The New Babylon

Chapter 27 : Grom’s Epicness

After a light meal Nathan walked around as he thought

‘ With our numbers, the hunting camp can’t support our food intake indefinitely, I really do not know how the whole Tribe sustain their numbers without farming…’

As he walked around aimlessly, he passed by Yesus field hospital, he stopped his step as he saw his little goblin soldiers getting fixed by a few goblins working under Yesus, some of them were even cleaning their wounds by themselves.

‘The various teaching are already starting to show some result, the goblins are really clever … I don’t understand how they could be this backward, particularly with the blessings of the world. Maybe there is a reason … I should ask the old man (* God of Memories) at my next evolution’

Nathan continued his stroll carelessly until he heard a suspect sound, his eyes narrowed, and his muscled tensed.

*squirt squirt squirt*

Nathan clearly recognized the sound; it came from a tent were two goblins were having the time of their life after battle. Nathan immediately throwed up as a rush of his own memories with Stevie before he remembered who he was came to him.

“_ The problem with perfect memory … huff … is that those disturbing scenes are always there somewhere …”

After pucking his meal, Nathan walked back to where Vorya and Mourzuk were chilling.

When he reached them, he sat next to them as he spoke

“_ Guys … I think we should prepare how we will take care of the new-born goblins within the tribe.”

Mourzuk replied absentmindedly, still looking at the fire while Vorya looked at him for a second before going back to his meal.

“_ We grow quickly, in less than a month we are already battle ready, just give them food and let them take care of themselves …”

“_ I would rather have them participate in classes, I want clever subordinates … the classical meat shields are good but we are already understaffed, I think we should care for them since they are our future fighters… we could let the disabled goblins teach them what they learned about fighting when they are not in classes…”

_ Indeed … it would be better then let them freeload; I usually send them to Nubian so they find some work they can do even with their handicaps.”

Vorya then interjected

“ _Right … now that we are speaking about learning, Alesia’s defences have been taken care of, Mourzuk let’s have a spare together while there is still light.

_ Humm ? You know I’m old I need to let my old bones rest a bit, we just finished a battle earlier”

Nathan had a passing thought as he looked at Vorya’s blank face

‘ Now that I think about it, Vorya is strong and tenacious physically, but every fight we got ourselves in, he always has to face the strongest enemies. It must have taken a toll on his pride … As for myself, with my fighting strength I don’t even know what pride is ah ahah …’

As he concluded in his head, he immediately spoke up

“_ Mourzuk … Tomorrow you will have to help in the training of every hobgoblin so go and rest well

*sigh* _ Yes boss”

After eating a bit with Vorya , Nathan walked back to his tent to sleep.

When the sun got up, Nathan jumped out of his tent in search of Grom

‘Let’s see what of little goo** maps got from his evolution !’

After a few seconds he saw Grom’s back as he was sitting on the ground, he was looking vacantly at the sky while eating a hearty breakfast.

Before Nathan could even utter a word, he heard Grom speak up, his back still facing him.

“_ Hey Boss !!”

Nathan stopped in his tracks a bit confused as he answered while sitting next to his friend

“_ Good morning Grom … Sooo what about your evolution ? What did you get from the blessing?”

Grom faced Nathan with a bright smile before answering

“_ It’s strange boss ! I can smell, see, and hear things very well … The mark is called tracker, it also gives me some knowledge about tracking techniques depending on the environment. Is it good ?

_ It’s is excellent Grom, with this you will be the best hunter of our band … hummm by the way I wanted to ask you yesterday but …. How did you kill the hobgoblin ?

_ That smart fucker was a tough prey boss. When I saw him leave the fight a chased after him immediately since you said that we must kill the hobgoblins if we don’t want them back in our home every day

_ Then how did you do it ?

_ Well I chased him in the forest, at first I was firing arrows at him, but since he was crafty and quick only a few managed to land… Then I found a plant that was poisonous, I know because when I brought some back last time Vorya told me that if I eat this, I will be shitting blood… So, I smeared my arrows tip with it.

_ Did he not distance you ?

_ Yes, he did, but it was better for me anyway, I had just to track the hints back to him anyway. When, I was following him I thought back on the time we hunted the boar ya know ?”

Nathan thought back about his first hunt, then the second boar they hunted throughout the jungle.

“_ You stalked him every time he took a rest, right ?

_ Yes ! But since I could not wait for too long because he could go back to his camp, I waited for him to rest before I overtook him, I made a few traps, like little pitfalls and snares every where around him… Then I got back behind and started firing my poisoned arrows on him.

_ Nice Job Grom !!!”

Said Nathan as he sincerely applauded the ingenuity but Grom interrupted him.

“_ It is not all boss … he was crafty, When he understood he could not run he decided to face me.

_ And you won anyway right

_ No, I fled … It is just that as he chased me … he started … started to shit blood as he was running

_ Oh … that’s how he died”

Grom looked a bit embarrassed as he nodded but Nathan patted his back as he exclaimed.

“_ Ahahah It’s even better little vicious fucker ahahah, If this spreads around, even suicidal adversaries will think twice before fighting us AHAHAH no one want’s do die with a explosion of blood and shit coming from their ass AHAh That’s terrifying Grom”

As Nathan laughter spread to Grom it drew the attention of the nearby goblins.

Nathan did not hesitate to narrate Grom’s hunt to them soon after the whole camp was drowned in laughter despite the huge pile of body standing near the gate.

As the day progressed, Nathan asked Grom to organise as many Goblins as he could to drop the bodies from the battle near other goblins camp as he was still a bit worried about the nearby predator. He wanted to ask Vorya to go with him, but every time Vorya saw Grom he started laughing like a mad man as he tapped on his shoulders so Mourzuk and his subordinate hobgoblin had to go instead.

Heya folks ! Enjoy the chapter <3

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