The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 79 – Weeks prior to the final exam (Part 1)

Back at the Archery Range, a few seconds after Cristopher, Kim Hajin, and Olivia left, Kim Suho and the rest got closer to Chae Nayun, who was still looking down while her hand strongly gripped the bow.

“Nayun…”-Kim Suho called her once he was close enough. Making her jolt as if she wasn’t even awake. “Um… I heard from the other guys… It seems Kim Hajin has a Specialized-”

“It’s fine.”-She interrupted him. “I’m… I’m not in the mood to talk. And Specialized Gift or not, it’s still the same… It just means that there’s a difference in our talent, a vast different…”-She said while a somber, saddened chuckle escaped her mouth.

Kim Suho’s intention to comfort her explaining how Hajin’s ability with the bow was because a Specialized Gift, a gift that is specialized for a certain role like archery, totally failed.

“Nayun, don’t be so hard on yourself…”-He tried further.

“Leave.”-But was met with complete denial on her part. Chae Nayun not even turning around to look at him.

“…”-After a little bit of time. “…Okay.”-Kim Suho just resigned himself and thought it would be better to leave her be so she could sort her feelings, returning back helplessly.

*snort* You should know your place. Move over.”-Right in front of him, a smirking Shin Jonghak appeared, before he too moved towards Chae Nayun, only to be stopped by Yoo Yeonha’s grip on his arm.

“Jonghak… I think you should leave her alone for now.”-She tried to convince him not to go towards her.

“No. I’m different than that commoner.”-He said, ignoring his childhood friend’s words

“But-”-Even before Yoo Yeonha could dissuade him further, he was already walking towards Chae Nayun.

 “Chae Nayun, I think you’re-”

“I SAID LEAVE!”-A shout from Chae Nayun interrupted him.

“C-Chae Nayun… I’m not Kim Suho… I’m Shin Jonghak…”-He tried to put his hand on her shoulder, but was smacked away.

“DIDN’T YOU HEAR ME!? I SAID LEAVE! SCREW OFF!”-She shouted at him before running away into the forest that was a little further from the Archery Range.

“Um… O-Okay… Yeah…”-As if his soul left his body, Shin Jonghak slowly stepped back with a lost face.

“I told you…”-Yoo Yeonha came to him while sighing.

“…”-Shin Jonghak just looked at her as if not knowing what to do.

“… Don’t worry, I’ll go and console her.”-She smiled softly at him, and went behind Chae Nayun, driven by her logical reason.

Even if she had a deep hatred and resentment for her, and was quite happy with all that happened, her cold calculating mind told her that winning her over was the best possible way to reaffirm such a great political and economic connection, and if it all went well, she could even establish a firmer connection not only to Chae Nayun but to Kim Hajin too.


Inside the forest, with no one else around except her and the runaway girl, Yoo Yeonha found Chae Nayun sitting behind some bushes, with her face over her knees and her arms embracing them.


“Nayun?”-I slowly got close and tried to call her, but she merely trembled to my words, not looking up at me.

Without pushing any further, I just chose to sit close to her in silence, giving her a sign that I was still here from time to time.

{Helping someone that’s down is the best way to form a connection…}-I thought, trying to justify my actions.

Time passed, the wind blew and the sky started turning dark. We were sitting here in silence for at least thirty minutes.

“Yeonha…”-Until Chae Nayun finally called for me. Raising her head and wiping her tears while sobbing.

“Yeah?”-I answered with the most tender voice I could muster

“Didn’t… You guys hear him…?”

“Hear what?”-I asked, not entirely sure about what she was referring to.

“He… Mentioned Oppa…”-She said, with a slight tone of anger seeping through her words.

“Really…? We were too far…”-I answered.

{Why would he mention him… Every cadet knows that, to Chae Nayun, her Oppa is a topic that shouldn’t be mentioned even as an accident…}-I thought to myself. {Maybe… There’s a reason…? But why?}-I started wondering why would someone as intelligent as Hajin touch the reverse scale of the dragon known as Chae Nayun.

“Yeah… That bastard… *sigh…* It was even the second time he does it…”-The anger started to increase with each word she said.

{Maybe… Maybe there’s something else…}-I thought to myself while sighing.

We both stayed in silence. While I wanted just to stand up and leave, I couldn’t. I have the feeling that I had to somehow fix this.

{Orphan… Huh…? Maybe…?}-I thought for a little, trying to come with the correct words.

Three minutes after that. I sighed.

“It’s understandable…”-I said in an almost whispering tone.

“What?”-Making Chae Nayun turn to me with widened eyes.

“Your Oppa is alive, after all…”-I just sadly smiled at her.

“Are you crazy?”-She glared at me.

“Did you know? People feel a sense of kinship with others who share similar wounds…”-I said to her, baring her glare.

“…”-Only to be met with her now confused glance as the wind blew around us while I continued.

