The New Babylon

Chapter 6 : A little camp building

Okay, so for those who already read the chapter 5 you will probably note the huge plothole. I'm sorry, when I wrote chapter 5, I forgot one of the plot element, and here we are. Anyhow I already added the missing part in chapter 5, you can go take look if you are confused by Nathan's thoughts. Once again I'm sorry ! Please enjoy


When morning came, as Nathan woke up, he found Steeve, Mourzuk and Nubian to plan for the day.

“ Okay first thing first, Mourzuk and Steeve I want you to take some goblins and prepare some Javelins and atlatl for everyone.

_ Atlatl ?

_ Yes, Steeve will show you how to make them. Nubian , I want you to send some goblins to find a water source while overseeing the tanning process. And I will take some goblins to make some fences around the hunting camp. ”

The goblins nodded before immediately tackling their respective tasks. When midday came all the goblins reunited around a big campfire to eat while Nathan’s improvised officers came to report, first was Steeve and Mourzuk followed by Nubian and an unknown goblin.

“_ Boss ! We made enough atlatl and one javelin for every goblin, but rather than a wooden tip I placed some stone tip on the Javelins !

“_ Excellent, I want you to continue to oversee the work, every goblin need at least three javelins and make some spares too in case, Steeve you will now work with me on the barricades from now on, I really want this finished by today so we can do some more hunting … And Mouzuk I want you to make me something, take the longest bone we have and make a bone sword for me with it.

_ Yes boss !

 _ Ok

_ Now Nubian how is your task progressing ?

_ Very well Boss , the tanning should be done by tomorrow. As for the other task I will let Grom report his finding.

_ Yes boss ! found river with others ! I show you.

_ Good, is it far from here ?

_ Not far ! really close.”

‘Excellent now we have a water source, we should be able to use it for the tanning and if we find some clay, we bake some pots. I will have a sword ! Well a bone sword … But still a sword, god know I love them swords. Even when I know it is not really a good weapon for warfare.

“ _ Change of plan ! Grom you will take your group to guide Steeve and me to the river. Nubian you will have to take over the barricades work for now, the goblins who worked with me should already know how to do it, but just make sure they don’t slack.”

When the goblins were done with their meal the work quickly resumed. Nathan took with him his weapons always followed by Steeve as they departed for the river.

As Grom said the river wasn’t far at all, but it was more on the bigger side of a stream than a river. It was still more than enough for their needs; Nathan even found the clay he wanted on its bank. He organized the goblin to take as much clay as they could and transported it back wrapped and big leaves to the camp.

‘Now that I have some clay I have only one problem … How the fuck, do you bake it ? I don’t remember taking some pottery classes in my past life … Aaah how I envy those Japanese protagonists who knew so many useful things, as if they learnt it in preparation for their reincarnation. In my past life I only played some tennis, heck I did not even finish my music theory class even though I really wanted to play piano …

Well first I should build earthen oven’

Nathan then got Nubian to help him Steeve and him as he ordered Grom group to go around scavenging fruits as they go get more clay.

When the sun started to set Nathan, Steeve and Nubian were standing proudly in front of their new oven looking at the fire burning in it.

‘Honestly I almost given up halfway through when our two first oven crumbled like sand castles when we ignited them, to be frank even if it’s ugly I think it is the most beautiful thing I made in my life … lives. Now I’m ashamed of the presents I made for mother’s day.’

“ _ Nubian …

_ Yes boss ?

_ We really outdone ourselves on this one, right ?

_ We did …

_ We earned the right to rest right ?

_ We do.

_ Nubian … I’m sorry to say this but, can you take a few goblins to make some pots to store water and food for the group ?”

Nubian sighed as he looked back at Nathan then silently nodded as he walked to two chilling goblins.

Nathan turned to Steeve before asking him to make another earthen oven before walking in the direction of Mourzuk, as he got near him Mourzuk ran to him with a proud smile and a bone sword. Nathan immediately smiled like a child as he took it in his little hands

The bone sword was approximatively 40cm with a width of 7~8cm with no guard or grip, strangely the bone had an orange hue to it.

“ _ Well done ! You should make one for yourself too, it should be useful if we have to fight other goblins again.” Said Nathan before looking at the sword deep in thought.

‘ I remember that beaver’s teeth have the same colour because of the high iron concentration, that’s why they can gnaw at trees. Maybe, the boar had iron in his bones too, I would not be surprised he considering the strain they would be under to support its enormous frame. Anyhow , my beloved sword I hereby name you … Dumbfuck slayer ! You will be used to cut down every goblin dumb enough who try to pull a fast one on me.’

After playing around with his new sword, and scaring a few goblins in passing, Nathan resumed his work on the barricades.

As nightfall came Nathan reunited with his goblin officers, and Grom for some reasons, to discuss the progression of the camp.

“ _ Okay report to me your progress in order, First Steeve, Nubian, Mourzuk then Grom.

_ Ok ! I made the oven, it not crumbled !

_ Indeed, the two oven seems to work for now, we tried to make some pots but for the result we will have to wait for tomorrow. As for the tanning everything is progressing smoothly.

_ The barricades are almost done as you saw it, as for the weapons we made an axe, an atlatl and three javelins with stone tip for every goblin. I also made the bone weapons you promised for the goblin who fought for you yesterday and gave it to them.

_ Well done, now Grom what do you want to say ?

_ We found beasts, Weird scally beast in the river with the others ! It was when we were taking the mud.”

‘Wait is he talking about fishes ? That will be a fine addition to my diet. Tomorrow I will first organize a hunt for the thing that broke my collet while the goblin at the camp can try their hands to fishing.’

“_ Well done Grom, tomorrow wake up early and go get a bone weapon from Mourzuk, you are coming with us.”

Nathan then looked seriously at Mourzuk

“ _ Pick a dozen of Goblin and tell them to prepare … Tomorrow we hunt !”


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