The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 78 – Kim Hajin and Chae Nayun’s bet (Part 2)

Back at the Archery Range, at the same time Cristopher and Olivia prepared themselves to watch the show, Kim Hajin stood there looking at the bow in his hands, which was prepared to him by Chae Nayun.


“You have three lives.”-Chae Nayun’s voice awoke my attention. “It’s as usual, the one who fails their target three times, lose.”

“Okay.”-I nodded.

“Am I going first?”-She asks.

“Yeah.”-I shrugged.

“Well, 100 meters is too easy, so let’s start with 200 meters.”-She said, and I nodded.

{Either way, I’m pretty much confident that I’ll win, even if I haven’t trained at all.}-I thought while looking at the great number of spectators.

“Huh?”-I unconsciously muttered. “These fuckers…”

“Mm? Is there a problem?”-Chae Nayun asked, before looking at where I was looking. “…”

*sigh…* Weren’t you going first…?”-I tried to take her attention off from Cristopher and Olivia, who were both eating and drinking while giving me thumbs-ups in a weird kind of encouraging dance.

“Right…”-She scratched her head before taking an arrow. “Are they… Going to be like that all our duel?”-She asks.

“I don’t know… Just start… Please…”

“Okay…”-She answered with an awkward smile. “Shot!”-With that shout, a target shot out 200 meters ahead of us, it came from the right side, and she just turned and shot, perfectly hitting it.

“Now, it’s your turn.”-She said with a smug face.

“Mm…”-Being the first time I used a bow, I merely tried to imitate the posture that Chae Nayun used, but it turned out in a kind of clumsy position. “Shot?”-I said, and a target shot out 200 meters ahead.

I missed the target. Which made all the spectators laugh at me.

“Pfft! Hahaha!”-That also made Chae Nayun laugh. “Did you really not practice? Or is it that you want to start over from the 100 meters mark?”-She asked me with her smug face.

“He… It’s just a little handicap.”-I said while smirking back unconsciously.

After that first shot, and thanks to my gift, I now got the feeling of how I have to position myself, how I had to shot, how to hold the bow, everything was as if I’ve been practicing archery for years.

“I have to go again, right?”-I asked her.

“Yeah, yeah, you only have two lives now, so you better don’t miss twice or you’re out. We don’t want your fans to see you fail, right?”-Her smirk deepened.

“…”-I frowned at that comment. “Shot.”

The target shot once again, and after thinking for a moment. I just fired. Missing the target only for a little centimeter. Making everyone jeer and laugh at me, calling me things like an idiot, useless, trash, and whatnot.

“Is this a jo-”-Chae Nayun tried to say something. But I interrupted her.

“Shot!”-I shouted and almost immediately shot, the target flew through the air, and was perfectly shot through with my arrow. “As I told you. It’s just a little handicap.”-I smirked at her.

“…”-She frowned and glared at me.

“Your turn then.”

“I guess you did practice…”-She said before preparing to shoot. “Shot!”

The target flew through the air, this time at a distance of 250 meters from us, and she hit it perfectly.

“Your turn.”-She said to me.

“Shot!”-I didn’t give her a chance. Once again, a target shot from 250 meters away, and I hit with my arrow. “Your turn.”-I smiled.

“…”-Chae Nayun looked at me with a frown. “Shot!”

We went through the 300 meters, 350 meters, 400 meters, 450 meters until we reached 500 meters. A distance where the naked eye could barely look.

But if there was something that made things clear was, that Chae Nayun was currently trembling.

As an archer, patience and adaptability are two important characteristics, and Chae Nayun didn’t have them. She was an impatient person, and was quite headstrong, making it hard for her to actually make last-second changes. What’s worse, was her explosive personality, she could get angered at the minimum provocation, and this was something that wouldn’t let her think straight when using her bow.

“…”-After taking a deep breath, she calmed herself slightly and prepared to fire. “Shot.”

But even after being calm, her arrow missed for the first time, barely touching the target, which altered her more.

