The not-immortal Blacksmith

69 The Not-Immortal blacksmith – Candlestick Maker XIX

The great river Wodburyme, The western Wilds.

56th of Kielat, First month of summer.

2134 years since the new gods came.

A small bit of trouble with the wind dying out halfway through the day. Lost a mile to the current. I need better paddles. Or a device to move in water without the wind. Meh.

2nd of Amsiel, Second month of Summer,

Almost there. The number of boats on the water has greatly increased. Liam would have said 'exponentially'. Some of the barges are absolutely huge, some at almost 100' in length and half that wide. The ones that size are carrying jungle timber down river to the port for processing and sale.

City State of Knutson, The Western Wilds.

3rd of Amsiel,

We arrived today. The lumber industry has invaded the town, as the harvesting season is well and done for the year. Had to get a dry birth for the boat. Got a room in a dockside inn. Way overpriced, but supply and demand. Tomorrow we explore the city, and make inquiries.

4th of Amsiel,

Less friendly town. I blame the lumberjacks. I avoided a group of day drinkers who were brawling in the street. Brandywine spent the day guarding the room. Probably for the best.

7th of Amsiel,

Knutson is a large city of almost 20,000 souls, plus half that number of 'Jacks. Rental space for lodging is at a premium. Actual shop space? Not so much. There used to be a glass blower in town, about 20 years ago. He died. His shop is, of course, long gone. I'm looking for shop space to rent.

15th of Amsiel,

Brandy and I found the perfect spot! The previous owner used copper nails in the construction. More expensive, less strength, but Fey friendly. Strange indeed. It used to be an alchemists shop. Maybe iron makes problems for potion creation?

I bought it as an impulse purchase.


“The building is adequate for my needs.” Max looked at the rental agent for the old alchemists shop, “What is the monthly rent?”

“Rent is 3 gold grams a month.” The agent, a Mr. Johnson, said with a customer service smile plastered on his face. “ I am in the possession of the title as well, and the client has said they want to sell, if they can. The list price for the property is 100 gold grams.”

Max's jaw dropped. 100 grams of pure gold? The shop in Baroness cost ten times that! And it was a third the size! “I will take the offer under advisement.”

A frown almost crossed the agents lips. “Well, if price is the problem, I am authorized to lower the price to 75 gg. But that is the lowest I can go.”

“Very well. Brandy, pay the man 36 crowns. That will more than cover the gold and the recasting fee.”

The agent's eyes bulged at the exorbitant over payment. “Th...Thank you good sir! I will have the papers brought round in the morning for your signature.”

“Thank you.” Max looked over to Brandy as she pulled the coins out of her purse of holding. “You have enough in there?”

“More than. But it looks like I will have to substitute Heartglenian Marks for part of it.”

“Just sub on a one to one basis.”

“Sure thing boss.”

With his ring of translation, Mr. Johnson could understand the Pixie's words. His heart skipped a beat, and he stumble back against the wall. Those coins are massive! 10 grams of almost pure gold each! Then the Pixie handed over the stack of coins and he fell over.

“Um, Max? You may need to call the watch to get this guy a healer.” Brandy said, looking at the man on the ground clutching at his chest.



17th of Amsiel,

The paperwork has been signed. I now own a shop. Mr. Johnson has apparently retired from the real estate business. Something about a heart condition.

Hmm... I will first need to clean the place from top to bottom. Make sure everything is is structurally sound. I will need to put in front windows too. Why did I buy the place on a whim? I must be getting sentimental in my old age.

18th of Amsiel,

Brandywine has found my journal, and started drawing pictures of flowers in the margins. She is such a pain in the ass WONDERFUL GIRL!!


H&H Interlude...

“So what's the word on the new edition?” Kocha asked.

“Looks like it is being put off for another 50 years or so. They want more time for the god ranked players to Beta test it.” Sarah said, puffing on another of the foul smelling Llama smoke sticks.

Ghondish looked across the table at Maximilian, “so what is this problem I keep hearing about the Heretical Blacksmith? I saw him a while back at the Ax games. He seems harmless enough.”

“Well, aside from being unkillable, immortal, stupidly powerful, and more stubborn than anyone I have ever met; and that includes all of the gods?” Maximilian sighed, “He killed me on the mortal plane.”

“That all withstanding, is there anything else?” Ghondish asked.

“He bears a grudge against the goddess of Tranquility over the death of his wife.” Pendleton spoke up.

“Oh.” Ghondish looked at his players, “Well, that would explain the sheer amount of anger dripping off of him when he's drunk.”

“Yeah, he gets maudlin if he drinks too much.” Maximilian said.

“I did notice that he was god touched by several of our brothers and sisters.” Said Ghondish, “Is there any reason behind that?”

Sarah looked up from a book at that, eyes wide, and face going ever so slightly pale.

“Well, hitting him kind of requires it. And shaking hands too.”

“You do realize that having physical contact with a mortal passes a small fraction of your power to the person in question?” Ghondish asked. “And the more they are touched, the more they collect? That's why the old gods didn't stick around that long after making the children. Didn't want to make them too powerful.”

Maximilian's face turned ashen. “Oh...Oh shit. He spent over an hour brushing that damn cat! And the number of times Tranquility and I...”

“Yes. You have been inadvertently been feeding him power. Power you have regrown over the years., but power he will never loose until he dies.” Ghondish glared at the table, while Kocha did his best not to laugh.

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