The Noble Lord Is So Fierce: Greeting Kiss, My Sweet Wife

Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Frightened

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Tong Lele rubbed his small stomach and kept hiccuping.

He looked at Mo Qijue and grumbled. “Why are you not doing anything? Aren’t you supposed to take care of me, don’t you care that I am hiccuping?”

He sat there like a statue!

‘This dad is so irresponsible!’

Normally, whenever Tong Lele felt uncomfortable from the constant hiccups, his mother would immediately pour a glass of water for him to suppress his hiccups.

When there was a comparison, there would be harm.

‘This could be the reason why that brat Mo Lisi refused to switch back!’


Mo Qijue kept his stone-cold expression and carried Tong Lele off his leg to the chair and left.

Tong Lele could only look at the tall and cold figure leaving him.

Tong Lele stared at the leaving figure, and his eyes widened. He opened his mouth and hiccupped loudly.

However, he quickly felt embarrassed and used his hand to cover his mouth.

However, his hiccups just wouldn’t come to a stop.

When Mo Qijue came back, he held a can of potato chips in his hands.

Tong Lele immediately became angry at the sight of Mo Qijue.

Once he was angry, Tong Lele felt like eating again.

Thus, he grabbed the chips in Mo Qijue’s hands as he hiccuped. When he opened the can—


A huge object jumped out from the can, and Tong Lele threw the can away out of fright while screaming.

The color was drained from his face.

“Stupid daddy, are you trying to scare me to death?”

When Tong Lele jumped in fright, he jumped onto Mo Qijue’s body and hugged him tightly.

“That scared me!”

Mo Qijue looked at the soft kid that was dangling from his body and asked in a cold voice, “Your hiccup has stopped, hasn’t it?”

‘This kid is becoming more outrageous.’

‘He even dared to climb onto my body.’

Tong Lele continued to hug Mo Qijue. After he heard his deep voice, he froze on Mo Qijue’s firm chest and noticed that he had stopped hiccuping.

Tong Lele raised his head and glared at Mo Qijue. He said. “What did you use to scare me?”

“If a person with hiccups is given a fright, they will stop hiccuping.” Mo Qijue said as a matter of fact.

“Really?” Tong Lele looked at Mo Qijue in disbelief.

Mo Qijue lowered his eyes, and nonchalantly said to Tong Lele, “Aren’t you the best example?”

“Do you always do such things?” Tong Lele probed.

“What do you think?” Mo Qijue questioned back.

“Being your son is too pitiful.” Tong Lele sighed helplessly.

Life is full of frights.

He really admired Mo Lisi for surviving so long.

Tong Lele had been just in the Mo family’s castle for three days, and he was already bored to death.

On the other hand, Mo Lisi had been living there for five years.


“Not just anybody can be my son, you should feel lucky that you are Mo Qijue’s son.” Mo Qijue carried Tong Lele up the stairs. “It’s getting late, quickly sleep.”

“Can I go out and play tomorrow?” Tong Lele sat on his bed and looked at Mo Qijue as his eyes brightened.

“No.” Mo Qijue rejected heartlessly.

Tong Lele pouted and looked very pitiful. “Daddy, you are my father after all, must you be so cold to me? During the weekends, I saw that other children’s parents will bring their children to the amusement park to play, and I have not even gone to an amusement park once…”

“The castle has a personalized amusement park specially made for you unless you want to sniff other people’s sweat at those crowded places?” Mo Qijue stood at the bedside and looked at Tong Lele condescendingly.

“I’d just like to go to crowded amusement parks to sniff people’s sweat! A personalized amusement park is so lonely and isolated, there’s not even any happy atmosphere going on!”

Tong Lele even go overboard in hugging Mo Qijue’s thighs. “Daddy, just bring me once! I also want to go to the amusement park with daddy.”

Mo Qijue looked at Tong Lele, and this was the first time his son had ever acted cute in front of him and pleaded him. This was also the first time they had such close interaction.

His heart… seemed to be influenced by his son bit by bit?

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