“Shot!”-She said, and fire at the new target, this time hitting it perfectly. *sigh…*-Her grip on the bow tightened. But I wasn’t going to give her time to relax.

“Shot.”-I said and with a quick movement, I fired my arrow, perfectly piercing the flying target that flew in zigzag 500 meters ahead.

“…”-The little relief she felt was totally crushed at my rapid-fire. She prepared to shot next, but I stopped her.

“Since we are at the half-way mark, I should go first.”-I said, right before raising my bow. “Shot.”

A target flew 550 meters in front of us, and even with its erratic movement, my arrow quickly went towards it, piercing it perfectly in the center.

“Your turn.”-I said to the nervously dazed Chae Nayun that just looked at the target.

“…”-She didn’t say anything. Just held the bow tighter.

“You know it too, right?”-I started speaking even before she could prepare to fire. “You suck at using a bow.”

No matter from how point of view you looked at it. Chae Nayun’s best choice was to change to a sword. Even if she could be called a ‘decent’ archer while shooting over the 500 meters with pure archery skill, it wasn’t enough for her to actually accomplish her goal.

“I’ve been thinking…”-I started again. “Why would you-”

“Shot!”-But was interrupted by Chae Nayun, who just decided to shot at her next target. Missing out of pure impatience and rage she was feeling right now at my words.

“Why would you insist so much on using one.”-I just kept talking, as if ignoring her presence and monologuing. “I was so curious, so I couldn’t help it but think about why-”

“Shut up!”-She screamed at me out of frustration and, maybe, anger. “Shot!”-She once again fired her arrow. This time, trying to focus as much as possible on her target, and finally hitting it.

But I knew. I knew that this was the last target she would hit. And to prove it, I didn’t give her any time to readjust her raging emotions.

“Shot.”-My target flew, and before the destroyed target of Chae Nayun could touch the ground, my arrow was already piercing the center of my target. “Deep inside, you know it too. You’re more talented with swords.”-I said while turning to look at her now pale face.

Yoo Sihyuk. A master rank hero recognized for his swordsmanship didn’t take any disciple just for them being from some kind of important family. To him, what matters the most was talent. And Chae Nayun was one of the most talented swordswomen that he has taught. If it wasn’t for that particular accident that led her astray from the path of the sword, she would be one of the most prominent cadets right now, maybe even more powerful than Shin Jonghak or Kim Suho.

“I said shut up!”-Her angry shout resonated in the place. Trying to stop the words that were constantly hitting her sanity and patience. Filling her with anger and desperation, the desperation to prove herself to everyone, that she was a natural-born archer.

{This is the only way for me to actually lead her through the path that she’ll be able to grow faster… Even if I have to destroy whatever relationship we could have had in the future…}-I thought.


Back at the watching seats, Cristopher was frowning at what was happening, while drinking beer and eating popcorn.


{I have the feeling that he’s quite more aggressive this time than what I read in the novel… Maybe… Is it because of me? Or maybe because he’s stronger than in the original novel…}-I thought to myself while sipping from my beer.

“Mm? What’s the problem? Is there something wrong?”-Olivia asked me while noting my deep frown.

“No. Nothing at all. Just that I didn’t think he would be that aggressive. Either way, it’s just as we thought.”-I shrugged. “Hey, pass me the burger.”

“Well, it was to be expected…”-Olivia also shrugged while giving me a burger.

“You two…”-A frowning Kim Suho looked back at us. “I’m not sure what’s happening… But I don’t think this is right.”

“Mm? What isn’t right?”-I lifted my eyebrow.

“Kim Hajin… He’s saying things to Chae Nayun, disrupting her focus.”-He said.

“Huh? Disrupting her focus? Pffft! That must be the most stupid thing I’ve heard from you since classes started! Hahahahaha!”-I laughed while almost choking on my beer.

“What do you mean?”-He now was glaring at me.

“Focus? Disrupting her focus? With mere words? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard! She’s a sharpshooter for fuck’s sake! What? Are you telling me that she has to stand still so she can actually fire at her enemies? Are you an idiot?”-I chuckled.