“But when the depth of those wounds is different…”-I stopped for a moment, leaving her to digest what I implied. “So, if someone who should feel less pain is crying louder, the person with the deeper wound might find it unsightly…”-I finally said.

{If what my uncle said last time… Something should have happened to Hajin… Something horrible that left him as an orphan…}-I thought to myself while recalling my uncle’s last message that said there was something about Kim Hajin’s past.

“What are you talking about? I-”-Chae Nayun tried to speak, but I interrupted her.

“That person, he’s an orphan. Probably because of a reason similar to yours.”

“… What?”-She looked dumbfounded as if she didn’t even know about that.

{You were the cause that everyone discovered he was an orphan, and you act as if you yourself didn’t know…? Even if you’re not one to care about others’ past, that’s too much…}-I thought to myself, trying not to show the slight disgust that appeared in my chest.

“Don’t you know that people are harassing him about it?”-I asked her.

“…”-Her face turned to one of complete oblivious, not even knowing what to think about. “He… Endured it?”

“… That’s the only thing you’re curious about?”-I furrowed my brows.

{Not the why is people doing that?}

“Kim Hajin is being harassed because of you, because of what you told Shin Jonghak.”-I finally said, not suppressing the disgusting feeling inside me.

“T-That’s…!”-She tried to answer, but didn’t know how to.

“Nayun.”-I inhaled deeply. “You’re not the only one with a painful past…”-I looked at her eyes.

“…”-Chae Nayun stayed quiet, with a blank face, probably thinking about everything I just told her.

*kuhum* Well…”-I coughed and stood up. “I’m leaving now, I’m only a third party on this, so talking about deep things will only cause misunderstandings. You can think the rest for yourself, Nayun.”-I said while stroking her shoulder, and turning to leave.

“…Uh, yeah…”-Chae Nayun’s weak voice came from behind me.

{Hehe… This will surely win me a lot of points with her…}-I thought for a brief moment while walking away. {But talking about that… Cristopher’s also an orphan… Why…? How could two persons such similarities… Two cadets that don’t care about how people look at them, hiding their true power out of sight, with a strangely strong friendship with no apparent history… Both of them acting weirdly and going frequently out of Cube… Maybe… Is there something I’m not seeing here…?}-I pondered while walking out of the forest towards the dorms.


At the same time, back in a 5-star hotel in Seoul.

“Boss, are you really going? You don’t have to go yourself; you know?”-Jain, from Chameleon Troupe, asked at her boss, that was standing in front of a fancy dressing table in the penthouse of the hotel.

“I am.”-Boss nodded at her. “I’ll go and examine him myself.”

*sigh…* You’ve fixated on something again…”-Jain said while shaking her head at her stubborn Boss, right before releasing her magic power to change Boss’ appearance with the help of her Gift, a Gift that allowed her to disguise herself or others as she pleased, as long as the target was inside a ten kilometers range.

“So, do we just wait somewhere under the sea?”-Jain muttered after her magic power finished changing Boss' face and physique, turning her into a cadet from Cube.

“Jain… Are you scared?”-Boss asked with her new face.

“No, I’m not scared…”-Jain said. “It’s just that… You know. Yun Seung-Ah, that crazy bitch might come too…”

With their car-dog-like relationship, Jain wasn’t confident that, if Yun Seung-Ah came as an exam overseer, she wouldn’t have the control to let her live.

“I missed that ring, because of her. If I see her again, I don’t think I can hold myself back.”-Jain declared.

“…”-Boss looked at her, before nodding. “Then, just wait somewhere nearby.”

“Okay...”-Jain nodded. “Ah, Boss, here.”-She took a stack full of papers. “These are the details of the cadet Boss is disguising as. At least glance over it.”

While Jain’s Gift could also copy the behavior of the one that she’s disguising as, but that’s only when used on herself, when used on a target, it was only the physique and appearance.

“You’re good at acting, right Boss?”-She asked with a smile.

“Of course.”-Boss said with a confident voice.

“…Okay.”-But Jain had her doubts.


Back at Cube, in Aroma Mocha, Cristopher was entering the place he usually goes to along with Olivia and Kim Hajin.


“I’m telling you… I’ll teach you later tonight that technique…”-I answered to the asking Olivia.

“I know! But could you at least tell me what’s its name?”-She asked again.

“You’ll find out later.”-I just shrugged at her.

“Hey, can I learn it to?”-Hajin asks.

“…”-And I just looked at him with a blank stare.


“I already told you before why I didn’t teach you.”

“…*sigh…*-He just sighed at my answer.

“Welcome to Aroma Mocha!”-Angelica then came to greet us as usual, making Kim Hajin flinch.

“Um? Wasn’t your hair blond and your eyes blue?”-Olivia asked her while tilting her head.

“I had a slight change of look, and my blue eyes were just lenses.”-She said with a smile.

“Huh… If you say so…”

{She’s still going with that lie of having blue lenses?}-I thought to myself while sighing.

