The New Babylon

Chapter 26 : Second Wave

Sorry for the delay, fucking real life responsabilities.

As the Hobgoblin in charge of the first wave died, all the remaining goblins stopped their rushes and scattered.

The other hobgoblins who stayed back with theirs troops looked at each other awkwardly before signalling the retreat.

“_ Let’s stop for now, we can always come back with more men …

_ Yeah, Kurz died for nothing

_ I never liked Kurz anyway.

_ No one liked Kurz.”

As Nathan looked at his enemies turning around in confusion, he decided to signal the rest of his troops hiding in the forest to start the counterattack.

He took a bow and an arrow smeared in animal oil, before igniting it in a nearby fire. As he looked at the flaming arrow, he just shot through the sky he thought.

‘I was going to say let the fun begin … Buuut, now I just hope that it won’t start a forest fire ahah’

Fortunately, the arrow stuck right in the head of a confused goblin.

‘The forest will remember your glorious sacrifice’

As the goblins were marching away in a somewhat orderly manner thanks to the hobgoblins leading them, it quickly changed when Vorya and Mourzuk attacked from the forest.

They started the hostilities with the classical javelin throwing and arrow shooting.

As Nathan looked at the enemies running around in panic like an ant nets that just got kicked, he thought.

‘ They can’t survive this … those goblins only fight because of the hobgoblins leading them, but their commandment abilities are limited. That’s the difference between us, my troops are way more disciplined … somewhat, but they also fight not out of fear of what is behind them but more for their own future.’

As Nathan predicted even if they were outnumbered, his troops profited of the surprise attack and the following chaos to push back the enemies in the direction of the gate of Alesia. Nathan could even see Mourzuk fighting two hobgoblins boosted by the evil god’s aura.

‘ He is not wining in anyway, but he is not losing, He just draw their attention and dodge when needed, the real threat are the goblins who are waiting for an opportunity to strike.’

As for Vorya, he had only one opponent, but he was still struggling, not because he was weak, but because his opponent was way stronger than a normal hobgoblin.

‘The enemy goblins are still confused, but they will soon get back to themselves, Vorya may not be able to last until the enemies are at shooting range… A quick backstab will be necessary… I sooo don’t wanna fight, fighting is fun only when you are strong … fuck’

Nathan signalled for his goblins to assemble at the gate with a roar

“_ Prepare to fight ! we will go out to stab them right in the back ! Archers ! Focus on the hobgoblins !”

Nathan, followed by Stevie and the rest of his troops except for Yesus, rushed out of the gates, to the enemies, who were stuck between the defences of Alesia on a one way road, behind them was Nathan and Stevie in front was Mourzuk and Vorya

The surprise attack on their back was clearly the last straw for the enemies as the goblins started to rush in the pitfalls full of stakes in confusion, even when they stopped just before falling someone would push them inside in the melee.

After a few minutes the hobgoblins who were fighting Mourzuk stopped releasing they dark auras, their faces were the epitome of exhaustion, still they fought beyond their limits to stay alive. Which was not enough, the cooperation between Mourzuk and the goblins enabled him to keep way more stamina than his enemies. When he saw an opportunity, he quickly beheaded one of his opponents. The other was dispatched by the surrounding goblins relentless assault.

Looking at his allies falling one by one, the hobgoblin who was fighting Vorya showed his experience and power, he still looked relaxed albeit a bit anxious, before surprisingly kicking Vorya in the knee as he started to run away, killing his own men’s who were in the way. He looked at the trenches full of dead goblin and walked on the bodies unharmed by the stakes which skewered already more than they should have.

Looking at the Hobgoblin retreating figure Nathan stopped fighting for a second, as he thought.

‘ ah shit … That one was unexpect- oh fuck’

Before he could finish his thought, a brave goblin lunged at him as it saw the opportunity to kill, Nathan reacted quickly and dodged the goblin axe. He took the goblin by the arm and drew it to his sword which pierced it right through the mouth.

With the last Hobgoblin on the run, the battle was as good as finished. The remaining Goblins were quickly dispatched, and no prisoners were taken.

Nathan looked at Mourzuk and Vorya before organising his troops.

“_ Take the wounded to Yesus in the camp, strip the bodies of anything useful and pile them somewhere along the way

_ Yes !

_ By the way … where is Grom ? I don’t see him”

As Nathan looked around, he started to feel anxious, Grom was one of the first Goblin who followed him.

‘ Shit shit shit, hope the fucker isn’t dead … If you’re dead, I will bring you back to life one way or another to kill you myself you bastard’

The more Nathan was looking at the dead bodies around the more panic he felt … But after looking at every dead goblin he still couldn’t find Grom, his face full of worry relaxed for a second before switching to anger as he roared.

“_ Grooooooom where the hell are you !!

_ Here boss !!!!

_ ….”

Nathan looked at Grom coming back from the forest, smeared in blood, with a bright smile. Nathan could almost imagine the scenery changing to a deserted beach as Grom was running to him as if in slow motion while laughing.

‘ The only problem is … why the fuck does he carry a head around’

As Grom stopped in front of Nathan, he unceremoniously throwed to head to Nathan before running in the direction of Alesia.

“_ I need to evoooolve boss !!!!”

Nathan looked at the back of Grom with an emotionless face, he then looked at the head in his arms, then to Stevie who just shrugged.

‘ That’s the head of the running hobgoblin … he killed it alone ?’

As he thought Nathan looked at the setting sun before shrugging. As he walked to the direction of the outpost of Alesia, he throwed the head in the body pile as he sighed and mumbled.

“_*sigh* Yeah let’s procrastinate for now, all is well anyway why should I care …

_ Yeah, we can still ask him tomorrow, for now let’s eat”

Nathan was momentarily surprised as Vorya talked beside him, as for Stevie she just patted his back.

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