The not-immortal Blacksmith

68 The Not-Immortal blacksmith – Candlestick Maker XVIII

Baroness, The western Wilds

55th of Arah,, the Second month of Snow.

2128 years since the new gods came.

Bought a boat today. A bit small at only 18' stem to stern. Single mast with only a main sail. The hull is plank on frame in construction, with a shallow lead weighted keel, as well as leeboards and a removable centerboard, so as to be able to make shallow water. It is old, and I will need to restore it somewhat, but it is mine.

1st of Samue, the month of Planting,

2129 years since the new gods came.

The year has changed, and the first planting (and party afterwards) has occurred. I have sold a lot of wine glasses.

Tomorrow I put the boat in the water.

2nd of Samue,

The boat sank. The guy who sold it to me has disappeared. I am...? Guess I will have to fix it in my spare time.


Maxwell, and his trusty First Mate Brandywine, stood on the 'new' sailboat. It was already lying low in the shallow water. There was a soft thunk as the keel struck the sandy river bottom. They looked at each other, and said in unison, “Well shit.”


5th of Samue,

A good commission today. A set of twelve glass balls, roughly a foot across, with a loop of steal embedded into it. They are going to be used as floats for a fishing net. One of the customers employees says he saw it back home. The floats may need to be closer to two feet across, and woven into the nets with a monkey's fist knot, as opposed to the embedded loop, in order to float properly. I will work on a small one as commissioned, and a larger one, then test them both with the customer.

10th of Samue,

The test went well. I have made three dozen in both sizes.

18th of Samue,

Work has plateaued. I will be taking the next couple days off to fix the sailboat.

21st of Samue,

The boat floats now. I'm going to be taking it out every couple of days to enjoy the water.

31st of Samue,

Had to bail Brandy out of jail today. She got into a fight at the bar last night.


“Look, master Smithson, if she gets into another bar brawl I'm going to have to put her in for more than an overnight.” Watch Captain Jules said.

“I understand.” Max looked at Brandy, who, at that moment, was sipping from a flask, “Brandy, you should apologize to the captain for causing trouble.”

Brandy rolled her eyes, “The big job took a swing at me first! He almost spilled my beer! All I did was defend myself!”

“She says it was self defense.” Max translated for the captain.

“Self defense doesn't include almost ripping George's nose off, or breaking his arm. In THREE places.” Captain Jules replied.

Max shook his head. “Brandy?”

“Okay, maybe I over reacted. But still, he started it!” She balled a small hand into a fist, and shook it at the captain.

“She says she apologizes.” Max lied to the captain. “Good day, sir.” The mismatched pair left the jail.


Baroness, The western Wilds

32nd of Kielat, First month of summer.

2134 years since the new gods came.

Five years. It has been a good five years. Sadly, the finances dictate that I move, otherwise I blow my cover. Sales have steadily gone down the last three years, and the local market is saturated. Glass is just to expensive. I will try up river at Knutsin. It has double the population of Baroness. If that doesn't work out after a few years, I will do the wandering glass merchant bit.

I will sell the shop to my neighbor for a reasonable price. She has been talking about expanding, and giving me the wink. I'm still not getting married again. I don't care what Brandy says.

35th of Kielat,

The shop is officially sold. I have started cleaning up five years of detritus and accumulated junk. Brandy has decided that we should take the boat up river. The current is fairly slow at only two knots, so we should be fine. We will have to make camp on the shore, but no different from normal travel.

38th of Kielat,

The horse and cart are sold. I haven't used either for a couple of years, so no loss there. Actually, since I was paying for feed etc. I am actually a bit ahead, almost...not really.

39th of Kielat,

Everything is packed. The boat is ready. The morning is go time.

40th of Kielat,

I curse the god/goddess of storms. It rained so much today that I had to beach the boat before I could even pack it! Looks like it will be half a week before I can leave.

45th of Kielat,

We actually left today! I am melancholic about leaving, but it is for the best. The most dangerous part of the journey is behind us – the river crossing. It took more than twelve hours, and the wind was our enemy. Should have only taken us two, three hours at max. I almost think someone was playing silly buggers with the wind.

46th of Kielat,

The wind has gone back to normal. We are making headway. Fish for dinner tonight. It will be another twelve days before we arrive at Knutsin.

49th of Kielat,

Hit a deadhead log. Cracked the bow pretty good. It will take a day or so to fix it properly. I don't want to waste the time, so I will magic it back together in the morning.

53rd of Kielat,

So, river pirates are a thing. Who knew? They actually took the gold I offered instead of fighting me. I am officially surprised.


“No Brandy, you may NOT eat the pirates.”

“But Max?!?!?” Brandy whined.

The pirate captain looked down at the small boat they had encountered, “Um, is that a pixie?”

“Yes.” Both Max and Brandy said.

“I tell you what, having learned from my grandpa that, 'fairies are fine to cross, but never pixies', I will make you a deal, 3 gold and you can leave.” The pirate captain said, looking at Brandywine.


54th of Kielat,

Fishing and sailing has been good. Not long before we arrive.


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