The not-immortal Blacksmith

60 The Not-Immortal Blacksmith – Pixie Dust

Late fall,

2126 years since the new gods came.

Brandywine, the Pixie “Ghost” of Murphy's Hall, sat up in her bed. It was quite a nice bed; not that she would ever tell HIM that; made of thistledown, pink silk sheets, and a pile of silver coins as a base. She stretched, and looked around her “room”. Okay, not a room exactly, a gilded cage of silver and Iron. The floor was covered in a nice piece of well polished and oiled mahogany, and a lush wool covered most of that. Her door had been changed out for one made of silver and gold, with an intricate lock. All said and done, she liked it very much.

She heard the voices from outside, and realized they were what had wakened her from her nap. “Hey! Bigjobs! Tell those floozies to shut it!” She yelled at the mortal. Well, perhaps 'Mortal' wasn't the proper term for him. Immortal, gods touched human? She thought. Naw too long. Mortal it is! “I can't finish my nap with their noise!”

“Brandy, you've been taking your nap for almost 2 weeks now. Come out here and have some food!” He responded, “They brought cookies!”

Her stomach rumbled at the mere idea of food. “Do they have those awful dried grapes in them, or those sweet black chips?”

“Chocolate chips!” He replied.

She threw open her door and flew out of it, racing for the cookie tray. Landing lightly on the edge of the tray, she selected the sweet treat nearest to her, a cookie nearly as big as she was, and hefted it in one hand. She eyed the thing like it may contain something disgusting, then bit into it with her razor sharp teeth, demolishing it in a matter of seconds. The two female mortals in the room stared at her while she ate.

“What? You never seen a pixie eat before?” She asked around a bite, “Stupid mortals!”

“Brandy, that was a very rude thing to say to our guests.” He said.

“Fine. I apologize. It's just, they're so annoying!” She replied, eyeing another cookie.

He sighed, “If you eat too much, you won't be able to enjoy the picnic lunch we're having later.”

A Picnic? Hmm... She thought, still eyeing the cookies. “Fine. Tell the mortals I say thank you for the tribute of cookies.”

He sighed. “Very well. Willa? Anna? Brandy says 'thank you' for the cookies.”

The two female mortals looked at Brandy, and, almost in unison, said “You're welcome.”

Brandy left the cookie platter, and walked over to her 'Throne', really just a high backed chair, on the table, looked at the women, and started thinking back...


“So, mortal, who isn't mortal, you just happened to catch me and stick me in this cage?” Brandy said.

“Well, you were making a lot of noise, and I was trying to sleep.”

“Well, fine. I understand wanting to have a good long nap. That is after all, how I got stuck in this stupid building in the first place!” Brandy said, starting to pace around her cage. “I mean, really! Who puts Alchemical Iron in their paint and glass?!?” She stomped hard on the pine planking of the cage's floor, making it crack.

“I asked around. Apparently, at the time of building, there was a flock of wild pixies destroying the local buildings and stealing all the crops. Master Murphy didn't want to be bothered by them, so when he built the place he covered it alchemical iron, and glazed the windows with the same wash.”

“Yes. And I got stuck inside because I took a nice nap!” Brandy said, sharp face pouting. “If he was still around, I would stab him so hard!”

“He's been dead for 600 years, Brandy.”

“So you told me. How long must I live like a prisoner in this place? It's so small and cramped!” Brandy asked, bouncing back to a better mood.

“Well, the new floor will be done by the end of the week. And your bedding will be ready tomorrow. And what do you mean by small? I took the door off already!”

Brandy sighed, “It's about time, Mortal.”

“My name is Maxwell. How many times do I have to tell you that?” Max snapped. “This 'Mortal' thing is getting old. Fast.”

“Well, excuse me! How am I supposed to remember that you are 500 some odd years old, and can't die? I have soo many other things on my mind!” Brandy retorted. Like breakfast, Brunch(!), lunch, dinner, Bedtime Snack(!), and Midnight Snack(!). She thought. I suppose my sisters really were wrong, mortals do have some good ideas.

“As Liam used to say, Meh.” Maxwell rolled his eyes, “Silly fairy.”

Brandy stomped her foot hard enough to crack the board again. “I AM NOT A FAIRY! YOU IGNORANT---”

Maxwell cut her off with laughter. Sever minutes later when he had finished he said, “Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry. It's just, the look on your face when I say that...” He started giggling.

After a while, brandy started to giggle as well.


“So, you three are back together again? Even with what your father did, elf girl?” Brandy asked from her throne.

“Yes, Lady Brandywine. Even after my father, the Idiot, did what he did.” Anna sighed and rolled her eyes, thinking about her father, then straightened in her chair. “You were here when I came to apologize to Lord Maxwell after the...incident.”

“Yes, yes I was. And such a pretty apology it was too.” Brandy giggled, thinking of the weeping girl knocking at the door, and crying as she apologized to Max. “I was almost in tears.”

“Oh shush, you. You agreed to keep that to yourself.” Anna blushed.

“So, a picnic today? That sounds like a lovely idea.” Brandy said, wings fluttering on an imaginary breeze, “I will accompany you. But only to keep Maxwell safe from you both.”

“You are most kind and generous.” Willa said from behind Brandy. Brandy jumped.

After regaining her breath, Brandy said “Girl, would you not do that? Maxwell, tell her to stop sneaking up on me like that!”

Maxwell just laughed at his three friends. Then he sighed, remembering that, to him, the two mortals would be dead in the blink of an eye.


Brandy laid back on the grass in the park the girls had chosen for today's picnic. The sun was warm, the sky a proper blue, and the trees had just started to turn the lovely shades of fall. It was good to be outdoors at last. Something flew over head.

“Sorry! Excuse me! Coming through!” A random voice yelled as it came closer. Then a foot came down towards Brandys face.

She rolled out of the way, and bit the bare foot. “Take that you asshole!” She yelled.

The running man stopped, looked at his foot, and then at the blood covered pixie, and screamed. “Ahhhh PIXIE! PIXIE! Run for your lives!” He bravely ran away.

Maxwell looked over, “You could have just ignored him.”

“And what lesson would that have taught him? This is a place of learning. Should not I also teach lessons?”

“Well...I don't think it actually works that way, but whatever floats your boat. I'm not bailing you out of jail this time.” Maxwell replied.

“You wouldn't dare!?!” Brandy said, mouth agape.

“Try me.” Max said, and smiled.

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