The New Babylon

Chapter 5 : Capable goblins

As Nathan saw the great camp, he felt relieved.

‘Fortunately, there is no real predator in the vicinity of the great camp, if not we would already be dead and eaten by walking around with dangling meat slabs like this.’

When they arrived in the camp Nathan intentionally paraded his meat around to catch as much attention as possible. When Steeve looked at him worriedly because of all the stares focused on them, he stopped, and planted the javelins were the meat was pierced on the ground before the mob of goblin who followed behind them, imitating him Steeve immediately followed suite. Some were watching at him with pleading eyes, but others who carried stone axes looked ready to gut him. He looked at them a few seconds in silence before announcing loudly, trying to look as imposing as possible.

“_ Goblins listen ! As you can see, I have meat on me, but it is only a portion of what I possess, I have hidden my trea- errm, a large food stock somewhere. Enough, to nourish you for days … That is if you follow me and listen to my orders. Become my subordinates and I will feed you, so you will not starve again, I will give you weapons so you can defend yourselves, and I will guide you so we can evolve together ! Now who wants to follow me !”

As he finished his speech, he could see three goblins approaching him, when they came too close, he was ready to throw his javelin at their faces but Steeve reacted faster than him and was already aiming at them. They immediately stopped before a goblin tuned to the crowd to speak.

“_ Or we can kill him and take meat for us ! We kill and divide the meat !”

Most of the goblins did not react but a few still approached them looking at Nathan with hostility, which made him thought.

‘ Oh oh ? Wants to play politics with me ? I’m not really good at this but still better than your average goblin trash.’

Just as Steeve was ready to throw his javelin at the opposition leader, Nathan spoke to him loudly enough for everyone to hear, before addressing the crowd once again.

“_ Wait do not kill it immediately !

_ humm

_ Goblins I will give you a new offer, a bonus if you will … The one who bring me the dead bodies of the opposition will be granted a bone weapon like this one and more meat !”

Said Nathan showing his bone knife with a malicious smile before smoothly trimming a bit of his wooden javelin. The goblin mob immediately adopted a greedy look and were already surrounding the opposition but even before they could attack. One of the axe wielding goblins made a move on his leader, the weapon immediately crushing the head of the unsuspecting goblin who sprawled on the ground bleeding.

Beholding the event before him Nathan was smiling brightly.

‘See ? The power of money, you never had a chance mate … even if I’m surprised to see an almost reflexive betrayal, scary ~ ’

The fight then devolved in a lynch were the remaining goblins were quickly taken care of.

“_ Well is there still someone who wants to oppose me ?”

No goblins spoke, but 5 of them came forward dragging the now dead bodies of the opposing goblin. Nathan was surprised to see that two of them were old goblins with some grey patchy beard and wrinkles on their faces, one of them had a fierce looking scar across the nose. But what really caught his attention was their hide vest and rudimentary shoes. He also noted the presence of the axe wielding betrayer, and two other average goblins.

Pushed by curiosity Nathan addressed the old ones, the first to respond was the fierce looking one.

“_ You two do you have names ?

_  I’m Mourzuk

_  Nubian

_ I see, and what can you do ?”

They answered in the same order

“ _  Before an Hobgoblin was using me to keep the order between the goblins and scouting for him, but I also know how to make stone weapons.

_ I also worked with Mourzuk before, I oversaw the tanning of beast hides and made leather clothes .

_ errr”

Hearing them speaking fluently Nathan was dumbfounded, before smiling brightly at them.

‘ The heck ? I thought all goblins spoke like retards, maybe wisdom came with age …  what’s more what is those high stats, it’s too perfect for me. I know that I’m a lucky man since I could keep my memories after reincarnation but this …’

“ _ And why are you here with me and not with your Hobgoblin boss ?”

Mourzuk looked at Nubian before answering

“_ The boss evolved after fighting another Hobgoblin, after he became a demi-orc, he left us going further into the camp to join the tribe warriors.

_ Fortunately for me it seems, well starting today you two will oversee the others for me, no objections ?

_ No !

_ Let us depart, the food awaits ! As for the ones who cleared the opposition you will have your rewards at our destination, follow me !”

The mob immediately parted to let Nathan followed by Steeve, Mourzuk and Nubian pass, before walking behind them in the direction of the hunting camp, as he was walking in the forest, he saw the collet he installed yesterday laying broken on the ground around the burrow.

'I fucking knew it wasn't well made but still, it is a pity.'

When they reached their destination Nathan immediately counted how much subordinates he gained.

‘ Adding Steeve and me, let’s see hum … Yeah I’m now the proud owner of a 20-member goblin gang including myself, nice.’

He then ordered his new subordinates to take out the meat he hid before starting the welcoming party. While the goblins were preparing the feast, Nubian suggested that Nathan should make some smoked boar meat to preserve it, to which he immediately agreed.

 After feasting he ordered Mourzuk to oversee half of the goblins to make some stone axes and to prepare some bone weapons for those who killed the goblin opposition earlier today. Nubian was instructing the rest of the goblins on how to tan the hide he harvested with Steeve yesterday and smoke the remaining food.

 Meanwhile Nathan and Steeve were collecting some wood to make some atlatl and for future fortification of the camp. When the day came to its end half of the goblins were armed with stone axes.

Since I'm not a native english if you find obvious error do not hesitate to tell me pls and hope you enjoyed the chapter. I changed this chapter because I inadvertently forgot some plot element. Shame on me...

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