“Hey, Cris! How are you today?”-She then smiled at me. “Did you like that picture I sent? I was on my break and thought that you would like it.”

“Yeah, I liked it, told you already back then.”-I smirked at her. “Either way, I would like the same as usual.”-I shrugged.

“Haha! I know, I just wanted to hear you say it again.”-She smiled. “Then, the usual for you, and Hajin-ssi?”-She asked.

“Um… Coffee, just coffee.”-He said kind of awkwardly.

“Okay! And for… Sorry, what was your name again?”-Angelica smiled while looking at Olivia.

“Doesn’t matter. I just want a Cola.”-Olivia said with a slight frown.

“Okay! I’ll go to search for your orders then!”-She smiled and winked to me before going to fetch our order.

“Well, let’s go.”-I went towards the usual seats. Where I sit alone on one side, and Olivia on the other with Hajin, right in front of me.

“So… She looks… Quieter?”-Hajin asked.

“Told you so. I have it under control.”-I smirked at him.

“What are you talking about?”-Olivia frowned at us.

“Um… Nothing…”-Hajin answered.

“Here’s your order!”-Olivia quickly came to us.

“Huh? That was fast.”-I said while looking at her putting down her tray and sitting beside me as if it was natural.

“I had your order ready, I just had to make Hajin’s coffee.”-She smiled.

“Excuse me, but may I ask why are you sitting too?”-Olivia suddenly asked, making Hajin turn pale.

“I was just on my rest, and came to sit with Cris.”-She smiled deeper.

“And why would you do that?”-Olivia furrowed her brows.

“Relax, she always does this.”-I tried to calm her.

“See? He says there’s no problem.”-Angelica hugged my arm, which made me look at her weirdly.

“Is the hug necessary?”-I ask her.

“Yes!”-She said, before whispering in my ear. “I mean… You are not usually bothered by feeling my boobs, right?”-She smiled seductively.

*KUHUM*-A sudden cough woke us off. “May I ask, what’s happening here?”-Olivia asked while glaring at Angelica.

“Oh? Sorry!”-And she just played dumb and smiled with a hand on her mouth after releasing my arm. “I thought David here told you about us.”

“About… you…?”-Olivia's eyes suddenly widened.

“Yes!”-Receiving a smile from Angelica.

“No. He didn’t mention ANYTHING, about you two. He must have forgotten.”-Olivia said while glaring at me this time.

*sigh…* Okay, okay, calm down Angelica.”-I said while flicking her forehead, making her flinch in pain. “We’re not dating, if that’s what you thought, Olivia. We’re just messing around.”

“That’s what I meant all along!”-Angelica smiled while rubbing her forehead.

“Huh…?”-Olivia’s eyes went wider. “Messing around…?”

“Yeah, you know? Sex, fucking basically.”-I shrugged before sipping on my drink.

“…”-Olivia opened her mouth wide, suddenly turning red. “W-W-W-What!?”-She asked, while Hajin just looked lost as if looking at the void as he sipped from his coffee.

“What?”-I ask.

“What do you mean by having sex with her!? Are you crazy!?”-She shouted.

“Mm? I don’t see a problem, though.”-Angelica tilted her head.

“I’m talking to him!”-Olivia growled at Angelica.

“I also don’t see a problem. It’s just sex.”-I shrugged. “And it’s not like I’m cheating on someone while doing so.”

“B-b-b-but! You’re too young!”-She screamed.

“Huh? What the heck do you mean? I’ve had sex before her, you know?”-I just lifted my eyebrow. “Besides, I’m 17, and turning 18 next year.”

“Oh… That explains a lot…”-Angelica suddenly muttered while looking at the air. Right before her cheeks turned red and she put a hand on her face. “Hehe…”

“She’s lost… She’s lost already…”-Hajin also muttered while looking at Angelica.

“You’ve had… Sex before…?”-Olivia asked.

“Yeah, still, what does all of this have to do with you? It’s not like I’m doing something to you, right?”-I tilted my head.

“W-what!? N-nothing. It doesn’t have anything to do with me! But you could at least tell me this kind of things from before so I don’t get these surprises so suddenly!”-She said.

“Well, I’m sorry. But I’m not one to start saying who I’ve had sex with. That’s so ungentlemanly.”-I shrugged before sipping on my drink.

“Ha…?”-Olivia hugged herself. “What the fuck do you mean with gentlemen? You’re not even close to being somewhat educated!”

*snort* I’ll let you know. Cristopher is a real gentleman, with great skills…”-She said before getting lost again.

“Oi. You shut up.”-I flicked her forehead again. “Can we just drink in peace? I have things to do.”

After that, we just talked a little bit. Angelica threw a few puns at Olivia for who knew what reasons, and Olivia growled at her while answering in kind. Hajin was just quiet, drinking from his coffee as if trying to become one with the environment. It was a fun afternoon. But it was time to go train Rachel, so we all left after saying our goodbyes to Angelica.

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