The not-immortal Blacksmith

67.1 The Not-Immortal blacksmith – H&H 4

“So, big G, we going to ask the cat to join our game?” Kocha asked after finishing his third can of green stuff.

“Aside from the fact that all cats are banned from the realm, could you imagine what a cat would do with dice?” Ghondish replied.

Pendleton looked up from some sort of newsletter, “Quite right! And I believe they have also been banned from tournament play. Apparently there was a pair at a the last Centenium Con. It didn't end well.”

“Well, that's too bad.” Kocha replied. “So what is tonight's adventure called?”

“Actually, once Pendelton is done with it, I wanted to bring up something I saw in the H&H newsletter” Ghondish said.

Pendleton handed the newsletter back to Ghondish, as Sarah came back from the kitchen, beer in hand, and snacks on a tray. “If it is what I think it is, Pendleton and I are in.”

“Did you read my mail before I did?” Ghondish complained.

“No. I bought the newsletter yesterday at the news stand down the street.” Sarah removed a pack of cigarettes with a blue llama on the front, placed a cigarette between her lips, and lit it with a flame from one finger. “He sells these wonderful things too.” She blew a smoke ring.

When did we get a newspaper shop? Did Esmeralda, the Gnome Goddess of Knowledge, decide to up her game and expand her technology level? Thought Ghondish, before expelling a burping sigh, whatever. Doesn't matter. “As sister Sarah has intimated, there is news in the game of Humans and Highrises. Tournament play is resuming! Now that we have a 'properly balanced team, containing at least two species and two sexes (exceptions can be made in the case of species that have only one sex, and for single species worlds (please apply with the staff)), we qualify for both Organized AND Tournament play!---”

He was interrupted by many shouts and yells of glee.

Ghondish asked the one true question. “So, my question for the table is this: Who is willing to retire their current characters, and start new with the new season that is upon us?”

The table went suddenly quiet.


Tom Cat, El Gato, Deposed king of the Celestial Realm, sneezed several times. He looked around his new holdings from atop the nest of a large, now deceased, bird. The courtyard of the human school was bustling with activity, and soon his tribute of cream and skritches would be delivered. He sneezed again.


Several hours had passed. Arguments had raged. Tears had been shed. The final vote was in. The motion to become part of something more was unanimous. As the party departed the barn, Ghondish sighed the sigh of gamemasters everywhere. “Thank the universe that is over.”

Sarah, smoking another 'Llama', looked up from the rule book, “You know, there is a new edition coming out that revamps the entire system. I'm not entirely sure that I want to play it.”

“I am aware of it, sister.” Ghondish said, “I also am aware that it isn't official yet, and it won't be released for at least two years. It is in BETA right now. If this group weren't so new, I would have asked to join the testing group.”


“What did you do, sister?”

“I kinda signed us up last week?” Sarah gave a weak smile, “the new book showed up yesterday.”


“It's called the 1D system.” Sarah took a deep breath, “There are three stats, Physical, Mental, and Emotion; a profession instead of a class; and instead of skills, you have Perks and Flaws.”


“It seems rough, unpolished, and easily abused.” Sarah replied, “On the other hand, the rolling mechanic is sound, if a little simple. I look forward to testing it out.”


“Yes. Yes it is.”

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