“Listen here. If mere words are enough to disrupt her so-called ‘focus’, then she shouldn’t be an archer. In a battle, words are insignificant, you’ll be more worried about not being hit yourself or attacked by a magician. But hey! The little girl here just needs a few stupid words for her to lose focus! I would pay to see how would she fare in real combat, and not one of those training things Cube do.”-I glare back at him.

“…”-He just glared at me, but apparently without words to say.

“See for yourself.”-I said while ignoring him and looking again to the front, where the show kept going, with a beer in a hand, and a burger in the other.

“You’re scared. You’re scared of fighting with a sword, and you’re scared of getting drenched in blood.”-Kim Hajin said to Chae Nayun who had her held her bow in position to shot, with the bowstring pulled to the maximum.

Even at the distance that separated us, I could clearly see and hear whatever those two were doing or talking.

“That’s why you’re justifying yourself saying that you’re a natural-born archer, that your talent with the bow is exactly the same, and that you can become a great hero even with a bow.”-He said before breathing calmly. “But with a bow, you won’t be able to kill a single Djinn, much less get revenge for your older brother and your mother.”

As if that was the drop that spilled the coup. Chae Nayun had let the bowstring go, firing her arrow towards a completely empty sky, marking her third failure, and her loss.

“What did you say…”-But this didn’t matter to her, she was just enraged, glaring at Kim Hajin as if trying to kill him. Blood seeping out of the hand that was strongly gripping her bow.

“With that strength. You should wield a sword.”-Kim Hajin said before looking at the distance.

“Shot. Shot. Shot.”-Saying the word thrice, three targets flew out in different intervals, at 600, 650, and 700 meters. But as if that wasn’t any problem, Kim Hajin just fired his arrows one after the other, perfectly hitting the three targets as if he was just playing some kind of game.

But as if it wasn’t enough for him, he kept shooting by himself. 750, 800, 850, 950 meters. Each and every target got pierced perfectly in the center.

{This was his limit in the original novel.}-I thought to myself, but I knew deep inside that with his new stats, he could go further, and he also knew it.

“Shot. Shot. Shot.”-Three more calls were said, and three more targets flew up. Without wasting any time, Hajin shot three more arrows. Piercing the last three targets.

“1100 meters. I’ll stop here.”-He said, before turning to the enraged Chae Nayun that was breathing heavier with each passing moment, out of anger and defeat. “550 meters vs. 1100 meters. My victory, right?”

All around us, we could hear the hushed voices of the spectators, some of them also sharpshooters specialized in the use of the bow. It was normal. Hitting a target at a distance of 1100 meters with mere archery wasn’t something possible, even less with his bow, which had a maximum effective reach of 1400 meters. But Hajin’s increased stats and his sharpshooter specialized gift made it possible for him.

Some of the cadets that were spectating also were speculating how Hajin should probably have some specialized Gift that was for bows or something like that.

“I got lucky.”-So he said towards her while putting out his hand for a shake, which, unsurprisingly, wasn’t reciprocated.

“What do you want.”-The teary-eyed Chae Nayun asked, clenching her teeth trying not to jump at him right now and there.

“Nothing. I want nothing.”-Hajin said while putting down his hand. “But… I want you to think for yourself. What your Gift is, what your talent is. Oh, and I’ll take this bow.”-He said before walking towards the exit.

At this point, Olivia and I were already waiting for him in the exit path, while Kim Suho, Yoo Yeonha, and even Shin Jonghak were walking towards Nayun, not without glaring slightly at Kim Hajin, at least Shin Jonghak, of course.

Both Kim Hajin and Kim Suho glanced at each other, one did so expressionlessly, while the other had a complicated look on his face.

“You nasty bastard. You didn’t stop to hit where it hurt huh?”-I said to him when he got closer to us. “Here, take this. Let it drown any thoughts you may have.”-I passed him a beer.

“…”-This time, he didn’t even reject it, just grabbed it and opened, downing all the beer at once. “Ha…”

“Better?”-I ask.

“Not really… But at least it calmed me down.”-He said.

