ Yes boss, I will watch them closely, never liked those weird fuckers anyway …”

As, Nathan was once again disappointed by the second language trait he transmitted to the goblins, he nodded while Nubian walked to the new faces.

Once the new recruits entered the camp, Nathan left with Stevie and Sio, followed by 20 goblins.

As they walked Stevie, began a report to Nathan on what happened to Alesia lately.

“_  Nathan, the new defences of Alesia are almost done, and the trainings are showing some … unexpected results.

_ Unexpected you say ?

_ Yes, there are progressing extremely quickly, after Vorya muscular training, and their new alimentation, some goblins started to grow in muscles and sizes. And while they spar between each other, they go all out now knowing that that Yesus will help them recover. Some of them even got broken bones-

_ That’s unacceptable ! If they hurt themselves like this in training, what they will do when we have to fight ? Will they walk on the battlefield with broken arms ?! Those fuckers, they think Yesus is some kind of messiah ?  …. Messiah ?”

Nathan yelled until Sio interjected

“_You said Messiah two time already boss ! Anyway, Yesus evolved, now he is taking care of them.

_ He wut ?!

_ Evolved boss, E-Vol-VED you know the thing that-

_ I know the fuck what evolution is Sio … What was his mark ?”

As Sio smiled dumbly to Nathan, Stevie got his attention back

“_ He said it will be a surprise for you, we did not prey to much until you came back.

_ And Grom ? How is he doing

_ Still a goblin, but he is strong. Oh and he found enormous beast tracks in the forest an hour away from Alesia, he wanted to consult you about it.”

Nathan nodded wordlessly as he thought.

‘That’s a worrying news, this world beasts are too dangerous to ignore. Still Yesus evolved faster than Grom … Is it because of what I thought him ? Or maybe it is the exclusivity of the knowledge ? After some practice he evolved ? That’s something I need to think more about.’

As they proceeded quietly through the forest, elsewhere Grom was doing his scouting routine, when he spotted the tracks of other goblins.

As he curiously followed them, he quickly found the tracks of the Beast he saw before. After a few minutes he saw shredded corpses on a blood-stained ground.

He suddenly stopped breathing as he hid, after two minutes as he ascertained the absence of the predator responsible of this carnage, he walked back to his scouting group. As they came back together to examine the place, one of his men spotted the tracks of a fleeing goblin.

After a bit they saw an unconscious goblin, as they were bringing him back, one of Grom’s men asked him with a fearful look.

“ _ Boss Grom, what do you think happened ?

_ I can’t be sure, but they looked like a scouting party, maybe they were out hunting without realising they were the prey … Or maybe …

_ Maybe what ?

_ Well, maybe they were scouting for our camp, the tracks they left suggest they came from the nearest camp of cultists I already scouted. Well it could be a coincidence too. I need to report this to Boss Nathan, he will know what to do.

As his men nodded, they quickened theirs step to get back to Alesia as fast as they could.

When they arrived, near the entrance of Alesia they could see Nathan, Stevie and Sio coming from the opposite side.

As Nathan saw Grom’s group from the distance, he quickly understood that something was wrong as he saw them carrying a blood-stained goblin.

‘ Did they encounter a beast ? Or enemies ?’

As he approached, Nathan clearly saw the face of the unconscious goblin

‘ I don’t know him; he is not from Alesia’

He quickly asked Grom about what happened as they walked inside the camp

As Grom reported everything he saw in detail, Nathan concluded

“_I agree with your suppositions Grom … I suspect he a scout tasked to find the exact position of Alesia. Fortunately for us, his group encountered a beast before they managed to get to us. From now on be extra carful when you scout around. Do not stay to far from Alesia. Anyway, we will soon find the truth when the scout awakens.

_ Yes !

_ Come with me, we need to get him fixed, let’s go find Yesus.”

As they walked to were Yesus was, they saw him teaching the goblins first aid.

When Yesus saw Nathan he quickly interrupted his lessons as he ran to him with a large smile while yelling.

“ Master !!!!! I Evolved !

_ I know ? So, say it ! What is your mark ?

_ Yes Master ! It’s called Apprentice doctor, It help me know what herbs I can use to help people recovers, and it help me to learn how to heal them !

Nathan rejoiced loudly before asking Yesus and Grom to take care of their new prisoner.

‘ Now we even have a fucking doctor … apprentice doctor, anyway what good news, fucking good news. As for the scout … I may be able to use him.’

Nathan walked to Mourzuk who was overseeing some working goblins, as he ominously laughed while thinking of how he could use this new opportunity served on a silver plate by this chaotic world.

New chapter up !



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