The not-immortal Blacksmith

61 The Not-Immortal Blacksmith – Candlestick Maker XIII

Aeglazan, Duchy of Oldwell.

7th of Anael, the first month of snow.

2128 years since the new gods came.

Brandywine found a new candy shop this morning. Sugar will be the death of her.


Maxwell rolled out of bed at the crack of dawn. He looked around his room while he yawned. He hadn't heard Brandywine, his Pixie roommate, come in through the door he had added in the window. He stretched, yawned again, threw on some clothes, and headed out back of the hall to start his morning.

He stretched, exercised, and generally made himself sweat in the dawn's early light. Once he was completely awake, he picked up a tree branch he had whittled into a practice sword and began his weapon practice. His entire morning routine took him about an hour. Next was a trip to the indoor bath in the basement, and then breakfast. He greeted a few of the other residents of Murphy's Hall on his way out. Just past the door, the pixie ran into him at speed.

“Max! You have to come see this!” she yelled in his ear.

“I'm on my way to class. What's so important?” Max lightheartedly grumbled at Brandy.

“A Candy Shop!” Brandy replied, trying to pull his ear off.

And such was his morning.


10th of Anael,

My 2 years of apprenticeship here have come and gone. I have learned all the basics of the craft, as glassblowing pertains to it. My history with being a smith and timker have let me “test out” of a lot of classes. At mid-month I will graduate to journeyman, and be leaving this wonderful city. I will miss Anna and Willa.

The new “postal service” has arrived. Liam's idea has been well received here. I have sent letters to all of my living friends, or their descendants. Much cheaper than making more “tele-stones”. Although, I am still going to make them.

I think I will visit the family after graduation. Then I will head west. West, where no one knows who I am. I wonder if Brandywine will accompany me.

27th of Anael,

Graduation was today. I didn't fall down. I didn't drink much either. Brandy has agreed to accompany me out west. I wonder what I will find. Whatever it is, I am going to start up the “Naked Eagle” shop again.

Millrock, Coxnia, Kingdom of Garthia,

52nd of Anael,

2128 years since the new gods came,

25 days of tedious travel, and I have made it to Millrock to visit the my Godchildren. The church of Knowledge is harassing them about the old books Ólafsson left behind. I will have words with them on Terrance's behalf.

53rd of Anael,

Had words with the church. Didn't have to shoot anyone. Yelled a lot.


“So you are telling me, with a straight face, that you only want to put the books into your collection?” Max's raised voice could be heard all the way across the library that was the church of knowledge. “I call Bullshit.”

The local head of the church, a miss Tawyn Luckydrop, looked at the living legend before her and gulped, “Um, yes?”

“You're serious?” Max asked, voice carrying tones of surprise. “Your church has been hounding them for centuries about that collection. What gives?”

“Well, aside from the occasional zealots that come here to try and strong arm the Ólafsson family,” Tawyn twitched, “We don't really need them. The books, I mean. Lord Einar actually lent us the books while he was writing them, and already shared the knowledge with us. Several of his treatise on farming are in public circulation! Not a day goes by that someone isn't arguing about the methods of crop rotation that he explained, only as to which crop can be substituted for what.”

Max just looking at the cleric, eyes wide. Then a blush crept up his face. “Well, shit.”


16th of Arah, second month of snow,

two and a half weeks of godchildren is more than I can take. It has been fun. The church has made a public ruleing about the books remaining in the Ólafsson family in perpetuity. I'm leaving well before sunrise. Brandywine is getting fat. The children love her.

19th of Arah,

I have purchased a new cart and horse for the trip north and west. I keep pushing on into the cold. As the bird flies, it is about 500 miles to my old home inWildreach. I wonder if they have gotten rid of that stupid statue yet? Shouldn't take more than 30 or so days.

32nd of Arah,

A group of bandits took the piece of gold, and ran away! Well, there is a first time for everything.

...Well, truth be told, it was a toll bridge...

53rd of Arah,

I will arrive tomorrow. I have mixed feelings. Brandywine has told me to just suck it up. Fat lot she knows. She has lost weight since we left Ólafsson's castle.

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