“We should go. People are looking at us too much.”-Olivia said while frowning.

Most of the archers in the place were looking at Kim Hajin as if he was some kind of monster in archery, while the rest seemed to be curious as to how our little group came to be.

{Not like I don’t understand where those stares come from. A cadet that beat the hell up the second-ranked cadet while being the in the rank 915, while the other just destroyed the best sharpshooter in pure technique, and with quite a difference in points.}-I thought while starting to walk out of the place.

“Let’s go to Aroma Mocha, I still have some time before I have to go and train Rachel. I invite.”-I said while walking towards the same place as usual.

“Sure!”-Olivia immediately accepts.

“Um… Are you sure?”-Hajin asks me.

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well… You know…”

“Oh, that? Doesn’t matter. I told you. Everything is under control.”

“What are you guys talking about?”-Olivia asked while lifting her eyebrow.

“Nothing much. Just this guy digging his grave.”-Hajin shrugged.

“I’m telling you it’ll be fine.”-I turned my eyes.

“Well… Whatever you say, I guess.”-She lost interest in the topic. “By the way, that sure felt nice for me!”-Olivia said while stretching.

“Mm? Why?”-Hajin asks.

“It’s not every day that you get to see the fourth-ranked cadet being humiliated like that! And what’s best is, that the gun-using guy that everyone mocks just destroyed her in archery hahaha, that’s priceless!”-She said with a smug face.

“Why the hell are you acting proud?”-I ask as I flick her head.

“Auch!”-She rubbed her head. “Why was that!?”

“It was Hajin who whipped her ass in archery, not you.”-I smirk at her.

“And!? Hajin’s my friend. Of course, I can feel proud of it. *snort*

“Hahaha… Thanks… But I don’t think it is something to actually be proud about, you know?”-Hajin told her.

“See? Even Hajin knows it. You’re just an idiot. Be proud when you are the one beating someone.”-I averted my eyes.

“Pfft. I’ll beat your ass then. You’ll see!”-She said while pointing at me with a smirk.

*snort* You can’t even last five seconds against me, and you want to beat me? Keep dreaming.”

“Hey! I last at least ten minutes against you!”

“Of course, if I’m just playing around, sure.”-I shrugged.

“Grr… Let’s fight seriously once! I’ll teach you how strong I am becoming!”-Olivia said with a glare.

“Mm… You shouldn’t even try it… Really…”-While Hajin tried to convince her.

“Why!? Are you on his side or something?”-She then frowned at him.

“It’s not that I’m on his side. It’s just that I wouldn’t bet for you, or anyone in Cube for that matter, to last more than five seconds if this guy gets serious in a fight.”


*sigh…* You know… For being kind of my disciple, you sure underestimate me too much…”

“But I’ve seen you fight a lot. Even using some spells. And it wasn’t something too incredible, you know?”

“Of course. I’m not the kind to go around killing chickens with lightning. I usually keep my strength at the bare minimum, sometimes I go a little more than that, but if it isn’t necessary, why should I go all out?”

“What does that have to do with what I said?”

*sigh…* Look. We’ve been just in small dungeons, why would I even try to do some flashy stuff there? And even then, the purpose is to train you, what would be the point if I’m the one clearing the dungeons that we go to?”

“He’s right on that one.”-Hajin shrugged. “The point is for you to train.”

“Whatever. I keep thinking that I still can last more than five seconds against you.”-She crossed her arms and looked away.

“Whatever you say.”-I shrugged. “By the way, when are you going to a dungeon by yourselves? It could be a great way for you both to train.”

“Mm… Now that you mention it… Why didn’t we thought about it before?”-Olivia said while rubbing her chin.

“Right… It could be a great chance for us…”-Hajin also nodded.

“Oh, come on! It didn’t occur to you? *sigh…* I expected it from Olivia, but Hajin, my man, you disappoint me. Really…”-I said while shaking my head in denial.

After that we just started talking about possible dungeons for them to go, disguising it as information we had from before so Olivia didn’t suspect anything, and walked towards Aroma Mocha.

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