The New Babylon

Chapter 24 : A new battle awaits

Nathan soon found Mourzuk, as he approached the old hobgoblin turned to him with a large smile.

“ _ Boss ! did you look at the construction ? We should be done with it in a few days ! With this, even if a group twice as numerous as us attack, they would only die on the defences !

_ Yes, I think so too, you really worked well … and concerning what you said, it is possible that a group will attack us soon

_ Y- what ?! Should we speed up the construction ?

_ Yes. The sooner we finish the better, we will momentarily stop the trainings. It is not yet sure if Alesia will be assaulted, but better safe than sorry right ?

_ Yes boss. Humm … Do you have a plan in mind ? or will we just let them break on our palisades ?

_ If we let them attack passively without a counterattack plan, they will just retreat after a few waves of meat shield. If we let them go scot free, they might all get together to gang up on us. It’s not like those fanatics value the life of others in anyway, nothing will stop them if they want to throw a thousand goblin in our face.

_ A thousand ?

_ It is a possibility. Well I doubt they could really unite without a strong leader or threat anyway. I prepared a plan; we will talk about it with everyone.

_ Yes boss”

Mourzuk nodded and departed to gather Nathan’s advisors as Nathan walked to his tent in preparation for the meeting.

When everyone was gathered, Nathan explained his plan.

“ _ In short ! We will defend Alesia with the minimum required number of fighter possible. Meanwhile the others will hide away and backstab the enemies as they assault our defences. The goal is to force them between our fighters and our defences. Easy plan, right ?

_ Boss, who will be in charge of the camp ? and who will be in charge of the fighters ?

_ You Vorya, you will oversee the fighters with Mourzuk and all the other hobgoblins, I will stay in the fortress with Steevie to direct the goblins. Oh, and Grom you will have to spy on the enemies. When the prisoner wakes up, find from where he came, and what he came to do. Once you know go spy on them.

When they decide to search for us again, bait them here. Let them know were we are.

_ Will do boss !!”

As the meeting ended Nathan walked away to help with the goblins finish the defences as fast as possible until nightfall.

The next morning as Nathan was working, Yesus came to find him in a rush.

“_ Boss the goblin woke up !

_ He did ? did you interrogate him ?

_ Not yet we were waiting for you.

_ Understood, let’s go.”

When the wounded goblin was sitting with three, armed goblin around it, as Nathan approached, he started heavily sweating as his face bleached.

‘Looking at how afraid of me he is, it will be easy to get information’s out of him…’

“_ No need to be afraid … So ? my men told me they found you unconscious in the forest. They think you and your group met a beast while you were out. Can you describe it to me ?”

The goblin still looked afraid, but started to talk without hesitation

“_ It was a black beast with, with fangs like a big wolf … but different, it had a long and thin tail… It was very big, as big as four goblins”

Mourzuk came in as the goblin was talking, as Nathan was trying to picture the beast, Mourzuk interjected.

“_ It may be a feline boss … we met one like this once, they are dangerous. Extremely. They are agile, vicious and can climb trees. What’s more they are playful. It would explain how this goblin survived.”

Nathan nodded as he thought

‘Looks like a panther of some sort … I will have to get rid of this thing later.’

“_ Very well, and why were you in the forest ? Were you searching something ?”

The goblin stayed silent, as Nathan could see the panic in its eyes as well as fear.

“_ Were you perhaps, searching for us ?”

The goblin immediately looked right in the eyes of Nathan with horror.

“_ It’s okay, of you tell me who sent you, we will let you go freely. You are already mostly healed anyway, if you don’t get in a fight you will only have a scar.”

The goblin calmed down and hesitantly spoke

“_ This … My boss told us to find a camp in the forest. He said that … err- it will be an easy prey, that it was just a new hobgoblin who was … too full of himself”

Nathan smiled brightly at the goblin as he told Mourzuk to let the goblin go.

As he heard Nathan, Mourzuk started to protest.

“ Boss ! You can’t let him go out scot free. You just told us that we need to destroy our enemies as much as possible, so they don’t take us for weaklings they can freely off-”

Nathan stopped Mourzuk, as he dragged him out while whispering.

“_ Shhtt dumbass … I said he could leave the camp freely ya ? I did not say we will guarantee its safety once he left.”

Mourzuk nodded, looking embarrassed, as Nathan continued.

“ Tell Grom to take care of the goblin once its out of the camp.”

After that Nathan continued his interrogation of the enemy forces. After a while, he gave some food to the goblin as he personally escorted him outside of the camp.

As he saw the goblin leave, he smiled maliciously before going back to his work on the defences of Alesia. An hour later Grom came back with the head of the goblin.

‘Honestly, it wasn’t necessary, but I always wanted to imitate a cliché villain at least once … feels good’

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